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《2 motivation.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2 motivation.ppt(47页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Motivation,Main Contents,Defining motivation 界定动机/激励Early Theories of Motivation 早期的动机理论Contemporary Theories of Motivation 现代的动机理论,Defining motivation,Motivation is the process that account for an individuals intensity,direction,and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.动机是一种过程,它体现了个体为了实现目标

2、而付出的努力强度、方向和坚持性。Intensity:how hard a person tries.Direction:the quality of effortPersistence:how long a person can maintain effort.,Motivation process:High intensity is unlikely to lead to favorable job-performance unless the effort is channeled in a direction that benefits the organization.工作绩效;指向E

3、ffort that is directed toward,and consistent with,the organizations goals is the kind of effort that we should be seeking.Motivated individuals stay with a task long enough to achieve their goal.受到激励的个体,Early Theories of Motivation,Maslows Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛 需求层次理论Alderfers ERG theory 阿尔德佛“ERG”理

4、论Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory 赫茨伯格 双因素理论,一.Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,1.Background of the theoryMaslow suggested that motivation is simply action taken to meet a need.满足一种需求 Individuals always have needs.However,those needs differ by kind.When one need is met,another emerges.产生,出现,2.The theory conten

5、t,Lower-Orderneeds,Higher-Order Needs,Details:Basic or physiological needs are at the base of the hierarchy.Fulfillment of them permits survival-and nothing more.They include requirements for food,water,air,shelter,sleep,and so on.生理学的,生理学上的;履行,实行;允许,容许;住所,庇护所,Safety needs are at the second level of

6、 the hierarchy.They include requirements for avoiding threats and being free from the elements.威胁,潜在的危险;不受这些因素的影响;,Sociality needs(Love and affection needs)are at the third level.When free from harm and secure in satisfying basic needs,people seek affection from others.爱慕,钟爱,慈爱;未受到损害,或没有危险;安全的,可靠的;,

7、Esteem needs are at the fourth level of the hierarchy.People need to feel their dignity and selfworth.They have a deep need to be esteemed by themselves and others.Selfactualization needs are at the fifth and highest level of the hierarchy.尊严,高贵;自我价值,Summary:The theory say that although no need is e

8、ver fully satisfied,a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates.完全彻底地满足;大体上获得满足 If you want to motivate someone,you need to understand what level of the hierarchy that person is currently on and focus on satisfying the needs at or above that level.,3.Applying the theoryIf people cant meet bas

9、ic needs from the jobs which he is doing,they will change jobs for a few dollars.Supervisors should alert individuals to hazardous substances or possible safety hazards that they may encounter in the work setting.改变;危险的,冒险的;,Supervisors should also be concerned about helping individuals learn the wo

10、rk they are to do.By doing so they will alleviate some employee fears about losing their jobs due to poor job performance.使(痛苦等)易于忍受,减轻;,supervisors should help newcomers fit in and thus meet their needs for affection and belonging.when necessary,Supervisors should take steps to help isolated employ

11、ees fit in to the group so that their skills are fully tapped.孤独的;开发,挖掘;,二、Alderfers ERG theory,1.Content of the theory Clayton Alderfer extended the work of Maslow,and identified three primary needs:(1)Existence;存在需要(2)Relatedness;关系需要(3)Growth.成长需要,2.Alderfers ERG theory VS Maslows Hierarchy of Ne

12、eds,ExistenceRelatednessGrowth,Basic or physiological needsSafety needsSociality needsExternal esteemSelf-Esteem needsSelfactualization,Distinguish Hierarchy of Needs Theory and ERGHNT assume that there is a rigid hierarchy in which a lower need must be substantially satisfied before one can move on

13、.需求层次理论假设存在一个严格的等级,即人们必须在低层次需要获得大体的满足后才能进入高层次的满足。ERG argues that a person can be working on growth needs even though existence or relatedness needs are unsatisfied.一个人甚至可以在存在需要和关系需要均未获得满足的情况下,为了成长需要而工作。,individuals could also be focusing on all three needs at the same time.三种需要可以同时对个体起作用。Frustration

14、 in satisfying a higher-order need might lead to regression to a lower need.当较高层次的需求受到挫折时,就会退回到较低层次的需求。,3.Applying the theory Supervisors should examine their employees and determine from their backgrounds and present interests what needs they are most driven to meet.They can then examine the work e

15、nvironment and the individuals job to determine what higher-order needs can help motivate individuals and what frustrations may result from conditions in the work environment and job.,Using that information they can act to remove or minimize frustrating factors and maximize motivating factors presen

16、t in the work environment.,三、Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory,1.Background of the theoryFrederick Herzberg formulated the theory from researchwith 200 accountants and engineers.He asked participantto report incidents in which they felt very good or verybad about their jobs.He found many similarities betw

17、eenthese reports.When people feel unhappy with their jobs,they tend to react to conditions found in the environment(the job context).When people feel happy with their jobs,they tend to react to conditions that are found on the jobor that stem from it(the job content).,2.Content of the theory,Two fac

