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1、阅读与写作有效教学活动的设计,江西省教育厅教研室 温爱英,引言,阅读是语言教学的核心。阅读教学有利于语言的习得,可以提高阅读技巧,培养阅读能力,还具有对课文相关话题、文化背景和语言知识的教学功能,以及兼顾对学生听、说、写等能力进行训练的作用。新目标(Go for it!)非常重视阅读教学。每一册的每一个单元Section A和Section B都精心安排了一些生动有趣、话题与中学生的日常生活密切相关的阅读短文和相关的阅读练习。,尤其是八下开始,阅读文章篇幅长、内容多,因此阅读课所占课时最多,但老师们对如何上好阅读课充满疑惑,大多数教师感觉阅读课时紧,学生感觉枯燥,教学效果差,严重存在“高投入,

2、低产出”的问题。,一、阅读课文的设计分析,新目标采用任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构。教材每个单元由三部分构成:第一部分为Section A,包括本单元的基本词汇和语言结构;第二部分为Section B,包括对本单元知识的扩展和运用,对旧知识的复习以及写作训练;第三部分为Self Check,包括对词汇知识和语言运用能力的评价等。在Section A和Section B 中都安排了阅读短文。随着年级的增加,阅读短文的长度也随着适当增加。,(一)选材,阅读文章选材体现了多样化、现代化和生活化,突显语言与文化相结合的特点。话题与单元话题紧密相关,新颖有趣;体裁多样,有记叙文、议论文

3、和说明文等;题材丰富,反映人物、学习、生活、环保、科学和文化等内容。同时,文章结构完整、材料真实地道、语言原汁原味。另一方面,为了保持素材的真实地道、语言的原汁原味,文章中难免出现较多的生词和新的语法现象,甚至出现较复杂的句子结构,这给教师的教学带来一定的难度。因此,教师必须理解并准确把握教材的编写意图,教学有所侧重,才能取得好的教学效果。,(二)活动的设计,以八年级下为例:Section A 的阅读一般没有设计读前活动,直接就“Read the passage and answer the questions.”,后面设计了和语法相关的阅读活动。Section B的阅读活动的设计一般包括三部

4、分:Before You Read(2a);While You Read(2b-2e);After You Read(3a-3b)。写作活动一般被安排在读后活动中。,2a是读前活动。读前活动与阅读话题紧密相关,并贴近学生的生活实际,目的是激发学生阅读兴趣及先验知识,让学生乐学新知。如:八年级下Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section B的阅读。2a Discuss the questions with your partner.1.What do you often do to help your parents at home?2.Do

5、you think kids should help out with chores at home?,2b-2e是读中活动。读中活动主要是引导学生运用文章右上角提示的阅读策略(Reading stategy)进行阅读,并完成有关任务。活动的目的主要训练学生的语篇理解能力和通过阅读获取信息的能力。方式有匹配、判断正误、单词/句子/短文填空、回答问题、改错、讨论、填写表格、写概要或总结等。,如:八年级下Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section B的阅读。2b The Sunday Mail magazine invited parents t

6、o write about whether they think young people should do chores at home.Skim the following letters.Which one agrees and which one disagrees?(Reading strategy:Skimming This means looking quickly through a piece of writing to find the main idea without reading every word.It is still a good idea to read

7、 the first sentence in each paragraph a little more carefully.),2c According to Ms.Miller and Mr.Smith,what are the pros and cons about kids doing chores?2d Write one sentence with each phrase from letters.2e Discuss the questions with a partner.1.Which letter do you agree with?Why?2.What would you

8、say to the person who wrote the letter you dont agree with?,3a-3b是读后活动,是阅读后的拓展活动或综合技能活动。本活动的设计围绕阅读话题,为学生提供分享个人观点和相互交流的机会,旨在培养学生综合运用语言的能力。这些活动的设计与真实语言的使用有较高的相关程度,体现了真实性原则,能较好地反映学生使用语言的能力。活动的设计为广大教师的教学提供了便利,但教师在组织教学时,要根据学生的实际情况加以变化,适当调整,灵活运用。,3a Do you think children should do some chores at home?Why

