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1、Telephone,电话用语,接电话:Hello/hi,This is Sophie./This is Sophie speaking.Good morning,Min Sheng Company.How can I help you?“hello”等于是中文的“喂”,随时随地可用。打电话:Hi,Sophie,This is Jimmy.你好,Sophie,我是Jimmy Hi,Sophie.Is Jane there?你好,sophie.Jane在吗?Good morning.This is Jimmy Carter from Min Sheng company.May I speak to

2、 Mr.George Bush,general manager?/May I speak to Ms.Gao?早上好,我是民生公司的Jimmy Carter.请问总经理George Bush在吗?,高频句型,找的人就是你自己:Speaking please.我就是You are speaking to her/him.我就是要查看找的人是否在:And you are?/Whom may I say is calling?请问您是?Yes,one moment please.Ill get her for you稍等,我让她来接电话。Hold on a second,please.Ill see

3、 if he is in the office.稍等,我看看他在不在办公室Ill put her on the phone,just a second.稍等,我让她接电话。Im transferring your call.我帮你转电话。Ill put you through.,找的人在:Hell be with you in a moment.过一会儿他就会接你电话了。Just a moment.He is on his way now.请稍待一下。他马上来接电话。.Could you hold on any longer?你能再稍待一会儿吗?,找的人不在:Im sorry.He is no

4、t in right now.他现在不在。Hes here but hes not at his desk right now.他有来上班,不过现在不在座位上。He hasnt come to the office yet.他还没到办公室。Hes out on his lunch break right now.Would you like to leave a message?他出去吃午饭了,你要留言吗?Hes not available right now.Can I take a message?他不在,我可以帮你传话吗?,He is off today.他今天休假。Hes on vac

5、ation this week.他本周休假。He has gone home.他回家了。Hes on sick leave taday.她今天请病假。He is on a business trip.他正在出差。He is no longer at this company.他已经不在本公司工作了。,不方便接电话:Hes in a meeting right now.他现在正在开会。She has a visitor at the moment.她现在有客人。His line is busy at the moment.Can somebody else help you?她正在通电话,别的人

6、可以帮你吗?Im sorry,but I was just on my way out.Can I get back to you later?很抱歉,我正好要出门。可不可以稍后再打给你。,Im sorry,but we have no one by that name here.对不起,这里没有人叫那个名字We dont have any Smith working here.没有史密斯在这边工作。This is not Siemens Company.这里不是西门子公司。You must have a wrong number.你是不是打错电话了?,Its urgent.Could I h

7、ave her mobilephone number?/Could you tell me where I can reach her 我有急事,你能告诉我她的手机号吗?你能告诉我在哪里能找到她吗?,Its nothing urgent.Thank you,good-bye.没什么要紧事,谢谢您,再见。Ill call her again.我会再打给她。Please ask Ms Gao to call me back.请高小姐给我回电话Could you tell her to call Jimmy as soon as possible 能不能请她尽快打电话给Jimmy?Can I lea

8、ve a message 我可以留言吗?Please tell her Jimmy called.请告诉她Jimmy找她。Please tell him to phone 123456.请他给123456回电话。,听不清楚Sorry,I didnt catch you.对不起,我听不懂你说的。Sorry,I didnt get what you said.对不起,我没听懂你说的话。I cant hear you very well.我听不太清楚。We have a bad connection.通讯效果不太好。I cant catch what you are saying.我听不太清楚你说的

9、话。You know what?My English is not that great,and I dont want to miss anything.Would you mind calling back later?Im sorry.你知道吗?我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉,We didnt receive the third page of your fax.我没有收到你的传真的第三页。We didnt receive your fax,would you please send it again?我们没有收到你的传真,能请你再传一次吗?Your fa

10、x is hard to read since the letters are too small.你的传真字太小很难看清楚。,打电话预定预定机位Id like to make a reservation for a flight from NewYork to Shanghai on Nov.28th.我想预定十一月二十八号从纽约到上海的班机Id like a window seat.我要一个靠窗的位子。Id like in the non-smoking section.我想要无烟区的座位Do you have a seat on the flight after that?下一班飞机有位

