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1、Unit 4,7:00-7:30 am get up and wash and brush7:30-8:00 am Prepare breakfast 8:0011:00 am Eating breakfast while watching TV and continue watching TV(9:3010:45 am some time go shopping)11:0012:30 am prepare lunch,have a rest 12:3014:00 pm Eating lunch while watching TV and continue watching TV 14:001

2、6:00 pm sleep,nap time16:3017:00 pm watch TV17:00-18:30pm Prepare the dinner18:30-22:00pm Eating super while watching TV and continue watching TV22:00pm-go to bed after bathing,Leading in,1.Does my grandma like watching TV?2.If there is no TV,what kind of life my grandma will lead to?3.Shall we live

3、 without TV?Or mobile phone or computer?,Whats the advantage and disadvantage of watching TV?,1.the creation of a marvelous tool for communication.2.an educational medium,3.the most popular kind of media,4.tool for entertainment5.news around the world6.information:places,people,history,finance,natur

4、e and science,shopping,travel,sports,weather.,TV abuse:(对电视的攻击),1.the plug-in drug,2.the“electronic drug,3.the“mind-altering drug”,A couch potato watching TV,TV addicted Child,TV leads to isolation and depression,A killer of time and creativity,A time-killing amusement,TV promotes obesity.,TV promot

5、es passivity.,Eye sight?Smarter?Dumber?,Section A The Great TV Turn-off,Turn-off关闭,The town started a Tap Turn-off Project to ask all the residents to save water.该镇开展了一项关闭水龙头运动,要求全体居民节约用水Since he has refused to pay the bills for two months,he is facing an electricity turn-off.由于他连续两个月都拒付电费,他将被停止供电,T

6、V turnoff weekturn off your TV,turn on your life,THE last week of April is TV-Turnoff Week in the US.Many families will turn off their TVs and do other activities,like walking.Too much TV cuts into family time and is bad for students body and mind.An American kid watches about 1,000 hours of TV a ye

7、ar.But he or she is only in school for 900 hours!,Contents,Text A,Main Idea&Structure,Words&Expressions,Reading Through,My mother gave me the bad news on Monday morning.“No television this week,Teddy,”she said with a smile,“Were taking part in the librarys Great TV Turn-off.”“Were what?”I asked.I wa

8、s not impressed.“Its an experiment,”my mother said,“to see what families do when theres no TV to watch.Were all supposed to keep a diary of what its like to go without TV for a week.”,Para.1-4,The Great TV Turn-off,What it is like=how it feels,Whats it like to walk in the rain without an umbrella?不打

9、伞在雨中行走是什么滋味She really wants to know what it is like to be a famous singer.她很想知道做歌星是什么感受。,“Couldnt we do some other kind of experiment?Id rather find out how long I can take being at the dentists,as long as I can watch TV while Im there.”“Sorry,Ted,”my mother said.“The librarians are very interested

10、in the results of this project.”I watched sadly as my mother put a sign on the TV that warned,“DO NOT WATCH THIS TV IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIFE.”I valued my life plenty,so I didnt touch the TV when I came home from school that day.,Para.5-8,Chinese,That night,I went to bed early and opened the diary my m

11、other had given me to write in.What else was there to do?Monday:Im drawing a blank!This just seems cruel.There wasnt a whole lot to write in my diary the next day either,but I did it anyway.Tuesday:Got tired of staring at DO NOT WATCH TV sign.Went outside.Found some old boards and built a house with

12、 Dan and Ray.After supper,I cleaned my room without being asked.I must be going mad.,Para.9-12,Chinese,By Wednesday,I was in the habit of writing in my diary.Wednesday:Blew the dust off some old games on the shelf.Invited Dan and Ray to come over and play them.Thursday:I got around to working on a p

13、ainting I had been neglecting.Its actually starting to look pretty good.Friday:Broke down and walked downtown to that placethe library.Checked out two mysteries.Saturday:I dont think I can handle this any longer!Tell me,what is there to do on a Saturday morning besides watching TV?,Late Saturday:Fin

14、ally found something to docleaned out my room.My mother said it was okay to set up a yard sale outside.I sold almost all of my old things!Sunday:Took the money from the yard sale downtown.Bought two model planes and two mysteries.Later,I helped my mother make a chocolate cake,and ate some while read

