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《The Bible and Christianity.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Bible and Christianity.ppt(37页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、The Bible and Christianity,Judaism and Christianity(Judeo-Christian element),Christianity and its Influence,Political systemLegal systemEquality View of natureScience and technologyView of timeNational characterCharities,The Bible,1.The contents of the Bible2.Stories of the Bible3.Main ideas of the

2、Bible4.Four Key Themes in the Bible5.Spread of Christianity6.The Bible has shaped Western culture more decisively than anything else written.,1.The contents of the Bible,1.1.The Old Testament(Doctrine of Judaism 犹太教)is about God and the Laws of God;1.2.The New Testament(Doctrine of Christianity)is a

3、bout the doctrine(教义)of Jesus Christ.,Jewish History of conflict and dispersion,Slaves by Egypt(13th century B.C.)Captives to Babylon(586B.C-538)Rebellion against Rome(132135A.D.)TheDispersionPeriod(66-1848),1.1.The Old Testament,A:Pentateuch.摩西五经B:historical books(1200B.C-586B.C)Joshua,Saul,David,S

4、olomonC:Ecclesiastes 传道书D:Psalms of DavidE:proverbs(of Solomon)F:poetical books Book of Job 约伯 Song of Solomon(between a young woman and her lover)G:Prophets:Amos 阿摩司,Hosea何西阿,Isaiah爱赛亚,A:Pentateuch or Torah摩西五经,a.Genesis(创世记),b.Exodus(出埃及记),c.Leviticus(利未记)at Mount Sinai 西奈山God dictating to Moses J

5、ewish ceremonial laws.d.Numbers(民数记),the journey from Mount Sinai to the promised land e.Deuteronomy(申命记)in the final,fortieth year of Israels wandering in the desert.,Hebrew law,a.Genesis,Genesis tells about a religious account of the origin of the Hebrew people,including 1.the origin of the world

6、and of man,2.The Fall of Man3.Noahs Ark was recorded 4.Abraham and his son Issac 以撒5.Jacob 雅各and and his son Joseph.约瑟夫,The Fall of Man,Noahs Ark,Exodus 出埃及记,Exodus tells about a religious history of the Hebrews during their flight from Egypt led by Moses 摩西,the period when they began to receive God

7、s Law.Joshua brought the people safely back to canaan迦南,Exodus 出埃及记,A Covenant between Moses and God at Sinai,Ten commandments 十诫,1.Thou shalt not have none other gods before me.2.You shall not make for yourself an idol.3.You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God.4.Keep the Sabbath day.守安息5

8、.Honor thy father and thy mother.6.“You shall not murder.7.”You shall not commit adultery.8.“You shall not steal.9.”You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.10.Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbors wife,house,his field.,Sabbath:,Saturday,or Sunday,stopping to rest,wearing the best

9、clothing,to commune with spirit,a time of relaxation,liberated from money earning;no difference between servant and master;equality,Henry Alfred Kissinger1971-1972-1979,Ecclesiastes,3:1 To every thing there is a season,and a time to every purpose under the heaven:3:2 A time to be born,and a time to

10、die;a time to plant,and a time to pluck up that which is planted;3:3 A time to kill,and a time to heal;a time to break down,and a time to build up;3:4 A time to weep,and a time to laugh;a time to mourn,and a time to dance;.,All is vanity,3:5 A time to cast away stones,and a time to gather stones tog

11、ether;a time to embrace,and a time to refrain from embracing;3:6 A time to get,and a time to lose;a time to keep,and a time to cast away;3:7 A time to rend,and a time to sew;a time to keep silence,and a time to speak;3:8 A time to love,and a time to hate;a time of war,and a time of peace.,Proverbs(i

12、nstruct the listener to“get”or“buy”wisdom),1.A slack hand causes poverty,but the hand of the diligent makes rich.2.When pride comes,then comes disgrace;but with the humble is wisdom.3.One man gives freely,yet grows all the richer;another withholds what he should give,and only suffers want.,Gods just

13、ice Importance of moderation and prudence,4.A soft answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger.5.Good sense makes a man slow to anger,and it is his glory to overlook an offense.6.Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles;,Why have you made me yo

14、ur target?,Jobs pleas to God about his afflictions and Gods reply),1.2.The New Testament(Love),A:Gospels:The birth,teaching,crucifixion(周五钉死,resurrection周日复活B:Apostles Acts使徒行书:a history of the early Christian Movement(Peter,Andrew,John,Philip,Matthew)C:Epistles使徒书:Letters to the church groups(St.Pa

15、uls Epistles)D:Book of Revelation启示录:a visionary account of the final triumph of Gods purpose.,Birth of Jesus Christ,Jesus Christ performs miracles,Last supper,crucifixion,resurrection,3.Main ideas of the Bible,3.1.monotheism一神论:against any kind of worship 3.2.laws of nature,Copernicus哥白尼 and Newton

16、 created by God:dignity,equality,master of nature spirit:Moses and God,ten commandments十戒;Job and God;Gods responsibility and mans duty;keeping Sabbath(守安息)3.5.prophets:Martin Luther King:I have a dream;Karl Max:communism3.6.linear time against cyclical time:sense of emergency and anx

17、iety,Marxs Communist Society3.7.doomsday最后审判日 and Messiah 弥赛亚,救世主,4.Four Key Themes in the Bible,God:transcendence;Man:image of God;unity of soul and body;essence of the universeSin:Pride;egoism;servility to material thingsRedemption,5.How was Christianity spread to Europe and became the official re

18、ligion?,5.1.The disciples of Jesus tried to spread his gospel,first among the Jews in Palestine and then in the Mediterranean region.5.2.During a time of great unrest and upheaval动荡不安 in the European continent,the poor and humble found comfort in the Christian Gospel.福音,5.3.Christianity began to dra

19、w men and women from all classes in Europe.The Romans grew tired of war and feared the collapse(崩溃)of the empire.And they admired the courage of the Christian missionaries.传教士5.4.Constantine believed that God had helped him in winning the battle and issued(发出)the Edict of Milan米兰特令 in 313.It granted

20、(许可)religious freedom to all,and made Christianity legal.合法化,5.5、In 392 A.D.,Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions.其他宗教不合法5.6、Now Christianity had changed from an object of oppression(压迫)to a weapon in the hands of the ruling(管理)cla

21、ss to crush their opponents.The Latin language became the official language.,6.Why do we say the Bible Has Shaped Western Culture?,6.1.It is generally accepted that the English Bible and Shakespeare are two reservoirs of modern English.6.2.In vigor and dramatic force,in the beauty and rhythm of lang

22、uage,the English Bible has very few peers.6.3.And the English language itself is abundant in Scriptural phraseology,allusions and quotations,Such as“selling of birth right”(因小失大)(To sell ones birth right for a porridge of lentils 扁豆)“thorn in the flesh”肉中刺,“highways and hedges”(脚踩两只船),6.4.Almost all

23、 great authors of the English language show a familiarity with the Bible.6.5.And the use of Biblical themes has been a literary tradition,of which the noted examples are Miltons Paradise Lost,Bunyans Pilgrims Progress,Byrons Cain,up to the contemporary Hemingways The Sun also Rises,and Steinbecks East of Eden and Grapes of Wrath.,


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