八级英语上册 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse全程导学案(无答案)(新版)外研版.doc

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1、Module 5 Lao She Teahouse 学案全程导学 1. 掌握teahouse, main , actress ,offer, show , end, in the end, impossible, no idea, act, common , describe, society, beginning, eduction,college, novel,matter,if , magic. 等重点单词和短语,掌握和理解动词不定式作宾语的用法和双宾语结构。2. 能运用阅读策略获取信息,了解有关老舍生平。能运用所学知识简单介绍文学名人及其代表作品。3. 培养学生热爱我国文人、文学作品的

2、喜爱,提高文学素养,丰富文化知识。 Unit 1 I wanted to see some Beijing Opera. 不看不讲.争当小翻译:1. 昨天晚上 _ 2. 京剧 _ 3. 玩得开心 _ 4.在最后 _ 5. 因而出名 _ 6.待两个小时 _ 7. 不知道 _ 8. 计划做某事 _ 9. 决定做某事 _ 10. 希望做某事 _ 11. the main thing _ 12. offer to do sth _ . 自主探究:带着下面这些问题阅读教材。1. 自学教材附录相关语法部分,动词不定式的构成形式是什么?它的否定形式是怎样变化的?它有哪些特点?后跟不定式作宾语的动词有哪些?2

3、. actress.的汉语意思是什么?和它对应的名词男演员怎么说?类似的这样表示男女相对应关联的名词有哪些?be famous for 和be famous as 用法有什么区别?3. 用offer表示主动做某事,后跟动词时,是用动词不定式还是动名词?4.试读教材中Activity3的对话不会读的单词在下面打“”。试着把整个对话翻译成汉语,不会翻译不理解的在句子下打“?”III. 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示填空补全单词:1.Lao She T_ is very famous in China. 2. They _ ( 提议 ) start at six o clock last night.

4、3. Zhao Wei and Zhang Ziyi are good _ ( 女演员) in China. 4. When I got there in a hurry , the play just _ (结束) . 5. Mr. Liu is very kind and always o _ to help others.6.- Can you tell me where the nearest hospital is ? - Sorry , I have no i_. 7. We are _ (普通的) people ,but we all have great dreams . 8.

5、 There are five _ ( 幕 )in the famous play.。补全对话: A: Would you like _ come with me for the film ? B: Yes , I d love _ . A: May I ask mother _ go with you ? B: All right. I want _ take some drinks. A: Great ! I hope _ see the film soon.【预习质疑】预习中不能解决的问题: 希望老师讲解的内容: 不议不讲 一起来探究,你能掌握这些知识要点吗? 书中探宝 1.You kn

6、ow ,I wanted to see the Beijing Opera , so Lingling offered to take me there . 你知道,我想看京剧,因此玲玲提议带我去那里。 【探究问题】: 表示“想要某物”用want + 名词或代词sth ,sth前可以加the吗?表示“想要做某事”用want _ _ sth 。表示“想要让某人做某事”用want sb _ _ sth 。试着根据汉语补全句子:你想在这里休息吗? Do you want _ have a _ here.张敏想让我帮助她学英语。Zhang Min _ me _ _ her _ her English.

7、表示“提供某物”用_ sth 。如:她提供了一本书 : She offered a _ .表示“( 主动)给某人提供某物”用_ sb sth 或 表示“提供某物”用_ _ to sb . 如:他主动给了我一个苹果。He offered me _ apple = He offered _ apple _ me .表示“主动提出做某事”用_ to do sth 。如: 玲玲主动提出开车送我回家。Lingling offered _ dirve me home . 王叔叔表示愿意开车来接我们。_ Wang _ to pick _ up. 表示“带领某人去某地”,用句型take sb to a pla

8、ce。如:我们老师打算下个星期天带我们去公园。Our teacher plan _ _ us _ the park next Sunday.【典型例析】A lot of heroes _ their lives _ our country during the earthquake in Sichuan. A . offer; to B. offer; for C . offered; to D. offered; for解析 根据句意“在四川地震中,许多英雄为国家英勇献出了自己的生命”,所以用offer sth to sb 句型,根据句意来判断,这件事是过去发生的,应该用一般过去时。因此选C