15、ing the mysteries.,Para.18-19,Chinese,Monday:Your faithful diary-writer has amazed himself!My mother just reminded me that this is the end of the Great TV Turn-off.I dont think Ill turn on the TV today,thoughIve got this mystery I want to finish reading.Maybe the Great TV Turn-off has changed me.I m

16、ight watch TV tomorrowor I might not.I might just find something better to do.,Para.20&21,Chinese,Meaning:“You wont be allowed to watch TV this week,Teddy,”.No+noundoing something:You are not allowed to do somethingNo bare feet.禁止赤脚There is a sign on the wall,“No smoking”.墙上写着一条公告“禁止吸烟”,No televisio

17、n this week,Teddy,.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning:I prefer to get to the dentists office and see how long I can stand staying there,only if I can watch TV.我倒想试试只要有电视看,我能在牙医那儿呆上多久,Id rather find out how long I can take being at the dentists,as long as I can watch TV while Im there.,Meaning of the

18、Sentences,Meaning:Since I thought my life was very important,I didnt watch any TV after school that day.我非常珍惜我的生命,所以当天放学回家后,我没有碰电视机。plenty:quite,very much,to quite a large degreeIm plenty hungry.我饿得很。,I valued my life plenty,so I didnt touch the TV when I came home from school that day.,Meaning of t

19、he Sentences,Meaning:I cant think of anything to write in the diary.没啥可记。这简直太痛苦了!draw a blank:be unsuccessful不成功的,无结果Marry searched her mind but drew a blank.玛丽努力回想,可什么也想不起来The local police drew a blank in finding any witnesses.当地警察连一个目击者也没有找到,Monday:Im drawing a blank!,Meaning of the Sentences,Mean

20、ing:Like the first day,there wasnt much to write about the next day,but in spite of this,I just managed to write something in the diary.第二天也没多少东西可记录,但我不管怎样还是写了点。a whole lot:许多,一大堆I dont have a whole lot to work with these days,There wasnt a whole lot to write in my diary the next day either,but I di

21、d it anyway.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning:On Tuesday,I felt bored looking all the time at the sign on the TV that said DO NOT WATCH TV.,Tuesday:Got tired of staring at DO NOT WATCH TV sign.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning:After I finished supper,I cleaned my room,although my mother had not aske

22、d me to do so.,After supper,I cleaned my room without being asked.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning:It is very probable that I am becoming crazy.,I must be going mad.,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning:After turning off the TV and keeping a diary for one week,I am surprised to see how I have changed(b

23、ecause I dont want to turn on the TV even when it is OK).忠实的日记作者我自己也无法相信!,Your faithful diary-writer has amazed himself!,Meaning of the Sentences,Meaning:Although the project is over,I dont think Ill watch TV today.,I dont think Ill turn on the TV today,though.,Meaning of the Sentences,Text A is a s

24、tory about an experiment to see what families do when theres no TV to watch.Ted,the hero(主人公)of the story,must have been used to watching TV.So at the beginning of the Great TV Turn-off,he does not know what else to do.But in the end he is glad to find that there are many other better things to do t

25、han watching TV.,Main Idea,Main Idea&Structure,Main idea:Teds realization that besides TV there is sth.better to do.,Structure,Main idea:Teds strong opposition to the idea of turning off TV for a week.,Main idea:Introduction to the topic of the passage:no TV to watch,Part II:Para.3-4,Part III:Para.5

26、-6,Part I:Para.1-2,Part IV:Para.7-8,Main idea:Teds struggle between the idea of watching TV and that of doing sth.else.,New Words,impress,blank,blow,project,touch,cruel,neglect,handle,downtown,besides,sale,warn,Expressions,go without,as/so long as,get/be tired of,get around to,break down,set up,turn

27、 on,impress,1.给.极深的印象;使感动WHI was very impressed by his story.他的故事深深打动了我。The woman impressed me most unfavorably.这女人给我的印象极差。2.使铭记,铭刻O(+on/upon)My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。Our teacher impressed us with the importance of industry and economy.老师要我们牢牢记住勤奋节俭的重要性。3

28、.印,压印;盖(印)于+on/intoHe impressed his initials on the box.他把自己名字的起首字母印在那只盒子上。,impression,印象CU(+on)The new teacher made a good impression on the students.新教师给学生留下了一个好印象。2.模糊的观念;感想C+thatI have the impression that Ive seen that man before.我觉得我以前见过那个人。3.压印;印记;压痕CThe robber left an impression of his feet i

