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1、译文一: 人类的蓬勃发展的是因为科学技术的进步。有时候,成功似乎是非常,非常奇怪。 即使是一些在昨天看似完全不可能完成的事情,而在今天就可以完成。例如:小配件和设备的多种多样,新一代的音频和视频电脑游戏的提前发行,新一代的汽车具有视频。能举出来的例子是无止境的。但还有一个需要列举的例子电动自行车 。 有人说,未来的燃料一定会是电力这种资源。 许多汽车制造商都正在积极地投入一系列有关电力驱动的电动载体的研究,并且想亲自证实这一观点。 但是如果你想在未来的电动车设计上作出创新性的设计,现在,电动自行车就是一个很好的选择。 今天的自行车它不仅仅是一种交通运输上的手段,并且这是一个全新的理念。有什么交

2、通工具能在对环境环保、友好等方面比得过自行车? 好吧,也许只有走。但是如果你在自行车上装配电动马达,使它变成一辆小型电动自行车,那么你将会得到一种非常紧凑,方便的交通工具。 事实上, 在电动自行车的身上有着许多优点,并且这些有点将会得到消费者的喜爱,所以我想没有人会否认这个事实的真实性。 他非常的简单、灵活,并且遇到必要情况时,例如:来自电力的牵引可以帮助我们亲而易举克服斜坡带来的困扰。平坦的地方是可以换为助踩式的方式来完成。 您还可以使用一种混合的模式:通过一个电动马达和踏板共同来完成牵引。即使你是一位业余的自行车爱好者,你也可以非常简单的以每小时35公里的速度前行 。 电动自行车正变得越来

3、越复杂、巧妙。 改变制造的材料,使得它们变得更轻,更强。它不仅仅是电动自行车,而且还是件艺术作品。 除此之外,它还具有特别的价值:当前乘坐电动自行车出行已经成为混合动力汽车中最经济实惠的方式之一。 乘坐电动自行车可以被归纳为是一种特定类型的运动。它不是一个普通的自行车或具备汽油发动机的摩托车,它是独立的个体。 电动自行车的使用管理不需要驾驶执照、保险和有关登记号码的收据。 这对购买者来说是非常重要的。 设计的主要组成部分是电动自行车的马达和蓄电池需要在2至8小时内根据不同的模式进行完全的充电。自行车装配上马达的好处有一大堆,其中之一是易于维护。在充电过程中必须自己判断蓄电池有没有充上足够多的电

4、量,并且充电必须选择标准的墙上插座。 但是,如果在驾驶时电池没电了,就可以转为普通的自行车的模式回家。电动自行车是一种真正意义上的“绿色”运输方式,它的使用将不会对环境造成污染。在21世纪,我们已经不再需要重新发明轮子,但是需要我们去做的是在原来的基础上的提升与改善。目前,电动自行车已成为所做工作的一部分。 有了他们,我们可以从今天开始筑造美好的未来。原文一:Technological development of mankind is booming. And sometimes, successes seem to be very, very weird. Even something t

5、hat seemed completely impossible yesterday, today has already become a reality. Examples are the various gadgets and Device, audio and video of the new generation of advanced computer games, cars with a different e-filling. The list is endless. But there is one more example the electric bike.They sa

6、y that the fuel of the future will surely be electric power. Many automakers are getting ready for this serial electric vehicles confirmation of this. But if you change seats on the electric “green” cars something for the future, heres electro bicycles already a reality.Today the bike it is not only

7、 a means of transportation, this is a whole philosophy. What could be more environmentally friendly than a bicycle? Well, maybe walking. But if you equip it with an electric motor to give some kind of scooter, you get a very compact and very convenient form of transport.The fact that the electric bi

8、ke has all the trumps in his pocket to gain popularity I think nobody would deny. He is pretty easy, agile, and when necessary, for example, to overcome the rise come to the aid of electric traction. A flat areas can be overcome by means of pedals. You can also move through an electric motor and ped

9、als heres a hybrid in action. Even if youre an amateur cyclist, then travel at speeds up to 35 kilometers per hour pretty easy.Bicycles are becoming more and more sophisticated. Changing the materials of manufacture, they are lighter and stronger. It is not just bikes, but works of art. And that is

10、especially valuable that the electro bicycles currently is one of the most affordable types of hybrid vehicles.Electric bike can be attributed to a particular type of movement. This is not just a normal bike or scooter with a gasoline engine, it is something separate. The management of electric bike

11、 do not need a drivers license, insurance and receipt of registration numbers. And this is important for the buyer.The main components of design are the electric bike motor and battery to full charge is needed from 2 to 8 hours depending on the model.Advantages of the bicycle with an electric motor

12、a huge amount. One of them ease of maintenance. Judge for yourself for charging the battery enough to use a standard wall outlet. If, however, when driving the battery is discharged, it is possible to get home as an ordinary bike. Electric bike a real “green” mode of transport, which is absolutely f