18、tors affect motivation:,Motivation,hygiene,motivators,Details:hygiene-job context factors When hygiene factors are unsatisfactory,people become dissatisfied.But when hygiene factors are satisfactory,people do not become more satisfied;rather,they simply experience no dissatisfaction.保健因素是那些一旦缺乏就会导致工

19、作不满意的因素,但当它们得到充分改善时,人们就没有不满意了。,Hygiene factors:Supervision Company policy and administrationWork conditionRelationship with peers 与同事之间的关系SecurityIndifference salary 无差异薪酬,motivators-job content factorsWhen motivators are inadequate,people experien-ce no dissatisfaction.However,motivators can beused

20、 to stimulate action,energy and enthusiasm.狂热,积极性 激励因素是那些一旦给予,就能增加员工工作满意感的因素,可以激励员工努力工作。,MotivatorsAchievement 成就Recognition 认可Work itself ResponsibilityPromotion 晋升Growth 成长,Herzbergs view,Hygiene factorsDissatisfaction No Dissatisfaction MotivatorsSatisfaction No Satisfaction,3.Applying the theory

21、 Managers who seek to eliminate factors that can create job dissatisfaction may bring about peace but not motivation.管理者若努力在工作中消除不满意因素,则只能给工作场所带来和平,却未必具有激励作用。If you want to motivate people on their jobs,you should emphasize factors associated with work itself or to outcomes directly derived from it.

22、要想激励人们积极工作,必须重视与工作本身有关的因素或是可以直接带来结果的因素。,These factors can provoke dissatisfaction but,when adequate,cannot motivate.That responsibility falls to supervisors or team members,who quite often affect individual opportunities,provide immediate recognition to individuals doing their work well,and foster i

23、ndividual growth within the work or team context.激起,煽动,驱使;赏识,承认;培育,鼓励;,Contemporary Theories of Motivation,V.H.Vrooms Expectancy theory 弗鲁姆 期望理论J.S.Adams Equity theory 亚当斯 公平理论,一、V.H.Vrooms Expectancy Theory,1.Nature of the theory Employees will be motivated in following situation:when they believe

24、that effort will lead to a good performance evaluation;A good evaluation will lead to organizational rewards;The rewards will satisfy the employees personal goals;,The theory focuses on three relationships:,Individual effort,Organizational Rewards,Personal Goals,Individual performance,1 effort-perfo

25、rmance relationship 努力绩效关系2 performance-rewards relationship 绩效奖励关系3 rewards-personal goals relationship奖励个人目标关系,Effort-performance relationship:The probability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance.努力绩效关系:个人感到通过一定程度的努力可以达到某种绩效水平的可能性。,performance

26、-rewards relationship The degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome.绩效奖励关系:个人相信达到一定绩效水平后即可获得理想结果的程度。,rewards-personal goals relationship The degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individuals personal goa

27、ls or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual.奖励个人目标关系:组织奖励可以满足个人目标或个人需要的程度,以及这些潜在的奖励对个人的吸引力。,2.ConditionsEmployees have to know their objectives.The criteria for measuring their performance must be clear.Employees must feel confident that their efforts will lead t

28、o satisfactory evaluation,Employees have to feel confident that if they achieved their performance objectives,they will get a satisfactory rewards.,3.Applying the theory The supervisors job is to think through individual situations,pinpoint barriers to motivation,and help remove those barriers.Super

29、visors should attempt to create a work environment within which work contributions are viewed by the individual as a path leading to desirable rewards.,Supervisors are responsible for influencing valence,instrumentality and expectancy.They must analyze what rewards their employees are seeking,what o

30、utcomes will result from performance,and how individuals can achieve desired levels of task performance.,二、J.S.Adams Equity theory,1.Content of the theory Equity Theory maintains that individuals base their behaviors on comparisons with other people.Individuals compare their total contributions to a

31、n organization(inputs)and total benefits received for those contributions(outputs)to inputs and outputs of other people they consider somehow similar to themselves.,Inputs include whatever they bring to the job by way of education,experience,effort,or seniority.资历Outputs include whatever they receiv

32、e for their inputs-such as pay,job title,job status,special assignments,perquisites,or working conditions.临时津贴,额外补贴,2.Equity Theory Predictions,Person A,Person B,OutputsInputs,OutputsInputs,OutputsInputs,OutputsInputs,OutputsInputs,OutputsInputs,=,Under-reward,Equity,Over-reward,Employee Responses t

33、o Under-RewardDecrease their inputsAttempt to increase their outcomesDistort their perceptions 理解Attempt to change othersChoose a new referent other指示物Escape the situation,=most likely responses,Employee Responses to Over-Reward,As satisfying as equitySomewhat dissatisfyingNot nearly as dissatisfyin

34、g as underpayment!,3.Applying the theory The best advice for supervisors is to anticipate equity questions-and be ready with a good answer for them.Whenever a decision is about to be made,consider:how have similar situations been handled in the past?who is likely to question the decision based on equity issues?How can this objection be handled if it should come up?运用;,Thank you!,


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