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1、Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Limited.All rights reserved.,Training andDevelopment,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,72,ObjectivesAfter studying this chapter,you should be able to:,Discuss the systems approach to training and development.Describe the
2、components of training-needs assessment.Identify the principles of learning and describe how they facilitate training.Identify the types of training methods used for managers and non-managers.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various evaluation criteria.Describe the special training progra
3、ms that are currently popular.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,73,Training and Development and Other HRM Functions,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,74,The Scope of Training,Training Effort initiated by an organization to foster learning among its
4、members.Tends to be narrowly focused and oriented toward short-term performance concerns.DevelopmentEffort that is oriented more toward broadening an individuals skills for the future responsibilities.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,75,The Systems Approach to Training and
5、 Development,Four PhasesNeeds assessmentProgram designImplementationEvaluation,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,76,Systems Model of Training,Figure 7.2,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,77,Phase 1:Conducting the Needs Assessment,Organization Analysi
6、sAn examination of the environment,strategies,and resources of the organization to determine where training emphasis should be placed.Task AnalysisThe process of determining what the content of a training program should be on the basis of a study of the tasks and duties involved in the job.Person An
7、alysisA determination of the specific individuals who need training.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,78,Needs Assessment for Training,Competency assessmentAnalysis of the sets of skills and knowledge needed for decision-oriented and knowledge-intensive jobs.,ORGANIZATIONAL
8、ANALYSIS TASK ANALYSIS PERSON ANALYSIS,of environment,strategies,and resources to determine where to emphasize training,of the activities to be performed in order to determine the KSAs needed.,of performance,knowledge,and skills in order to determine who needs training.,Figure 7.3,Copyright 2008 by
9、Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,79,Highlights in HRM,Notes on Rapid Needs AssessmentNOTE 1:Look at the problem scope.NOTE 2:Do organizational scanning.NOTE 3:Play“give and take.”NOTE 4:Check“lost and found.”NOTE 5:Use plain talk.NOTE 6:Use the Web.NOTE 7:Use rapid prototyping.NOTE 8:Seek ou
10、t exemplars.,Source:Condensed from Ron Zemke,“How to Do a Needs Assessment When You Think You Dont Have Time,”Training 35,no.3(March 1998):3844.Reprinted with permission from the March 1998 issue of Training Magazine.Copyright 1998.Bill Communications,Inc.,Minneapolis,MN.All rights reserved.Not for
11、resale.,Highlights 7.1,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,710,Phase 2:Designing the Training Program,Characteristics of successful trainers,Trainee readiness and motivation,Issues in training design,Instructional objectives,Principles of learning,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a di
12、vision of Thomson Canada Ltd.,711,Phase 2:Designing the Training Program,Instructional ObjectivesRepresent the desired outcomes of a training program.Performance-centered objectivesProvide a basis for choosing methods and materials and for selecting the means for assessing whether the instruction wi
13、ll be successful.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,712,Trainee Readiness and Motivation,Strategies for Creating a Motivated Training Environment:Use positive reinforcement.Eliminate threats and punishment.Be flexible.Have participants set personal goals.Design interesting i
14、nstruction.Break down physical and psychological obstacles to learning.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,713,Principles of Learning,Figure 7.4,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,714,Principles of Learning,Recognition of individual learning difference
15、s,Meaningfulness of presentation,Focus on learning and transfer,Goal setting-Whats the value?,Behavioural modelling,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,715,Principles of Learning(contd),Feedback and reinforcement,Whole versus-part learning,Focus on method and process,Active pr
16、actice and repetition,Massed-vs-distributed learning,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,716,A Typical Learning Curve,Figure 7.5,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,717,Feedback and Reinforcement,Behaviour ModificationThe technique that operates on the p
17、rinciple that behaviour that is rewarded,or positively reinforced,is repeated more frequently,whereas behaviour that is penalized or unrewarded will decrease in frequency.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,718,Characteristics of Successful Instructors,Knowledge of the subjec