13、riendly to the environment.In the 21 century, we no longer have to reinvent the wheel, but worth it just to upgrade and improve. Currently, electro bicycles have become part of the work done. With them, the future starts today!原文选自:(http:/www.bike-译文二:1、 什么是电动自行车范围? 一个完全充足电量的蓄电池可提供的行驶范围各不相同。 假如你是较轻微

14、地踩踏板,它的电量通常能维持在12至30英里之间。 其电压和容量(以安培小时计算)能给出一个标示的范围。额定功率较高的等级电动机能提供更多的爬坡能力(转矩),但是会降低电量范围。 当启动电动自行车和上坡的时候,大部分电量被使用,所以在那些时候使用脚踏将会节省电量。电动自行车能行走的距离相差较大,主要是跟车体的重量、骑手的体型、地形困难有关。 平整,清洁,干燥的路面 属于优秀的行驶范围。 粗糙路面,砂石,堆积的泥路属于减少行程的行驶范围 草地和堆积废物的泥地将大大的减少行驶范围。 泥泞的土地还不如步行。 被雪铺满的道路不要骑车,就这样回家。假如您有特定的要求,请最好在您花钱购买之前跟我们商量和给

15、我们提供一些建议。2、 速度如何了? 为了从路税,道路保险,磁光阱测试,车辆登记,驾驶执照,戴着摩托车头盔等方面得到豁免,所以其行驶功率转速限制在每小时15英里。他们当然可以行驶过程中超过这个速度。 要走得更快,需要更多的电量,因此更需要具有强大动力的马达去行驶更快的速度。 马达会受损或被设计在一个特定的速度里工作。 例如,一个被设计为20转速的马达在完成英国限制的15英里路程中速度必须远远超过26转速的马达 正因为如此,只是被赋予更强大的电量是不够获得更高的速度的。 很有可能一个电量强大的马达不会有任何的加速、极速。 上海地区的办公室女郎拥有一个50kg重、160瓦的马达(在法律规定范围内)

16、行驶最快不可超过每小时12英里的速度还比不上欧洲地区一个90kg重、150瓦的马达每小时行驶15英里的速度。大多数电动自行车的马达会根据当地消费者体型,当地有关限速法规来设计的。像人类那样如电池的年龄,他们的性能会随使用的年限而有所下降。(其实,在前25次左右的充电/放电周期,大部分电池的性能越来越好,过了之后性能就开始逐渐下降)。 如果电池已经被错误的操作损伤如大量负荷地使用(深放电循环,非踏板辅助启动),使用错误的充电器,在炎热潮湿的地方储放,暴露在过冷的环境下,那么电池的性能将会受到影响。3、 我需要踏板? 严格地说,法律规定您在道路上行驶时需要使用脚踏,但是在您行驶过程中遇到交通拥挤,

17、行驶到十字路口的情况下,就可以不使用脚踏直接行驶。 虽然电动自行车在设计上特别加强了爬坡时的性能的设计,但是爬坡使得您的电动自行车车速变慢,所以您必须使用脚踏辅助行驶。4、 什么是运行成本? 相比起大约每7个便士就可以为电池完全充满电的费用就没有其他重大的运行费用了。为了保证您拥有一个正常的脚踏使用周期,您需要对自己的爱车进行一些基本的保养,但是由于电动自行车的电机部分被设计的比较复杂,所以不建议您个人对其进行维护。5、怎么去区分一辆电动自行车的好坏? 点击这里将带您到我们的采购指南!6、 请问当我在使用踏板行驶时会对电池进行充电吗? 几乎每一位顾客都向我们询问这个问题。 答案是大多数电动自行

18、车使用脚踏行驶时不对电池进行充电,但是使用脚踏模式可以保护您的电池不受损伤。凡事都有一些极少数的例外,使用重复充电模式可能会对电动自行车造成损伤,包括这种技术的使用增加了车身的重量,添加了更昂贵的组件,但是它的坏处是非常微不足道的,不会影响自行车的制动距离和系统动力的丧失。 Re-gen是俚语“再生”。当骑手使用脚踏驱动电动自行车或者电动自行车在下坡、制动时,有些马达(直接驱动)是可以发电的。 马达和发电机实际上是一回事。如果你打开一个马达的开关,马达将会产生电力。 如果你给一台发电机能力,你会得到一个马达。 因此,在电动自行车上没有一个传动变速器,在马达跟轮毂之间没有自由转轮,电动自行车上只

19、有一个能使马达成为发电机的控制器,于是您在行驶过程中就会对电池进行充电。 但是再生充电功能不像宣传说的那么有效。当你想使用脚踏模式对电池进行再生充电时,需要行驶一段很长的路程来抵抗马达消耗的电量。相比起马达上电池消耗的电量您必须创造更多的电量(由于效率损失)才可以对电池进行再生充电。(必要的解释。)基本上,相比起您自己使用自行车脚踏行驶10英里,您必须努力的踩踏踏板给蓄电池充电,使其有充足的电量驱动您行驶10英里的路程。 因此,在大多数情况下,再生充电只能提供非常小的、额外范围内的电量。 也许在20英里的行驶过程中只有50米路程的电量是脚踏产生的。7、 在英国我是否需要知道一些有关的法律法规?

