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1、1,Module 7 Summer in Los AngelesUnit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!,Work in pairs.,Look at the photos in Activity 2 and say what you can see.,course Disneyland family Hollywood shopping,Read the passage and choose the best answer.,The passage is _.a guide to Los Angele

2、s information about English courses a story of life in Los Angeles a newspaper story about language courses,b,Every paragraph has a main idea.Match the headings with the paragraphs.a Teachingb Free timec Places to stayd More informatione Study English with us,Para 5,Para 4,Para 3,Para 2,Para 1,1.How

3、 long does the shortest course last?2.How do you check your progress?3.What is the best part of the course?4.When should you pay for the course?,Read the passage and answer the questions.,It lasts for four weeks.,You do/take a test every week.,Staying as a guest with an American family and taking pa

4、rt in their daily life.,At least one month before it starts.,Careful reading to get some detail information,Paragraph 1Ask and answer,1.What can we offer you?2.What can you learn in Los Angeles?,We can offer you great summer English courses.,We can learn about American culture and improve our Englis

5、h at the same time.,Paragraph 2,4/6/8 weeks,at the end of July,well-trained and have a lot of experience,four hours a day,Work in small or large groups,provide books and set tests every week to check your progress,Retell the paragraph,Paragraph 3 T or F,Students live with American families to experi

6、ence life there.2.You must have meals in restaurants.3.You cant take part in the daily life of American family because they live in their own private world.4.The best part for students is to learn English.5.Many families form close friendships with the students.6.You cant stay in a hotel because we

7、have paid the family for the homestay.,T,F,F,F,T,F,There are many exciting things _(do)in Los Angeles.We plan activities every day after class.We can choose to _ Hollywood,Disneyland or San Francisco or you can also _.You are _ to get the best possible experience of _ and _ in the US.You must _your

8、course _one month before it starts.Please _our form and come to learn English in LA.,Paragraph 4,5 and complete,to do,take trips to,go shopping,certain,English learning,life,pay for,at least,fill out,11,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.,certain cultu

9、re depend on fill out friendshipguest progress provide technology test,certain,culture,friendship,guest,depends on,provides,technology,tests,progress,fill out,1.给某人提供某物2.了解3.同时 4.持续5.训练有素6.依靠7.设置考试8.为某人供应某物9.在取得很大进步10.除了之外 11.参加12.建立亲密的友谊13.与某人保持联系14.如果你喜欢的话15.确定做某事 16.至少 17.填写,offer sb sthlearn abo

10、utat the same timelast forwell traineddepend onset testsprovide sth for sbmake great progress in/withas well astake part inform close friendships withstay in touch withif you preferbe certain to doat leastfill out,1.Many people like this film._I dont like it.A.and B.or C.but D.so2.How many of you wi

11、ll _ the English competition next week?A.take part B.attend C.take part in D.join in,Exercise,一、单项选择题。,C,C,3.I am making a _of things for my shopping.A.lists B.list C.last D.lasts4.William will learn swimming,no matter how much it _.A.costs B.takes C.pays D.spends5.Please _ the application form.A.ch

12、eck out B.call in C.fill out D.call out,B,A,C,6.The boy is often late for school _ he doesnt care about it A.and B.but C.so D.or7.I looked for my pet dog everywhere,_I didnt find it.A.so B.or C.but D.and8.Be honest,_ you will lose your friends.A.and B.or C.but D.so,B,C,B,9.Please wear your sunglasse

13、s,_ the sunlight will hurt your eyes.A.or B.and C.soD.but10.The kind man _the poor boy food and clothes.A.give B.offered C.provided D.took,A,B,1.The c_ of the classroom should encourage children to be active.2.You should f_ out this form.3.Steve really values your f_ more than anything else.4.They w

14、orked hard to_(供 应)food for their large family.,二、根据句意和汉语或首字母提示写单词。,ulture,ill,riendship,provide,5.Id like to borrow a book on computer _(科技).6.There will be an English _(测验)tomorrow.7.He has made great _(进步)in English.,technology,test,progress,并列复合句3.并列连词前后简单句之间的关系。(1)并列关系。如:They are watching TV,an

15、d the others are listening to the radio.(2)选择关系。如:The children can go with us,or they can stay at home.,Grammar,(3)转折关系。如:She was tired,but she did not stop working.,4.使用并列复合句要注意的几种情况。(1)并列复合句有时可不用连词,而用分号隔开(前后句之间的关系须相当紧密)。如:We fished all day;we did not catch a single fish.,(2)并列连词后的简单句如果与其前的简单句有相同的部

16、分,则相同的部分常可省略。如:Snoopy lives in his own world and(Snoopy)finds real life hard to understand.,teachingwhere to stay and what to eatwhat to see and what to dowhy students will enjoy the course,Think about a course for foreign students learning Chinese in your town or city.Make notes on:,Now write about

17、 the course.,Describe the language course.Classes last for four hours a day.The teachersSay where the students live.Students live either or,Say what other activities the students can do.There are many things to do in.For example,Say why the students will enjoy themselves learning Chinese.All our stu

18、dents have a wonderful time learning Chinese in.,并列复合句 重点短语at the same time last fordepend on form a friendship with sb.stay in touch with sb.fill out,本课小结,1.We passed the English test _ the same time.A.at B.on C.for D.in2.I cant decide whether to go mountain climbing.It depends _ the weather.A.for

19、B.with C.at D.on,A,D,练一练,3.We form a close _ with each other at last.culture B.test C.form D.friendship4.Please _ out the form before you stay in the hotel.fill B.depend C.last D.prefer,A,D,中考链接,1.Bring these flowers into a warm room _ they will soon open.【2013山东泰安】A.or B.and C.but D.for 2.Claude di

20、dnt do much homework,_ he still passed the exam.【2013山东日照】A.for B.or C.and D.but,B,D,3.Dont meet a“Internal friend”alone,_ something dangerous may happen to you.【2013山东青岛】A.but B.and C.or D.yet 4.David,get up early,_ youll catch the early bus.【2013徐州】A.but B.and C.after D.or,C,B,如果让你去洛杉矶学习英语,你将做哪些事情。,Homework,Thank you!,


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