9、. 【山东泰安】 -The little girl _ her seat to an old man on the bus.-What a kind girl! A .brought B. offered C . gave D. lent 解析 选 B . 根据题意:这个小女孩在公交车上把她的座位让给了一位老人,多么善良的女孩啊!所以用offer sth to sb 句型,“向某人提供某物”,bring意思是“带来”,give意思是“给”,lend是“借”,都不对,所以选B. 2. We only planned to watch for an hour , but in the end we

10、 stayed there for three hours. 我们原计划只看一个小时,但是最后我们呆了三个小时。【探究问题】plan在本句中是名词还是动词?“你有什么计划?”用英语怎么说?“计划做某事”用英语怎么说? end可以用作名词或动词,意思分别是什么?短语in the end 、at the end of 、by the end 用法有什么区别?【指点迷津】 动词; “ What is your plan ?”, “plan to do sth”如 :Do you make any plans for the next term ? 你下学期有什么计划? We planned to b

11、uild another library. 我们计划再建一座图书馆。end:可以作动词,意思是“结束”或名词“末尾,末端”,如:The road ends here. 这条路到此结束。 The Second World War ended in 1945. 二战1945年结束。 短语 in the end :“最后,终于”,同义词或短语是:at last 或 finally。如:In the end , our class won the football match. 最后我们班赢得了这场足球赛。【拓展联想】 at the end of +时间:“在时间结束时”;at the end of

12、+地点:“在地点的终点末端” 如:We will have an important final exam at the end of this term. 这个学期末我们将有一次重要的期末考试。At the end of the road , you will find a hotel . 在马路的终点,你将发现一家宾馆。 by the end of “到结束时为止”,常与完成时连用。如: By the end of this week ,he has stayed at home for two months. 到这个星期为止,他在家已经呆了两个月了。3. 几个知识要点:( 1 )No i

13、dea . 不知道。它是I have no idea的缩写,与I don t know 同义。( 2 )How was it ? “怎么样?”用来询问某事的情况。如: - We had a class meeting yesterday . -How was it ? -wonderful.( 3 )That is the main thing. 那是最重要的。 main 是形容词,意思是“主要的”,副词形式是mainly。如: The main thing is to keep calm . 最重要的是保持冷静。 You did not hurt at all . That is the m

14、ain thing . 你没有受伤,这是最重要的。4. It was difficult to understand the word. 有些词很难听懂。【探究问题】句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是什么?句型“It is + 形容词 + of / for + sb + to do sth ”中,什么情况下用介词for?用于这种情况的动词有哪些?什么情况下用介词of?用于这种情况的动词有哪些?【指点迷津】 “ It is + 形容词 to do sth ”为固定句型,意思是“做某事”,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to do sth 。如:It is important and

15、 useful to learn English. 学好英语是重要的有用的。“It is + 形容词 + of / for + sb + to do sth ”句型中,如果形容词表示客观情况,即做某事有什么情况或特点,这时用for,意思是“做某事对某人来说太”,如:easy,difficult,important ,interesting等;如果形容词表示主观感情、态度、性格等,这时用of ,意思是“某人做某事太”如kind, clever ,nice , good ,careful 等。【典型例析】It is very difficult for him to finish the work

16、 on time . 对于他来说,按时完成这项工作太难了。It is very kind of you to give me so much help . 你帮我那么多太好了。 【广西钦州】 -Let me help you carry the box , Granny. - Thank you , Li Lei. It is very nice _ you _ me . A. of, to help B. for, to help C . of, helping D. for, helping 解析 选 A . 根据题意:-老奶奶, 让我帮你搬箱子。-你帮助我太好了。nice是描述人的特征,

17、所以用句型“It is + 形容词 + of + sb + to do sth ”,所以选A。 一、 用所给的词的适当形式填空:1. Mary wants me _ ( call ) her at six o clock.2. There are lots of shops in the_ (mainly ) streets of the town.3. Would you like _ (have) supper with me? 4. I find it difficult_ ( sleep ) in a noisy environment.5. My pen friend offered

