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1、1,复习课,2,Unit 1,3,spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,心烦意乱的不理睬,忽视关心,挂念完全地安家,定居,解决遭受痊愈确实如此,正是一系列青少年在户外,在野外adv.,upsetignorebe concerned aboutentirelysettlesufferrecoverexactlya series of teenageroutdoors,4,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),concernupsetoutdoorssettle v.Germany德国powerentire,concernedupset-upset adj.upset

2、adj.outdoor n.settlementGerman德国的/德国人powerfulentirely,5,单选知识点,把加起来让某事被做be concerned about be concerned withWhile walking the dog,you were careless.,add up add up to 20总计20 add to 增添have/get my car repaired关心 与有关状语从句与主句主语一致时,从句中的主语和系动词可以省略。If invited,I will go there.,6,should have donego through强调句型故

3、意in order to/so as to区别,本应该做(却没有做)经历,经受 从头到尾读一遍 仔细查找 the pocketIt isthat/who/做题方法:还原,去掉强调句型,句子仍然成立。on purpose 反义 by accidentso as to 不能放句首为了不被抓 in order not to be caught,7,too much/much too区别句型:某人第几次做某事 考点:句型里的时态句型:做某事是没有乐趣的fall in love be in love,too much light 名词 much too busy 形容词This is the first

4、 time that I have doneThat was the first time that I had doneIts no pleasure doing sth.Its no use doing sth.Its no good doing sth.瞬间状态,8,have trouble/difficulty(in)doing sth几个加入的区别 join join in attend重点短语 对厌倦 不再 装箱,打包 患病 与相处的好,The trouble that he had _ the experiment upset him.join 加入组织,团体 join in 加

5、入活动 join sb in sth attend 出席正式的场合be/get tired ofno longer/not any longerpack upsuffer from illnessesget along well with,doing,9,写作:建议信,三段式第一段Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble in.,however,the situation is easy to change if you could take my advice.第二段To begin with,why not.That way,Secondly

6、/Besides,youd better.If you do this,Finally/Last but not least,it would be a good idea if.By doing this,第三段I hope you will find these ideas useful/,10,Unit 2,11,spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,电梯官方的航海,航行公寓事实上,实际上逐渐的词汇流利的频繁的命令请求,要求辨认出,公认直接,挺直,elevatorofficialvoyageapartmentactuallygradual graduallyvoc

7、abularyfluentfrequentcommandrequestrecognizestraight,12,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),gradualfluentfrequentactualeastnortheastAfricastraight,+ly adv.eastern northeasternAfricanadv.straight,13,单选知识点,more than用法because/because of,More than one kind of English is spoken around the world.more than my teachermor

8、e than happyno more thannot more than,14,单选知识点,at the end of by the end of in the endcome up come out come about come on come up with,在末期 截止到 完成时 最终走近,走上来 被提出 出版 发生 加油,快点 想出,15,单选知识点,以为基础利用后者such as/for example,be based onmake use of Natural resources should be made good use _(develop)economy.the la

9、tter,16,单选知识点,commandrequest,command sb to docommand that sb should do sthhave a good command of Englishrequest sb to do request that sb should do sth,17,单选知识点,没有这样扮演重要角色recognize,there is no such thing asplay an important part in recognize sb/sth be recognized as被公认为,18,Unit 3,19,Spelling 动词注意时态,名词


11、n.organizationbent-bentboiling boiled,21,单选知识点,insistpersuade/try to persuadegive in/give up/give away/outcare about/care forsince时态,insist on doing+从句:坚持要求 should do 坚持认为 时态正常He has worked here since he graduated,22,prefer 用法,在大学毕业之后穿着羊毛衣服的孩子们景色辨析fun,after graduation after graduating from collegech

12、ildren dressed in long wool coatsview,sight,scenery,scene不可数!It was great fun to.What fun it is,prefer sth to sth doing to doing to do rather than do,23,本单元语法 现在进行时表将来,趋向性动词 come,go,arrive,leave,take,stay,moveWhen are you leaving?Where are you staying?I am taking Jane with me.,24,Unit 4,25,Spelling

13、动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,废墟极度的损害,伤害破坏,毁坏营救,援救掩蔽,避身所祝贺真诚的表达灾难,ruinextremeinjuredestroyrescuesheltercongratulationsincereexpressdisaster,26,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),burstsuffer 名词injureshockfrightentrapdigburydestroyuseshakeextreme,burst-burstsufferinginjuredshocking/shockedfrightening/frightenedtrapped-tra

14、ppeddug-dugburied-burieddestroyed-destroyeduselessshook-shakenextremely,27,单选知识点,rise raise区别tooto 句式部分否定burst 用法,不及物,及物can never be too careful to doonly too happy to see younot+all/both/everyburst into tears=burst out cryingburst into laughter=burst out laughing,28,the poor the rich the young the

