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1、中英文出生公证书中英文出生公证书 篇一: 出生公证书(英文模板) 出 生 公 证 书 (201X)浙开证外字第*号 兹证明*,女,于*年*月*日在浙江省*县出生。*的父亲是*,*的母亲是*。 中华人民共和国浙江省*县公证处 公证员 二一年二月八日 NTARIAL CERTIFICATE F BIRTH (Translatin) (201X) ZKZZ N. * This is t certify that *, female, as brn in * Cunty, Zhejiang Prvince n July 4, 198 9. Her father is * and her mther i

2、s *. Ntary: * Signatry seal) * Cunty Ntary Public ffice Zhejiang Prvince The Peples Republic f China (Seal) February 8, 201X 篇二: 出生公证书中英葡翻译 公 证 书 (201X)咸证字第332号 申请人: 杨燕子,女,一九八九年七月二十四日出生,现住陕西省咸阳市渭城区文林路咸阳师范学院,公民身份号码: 610424198907241121。 公证事项: 出生 兹证明杨燕子,于一九八九年七月二十四日在陕西省乾县出生。杨燕子的父亲是冯军(公民身份号码: 6104241953

3、10251112),杨燕子的母亲是王秀琴(公民身份号码: 610424195905081124)。 中华人民共和国陕西省咸阳市公证处 Ntarial certificate (201X) X.Z.Zi.N.332 Applicant: Yang Yanzi, female, brn n July 24,1989, presently lives Xianyang Nrmal University,enlin Rad,eicheng District, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Prvince. ID Card N.610424198907241121 Issue under

4、 ntarizatin: birth This is t certify that Yang yanzi as brn n July 2 4.1989 in Qian cuntry, Shaanxi prvince. Her father is Fengjun (ID Card N. 610424195310251112) and her mther is ang xiuqin (ID Card N. 610424195905081124). Ntary Public: Li xinfa Xianyang Ntary Public ffice Shaanxi Prvince The Peple

5、s Republic f China February 17, 201X Certificad Ntarial (201X) Xian Certificad Zi N.332 Certific pela presente que Yang Yanzi, d sex feminin, nascida as 24 de julh de 1989, n municipi de Qian, na cidade de Xianyang, prvincia de Shaanxi. Seu pai Fengjun e sua mae ang Xiuqin. Cartri Ntarial Pblic de X

6、ianyang Prvincia de Shaanxi Republica Ppular da China Ntri: Li xinfa 17 de Fevereir, 201X 篇三: 出生公证书中英文样板_15311 出生公证书中英文样板 公证书 兹证明XXX(名字),男(女 性别),于XXXX年XX月XX日在XX省XX市出生。公民身份证号: 公证事项: 出生 XXX(名字)的父亲是XX(名字),公民身份证号: XXX(名字)的母亲是XX(名字),公民身份证号: NTARIAL CERTICICATE Applicant: XXXX(姓名), (性别 male 男/ Female 女) S

7、ubject f Ntarizatin: Birth This is t certify that XXXX(姓名),XXXX(性别 male 男/ Female 女),as brn n XX(月份),XX(日期),XXXX(年)in XXXX(城市名),XXXX(省)。His /Her(她或他)father is XXXX(名字) Citizen ID N.: ,and His /Her(她或他)mther is XXXX。Citizen ID N.: 此公正翻译仅供参考,具体以当地公证处翻译为准!篇四: 出生公证英文版 Ntarial Certificate Chifeng City Nt

8、ary Public ffice f Inner Mnglia Autnmus Regin f The Peples Republic f China Ntarial Certificate (201X) C.Z.Z.N.77 Applicant: 出生人名字, male, bm n 出生日期, ith Identity Card number f 身份证号, n residing at 住址. Ntarizatin matters: Birth This is t certify that出生人名字as bm in 出生地 n 出生日期. The name f 名字s father is 父

9、亲名 (ith Identity Card number f 身份证号码) and the name f 名字s mther is 母亲名 (ith Identity Card number f 身份证号码). Chifeng City Ntary Public ffice Inner Mnglia Autnmus Regin The Peples Republic f China Ntary: 公证人 January 27, 201X Ntarial Certificate (201X) C.Z.Z.N.78 Applicant: 出生人名字, male, bm n 出生日期, ith Id

10、entity Card number f 身份证号, n residing at 住址. Ntarizatin matters: Cnfrmity f translatin ith the riginal text This is t certify that the cntents f the English translatin f the preceding (201X) C.Z.Z.N.77 “NTARIAL CERTIFICATE” are in cnfrmity ith the riginal Chinese ntarial certificate. Chifeng City Nt

11、ary Public ffice Inner Mnglia Autnmus Regin The Peples Republic f China Ntary: 公证人 January 27, 201X篇五: 公证书中英文对照版下载 亲属关系公证书 (如: (201X)湘州乾证字第1174 申请人: XXX男,XXXX年X月X日出生, 身份证号码: 住址: 关系人: XXX,男,XXXX年X月X日出生, 身份证号码: 住址: 公证事项: 亲属关系 兹证明XXX是XXX的儿子。 中华人民共和国 XXXX公证处 公证员: XXX XXXX年X月X日) Ntarial certificate f Kin

12、ship (Fr example:(201X) Xiangzhu 1174 Applicant: XXX, male, as brn n August 5, 1990 ID number: Lcatin: Relatinship: ID number: Lcatin: The ntarizatin matter: kinship Certify that XXX is XXX s sn. Peple s Republic f China Ntary ffice f the Xiangxi Tujia and Mia Autnmus Prefecture Gancheng Ntary: XXX Nvember XX, XXXX)


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