1、外研版英语三年级上册第三单元全部课件,外研版英语三年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 3Unit 1 Point to the door.,第一课时,girl,name,what,your,whats,boy,you,please,boys,girls,Good afternoon,Your name,please?,Dora,Boots,Whats your name?Im,point 指,to 向,point to指向,stand 站,up 向上,stand up起立,sit 坐,down 向下,sit down坐下,door,window,blackboard,bird,down
2、,stand,up,please,to,bird,sit,blackboard,point,door,stand,window,rule,老师单击鼠标,会出现一个单词,看哪组同学先读出来。先读出来的同学,用鼠标单击相应的球,足球射门成功,则可累积加一分。(点击此处文档消失),猜谜语四四方方一间房,只有桌椅没有床,白天读书声朗朗,夜里无人静悄悄。,classroom,Point to the door.,Point to the blackboard.,Point to the window.,hello,hi,you,I,Golden Finger,Point to“hello”!,Point
3、 to“hi”!,Point to“you”!,Point to“I”!,Listen and chant.,Point to the door.,Point to the window.,Point to the blackboard.,Point to the bird.,Stand up,please.,Please sit down.,命令和反命令,Good morning,boys and girls.,Good morning,Ms Smart.,Sit down,please.,Please stand up,Lingling.,Point to the door.,Point
4、to the window.,Point to the blackboard.,Ooh!Hello,bird.Whats your name?,Tweet,tweet.,Hello,Tweet-tweet.Ha ha,Listen,point and find“Point to”,Good morning,boys and girls.,Good morning,Ms Smart.,Sit down,please.,Please stand up,Lingling.,Point to the door.,Point to the window.,Point to the blackboard.
5、,Ooh!Hello,bird.Whats your name?,Tweet,tweet.,Hello,Tweet-tweet.Ha ha,Try to say.,Good morning,boys and girls.,_,Ms Smart.,_,please.,Good morning,Sit down,Please _,Lingling.,_ the door.,stand up,Point to,_the window.,_ the blackboard.,Point to,Point to,Ooh!Hello,bird._?,Tweet,tweet.,Hello,Tweet-twee
6、t.Ha ha,Whats your name,根据图片选单词。,()1.Point to the _.A.door B.window()2.Point to the _.A.door B.window,A,B,Try to do.,()3.Point to the _.A.blackboard B.bird()4.Point to the _.A.blackboard B.bird,B,A,What have you learnt?,祈使句:表示建议、命令、请求等。Sit down,please!Please stand up!Point to the door/window/blackbo
7、ard/bird!,Sum up.,1.听Listen,point and find“Point to.”并表演。2.请家长指出物品,来练习“Point to”。3.在生活中学做一个爱护动物的小卫士。,Homework,第二课时,Lets chant.,抢答 Which is missing?,the blackboard,the bird,抢答 Which is missing?,the door,抢答 Which is missing?,the window,抢答 Which is missing?,Stand up!,Sit down!,Point to the desk!,Point
8、to the chair!,Point to the bird!,Point to the blackboard!,运气球,以组为单位,从每组选一位同学,这两位同学边用手托气球走路边用“Point to”句型造句,气球掉下之前说的最多者为优胜者。,Point to the door.,Point to the window.,Listen and say.,听指令,做动作。,A:Stand up,please.B(stands up)A:Sit down,please.B(sits down)A:Point to B(points to),Practise.,巧嘴大联盟,全班分成A,B两大组,
9、一组发指令Point to,另一组快速转换成points to,一、连一连。,Point to the door.Point to the bird.Sit down.Point to the window.Stand up.,Try to do.,二、我爱唱歌,请把音符换成歌词。,Please up.Please sit down.to the window and point to the door.Please stand up.sit down.Point to the blackboard and point to the door.Please stand.Please sit d
10、own.Point to the and point to the door.,A.Please B.up C.blackboard D.Point E.stand,E,D,A,B,C,Point to points toSit down,please.sits down.Stand up!stands up.,Sum up.,1.新单词要求会听,会读,会说。2.根据Practise部分,自己和同桌互相提问,模仿表演。,Homework,外研版英语三年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 3Unit 2 Point to the desk.,第一课时,Lets chant.,window,