18、tAdaptabilitySinceritySense of humourInterestClear instructionsIndividual assistanceEnthusiasm,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,719,Phase 3:Implementing the Training Program,Importance of training outcomes,Type of trainees,Choosing the instructional method,Nature of trainin
19、g,Organizational extent of training,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,720,Training Methods for Non-managerial Employees,On-the-Job Training(OJT)Apprenticeship TrainingCooperative Training,Internships,and Governmental TrainingClassroom InstructionProgrammed InstructionAudiovi
20、sual MethodsComputer-based Training and E-LearningSimulation Method,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,721,Training Methods for Nonmanagerial Employees(contd),On-the-job training(OJT)Method by which employees are given hands-on experience with instructions from their supervis
21、or or other trainer.DrawbacksThe lack of a well-structured training environment.Poor training skills of managers.The absence of well-defined job performance criteria.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,722,On-the-Job Training,Overcoming OJT training problemsDevelop realistic
22、goals and/or measures for each OJT area.Plan a specific training schedule for each trainee,including set periods for evaluation and feedback.Help managers establish a non-threatening atmosphere conducive to learning.Conduct periodic evaluations,after training is completed,to prevent regression.,Copy
23、right 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,723,Highlights in HRM,The PROPER Way to Do On-the-Job Training,Source:Scott Snell,Cornell University.,Highlights 7.3,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,724,Training Methods for Non-managerial Employees(contd),Apprenticesh
24、ip trainingA system of training in which a worker entering the skilled trades is given thorough instruction and experience,both on and off the job,in the practical and theoretical aspects of the work.Cooperative TrainingA training program that combines practical on-the-job experience with formal edu
25、cational classes.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,725,Training Methods for Non-managerial Employees(contd),Internship ProgramsAre jointly sponsored by colleges,universities,and other organizations that offer students the opportunity to gain real-life experience while allow
26、ing them to find out how they will perform in work organizations.Classroom InstructionEnables the maximum number of trainees to be handled by the minimum number of instructors.“Blended”learninglectures and demonstrations are combined with films,DVDs,and videotapes or computer instruction.,Copyright
27、2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,726,Highlights in HRM,How to Increase the Value of InternsTo increase the internal value of your internship programs,take the following steps:,Making the Most of Internships,Assign the intern to projects that are accomplishable and provide training as
28、 required.Involve the intern in the project-planning process.Appoint a mentor or supervisor to guide the intern.Invite project suggestions from other staff members.Ask interns to keep a journal of their work activities.Rotate interns throughout the organization.Explain the rationale behind work assi
29、gnments.Hold interns accountable for projects and deadlines.Treat interns as part of the organizational staff and invite them to staff meetings.Establish a process for considering interns for permanent hire.,Source:Condensed from John Byrd and Rob Poole,“Highly Motivated Employees at No Cost?Its Not
30、 an Impossible Dream,”Nonprofit World 19,no.6(November/December 2001):31232.Reprinted by permission of Nonprofit World,http:/www.snpo.org,telephone:734-451-3582,Highlights 7.5,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,727,Delivery Method of Training,Source:Holly Dolezalek,“2004 Indu
31、stry Report,”Training(October 2004):32.,Figure 7.6,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,728,Training Methods for Non-managerial Employees(contd),Programmed InstructionReferred to as self-directed learninginvolves the use of books,manuals,or computers to break down subject matte
32、r content into highly organized,logical sequences that demand continuous response on the part of the trainee.Audiovisual MethodsTechnologies,such as CDs and DVDs,are used to teach skills and procedures by illustrating the steps in a procedure or interpersonal relations.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a di
33、vision of Thomson Canada Ltd.,729,Training Methods for Non-managerial Employees(contd),E-LearningLearning that takes place via electronic media such web and computer-based training(CBT)Allows the firm to bring the training to employeesAllows employees to customize their own learning in their own tim