11、子吗?,aisle seat是靠走道的座位 one-way ticket 单程票 round-trip ticket是双程票first class 头等舱;business class公务舱;economy class 经济舱Whats the departure time?什么时候起飞Whats the check-in time?何时开始办理登机手续?How long does the flight take?要飞多久?Is this ticket refundable?这张机票可以退票吗?,场景对话,A:你好,我是迈克B:嗨,迈克,我是简,理查德在吗?A:不好意思,他现在不在。B:我能留

12、个口信吗?A:当然B:让他给123456回电。谢谢。再见,Hello,This is Michel speaking.Hi,Michel.This is Jane.Is Richard there?Im sorry.He is out right now./He is not in.Can I leave a message?Sure.Please tell him to phone 123456.Thank you.Bye,下午好,民生公司。请问有什么可以帮您的?下午好,我想找你们公司的总工程师李先生。请问您是?我是来自博世的Sam Black.稍等,我帮您看下他是否在办公室。不好意思,他正

13、在开会。我会再打过来,谢谢。,Good afternoon,Min sheng Company.How can I help you?Good afternoon.May I speak to your Chief engineer Mr.LeeWhom may I say is calling?This is Sam Black from Bosch.Hold on a second.Ill see if he is in the office.Im sorry.He is in a meeting right now.Ill call back.Thank you.,Appointment

14、,预约,焦点句型 希望会面时 Id like to make an appointment to see you.我想约个时间见您。Id like to come and see you 我想去见您。Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person about that?我能不能和您本人谈谈那件事?,Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?我们能不能碰个面,再讨论一下这件事的细节?Could I see Mr Green sometime this week

15、?我能不能在这个礼拜的某个时候见见格林先生?I wonder if it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow.Would it be convenient if i call on you tonight?,询问对方方面的时间 What time would be convenient for you?什么时候您方便呢?When is it convenient for you?什么时候您方便呢?When can we meet to talk?我们什么时候可以见面谈一谈?I wonder if you could spare me half an

16、 hour tomorrow morning?明天上午您是否可以抽出半小时?,Can you make it at 3pm on MondayWill 9am be alright/okay with you?How about/what do you think of 3:30what do you think that we meet about 6 tomorrow.Does next Tuesday suit you?下周二可以吗?Will you be available tomorrow at 5:00,I want to talk to you about my raise。,陈

17、述方便与不方便的时候 Please call on me when it is convenient for you.请您在方便是时候来找我。Please call on me anytime suits you.请在任何您方面的时候来找我。Any time you say.您说什么时候都行。Any time between three and five.3 点到 5 点之间的任何都可以。Im free after three oclock.3 点以后,我就有空了。,Ill be out of town tomorrow,but almost anytime after that would

18、be fine with me.明天我将出城到外地去,不过之后的任何时间,我几乎都方便。Im expecting some visitors tomorrow morning.明天在上我要等几个访客来。Im afraid Im busy all day tomorrow/Im tied up.恐怕明天一天我都在忙。Im sorry,I have an appointment.抱歉,我有个约会。I will check my calendar.我要查下我的日程表Im afraid I cant make Friday.恐怕我周五没有空,期待访客光临 Well be expecting you.我

19、们期待着您的到来 Well be waiting for you.我们将等着您来。Im looking forward to meeting you 我期待与您见面。See you soon.再见!,A:Hey there.Ive been hoping to run into youAre you busy tomorrow morning?嗨,我正在找你呢。明上上午有空?B:Let me see.Wednesday morning.Yes,Im booked solid all the morning.Whats up?恩,周三上午。我都很忙。怎么了?A:I was hoping to t

20、alk to you about the project我想和你谈谈那个项目。B:Ok.How about Friday afternoon?好的。周五下午如何?A:Oh,sorry,thats not good for me.Im tied up all day Friday.Well have to do it next week.哦,抱歉,那个时间不 行。我一整天都很忙。只能下周了。B:Ok,shall we say next week,on Tuesday at 2:30?好的。下个周二,两点半怎么样?A:Sure,thatll be fine for me.Ill come to y