9、or why not?Discuss this with a partner and take notes.Children should do chores becauseChildren should not do chores because3d Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion.,二、阅读教学的要点分析,(一)目标阅读首先是“为了得到乐趣,为了获取信息”。阅读不应只是为了学习语法、词汇,更重要的是通过阅读,获取新的知识、提高认知水平、增强分析和解决问题的能力;当然,通过阅读,学习者也可以得到必要的语言输



12、的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和读懂可能的结局;能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;能利用字典等工具书进行学习;除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。,在阅读教学中,教师应依据程标的要求,结合学生的实际情况,充分有效地用好教材中的阅读材料,设计和实施形式多样、内容丰富的阅读活动,有计划、有目的的培养学生的阅读能力,同时在阅读过程中渗透阅读策略,以提高阅读的效果。另外,除教材外,教师要引导学生进行广泛的课外阅读。,(三)基本模式,目前,阅读教学一般采用三种阅读模式:一是“自下而上”模式(Bottom-up model

13、),二是“自上而下”模式(Top-down model),三是“交互补偿”模式(Interactive compensatory model)。,“自下而上”模式强调输入材料中的语言信息,认为阅读从最小的语言单位入手,对信息进行加工处理,例如从字面的辨认到单词、短语、句子的理解,乃至对阅读内容的最后判断等。“自上而下”模式认为读者在接触到阅读文本时,其中的标题、某个词、某句话、某个图表、甚至某个符号都有可能激活读者大脑中的某些相关知识,从而使读者找到阅读定位,并形成对所读内容的预测。实际上,在阅读过程中,“自下而上”模式和“自上而下”模式有时会交替出现,甚至同时出现,它取决于文章的类型,读者已

14、有的背景知识和语言能力,这就是“交互补偿”模式。,三、阅读教学设计分析,教学设计是教师成功实施课堂教学的基础,只有针对教学内容和具体学情、依据课型进行很好的设计,才能科学合理地利用课堂开展教学活动,做到教学程序有条不紊、教学内容严密周详、教学节奏快慢适宜,教学卓有成效。对活动概念的理解是理解整个教学的核心所在。因此,教学活动的设计是整个教学设计的核心。,(一)阅读活动的设计思路,在设计阅读活动时,教师应把课文作为一个整体来教。基于这一思路,阅读活动的设计一般分为三个部分。,读前活动(Pre-reading activities),1.提供背景知识 讨论现实生活中与课文话题密切相关的内容,激活学

15、生头脑中已有的图式,引入话题,导入新课。目的:一是为激发学生的阅读兴趣;二是为后面的阅读活动提供铺垫,降低阅读的难度。2.预测课文内容 通过观看插图、阅读标题预测(Predicting)课文内容。目的:培养学生的猜测和想象能力,同时激发阅读的兴趣。3.学习部分生词 可以通过思维导图(Mind Map)等方式学习生词。目的:为学生后面的顺利阅读扫除障碍,同时训练学生思维的流畅性。,读中活动(While-reading activities),1.归纳主旨大意 通过略读(Skimming)的方式,引导学生关注每一段的开头句,归纳主旨大意。目的:理解文章大意,同时渗透阅读策略的训练,提高阅读效率。2

16、.概括段落大意 找出每一段的主题句或关键词概括段落大意。目的:理解段落大意,区分论点和论据。3.理解具体细节 通过跳读(Scanning)的方式,引导学生寻找具体信息。目的:掌握细节信息。渗透阅读策略的训练,提高阅读效率。,4.学习词汇和语法 引导学生根据上下文推断(Inference)生词词义;在语篇中发现、体验、感悟和总结本单元新的语法要点。目的:在语境和语篇中学习词汇和语法,不但掌握其用法,而且学会灵活运用词汇和语法。5.分析篇章结构*对课文的写作方式、逻辑结构及衔接手段进行分析。目的:为学生的写作提供范例。6.信息转换*根据文章内容填写表格、写回信、写概要、复述课文等。目的:培养学生利

