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3、持建筑物内良好的空气循环及环境的优美,这是建筑师所遇到的一大难题,而旋转门为大厦提供了理想的解决方案,它可有效地防风、防尘和隔音,从而改善了大厦入口附近的环境。旋转门的最大优点在于它永远开门,又永远关门,即对于行人来说,门总可以打开,可对于建筑物来说门又总是关着。自动旋转门由于其永远开启的同时又永远关闭的特点,使其动态密封效果较好。因此,自动旋转门在功能方面具有独特的发展。1) 旋转门的定义旋转门:单扇或多扇沿竖轴转动的门叫旋转门。自动旋转门:利用各种控制器、信号控制,实现单扇或多扇沿竖轴自动转动和自动停止的门叫自动旋转门。自动门中的顶级产品,旋转门给人以亲切大方的感觉,同时营造出奢华的气氛,




7、有标定的人员流量数值。自动旋转门由于其永远开启的同时又永远关闭的特点,使其动态密封效果在经常使用的条件下相对于其它两种自动门要好。由于自动旋转门的人流量有限,在大型公共场合还是选择其它两种自动门,毕竟自动旋转门的本成较高。通常在自动旋转门两侧另设自动或手动平开门,一方面增加通行能力,另一方面当自动旋转门出现故障时,不影响人的通过。但是在静态密封效果方面,自动旋转门远不如其它自动门,因为其门体运动方式决定着只能使用毛条密封。4) 旋转门在我国的市场前景随着我国国民经济持续稳定地增长,2008年北京申奥成功和WTO的加入。从本世纪开始,我国进入了全面建设小康社会的新阶段,创造美好生活环境是装饰业发

8、展的巨大推动力。现代城市建筑物装饰装修中,将高科技应用到建筑物的外观形象上,使城市建筑的入口体现出智能化。对门的选择由单一的功用型向个性化、品位化发展,旋转门以其全新的概念,宽敞开放的门面和高格调的设计,自然成为当代的建筑装饰的主流,无可质疑的必选设施。堪称建筑物的点睛之笔。自动旋转门控制系统主要由旋转门、接近传感器、可编程序控制器和变频器组成。 1)旋转门及接近传感器 该旋转门由4扇玻璃门相互垂直地镶嵌在同一个轴柱上构成,电机通过减速机构带动旋转门的轴柱,从而产生门的旋转运动。为了实现系统的全部自动化和智能化,系统在旋转门圆形框架的上端,安装了4个接近传感器,其中3个面向进门的行人,一个面向

9、出门的行人;在门框外侧的边沿上分别安装了2套防夹传感器;在圆弧门框外侧的表面上,分别安装了暂停按键和残疾人专用换速按键。2)可编程控制器PLC该系统利用三菱公司的FXOS-14MR-001系列PLC,作为该系统的控制指挥中心。该PLC把来自旋转门现场的检测信号、变频器的状态信号以及楼宇自动监控系统的指令,经过收集、处理后,完成对变频器的频率控制和对楼宇自动监控系统的信息反馈。3)变频器 由于旋转门处于公共场所,行人或物品阻碍旋转门正常旋转的现象时常发生,因此导致电动机的负载变化大、过电流现象发生频繁,所以选用通用JP6C-T9-0.75型变频器。该变频器具有快速响应的电流限制功能,当负载波动相

10、当大时,变频器不跳闸,能自动减速运行;当负载恢复正常时,变频器能自动升速到设定值。使用该变频器,电动机低速驱动能力强,起动转矩能达到额定值的150。该变频器还具有电压自整定等一系列先进功能。 4)旋转门运行状态诊断程序 楼宇自动监控系统除了使用摄像机获取旋转门的外部工作状态信息外,还需要使用PLC获取旋转门控制系统内部的工作状态信息。所以在编辑控制系统内部状态诊断程序时,不但要照顾到现场维护人员能利用PLC诊断故障,还照顾到楼宇自动监控系统准确、方便地使用PLC提供的诊断信息。综上所述,该旋转门设计新颖、外观大方、功能齐全、使用控制方便,行人所接触到的按键也能够保证安全。同时,接近传感器的可靠

11、性也是实现旋转门控制系统自动化和智能化关键之一。是集机电于一体化的高新技术产品。同时其较好地满足了广大用户的求,扩大了PLC和通用变额器的应用范围,提高了旋转门控制系统的自动化和智能化程度,深受物业管理行业科技人员和维护人员的青睬。 PLC控制系统硬件设计需满足如下几个功能:(1)自动转停功能 来人时自动启动,并以正常转速动转,15s时无人进出,则自动停转并封门。(2)残疾变速功能 旋转门设有低速,中速,高速三种旋转速度,分别对应残疾,middle和high三个按钮进行切换,以适应残疾人通过、正常运转和紧急疏散对转速的不同要求。30s内始终以2r/min的速度低速运转,此时按中速(Middle