34、e and spaceProvides continuously updated training materials.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,730,E-Learning Advantages,Learning is self-paced.The training comes to the employee.The training is interactive.Employees do not have to wait for a scheduled training session.The t
35、raining can focus on specific needs as revealed by built-in tests.Trainees can be referred to online help or written material.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,731,E-Learning Advantages(contd),It is easier to change a web site than to retype,photocopy,and distribute new cla
36、ssroom-training materials.Record keeping is facilitated.The training can be cost-effective if used for both large and small numbers of employees.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,732,Highlights in HRM,Source:Holly Dolezalek,“2004 Industry Report,”Training(October 2004):34.,
37、Highlights 7.6,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,733,Training Methods for Non-managerial Employees(contd),SimulationThe simulation method emphasizes realism in equipment and its operation at minimum cost and maximum safety.Used when it is either impractical or unwise to trai
38、n employees on the actual equipment used on the job.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,734,Training Methods for Management Development,On-the-Job ExperiencesSeminars and ConferencesCase StudiesManagement GamesRole PlayingBehaviour Modeling,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division
39、 of Thomson Canada Ltd.,735,On-the-Job Experiences,CoachingUnderstudy AssignmentJob RotationLateral TransferSpecial ProjectsAction LearningStaff MeetingsPlanned Career Progressions,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,736,Case Studies,The use of case studies is most appropriate
40、 when:Analytic,problem-solving,and critical thinking skills are most important.The KSAs are complex and participants need time to master them.Active participation is desired.The process of learning(questioning,interpreting,and so on)is as important as the content.Team problem solving and interaction
41、 are possible.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,737,Role Playing,Successful role play requires that instructors:Ensure that group members are comfortable with each other.Select and prepare the role players by introducing a specific situation.To help participants prepare,ask
42、 them to describe potential characters.Realize that volunteers make better role players.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,738,Role Playing(contd),Successful role play requires that instructors:Prepare the observers by giving them specific tasks(such as evaluation or feedbac
43、k).Guide the role-play enactment through its bumps(because it is not scripted).Keep it short.Discuss the enactment and prepare bulleted points of what was learned.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,739,Behaviour Modelling,Behaviour ModellingAn approach that demonstrates desi
44、red behaviour and gives trainees the chance to practice and role-play those behaviors and receive feedback.Involves four basic components:Learning pointsModelPractice and role playFeedback and reinforcement,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,740,Phase 4:Evaluating the Trainin
45、g Program,Criterion 4:Results assessment,Criterion 2:Extent of learning,Measuring program effectiveness,Criterion 1:Trainee reactions,Criterion 3:Learning transfer to job,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,741,Criteria for Evaluating Training,Figure 7.7,Copyright 2008 by Nels
46、on,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,742,Criterion 1:Reactions,Participant Reactions.The simplest and most common approach to training evaluation is assessing trainees.Potential questions might include the following:What were your learning goals for this program?Did you achieve them?Did you like thi
47、s program?Would you recommend it to others who have similar learning goals?What suggestions do you have for improving the program?Should the organization continue to offer it?,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,743,Criterion 2:Learning,Checking to see whether they actually le
48、arned anything.Testing knowledge and skills before beginning a training program gives a baseline standard on trainees that can be measured again after training to determine improvement.However,in addition to testing trainees,test employees who did not attend the training to estimate the differential
49、 effect of the training.,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,744,Criterion 3:Behaviour,Transfer of TrainingEffective application of principles learned to what is required on the job.Maximizing the Transfer of TrainingFeature identical elementsFocus on general principlesEstabli
50、sh a climate for transferGive employees transfer strategies,Copyright 2008 by Nelson,a division of Thomson Canada Ltd.,745,Criterion 4:Results or Return on Investment(ROI),Utility of Training Programs.Calculating the benefits derived from training:How much did quality improve because of the training