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1、Regular Walking Protects The Masai - Who Eat High Fat Diet - From Cardiovascular Disease马赛人为何不得心血管疾病Masai men. (Credit: iStockphoto/Robin Camarote)1ScienceDaily (July 20, 2008) Scientists have long been puzzled by how the Masai can avoid cardiovascular disease despite having a diet rich in animal fa

2、ts. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet believe that their secret is in their regular walking.1长期以来,科学家们一直对饮食中富含动物脂肪的马赛人很少得心血管疾病一事感到很困惑。美国每日科学网站20日援引卡罗琳学院的研究人员的观点报道,经常走路是马赛人不得心血管疾病的秘密。2There is strong evidence that the high consumption of animal fats increases the risk of developing cardiovascular

3、disease. Many scientists have therefore been surprised that the nomadic Masai of Kenya and Tanzania are seldom afflicted by the disease, despite having a diet that is rich in animal fats and deficient in carbohydrates.2有充足的证据表明,大量食用动物脂肪将增加患心血管疾病的风险。因此许多科学家对在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚境内游牧的马赛人很少得这种疾病感到吃惊。马赛人的饮食中富含动物脂肪但

4、碳水化合物不足。3This fact, which has been known to scientists for 40 years, has raised speculations that the Masai are genetically protected from cardiovascular disease. Now, a unique study by Dr Julia Mbalilaki in association with colleagues from Norway and Tanzania, suggests that the reason is more likel

5、y to be the Masais active lifestyle.340年来,这一事实让科学家们猜测,是特殊的基因在保护马赛人不得心血管疾病。但现在,由朱利亚姆巴利拉基博士与他在挪威和坦桑尼亚的同事们进行的一项研究表明,更大的可能性是马赛人积极的生活方式在起作用。4Their results are based on examinations of the lifestyles, diets and cardiovascular risk factors of 985 middle-aged men and women in Tanzania, 130 of who were Masai

6、, 371 farmers and 484 urbanites. In line with previous studies, their results show that the Masai not only have a diet richer in animal fat than that of the other subjects, but also run the lowest cardiovascular risk, which is to say that they have the lowest body weights, waist-measurements and blo

7、od pressure, combined with a healthy blood lipid profile.4在对坦桑尼亚985名中年男女(其中包括130名马赛人、371名农民和484名城镇居民)的生活方式、饮食及其它心血管风险因素进行调查后,科学家们得出了这一结论。他们的结论与此前的类似调查结果相吻合。这一调查发现,不仅马赛人饮食中的动物脂肪含量高于其他人群,而且他们患心血管疾病的风险也最低,也就是说他们的体重、腰围、血压都很低,血脂水平也更健康。5What sets the Masai lifestyle apart is also a very high degree of phy

8、sical activity. The Masai studied expended 2,500 kilocalories a day more than the basic requirement, compared with 1,500 kilocalories a day for the farmers and 891 kilocalories a day for the urbanites. According to the team, most Westerners would have to walk roughly 20 km a day to achieve the Masai

9、 level of energy expenditure.5马赛人的生活方式区别于其他人群之处在于他们活动频繁。接受调查的马赛人每天消耗的热量比基本需求高出2500千卡,而接受调查的农民每天消耗的热量比基本需求高出的数量是1500千卡,城市居民则只有891千卡。据调查组说,大多数西方人必须每天步行约20公里才能消耗与马赛人相当的卡路里。6The scientists believe that the Masai are protected by their high physical activity rather than by some unknown genetic factor.6科学家们相信,是运动而不是基因因素使马赛人很少得心血管疾病。


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