18、_ (meet) me at the airport.6. We hope_ ( stay) here for a long time.7. They decide _ (lie) on the floor. 8. We don t know how _ ( get) there .9. I think it is not easy for us _ (find) the lost bike.二、火眼金睛选最佳:( ) 1. I think playing table tennis is than playing volleyball.A. much interesting B. more i

19、nteresting C. interestinger D. most interesting ( ) 2. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a to his office.A. 20 minutes walk B. 20 minutes walk C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk( ) 3. Water-skiing and surfing are my favorite sports. How about you? I surfing to water-skiing.A. think B. agree C. prefer

20、D. want( ) 4. His schoolbag is bigger than .A. my B. mine C. me D. I ( ) 5. We often play basketball with at the weekends.A. other schools B. others school C. other school D. others schools( ) 6. Of all subjects, English is in our class.A. popular B. much popular C. more popular D. the most popular(

21、 ) 7. The teacher offered an English song.A.sing B.sings C.singing D.to sing( ) 8. My grandma often me stories when I was a boy.A.tells B.spoke C.told D.said( ) 9. China is famous the Great Wall.A.of B.in C.on D.for( ) 10. Miss Zhang asked us late again.A.to beB.not to beC.to not beD.not be 三、 完形填空。

22、People all over the world enjoy sports. Sports are good for peoples health and sports make people 11 .Some people like to play games by themselves, but some enjoy watching others 12 sports games. They buy tickets or turn on their TV to watch games. They usually have “their teams” or “their players”.

23、 When “their teams” cant win the game, they are even 13 than the players themselves. Sports change with the 14 . People play different games in different seasons. Most peoples favorite sport 15 summer is swimming and skating is usually a winter sport. Sometimes people play games inside the room, som

24、etimes they play outside. We can 16 sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting and people 17 like them. Football, for example, is very 18 in the world. Men and women, the old and the young all like it. People from different countries 19 understand each other, but after a game they often

25、 become 20 .11. A. happy B. strong C. interesting D. tired12. A. play B. to play C. plays D. played13. A. busier B. angrier C. worse D. sadder14. A. time B. seasons C. countries D. people15. A. to B. for C. in D. in the16. A. look B. find C. talk D. watch17. A. may B. are C. nowhere D. everywhere18.

26、 A. great B. favorite C. popular D. well19. A. can not B. can C. may D. must20. A. same player B. better players C. good friends D. different players四、 阅读理解。We can see many walls in the world. But the Great Wall of China is the biggest of all. The Chinese call it “The Ten-thousand-li Great Wall”. It

27、 is in fact more than 6,000 kilometers long. It is 4-5 meters wide. In most places, five horses or ten men can walk side by side.When you visit the Great Wall, you cant help wondering how the Chinese people were able to build such a great wall thousands of years ago. Without any modern machines, it

28、was really very difficult to build it. They had to do all the work by hand. It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it.The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years. The kings began to build the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years ago. Then Qin Shihuang had

29、 all the walls joined up. He thought that could keep the enemy out of the country.Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. Not only Chinese people but also people from all over the world come to visit it.21. The Great Wall is the biggest of all walls in .A. China B. Europe C. the world D

30、. Asia 22. How long is the Great Wall?A. Its less than six hundred kilometers.B. Its over six million kilometers.C. Its six thousand kilometers.D. Its more than six thousand kilometers. 23. It took men years to build the Great Wall.A. millions; millionsB. hundreds of; hundreds ofC. millions of; hund

31、reds ofD. hundreds of; millions of 24. The Great Wall was built .A. by people all over the worldB. without any modern machinesC. with some other countries helpD. by all Chinese kings 25. Qin Shihuang thought the Great Wall could .A. keep the enemy out of his countryB. keep his body in itC. be visite

