1、青春,我们正年轻,又是一个春天,青春的旋律是奋斗,青春是生命之晨,是日之黎明充满了纯净、幻想及和谐,青春之所以幸福,就是因为它有前途,一生最好是少年,一年最好是青春青春不觉老朱颜,强半消磨薄领间青春的实质是充实;青春的诗意是浪漫;青春的证明是无悔怎当的狂风怒波掀翻爱河,你是还和当年一样青春,生活中,我们一样青春!,青春 席慕容所有的结局都已写好所有的泪水也都已启程却忽然忘了是怎么样的一个开始在那个古老的不再回来的夏日无论我如何的去追索年轻的你只如云影掠过而你微笑的面容极浅极淡逐渐隐没在日落后的群岚遂翻开那发黄的扉页命运将它装订的极为拙劣含着泪 我一读再读却不得不承认青春 是一本太仓促的书,Ea
2、ch of the endings had been writtenAll the tears been already on the wayBut how did it begin wed forgottenOn that old unrepeatable summers dayNo matter how I used to follow traceThee young,in the flashy floating cloudslostA softest and faintest smile on thou faceWhich day by day disappeared amidstFro
3、m hill to hill after the suns fallingThen the yellowish title page unfoldedFortune made it with awfully bindingWith tears again and again had I readBeing unwilling to admit the truthAll is rush written in the book of youth,只要心灵不老,只要思想年轻,青春就不会离你远去!,只要今天的我们把握好青春的方向 我们的明天会更加美好,你我共绘青春,无论是自然之春天,还是人生之青春,请好好珍惜!,谢谢观赏!,