20、 英国的法律跟欧盟的法律有一些混乱,但如果您依据以下建议行驶,您的行驶应该在我们目前的监管准则内。 平马达的平均输出功率不超过200瓦最快速度不可超过15英里每小时必须有功能踏板。 使用目前允许的油门装置。 weight must not be more than 40 kg unless a tandem or tricycle. 重量不得超过40公斤,除非是双人或三轮车。车手的年龄必须年满14岁。(对不起孩子,你的时间会来的)原文二:1. What is the range of an electric bike?The range of a fully charged battery v

21、aries. It is usually between 12 to 30 miles with gentle pedalling. The Voltage and Capacity (measured in Amp Hours) give an indication of the range. Motors with a higher nominal power rating may offer more hill climbing ability (torque) but will reduce the range.Most of the power is drained when mov

22、ing off and on hills so pedalling at these points will preserve the power.Distance varies with the weight and size of the rider and the terrain encountered:Smooth, Clean, and Dry Pavement Excellent RangeRough Pavement, Gravel, and Packed Dirt Reduced RangeGrass and Loose Dirt Greatly Reduced Range.M

23、ud Might as well walk.Snow Get off the bike, and go home :-)If you have specific requirements it is best to talk to us and get some advice before spending your hard earned cash.2. How fast will it go?To gain exemption from road tax, road insurance, MOT tests, vehicle registration, the requirement of

24、 a driving licence and wearing a motorcycle helmet the speed under power is restricted to 15 miles per hour. They can of course be cycled beyond this speed.To go faster requires more power, so a more powerful motor is required to go faster. And motors are “wound” or designed to operate at a specific

25、 speed. For example, a motor that is intended for a 20” wheel must turn much faster than a motor intended for a 26” wheel to achieve the 15 mph UK limit.Because of this, just being powerful is not enough to gain higher speed. It is possible to have a powerful motor that will not turn any faster - li

26、miting speed.A 160 watt motor intended for a 50 kg office lady in Shanghai who cannot go faster (by law) than 12 mph is not going to help a 90 kg European go 15 MPH. Most electric bike motors are, in fact, designed for places where people are smaller and bikes are limited in speed.Like people as bat

27、teries age, their performance decreases. (Actually, in the first 25 or so charge / discharge cycles, many batteries get better, and then start a gradual decline).If the battery has been poorly treated such as heavy use (deep discharge cycles, non pedal assisted starts), the wrong charger, stored in

28、a hot damp place, exposed to excessive cold, then the performance will suffer.3. Do I need to pedal?Strictly speaking when on the road the law requires you to pedal with the power assisting your pedalling (PAS), however on most models you have a throttle which can be used without pedalling or in con

29、junction with the pedals.Hills slow you down so you need to pedal to maintain speed, although bikes designed for hill climbing are improving all the time.4. What are the running costs?Other than charging the batteries at a cost of approximately 7 pence per full charge there are no other significant

30、running costs. You should carry out basic maintenance as you would with a normal pedal cycle, however the electronic parts of the bikes are designed to be trouble and maintenance free.5. How can I tell a good electric bike from a bad electric Bike?Clicking here will take you to our buying guide!6. D

31、oes the battery recharge when I pedal?We are asked this question by almost every customer. The answer that applies to most electric bicycles is no but you do preserve the battery power by pedalling! There are a few exceptions using re-gen for braking but this technology adds weight, more expensive c

32、omponents, and the benefit is pretty negligible considering bike stopping distances and the power lost in the system.Re-gen is slang for “Regenerative”. Some motors (direct drive) can generate electricity when the rider propels the bike by pedalling, or while when going down hill or braking.A motor

33、and a generator are actually the same thing. If you turn a motor shaft, you will generate electricity. If you energized a generator you would get a motor.So on an electric bike that does not have a planetary transmission, or a free-wheel between the motor and the hub, and has a controller that will

34、allow the motor to become a generator you can have re-gen.Re-gen, however, is not as useful as it sounds. To recharge the bike while riding requires you to ride a long way against the resistance of the motor. You must create more work (due to efficiency losses) to recharge the battery than the work

35、that the energy in the battery can do through the motor. (Awkward to explain.) Basically, you have to work harder to charge the battery enough to propel the bike 10 miles than it would have taken you to ride 10 miles by yourself.So for most purposes, Re-gen captures a small, very small, amount of ex

36、tra range. Maybe 50 meters in a 20 mile ride.7. Are there any UK laws I need to be aware of?The UK law differs slightly from the EU law and hence there is some confusion but if you adhere to the following you should be acting within our current regulatory guidelines. average continuous motor power o

37、utput no more than 200 watts maximum speed under power 15 mph. must have functioning pedals. the use of a throttle is currently allowed. weight must not be more than 40 kg unless a tandem or tricycle. riders age must be at least 14 years of age. (sorry kids, your time will come)原文选自:(http:/www.electricbikesales.co.uk/info/faqs/)


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