32、d by all the peopleD. make his country beautiful 五、补全对话。Salesman: What can I do for you, madam?Mrs. Green: 26 Salesman: OK, here are some hats for you. 27 Mrs. Green: Sorry, I dont know the size, but I think I can try them on.Salesman: You are quite right. Look at the green one. Its more beautiful.M

33、rs. Green: I dont like that color. My favorite color is brown.Salesman: 28 What about this one? You look at least ten years younger with this hat on.Mrs. Green: Its too bad. 29 Because it makes me ten years older as soon as I take it off. Show me some more hats.Salesman: Ahh.Mrs. Green: 30 Salesman:

34、 Its $ 8. Would you like to take this one?Mrs. Green: Let me have a look again.A. Im sorry. B. I would like to buy a hat.C. Can I help you?D. What size do you need? E. I dont want this hat.F. Whats the price of the hat? Unit 2 . It describes the changes in Chinese Society 不看不讲. 英汉短语互译: 1. 老舍的最有名的戏剧之

35、一 _ 2. 普通平民百姓的生活 _ 3. 从19世纪末到20世纪中期 _ 4. 描写中国社会的变化 _ 5. 出生在北京 _ 6. after finishing school _ 7. become a head teacher of a primary school _ 8. 返回中国 _ 9. 五年后 _ 10. 被命名为,被称为,被叫作 _ 11. 热情欢迎 _ 12. 来自世界各地的每个人 _ 13. take place _ .重点句型展示: 1.茶馆是老舍最著名的剧作之一。 Teahouse is _ _ Lao She s _ _ plays. 2 老舍是20世纪中国最伟大的

36、作家之一。 Lao She is_ _ the _ _ of the twentieth _.3. 它向我们讲述的是北京一家茶馆的老板王利发和他的顾客们的故事。 It _ _the story of Wang Lifa and the _ _ his teahouse in Beijing.4. 他的母亲在1931年送他去北京师范学校读书。 His mother_ _ to a teacher s school_ 1931.5. 如果你喜欢京剧、传统音乐以及魔术的话,你都可以在茶馆里欣赏到这些节目。 If you _the Beijing Opera , _ _ or _ _ , you ca

37、n _ them at the teahouse.6. 老舍茶馆热情欢迎每一位国内外朋友。 Lao She Teahouse _ a _ _ _ to everyone _ _ _ the _ .III.自主探究:带着下面这些问题阅读教材课文部分。 1. 用英语讨论交流Activity1 中的有关老舍的生平情况和作品情况的问题。 2. 试读教材中Activity2的课文不会读的单词在下面打“”。试着把整个课文翻译成汉语,不会翻译不理解的在句子下打“?”试着自我总结找出文中的重要短语和句型,看谁找的又对又多?在自我阅读课文的基础上,结合所给几个段落题目,给文章各段选出正确恰当的段落标题。 不议不

38、讲 一起来探究,你能掌握这些知识要点吗? 书中探宝1. The play has three acts and shows the lives of common people in China from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century. 这部话剧有三幕,展示了从19世纪末到20世纪中期中国普通平民百姓的生活。 【探究问题】 act 原意是什么?这里的意思是什么?上节课学的男演员和女演员怎么说你还记得吗? show 在这里的意思是什么?句型“出示给某人看某物”的两种表达方式怎么说?

39、from to意思是什么?它与betweenand 用法有什么区别? 【指点迷津】 act 的基本意思是“扮演,演出,表演”。在这里用作名词,意思是“(戏剧、芭蕾舞等)的一幕”。如:Who will act Hamlet ? 谁将扮演哈姆雷特?He first started acting when he was only 10 years old.他从10岁便开始演戏了。I arrived at the theatre late and missed the first act. 我到达剧场时晚了,错过了第一幕。 show 是动词“展示,出示”。show sb sth = show sth to sb :给某人看某物如:You have to show your ticket as you go in . 进场必须出示门票。Show me your new dress = Show your new dress to me . 让我看看你的新连衣裙。 from to 意思是“从 到 ”,用于连接两个时间或地点,也可表示范围等。如: My father works from morning to evening . 我爸爸从早忙到晚。Jack went from Jinan to Shanghai b


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