12、)和高速(High)无效,以确保残疾人安全通过。30s后来人,门自动以正常速度运转。(3)防夹功能 当门扇运转靠近曲壁立柱时,如果行人试图从两者之间(防夹区)进入旋转门,则门立即自动停转以防夹伤行人。行人离开防夹区,门自动恢复运转。(4)防撞功能 行人紧靠右侧立柱或遇到物体碰撞右侧立柱,则旋转门马上停转,以防止撞伤行人或撞坏物体,行人或物体离开右侧立柱,自动门恢复运转。(5)防碰功能 行人在旋转门内通行过程中,如遇到门扇碰到行人脚后跟,则门立即停转,以防止碰伤行人。行人离开门扇,门自动恢复旋转。(6)急停功能 当出现紧急意外事故十,按下急停按钮,门立即停转,解除急停信号,门又自动恢复运转。(7

13、)暂停功能(STOP按钮) 与急停功能相当,不同的是按STOP钮后,必须用残疾,middle和high三个按钮中的一个进行恢复。(8)电动机过载保护功能 当电动机过载时,门停转并且指示灯闪烁报警。过载消除后门自动恢复运转。(9)变频器报警输出和延时自动复位功能 当变频器过压或过流时,关闭输出,门停转并报警( 指示灯闪烁),延时3s自动复位。1) 最大限度地满足被控对象的控制要求 充分发挥PLC的功能,最大限度地满足被控对象的控制要求,是设计PLC控制系统的首要前提,这也是设计中最重要的一条原则。这就要求设计人员在设计前就要深入现场进行调查研究,收集控制现场的资料,收集相关先进的国内、国外资料。

14、2) 保证控制系统的安全可靠 保证PLC控制系统能够长期安全、可靠、稳定运行,是设计控制系统的重要原则。这就要求设计者在系统设计、元器件选择、软件编程上要全面考虑,以确保控制系统安全可靠。3)满足上面条件的前提下,力求使控制系统简单经济适用和维修方 在满足控制要求的前提下,一方面要注意不断地扩大工程的效益,另一方面也要注意不断地降低工程的成本。这就要求设计者不仅应该使控制系统简单、经济,而且要使控制系统的使用和维护方便、成本低,不宜盲目追求自动化和高指标。4)选择PLC是要考虑生产和工艺改进所需的余量 由于技术的不断发展,控制系统的要求也将会不断提高,设计时要适当考虑到今后控制系统发展和完善的



17、每次扫描周期开始时,先读取输入端子的当前值,然后写到输入映像寄存器中。在随后的用户程序执行的过程中,CPU访问输入映像寄存器,而非读取输入端子的状态,通常要求输入信号有足够的脉冲宽度,才能被相应。4)程序执行阶段 用户程序执行阶段,PLC按照梯形图的顺序,自左而右、自上而下地逐步扫描,在这一阶段中,CPU从用户程序的第一条指令开始执行直到最后一条指令结束,程序运行结果放入输出映像寄存器和其他软元件映像寄存器中。CPU逐条解释并执行用户程序。在此阶段,允许对数字量I/O指令和不设置数字滤波的模拟量I/O指令进行处理,在扫描周期的各个部分,均可对中断事件进行响应。5)输出刷新(输出处理)阶段每个扫



20、寄存器为“1”状态时,称该编程元件为ON,元件映像寄存器为“0”状态时,称该编程元件为OFF。信号经输出模块隔离和功率放大后,继电器型输出模块中对应的硬件继电器的线圈通电,其常开触点闭合,使外部负载通电工作。如果梯形图中输出继电器的线圈“断电”,对应的输出映像寄存器为“0”状态。在输出刷新阶段之后,继电器型输出模块中对应的硬件继电器的线圈断电,其常开触点断开,外部负载断电,停止工作。译文 Revolving door originated in Holland, has been one hundred years of history, at that time, before the sp

21、ecial meaning from the automatic revolving door to today, revolving door endured a long history. The type is more, according to the control mode can be divided into automatic revolving door, semi-automatic revolving door and manual revolving door; According to the rotor structure can be divided into

22、 two wings revolving door way, 3 wing revolving door and 4 wing revolving door; According to the structure into a metal frame revolving door, national crystal revolving door and wood revolving door. Foreign automatic revolving door development earlier. The technology is relatively mature. The automa

23、tic revolving door transmission technology has energy saving, low noise, smooth transmission, long life and reliable performance advantages; The control system using digital design system as the control center, a more powerful, more advantages, such as simple operation; Testing safety system using a

24、dvanced infrared and microwave induction technology, used for moving object perception, control the operation of the door, use all sorts of safety testing sensor, realize the clip, impact-proof, prevent touch function. At the same time some manufacturers automatic revolving door also has remote cont

25、rol and liquid crystal display function. Since the establishment of the new China, especially since the reform and opening up, the revolving door of appeared in our country and the various public and high-grade occasion. We stand tall buildings in the city, in the building, hotel, hotel, bank, shopp

26、ing malls, office buildings, automatic door is everywhere. Automatic door can not only bring us people in and out of convenience, saving energy, including air conditioning, dustproof, and reduce the noise benefits such as to make our doors add a lot of the noble and elegant breath. The automatic rev