17、用阅读信息解决实际问题的能力。,读后活动(Post-reading activities),讨论与运用 整合阅读材料和已有的知识结构,突破固有的思维模式,构建新理念,提出新观点。目的:培养学生的语言综合运用能力。学有所用,能有效地激发学生的学习动机。,(二)阅读活动设计需遵循的原则,1.检测学生通过阅读理解信息和获取信息的能力。问题的设计包括细节理解、深层理解。先整体再细节、由表及里、由易到难、层层递进。,Read Quickly and find all the ways to go to school,Find the others!,Read Quickly and find all t

18、he ways to go to school,Share with your partner!,Now,find these words!,True or false?,NorthAmerica,Japan,China,What does the article say?,2.要符合阅读材料本身的特点和学生的认知特点。,Peoples opinions,Lu Qisheng,Wen Jun,Guo Kai,Lin Jie,Yes.,No.,Yes.,No.,The school will realize the boys potential.Boys will have more chanc

19、es.,Children have to learn to deal with different people and things as they grow up.,Boys and girls have different advantages.,Boys can focus on lessons and learn more about teamwork.,Read it carefully.,Pairwork:Summary and retell.,He should Because,He shouldnt Because,After reading the book,we know

20、 that,When I stop reading,say the word,Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop,singer,Reading Game!,Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?,Well,now he has a new look.,He doesnt have long curly hair.,He has short straight hair.,And he doesnt wear glasses.,3.活动形

21、式多样,多层次多角度地培养学生各方面的能力。,Frank Brown,Gina Smith,Wang Wei,I dont have a soccer ball,but my brotherAlan does.We go to the same school and we love soccer.Weplay it at school with our friends.Its relaxing.,Yes,I do.I have two soccer balls,three volleyballs,four basketballs and five baseballs and bats.I lo

22、ve sports,but I dont play them-I only watch them on TV.,No,I dont.Soccer is difficult.I like ping-pong.Its easy for me.I have three ping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats.After class,I play ping-pong with my classmates.,Gina Smith,Read the survey results in a school magazine and answer the question(

23、阅读一份校刊的调查结果,并回答问题):Who has a soccer ball?What sports do Frank,Gina do they play?,Memory challenge:(记忆大挑战)Who do you think says these sentences?你认为下面的话是谁说的?,1.I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.,2.I have soccer balls,basketballs,volleyballs and baseball.,3.My brother has a soccer ball bu

24、t I dont.,4.I only watch sports on TV.,5.Soccer is not easy for me.,6.My brother and I are in the same school.,Frank Brown,Gina Smith,Wang Wei,Read again and Finish the tasks.(再次阅读,完成任务),Frank Brown,1.Frank loves basketball.,(),F,(),(),2.Alan is Franks friend.,F,3.Frank and Alan are in the same scho

25、ol.,4.Frank and Alan play soccer at home.,(),T,F,soccer,brother,at school,Task 2:Fill in the blanks(填空)Frank doesnt have a _ _.But his brother Alan _.They go to the _ school and they _ soccer.They play it _ _ with their _.Its _.,soccer,ball,does,same,love,at school,friends,relaxing,Task1:True or Fal

26、se(判断正误,对的写,错的写F。),Read again and Finish the tasks(再次阅读,完成任务),Gina Smith,Yes,I do.I have two soccer balls,three volleyballs,four basketballs and five baseballs and bats.I love sports,but I dont play them-I only watch them on TV.,Task 1:Ginas sports collection(Gina的运动收集品),two,three,four,five,Task 2:P

27、ut the sentences in the right order.(给下列句子排序),Yes,I do.,I have two soccer balls,three volleyballs,four basketballs and five baseballs and bats.,I love sports,But I dont play them.,I only watch them on TV.,Gina Smith,Read again and Finish the tasks.(再次阅读,完成任务。),Wang Wei,No,I dont.Soccer is difficult.

