1、电子垃圾污染防治立法问题研究 电子垃圾污染防治立法问题研究 A Study on Legal Issues of Electronic Wastes Management 【中文摘要】 我国从上世纪八十年代开始大面积地使用家用电器,电子产品广泛应用到各个领域。经过二三十年的积累,这些电子产品已经纷纷“退役”,变成电子废物。这些报废的电子产品中有着数百种的有用材料,正如专家所言,“没有垃圾,只有放错地方的资源”,如果对其加以合理地回收处置和循环利用,使废旧资源再生利用形成一个产业,则再生资源有可能成为解决我国目前能源困境的一种有效途径。但电子废物除了资源性之外,更具有污染环境的潜在性。比如电视、
4、持“三化”原则、公众参与原则;确立生产者责任延伸制度、责任分担制度、促进回收企业产业化的制度等。文章从立法的角度提出若干参考性建议和对策,并认为,对电子垃圾污染防治法律制度的完善,应注重其作为一个新问题所具有的不确定性和复杂性,应当综合考虑环境、经济、社会和科技等多方面的因素,这样的法律制度构建才是完善的,同时也是最具实效的。【英文摘要】 With the reformation and opening of China,our economy has been growing rapidly and life standard rising continuously.At the same
5、time, China has become one of the largest nations of producing and consuming of the electronic products.They have been widely used in many fields.In 20 or 30 years,they will finish their duties and become electronic wastes, these e-wastes will compose a great threat to our country,society,and especi
6、ally the environment.There are hundreds of valuable materials in the discarded appliance.As the experts say,we have no wastes,only resources dislocated.If we recycle and reuse them correctly,regenerated resources may become an effective way to the straits of energy of our country.But the e-wastes al
7、so contain many harmful ingredients.For example,TV,computers and mobiles have large amount of toxic materials, such as zinc,mercury,and PBDE,tin solder on the CRT has lots of harmful substances.Among the 700 chemical materials from which a computer is made,more than 50%are injurious to our bodies.Th
8、e CRT of TV and computers has much zinc,which could pollute the source of water once goes into the soil,and eventually,it would endanger human,animals and plants.So,the double property of e-waste required legislation on this side to restrain the pollution and turn the wastes into resources.The objec
9、tive of the paper is to present a legal approach to solve the problem of the e-waste pollution.For this,the paper first states the situation of the e-waste pollution in our country,and the reason and danger of it.Second,reviews related laws in developed countries and districts,such as WEEE,ROSH and
10、EUP of EU,and laws of the USA and Japan.Third,the paper analyses the condition and defects of the e-waste legislation of our country.This part contains Management Rules on Prevention of Pollution of Electronic and Information Products,and Management Regulations on Recycling and Reusing of Wasted Ele
11、ctronic Equipment.Last,the thesis puts forward suggestions on e-waste legislation based on foreign experiences and our own situation.That includes the guiding idea of circular economy and extended producer responsibility,and so on.In addition,some legal suggestions which are suitable for China are p
12、roposed in the paper.It also states that it should be noted that establishing a good legal framework for prevention of e-waste pollution can be involved with complexity and uncertainty.To do this,a number of factors,such as economy,science,technology,and natural environment shall be considered as a
13、whole. 【中文关键词】 电子垃圾; 回收利用; 循环经济; 生产者责任延伸制度 【英文关键词】 electronic waste; recycle and reuse; circular economy; extended producer responsibility 【论文目录】摘要 6-8 Abstract 8-9 引言 12-14 1.我国电子垃圾污染问题解析 14-22 1.1 电子垃圾污染概况 14-15 1.2 电子垃圾产生原因 15-18 1.2.1 政府监管和立法上存在缺陷 15-16 1.2.2 国外电子废物大量输入我国 16-17 1.2.3 电子垃圾回收利用体系不
14、完善 17-18 1.3 电子垃圾的不利影响 18-22 1.3.1 环境污染严重 18-19 1.3.2 资源浪费严重 19-20 1.3.3 对国际贸易的影响 20-22 2.国际、发达国家和地区电子垃圾立法 22-31 2.1 国际公约 22-25 2.1.1 控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约 22-23 2.1.2 巴塞尔禁令修正案 23 2.1.3 公约存在的不足 23-25 2.2 发达国家和地区立法 25-29 2.2.1 美国 25-26 2.2.2 日本 26 2.2.3 欧盟 26-28 2.2.4 其他国家 28-29 2.3 小结 29-31 3.我国电子垃圾防治
15、相关立法 31-38 3.1 立法现状 31-34 3.1.1 固体废物污染环境防治法 31-32 3.1.2 电子信息产品污染防治管理办法 32 3.1.3 废旧家用电器及电子产品回收利用管理条例 32-33 3.1.4 废弃家电与电子产品污染防治技术政策 33-34 3.2 立法的不足 34-38 3.2.1 法律体系不完善 34-35 3.2.2 立法原则不明确 35 3.2.3 对象范围不够广泛 35-36 3.2.4 制造商的权利义务不明确 36 3.2.5 回收处理行业缺乏法律规制 36-38 4.我国电子垃圾立法的完善 38-51 4.1 完善立法的意义 38-40 4.1.1 减少对环境的污染 38 4.1.2 实现资源的综合利用 38-39 4.1.3 提高社会经济效益 39 4.1.4 抵制”非关税壁垒” 39-40 4.2 完善立法的建议 40-51 4.2.1 立法的指导思想 40-41 4.2.2 立法的基本原则 41-43 4.2.3 构建完善的法律体系 43-51 结语 51-52 参考文献 52-55 致谢 55-56 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 56