27、olving door is building equipment of light machine electricity integration technology products, it gives a person with kind and easy feeling, and build a costly atmosphere, the brand new concept, spacious open appearance and high style design, can be called the nods eyeball pen of buildings, based o

28、n the forefront of building age tide. Building on the need to keep people in and out at the same time, they keep building good air circulation and the environment is beautiful, it is the architect met a big problem for the building, and the revolving door provide the ideal solution, it can effective

29、ly wind, dustproof and sound insulation, thus improving the building near the entrance to the environment. The greatest advantage of the revolving door is that it forever and ever close the door open the door, which means that, for pedestrians, it always can open the door to door for buildings, and

30、are always closed. The automatic revolving door because its always open at the same time, the characteristics of the closed forever, make its dynamic sealed effect is good. Therefore, the automatic revolving door has distinctive function in the development. Definition of revolving door The revolving

31、 door: single sash or more along the vertical axis rotation of door of door that revolving door. The automatic revolving door: using various controller, signal control, to achieve single fan or more along the vertical shaft automatic door rotation and automatic stop door that the automatic revolving

32、 door. Automatic door of the top product, revolving door give a person with kind and easy feeling, and build a costly atmosphere, its spacious open appearance and high style design, can be called the nods eyeball pen of buildings. The brand new concept, is unswervingly based on the forefront of buil

33、ding age tide. But the high cost also is not the average person can accept. The automatic revolving door structure The traditional 3 wing and 4 wing revolving door is the structure, or the central door shaft bearing institutions through installed vertically on the ground, and three or four door wing

34、 is fixed in the center spread type door shaft, and the doors, the Angle between the equal, fan (in between push counterclockwise) of the inner sanctuary, became a manual revolving door. The upper part of the shaft center door installation motors and other electrical control components, match again

35、with sensors and safety device, will become automatic revolving door. This structure is stability, the use of high reliability, long service life. Considering the revolving door in stops must seal, so each of the three wing revolving door space can accommodate more people, but the door open net the

36、width of the small. And four wings of the revolving door every space can accommodate less people, but the door is open width is bigger. But, this kind of rotating central axis wing with double the fixed way that decided the door leaf width can not be too big, so the revolving door of only about 4 M

37、maximum diameter. To understand this problem, engineers will center door shaft design became showroom, reducing the relative among door leaf width, increased the motor in the center of the opposite effect, make the rotating torque of the revolving door the biggest diameter expanded to 6 M, showroom

38、and middle have very good adornment effect. As the door to consider the automatic revolving door emergency personnels quick evacuation, so the revolving door to door wing during blackout manual push away, so take emergency functions of automatic revolving door open the door of the special similar hi

39、nge pick up hardware. But when wind pressure big, this kind of door leaf structure easy to blow away. The strength of the hardware that has become the automatic revolving door of the main quality problem. International automatic revolving door factories and design the dedicated electromagnetic locks

40、, in case of a power cut just made can be promoting. The performance of the automatic revolving door Building on the need to keep people in and out at the same time, they keep building good air circulation and the environment is beautiful, it is the architect met a big problem for the building, and

41、the revolving door provide the ideal solution, it can effectively wind, dustproof and sound insulation, thus improving the building near the entrance to the environment. The greatest advantage of the revolving door is that it forever and ever close the door open the door, which means that, for pedes

42、trians, it always can open the door to door for buildings, and are always closed. The automatic revolving door because its always open at the same time, the characteristics of the closed forever, make its dynamic sealed effect is good. Therefore, the automatic revolving door in the security has dist

43、inctive function of development, but in personnel flow automatic revolving door but not in advantage, because the speed of the door is fixed, every door between wing can hold is limited. Staff Each automatic revolving door have calibration personnel flow numerical. The automatic revolving door becau

44、se its always open at the same time never closed its dynamic characteristics and sealing effect under the condition of the often use relative to the other two kinds of automatic door is better. Because of the automatic revolving door for the communities in large public limited, or choose other two k

45、inds of automatic door, after all, the automatic revolving door of this into higher. Usually in the automatic revolving door both sides a manually or automatically even open the door, on the one hand, increase capacity, on the other hand when the automatic revolving door malfunction, do not affect a

46、 person to pass. But in static sealing effect, automatic revolving door is much less than the other automatic door, because its door body movement way determines can only use over the tops of seal Revolving door in our market prospect With Chinas national economy steady growth, the 2008 Beijing Olym

47、pic Games and the WTO to join in. From the start, our country in the new stage of building a well-off society and create a better life environment is decoration industry development of the big driving force. The modern city building adornment is decorated in, will be applied to the appearance of the

48、 high-tech buildings, urban image on the construction of the entrance of the intelligent reflect. The choice of the opposite by a single function type to the research on the development of individualized, grade, revolving door with its brand new concept, spacious open appearance and high style design, become the mainstream of contemporary architecture decoration, beyond doubt will choose facilities. The building is the pen that nods eyeball. The automatic revolving door control system mainly by the revolving door, proximity sensors, PLC and inverter composition. 1) the revolving


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