28、I like ping-pong.Its easy for me.I have threeping-pong balls and two ping-pong bats.After class,I play ping-pong with my classmates.,()1.What does difficult mean?(difficult 是什么意思)A.简单的 B.有趣的 C.困难的,()2.How many ping-pong balls does he have?A.three B.two C.four,()3.Who(谁)does Wang Wei play ping-pong w

29、ith?A.his friends B.his brother C.his classmates,()4.When(什么时候)does Wang Wei play ping-pong?A.in P.E class B.after class C.on weekends,C,A,B,C,Task1 choose the right answers.(选择正确答案),Wang Wei doesnt have a soccer ball.Soccer is _.He likes _.Its _for him.He has _ ping-pongballs and _ ping-pong bats._

30、 _,he plays ping-pongwith his _.,difficult,ping-pong,easy,three,two,After,class,classmates,Task2:Fill in the blanks(填空),Wang Wei,4.在阅读的基础上学习词汇和语法。,Look at the article and find these words to find the answer!,She said that.They said that.,She said that both she and her husband thought this was a good

31、 idea.They said that we were like big brothers or sisters to them.She said that she could open up her students eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.She said that she enjoyed her time as a volunteer and that she would return to the area after finishing her studies.,写作教学活动的设计,可

32、以作为读后活动的处理,以仿写为主。1.要有足够和充分的输入。2.要有提示和铺垫,或者范文。,Most,Many,Some,Other,A small#,Complete the Article,At garden high school,most students ride their bikes to school.Many students _.Some students_.Other students_.A small number of students _.,walk to school,go by car to school,take buses to school,go by s

33、ubway to school,What kind of verbs?,Present tense!,At Nanchang schools,most students _.Many/some/other/a small#of students _.,Remember:,present tense verbs!,go by get to school bytakeridewalk,Lets write an article about Nanchang!,Lets write an article about Nanchang!,At Nanchang schools,most student

34、s _.Many students _.Some students_.Other students_.A small number of students _.,present tense verbs!,go by get to school bytakeridewalk,Read your partners article and check,Did they use present tense verbs?Did they write about different ways to go to school?Did they use words like:most,many,some,ot

35、her,a small number,more?,YOU,Same or different?,Hometown?Food?Teachers?,Time to get up?Time to finish studying?Dormitory/house?,Mountain village in Gansu,City in Jiangxi,Study English,Same,3.可以适当地分析文章结构。,Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?Well,now he ha

36、s a new look.He doesnt have long curly hair.He has short straight hair.And he doesnt wear glasses any more.But some people dont like his new look.“I dont think hes so great,”says Ruth from New York.“But my mom does.”,Reading,Johnny Deans New Look!,Can you give an ending according to(根据)your idea?,Fo

37、r me,I like his new look,I think he looks smart now.,So a good article often needs a good writing structure(结构)!,Topic:主题,Introduction:(Part 1)介绍,Topic idea:主题观点,Body:(Part 2)正文,Example 1:举例1,Example 2:举例2,Ending:(Part 3)结尾,Summary(总结)or Comment(评论):,Lady Gagas new look,1 Lady Gaga is an American po

38、p singer._2 She doesnt _any more._3 My friend/mom/classmatesays,“_.”I think _.,Topic:,Introduction:,Body:,Examples(例子),Ending:,Comment(评论):,Topic idea(主题观点):,(Part.1),(Part.2),(Part.3),new look,Lets write,Example 1:,Example 2:,notany more/now,notany more/now,My friend/momsays,”I think,new look,Name:

39、_Age:_Balls I have:_Balls I like:_Why(为什么)_When(什么时候):_Where(哪里):_With whom(和谁):_,Model:Hello!My name is Gina.Im 13 years old.I have a basketball and two baseballs.I like baseball.Its interesting.I play it at school on weekends with my classmates.,Writing:Do you like sports?,Gina,13,a basketball,two

40、 baseballs,baseball,interesting,on weekends,at school,my classmates,Groupwork:Discussion and writing.,Think about the problem again.Give more reasons to help the boy make a decision.Write it down.And show us the report.,In our opinion,he should go to the boys-only school.First,Then,In our opinion,he should not go to the boys-only school.First,Then,E-mail:Thank you!,


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