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1、网络游戏虚拟财产的界定及民法保护 网络游戏虚拟财产的界定及民法保护 Definition of Virtual Property in Online Games and Its Civil Law Protection 【摘要】 网络虚拟财产是当今网络游戏产业迅猛发展的产物。它具有财产的一般属性,但在其存在和功用等方面又具有不同于一般财产的特点。随着互联网经济的发展,由网络游戏引发的纠纷将越来越多,而此类纠纷又多以“虚拟财产”为争论点。本文分四个部分来分析虚拟财产的法律保护问题。笔者着眼于我国日益增多的虚拟财产纠纷,力图从学理层面、制度层面分析保护网络虚拟财产的价值导向、制度设计、终极目标等各



4、易市场对网络虚拟财产价值、价格的决定作用,并提出根据纠纷性质确定网络虚拟财产价值的四种方式。【Abstract】 The network virtual property is the outcome of the speedy development in network game industry. It has the general characteristics of property, and it has own characteristics which is different from the general characteristics of property. Alo

5、ng with the development of the internet economy, the disputes that are caused from the network game will be more and more. And the most of this kind of disputes are surrounding the” network virtual property “. This dissertation has four Parts. It sets out form the porgressive entanglements, tries to

6、 analyze the significance of protecting the network virtual propertys value orientation. Institutional design and ultimate objective from both theory and system layers, puts forward concrete methods and legislative design in order to find the most efective resolution in both theoretical and practica

7、l aspects.In the first part of this dissertation, it starts with the basic definition, concludes its essential charac- teristics, such as virtual quality, valuable quality and soon.In the second part, there are many disputes among scholars on the question of property attribute. On the question of pr

8、operty attribute, a majority of scholars hold affirmative opinions about the property attribute of network virtual property, only few scholars hold negative opinions. Through the analysis on the forming of property concept, the development of property form and the analysis of basal attribute of prop

9、erty , so network virtual property belongs to property, it should be protected by law.In the third part, it epmhasizes the research of the legal character of the virtual proerty. On the question of legal attribute, there are several options in cluding theory of intellectual property, theory of prope

10、rty right, theory of obligatory right. Though the analysis of above opinions, this dissertation points out that the essential attribute of network virtual property is quasi-real right.In the end, the paper suggests that certain laws should be made to protect the virtual property in online games. thi

11、s dissertationa nalysis the network virtual property relationship between game consumers and game dealers and points out their legal relationship on property right and obligatory right based on network virtual property, then enumerates and analyzes the respective rights and duties of game consumers

12、and game dealer. On the issue of the value of network virtual property, this dissertation claim that the determining of value of network virtual property should be based on adequate analysis of diversified cases, adequately consider officially fixed price of network games and the determinative ficti

13、on of network fictitious property dealing market, then this dissertation brings forward four fashions to determine value of network virtual property according to the attribute of issue. 【关键词】 网络游戏; 虚拟财产; 物权; 债权; 知识产权 【Key words】 online games; virtual property; property right; obligatory right; intel

14、lectual property 网络游戏虚拟财产的界定及民法保护摘要 2-4 ABSTRACT 4-5 引言 8-9 第一章 网络游戏虚拟财产的概述 9-15 第一节 网络游戏虚拟财产的概念 10 第二节 网络游戏虚拟财产的特征 10-15 一、网络游戏虚拟财产的虚拟性 10-11 二、网络游戏虚拟财产的期限性 11 三、网络游戏虚拟财产的稀缺性 11-12 四、网络游戏虚拟财产的价值性 12-13 五、网络游戏虚拟财产的可交易性 13 六、网络游戏虚拟财产的合法性 13-15 第二章 网络游戏虚拟财产的财产属性 15-19 第一节 财产的概念及属性 15-17 第二节 网络游戏虚拟财产属于

15、法律意义上的财产 17-19 第三章 网络游戏虚拟财产权利的法律属性 19-29 第一节 网络游戏虚拟财产权利各种学说的论述及评析 19-25 一、知识产权说及其评析 19-21 二、债权说及其评析 21-23 三、物权论及其评析 23-25 第二节 网络游戏虚拟财产权属于准物权 25-29 第四章 网络游戏虚拟财产的民法保护 29-48 第一节 网络游戏虚拟财产急需民法保护 29-31 一、因虚拟财产被盗引发游戏参与者之间或与运营商之间的纠纷 29 二、因虚拟财产的自发交易引起的游戏参与者之间的纠纷 29-30 三、游戏运营商终止运营引起虚拟财产游戏参与者与运营商的纠纷 30 四、运营系统存在问题损害虚拟财产引起游戏参与者与运营商的纠纷 30 五、因使用外挂而被封号引起的游戏参与者与运营商之间的纠纷 30-31 第二节 网络游戏虚拟财产民法保护 31-48 一、明确游戏运营商与游戏参与者之间的权利和义务 31-36 二、网络游戏虚拟财产侵权责任的设置 36-39 三、游戏参与者与游戏运营商之间纠纷的解决 39-43 四、游戏参与者与游戏参与者之间纠纷的解决 43-44 五、网络游戏虚拟财产的价值确定 44-48 结语 48-49 参考资料 49-54 后记 54-55


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