11、blackboard,bird,point,window,door,chair,我会变魔术。,desk,Tweet-tweet.,听单词 抢拍图片,指图片 抢说单词,Point to the,Point to the,Point to the,Point to the,Point to the,Point to the,剪刀包袱锤,同桌两人剪刀包袱锤,赢的一名学生指教室里一样物体,另一名同学用“Point to”表达。,Point to the window!,Point to the door!,Point to the desk!,Point to the chair!,Listen,po
12、int and say.,Try to say.,_ the window!,_ the door!,Point to the _!,Point to the _!,Point to,Point to,desk,chair,Point to the blackboard.,Point to the chair.,Point to the desk.,Point to the window.,Hello,Tweet-tweet.Point to the blackboard.,Point to the chair.,Point to the desk.,Point to the window.,
13、Bye-bye.Tweet-tweet.,Listen and say.,Try to say.,Hello,Tweet-tweet._the blackboard!,Point to_.,_ the desk.,Point to _.,Bye-bye.Tweet-tweet.,Point to,the chair,Point to,the window,连词成句。,1.the,Point,door,the(.)_2.please,up,Stand(.)_3.chair,the,to,Point(.)_,Point to the door.,Stand up please.,Point to
14、the chair.,Try to do.,What have you learnt?,词汇:window door blackboard bird chair desk tweet-tweet句型:Point to the,Sum up.,1.和家长一起画一画今天学到的新单词所表示的物品。并将单词标注在旁边。2.请家长出示制作好的单词卡片,在家用“Point to”造句。,Homework,第二课时,听指令 拍图片,指图片 说指令,Listen and circle.,Listen and say.Then sing and do the actions.,PLEASE STAND UP,P
15、lease stand up.Please sit down.Point to the window and point to the door.Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the blackboard and point to the door.Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the desk and point to the door.,男生唱歌曲 女生做动作,PLEASE STAND UP,Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the win
16、dow and point to the door.Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the blackboard and point to the door.Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the desk and point to the door.,女生唱歌曲 男生做动作,PLEASE STAND UP,Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the window and point to the door.Please stand up.Pleas
17、e sit down.Point to the blackboard and point to the door.Please stand up.Please sit down.Point to the desk and point to the door.,chair,Play the game.Look and do.,Point to the blackboard.,Say and do.,Uncle Sam 它源自1812-1914年间美英战争时期的一个历史传说。相传在纽约州的特洛伊城(Troy)有位年长的肉类加工商,名叫山缪尔威尔逊(Samuel Wilson)。他勤劳、诚实、能干,
18、很有威信,人们亲切地叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。他也是一位爱国者,与父兄曾参加过美国独立战争。在1812年的美英战争,他的工厂与政府签订了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的,知识之窗,合同,美国政府每当收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉,就将肉装入特制的木桶,并在桶上盖上US的记号。由于Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美国(The United States)的缩写也是US,于是人们便把这两个名称合二为一了。当地的人们就把“山姆大叔”当成美国的绰号,并逐渐流传开来。,知识之窗,情景选择。,()1.你想表达“指向窗户”,应该说:_ A.The blackboard.B.Point to the
19、 blackboard.C.Point to the window.()2.玲玲回答问题后,老师应该对她说:_ A.Good morning,Lingling.B.Stand up,please.C.Sit down,please.,C,C,Try to do.,()3.上课了,班长应该说:_ A.Point to the“hello”!B.Stand up,please.C.Sit down,please.()4.老师让玲玲指向黑板,应该说:_ A.Point to the door.B.Point to the blackboard.C.Point to the window.,B,B,What have you learnt?,词汇:window door blackboard bird chair desk tweet-tweet句型:Point to the Stand up.Sit down.,Sum up.,1.听Listen and say录音,并唱Please stand up歌。2.准备图片,家长快速抽出一张图片,学生尽快说出“Point to”句子。,Homework,