29、n the mud.强盗在烂泥里留下了他的脚印。4.影响;效果U(+on)My advice seemed to make little impression on him.我的忠告似乎对他不起作用。,Exercises,impress,2.中国画家作完画后,一般都要盖上自己的印章。,A Chinese painter would normally impress his seal on his painting after he has finished it.,1.漂亮的风景给游客留下了深刻印象。,The visitors are deeply impressed by the beaut

30、iful scenes.,New Words,project,1.方案,计划,规划This project seems to be very attractive.这一方案看来很有吸引力。2.工程The project was estimated to have cost$900,000.这一工程估计耗去资金九十万美元。3.科研项目Shes doing a project on adult education.她正在进行一项有关成人教育的研究。,1.计划;规划The government projected a tax decrease.政府计划降低税收。2.投掷,发射,喷射(+at/into

31、)The fountain projects a stream of water.喷泉喷出一股水。3.投射(光线等);映(+on/onto)They were delighted to see their holiday slides projected on a screen.他们高兴地看到他们度假的幻灯片在屏幕上放映出来。,Exercises,2.我总是尽力将一切都计划得很完美。,Ive always tried to project everything perfectly.,1.你在国外作访问学者时,参加过某个研究项目吗?,Were you ever involved in any r

32、esearch project when you were staying abroad as a visiting scholar?,New Words,Exercises,warn v.警告;提醒,e.g.I warn you not to go out alone after midnight.我警告你不要在深夜独自外出。,狗露出牙齿时表示警告,摇摇尾巴则表示欢迎。,Dogs show their teeth to warn,wag their tails to welcome.,touch,1.接触,碰到,触摸She lightly touched his forehead.她轻轻地摸

33、了摸他的前额。2.(常与否定词连用)碰;乱动Dont touch the exhibits.不要碰展览品。3达到,比得上Few students in our school can touch him in music.在音乐方面,我们学校很少有学生能与他相比。4.触动,感动I was touched beyond words.我感动莫名。e.g.He was so touched by the story that he had tears in his eyes.他被这个故事感动得流泪了。,stayintouchwith保持联系 keepintouchwith保持联系 getintouch

34、with取得联系 lose touch with 失去联系out of touch失去联系,对。生疏,Exercises,touch,2.老朋友重新相聚的场面十分动人。,The reunions between old friends are touching.,1.他胖得连自己的脚趾头都碰不着了。,His fatness makes him unable to touch his toes.,3.毕业后我就和同学们失去了联系。,I lost touch with my classmates after graduation.,blankn.C an empty space;a form wi

35、th empty spaces on it 空白;空白表格 e.g.Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable word.用适当的词给下列句子填空。adj.【1】without writing,print,or other marks 空白的;空着的 e.g.He turned on the TV but only saw a blank screen.他打开电视机,可是只见屏幕上一片空白。【2】empty or expressionless 茫然的;无表情的 e.g.As I tried to e

36、xplain how to use the machine,Emily looked at me with a blank expression.我给埃米莉解释如何操作那台机器时,她只是茫然地看着我。,New Words,crueladj.【1】causing suffering 令人痛苦的e.g.He turned his eyes away from the cruel sight.看到那个令人痛苦的情景,他把头扭了过去。【2】enjoying the pain of others;very unkind 残酷的;残忍的 e.g.Hitler was the cruelest man in

37、 the world.希特勒是世界上最残忍的人。,neglectv.【1】(由于疏忽、遗忘等)漏掉(做某事)e.g.Dont neglect your watering as some of the flowers need to be watered every day.不要忘了浇水,因为有些花需要每天浇水。【2】give too little attention or care to 忽视;忽略 e.g.Many men run after success,and often neglect their wives and children.许多男人一心追求成功,而忽略了对妻子和孩子的关心

38、。,她把心思都放在了宝宝的身上,忽略了对丈夫的关心。,She paid so much attention to her little baby that she neglected her husband.,downtownadv.to,towards,or in the business center of a town or a city 往(在)市中心 e.g.Mary lives in the suburb and works downtown.玛丽住在郊区,却在城里工作。adj.be in the business center of a town or a city 市中心的 e