21、our office.可以。那个时间可以。我到时去你办公室把。,A:Excuse me,Id like to make an appointment with Mr.Smith Can you fit me into his schedule?打扰一下,我想和史密斯先生订个约会。他的日程还能给我安排吗?B:Let me see.Oh,the whole morning is booked up,but he is free this afternoon.Is that all right with you?给我看一下,整个上午都已经安排满了。但他下午有时间,对您合适吗?A:Well,Ill h

22、ave an appointment at that time.Maybe another time would be better.哪个时间我有约会,也许另约个时间更好些。B:How about 10 on Tuesday morning?星期二上午 10 点怎么样?A:Im sorry,I wont be free until 12 on Tuesday.Can I see him at three in the afternoon that day?对不起。我星期二 12 点之前没有空,可以订在那天的下午 3 点吗?B:Let me see.No problem 3 p.m.Tuesda

23、y then,我来看一下,没有问题,那就星期二下午 3 点吧。A:Ok.Thank you.好的,谢谢你!,A:Mike is speaking。这是MikeB:Good morning,Mike.This is Tom speaking.Im phoning about the appointment on Wednesday.Im sorry,but I cant make it.早上好,Mike.我是Tom.我打电话来是关于周三的预约的。我很抱歉。那天我去不了了。A:Thats a pity.真遗憾啊B:Could we meet on Friday instead?周五可以吗?A:Im

24、 afraid Im tied up then.估计那天我会很忙B:The only other time Im free is Thursday morning.Thats the 10th.那我空的时间只有周四上午了。是10号A:well,Ill try to manage.Would 9:30 be convenient for you?哦。那我尽力安排时间把。9:30你方便吗?B:Thats fine.可以5 Im very sorry for that.很抱歉改时间A:Its all right.没关系B:Thank you.Mike,Bye-bye.谢谢Mike.再见。,A:早上好

25、。民生公司。有什么事情?B:早上好。我是来自Bosch公司的Sam Black.我想明天上午约个时间和你们的总经理见面。A:恐怕不行。他明天上午都很忙。周五上午可以吗?B:好的。几点呢?A:九点半方便吗?B:好的。我期待这次见面。,A:Good morning,Min sheng company.How can I do for you?B:Good morning.This is Sam Black from Bosch.Id like to make an appointment on tomorrow morning with your general manager.A:Im afra

26、id hes tied up all the morning.Does Friday morning suit you?B;That would be fine.What time is it?A:Would 9:30 be convenient for you?B:Yeah,thats fine.I am looking forward to it.,A:嗨,我是Jack.B:嗨,Jack.我是Tom。我打电话来是关于周五的那次预约的。我很抱歉,我去不了了。那天我要去北京出差。到下周二才能回来。A:太遗憾了。B:下周四可以吗?A:恐怕那天我都很忙。我下周五有空。B:好的。我也有空。9点可以吗

27、?A:好的。B:不好意思A:没有关系。祝你一路顺风。B:谢谢,再见。,A:Hi,This is Jack speaking.B:Hello,Jack.This is Tom.I am calling about the appointment on Friday.Im sorry,but I cant make it.I will be on business and wont be back until next Tuesday.A:Thats a pity.B:Could we meet on next Wednesday instead?A:Im afraid Im tied up th

28、en.Does next Thursday suit you?B:Yeah,Im available then.Is 9 convenient for you?A:That would be fine.B:Im sorry for that.A:Its all right.Have a nice trip.B:Thank you,Bye.,A:下午好B:嗨,我是Jones。请找王先生A:我就是B:我想和你讨论下新的订单。下周三能在花园宾馆一起吃午饭吗?A:我看下日程。恩,抱歉,周三不行。我得去北京开会。要到周四才能回来。B:真遗憾。周五可以吗?A:恩,可以。什么时候B:12点方便吗?A:好的。

29、下周五12点花园宾馆。我期待和你见面,A:Good afternoon.B:Hello,This is Jones.May I speak to Mr.Wang?A:Speaking.B:Id like to discuss the new order with you.Would you like to have lunch together at Garden Hotel next Wednesday?A:Let me check my diary.Er.Im afraid I cant make Wednesday.Ive got to go to Beijing for a confe

30、rence.Ill come back on Thursday.B:Thats a pity.Does Friday suit you?A:Yeah,that would be fine.What time?B:Is 12 oclock convenient for you?A:Yeah,thats fine.Next Friday at 12 at Garden Hotel.Ill look forward to it.,Shopping and Bargain,购物和砍价,Does this come in other colors?有其他颜色吗?,Where are your fitti