15、old the dead祝贺你!在某一天的介词express,the+adj.代表一类人 areCongratulations!congratulations to sb on sth.congratulate sb on sthon that dayexpress your thanks to oneself well,29,本单元语法:定语从句,务必看笔记!看错题!,30,Unit 5,31,Spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,质量,品质慷慨大方的献身,专注于和平的进攻,攻击暴力相等的教育报酬,奖金意见,看法,主张逃离,qualitygenerousdevotep

16、eacefulattackviolenceequaleducaterewardopinionescape,32,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),selfishdevotefoundbegcruelpeaceeducate,selflessselflesslydevotedfoundedbeggedcrueltypeacefuleducated education,33,单选,devote用法only修饰状语,句子部分倒装turn/go to sb for help与定语从句合并考点,devote ones life to doingbe devoted to doingOnly w

17、hen we made mistakes,did we realize that our idea was wrongMandela was the black lawyer,to whom I turned for advice.,34,单选,stage,positionthe first time for the first timecome to power be in powerreward award prize区别,We have reached a stage where we either accept连词/状语I fell in love with her the frist

18、 time I saw her.动作/状态报酬,回报(动词)奖项,奖励(动词,授予)奖品,奖金win first prize,35,单选,lose heartdo对动词进行强调be sentenced to 5 years in prisonescape+doing from splbe generous with sth to sb,失去信心,别乱加They did pass their exams.,36,Unit 1,37,spelling 动词注意时态,名词注意单复数,还须注意词性,贵重的幸免;幸存;生还使吃惊挑选,选择设计,图案奇特的;异样的装饰;装修移动;搬开怀疑;疑惑值得的证据爆

19、炸入口争论,辩论,valuablesurviveamazeselectdesignfancydecorateremovedoubtworthevidenceexplodeentrancedebate,38,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),surviveamazedecoratevaluablesinkformal反义,survival survivoramazing/amazeddecoratedvaluesank-sunkinformal,39,单选知识点,冠词search 名词 动词表对过去推测,the Ming Dynasty不可数名词 evidence furniture

20、informationin search of search spl.for sthmight have done could have done(否,疑)must have done should have done need have done,40,单选知识点,后置定语 decoratefancy 形容词 动词句型 花某人时间去做belong to没有被动语态,没有进行时态,It is also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels.in the fancy stylefancy meeting you hereIt took sb 3 ye

21、ars to doI wish for a pure love belonging to me.,41,单选知识点,in return(for sth)light lit-lit miss丢毫无疑问的是我怀疑/我不怀疑worth/worthy,作定语 a lighted cigaretteThe key is missing无被动语态There is no doubt that I doubt whether/if I dont doubt thatThe book is worth reading.The book is worthy of being read The book is wo

22、rthy to be read.,42,单选知识点,remain重中之重prove,系动词a mystery standing here unfinishedopento be seen拭目以待不及物动词=stay形容词 the remaining money名词 remains动词 证明系动词 证明是+adj/n,43,单选知识点,rather than大楼的入口do with deal with,而不是(连词)would rather do than do the entrance to the buildingWhatHow,44,Unit 2,45,Spelling 动词注意时态,名词

23、注意单复数,还须注意词性,比赛,竞争规则的,定期的容许;承认;接纳体育场责任代替;取代收费,控诉物理的,身体的做广告,登广告讨价还价应受,competeregularadmitstadiumresponsibilityreplacechargephysicaladvertisebargaindeserve,46,词形变化-可一空多词(被动,完成时,搭配),competeregularadmitresponsibilityGreece,competition competitorregularlyadmitted admissionresponsibleGreek,47,单选知识点,take p

24、art in/join in join join sb inI lived in what you call ancient Greece.admit,the place whichbe admitted asbe admitted toadmit two adultsadmit doing sth,48,单选知识点,as well as together with和;也as well放在句尾not onlybut also主谓一致 就近部分倒装,连接两个名词作主语谓语动词和前一致=tooNot only the teacher but also the students are fond o

25、f the musicNot only was he devoted to his work,but also he was devoted to family,49,单选知识点,部分倒装 也是如此否定意义副词句首hardly,rarely,scarcely,little,few,never,seldomasas同级比较I have as ugly a bike as yours.,So do/does/did/am/was/were Inor/neither do.I Little did I know about him这既是你的过错,也是你妻子的过错。It is as much your

26、 fault as your wifes.他让尽可能多的人来帮他。She asked as many people as she could to help her.,50,单选知识点,replacewhile然而,表对比in charge of in the charge of allow,has been replacedtake ones placetake the place of sb人作主语 物作主语allow doing sb to do be allowed to do,51,单选知识点,marry用法及物动词make a bargain with sb over/on/abo

27、ut sthpick up,marry sb be/get married toThey have been married for 5 years.pick up a coin pick me up pick up some Japanese Things will pick up soon.,52,单选知识点,deserve三个需要,一个应受apart from doing,deserve doing=deserve to be doneneed,want,require=besides doing sth,53,三个单元涉及的语法,定语从句 介词+关系代词 关系代词关系副词区别非限制性定语从句被动语态be done关注时态,一致,54,作文,见题篇,


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