39、.g.To have an office room in a downtown area costs a lot.市中心的写字间非常贵。,handlev.deal with;control 对付;控制,操作 e.g.I didnt know how to handle these people.我不知道如何对付这些人。He knows how to handle the machine.他会操作这台机器。n.the part of an object that you use for opening or holding it 柄;把手,话柄 e.g.Twist the handle to t

40、he left and the box will open.朝左拧一下把手,箱子就会打开了。Dont let your conduct give any handle for gossip.别让你的行为成为人家说三道四的话柄。,besides,在.之外,除.之外What has he done,besides reading the paper?除了看报,他还做了什么?副词,此外,而且,加之in addition;also The driver couldnt see either.Besides,the roads are nearly impassable.刚才司机也看不清楚。而且这些路简

41、直无法通行。Besides,I want you to promise me one thing.此外,我要你答应我一件事。,besides=including(包括);except/but=excluding(不包括)。Besideshim,otherthreestudentshavecome.(包括他,共四人来了。)Excepthim,threestudentshavecome.(三人来了,不包括他。),salen.【1】(an)exchange of property or goods for money;the act of selling 出售;销售 e.g.The advertis

42、ement did not have much effect on sales.广告对销售没产生多大作用。【2】a special offering of goods in a shop at lower prices than usual 减价出售;贱卖 e.g.To save money,most customers look for sales or low prices.为了省钱,大多数顾客想找到减价或廉价的商品。,mystery,1.神秘的事物;难以理解的事物;谜CHis death has remained a mystery.他的死仍是个谜。2.神秘,秘密UThat case i

43、s wrapped in mystery.那件案子笼罩在神秘的气氛之中。3.神秘小说,推理小说C,Exercises,go without 没有也行;将就,人们很难想象没有电生活会是什么样子。,e.g.We are running out of salt,so well have to go without it.盐快没有了,所以我们只好将就了。,People cannot imagine what its like to go without electricity.,Exercises,as long as 如果;只要,只要你知道长度和宽度,就很容易计算出面积。,e.g.You can g

44、o out as long as you promise to be back before 12 oclock.只要你保证12 点之前回来,你就可以出去。,The area can be worked out easily as long as you know how long and wide it is.,Exercises,get tired of 对厌烦;对厌倦,喜新厌旧是人之常情。,e.g.He had been reading for three hours and got tired of it.他连着看了3 个小时的书,看得都厌烦了。,It is natural for o

45、ne to get tired of something old and turn to something new.,Exercises,get around to 找时间做;终于去做,我希望下星期能抽出空来答复你的要求。,e.g.I meant to visit her,but I never got around to it.我总想着去看她,但是总没去成。,I hope to get round to answering your request next week.,break down【1】(of a persons health or emotional control)fail

46、or collapse 崩溃;垮掉 e.g.On hearing the news,the poor mother broke down in tears.听到这个消息,那个可怜的母亲一下子崩溃了,痛哭起来。【2】(esp.of a machine)to stop working;fail 停止运转;坏掉 e.g.Can I use your computer,as mine has broken down again?我可以用你的电脑吗?我的电脑又坏了。,break down,vt.打破(减轻,坍塌,彻底失败,精神不支,中止,把分解)1.Her health broke down under

47、 the pressure of work.工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。2.The telephone system has broken down.电话系统失灵了.3.Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.双方谈判已经破裂.,break up:,vt.开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱)例句与用法:1.He was breaking up under the strain.他劳累过度,身体逐渐衰弱。2.The Government has broken up the large private estates.政府把大片的私人

48、地产分割开。,break in:,vt.闯入(打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为)1.Burglars had broken in while we were away on holiday.我们外出度假时,小偷闯入屋内行窃。2.Please dont break in on our conversation.请不要打断我们的谈话。3.The thieves must have had someone on the inside to help them break in.那伙盗贼一定有内应,协助他们闯了进去.,break through:,vt.突破1.The sun broke throug

49、h at last in the afternoon.太阳在下午终於从云层後面钻出来了.2.Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.示威群众突破了警戒线.3.Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破.,Exercises,turn on 打开,天很暖和,所以公寓楼里没人开启中央供暖系统。,e.g.As I turned on the radio,I heard a familiar v

50、oice talking about her best friend.我一打开收音机,就听到一个熟悉的声音在谈论她的好友。,Expressions,It was warm,so no one in the apartment building turned on the central heating.,Exercises,Using the Right Word,Working with Expressions,Focusing on Sentence Structure,Translating,Using Topic-related Terms,Basic Writing Skills,1


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