31、ng rooms?你们的试衣间在哪里?,Im just looking.我随便看看,Do you have this in other sizes?有其他码吗?,Do you have any of these in stock?库存还有吗?,Can I put this on hold?能帮我预留吗?,Id like a gift receipt for this.我想要一张礼物发票,Can I get a price check for this?这个价格是多少?,Whats your return policy?可以退货或者换吗?,Do you provide gift-wrapping

32、?这里提供包装服务吗?,Thats too expensive/much,Im afraid.恐怕那个太贵了。Have you got any that dont cost so much?有便宜一点的吗?Thats unreasonable.Id take it for 100 USD.太贵了,如果是100美元我就买了How about 100 USD?100美元如何?Could you bring the price down?可以便宜一点吗I ve seen this cheaper in other places.我在别处看过更便宜的。If I buy more than one,wi

33、ll you give me a discount?如果我一件以上,有折扣吗?,A:May I help you?B:_.是的,麻烦你。我想买一件毛衣。A:What size do you wear?B:_我穿小号。A:Try this one on.It is in season.B:_这件太小了。A:how about this one?Its a medium size.B:_刚刚好。多少钱A:Its 600 dollars.B:_.好。我买这件。,Asking the Way,问路,Where is?How can I get to?我怎么去。?Am I on the right ro

34、ad to?我是在去.的路上吗Do you know the way to.?你知道去往哪里走How can I get to the bank?我怎样才能找到银行?,Im sorry,but I dont know this area.很抱歉,这地方我不熟悉Sorry,I am not sure.抱歉,我也不太肯定Im sorry,but Im a stranger in this city.很抱歉,我是新来此地。Why not ask that policeman?为什么不问那个警察,Let me show you the way.我来告诉你怎么走Ill take you there。我带

35、你到那里。Its about 5 minutes walk/drive 走路5分钟的路程/开车5分钟。It should take about 15 minutes。大概要花15分钟。You should take a taxi/go by subway or bus.,Be far from 距离某处很远Be nearby 距离某处很近Go straight across/to/through径直走过、向、穿过Be next to紧邻Turn left/right左转、右转Go back/back up往回走Go east/west/south/north Go on/alongtill y

36、ou meet沿。一直走,直到。Be on sbs left/right在某人的左边、右边Directly opposite和。相对Be located behind/in front of坐落的。的后面/前面Be on the corner of A street and B street在A街和B街交汇的拐角处Ground floor 首层,Landmark 标志性建筑Block/complex 街区Intersection/crossroad/junction 十字路口A T road/junction 丁字路口Pavement/sidewalk 人行道Zebra crossing/pe

37、destrian crossing 斑马线,Weather and Climate,天气,Whats the weather like today?Whats the temperature today?What does the weather report say?What is the forecast for today?Whats the climate like in your country?,Its sunny/clear/cloudy/stormy/hot/warm/cold/windy/wet/rainy/dry/foggy today.The weather is rat

38、her changeable.天气多变I hate the rainy season.我讨厌雨季Weather permitting,we will go.天气允许,我们就走。Rain or shine,we will go.无论天晴下雨,我们都会去It will be cancelled/postponed in the event of rain.如果下雨,就决定取消/延迟,1.Its hot enough to melt hell.I hope it will be cooler soon.现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。2.Its stifling!I can hard

39、ly breathe.天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。3.I cant bare the heat;I am leaking!我受不了这么热,我浑身都在滴水!,4.I am sweating like a pig,and Im not doing anything.虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。5.Lets stay at home;you could fry eggs on the sidewalk.我们呆在家里吧,人行道上都可以煎蛋了。6.I dont want to go out;its raining fire!我不想出去,天气火热火热的,7.Its too hot to think.I need to find someplace to cool off.热得我都没法思考。我需要找个地方凉快凉快。8.Today is a thermometer breaker!Lets go swimming.今天热得温度计都要爆了!我们去游泳吧。9.Its not just hot,Its Africa hot!This wather is terrible.不止是热,是像非洲一样热!天热得吓人。,


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