1、Less Yen for Foreign Travel In Aging, Risk-Averse Japan日本:出国旅游者锐减1The phrase hordes of Japanese tourists appears hundreds of times in a Google search.1随便用谷歌搜索引擎进行一次搜索,就会出现成百上千次成群结队的日本游客这个词汇。2Dyspeptic travel commentators, though, have increasingly fewer reasons to kick around the globe-trotting Japa
2、nese. They simply are not globe-trotting as they once did. A long slide in Japanese overseas travel is all but certain.2然而旅游评论员越来越没有理由挑剔到全球各地旅行的日本游客了。因为他们已经不像以前那样到世界各地旅游。日本人出国旅行的数量几乎肯定会经历一个漫长的下滑期。3The primary engine of decades of sustained growth in foreign travel has been the Japanese woman, age 20
3、 to 29. In the past five years, though, she has lost her will to roam.3出国旅行最主要的带动者是日本年龄从20到29岁的女性。但是在过去5年中,这些女性失去了四处旅行的兴趣。4In Japanese travel agents argot, the annual departure ratio of young women in their 20s has fallen from more than 30 percent in the late 1990s to about 23 percent last year. For
4、 young men, it has fallen from 18 percent to about 14 percent.4日本旅行社的数据显示,20多岁女性的离境率已经从上世纪90年代晚期的超过30%减少到去年的大约23%。而就年轻男性来说,有关数据已经从18%下降到了大约14%。5Making these figures more scary for travel agents is the relentless decline in the total number of young people here. For 27 consecutive years, the number o
5、f Japanese children has shrunk.5日本出国旅游人数锐减的一个原因是日本年轻人总数不断减少。日本儿童的数量已经经历了连续27年的缩减。6Demographics alone do not explain why the number of trips abroad by Japanese in their 20s has plummeted in the past decade.6仅凭人口单方面的原因还不能解释20多岁的日本人出国旅行数量在过去10年中大幅下降的原因。7Relying on years of survey data, young Japanese m
6、en and women are getting increasingly risk-averse, comfort-seeking, incurious about foreign lands and loath to strap on a backpack to travel rough.7根据几年来的调查数据,日本年轻人变得越来越畏惧风险和寻求安逸,他们对外国缺乏好奇心并厌恶背着包展开艰苦的旅行。8A major reason for that is the emergence in the past 15 years of a large part-time workforce, wh
7、ich now includes about a third of all employed Japanese. Part-time jobs tend to pay less and offer less generous vacation benefits.8此外,很多年轻人也没有经济能力出国旅行。一个主要原因是在过去15年中出现了一支非全日性工作大军。很多年轻人从事这种工作。非全日性工作工资较低,提供的休假福利也较少。9The rising cost of jet fuel is also squeezing overseas travel. In three years, fuel surcharges have risen more than six-fold on flights to Europe and the United States.9飞机不断上涨的油价也是导致出国旅行减少的原因之一。在3年中,飞往欧洲和美国的航班的燃油附加费增长到了原来的6倍。