A Comparative Study of Image of Moon in English poems and Classic Chinese Poetry.doc

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《A Comparative Study of Image of Moon in English poems and Classic Chinese Poetry.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《A Comparative Study of Image of Moon in English poems and Classic Chinese Poetry.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、A Comparative Study of Image of Moon in English poems and Classic Chinese PoetryIntroductionImage is not only the need of delivering meaning of poem , but also the aesthetic need. The image which appears in the literatures must be concrete object, following the subjective feelings. Its main function

2、 is that it can stimulate the senses of human, awaken the same or similar feeling and emotional experience of reader, cause the reader to permeate the intense individual color and the emotional experience in the appreciation of poem. In nature, the moon is full of romantic and mysterious color, part

3、icularly can inspire people to think. The bright moon has reposed many happy expectations and ideals of human .Classic Chinese poems as well as English poems has a lot verses of describing the moon. The moon in these poems is the relying of poetic life and emotional expression of poets. This paper w

4、ill capture some classic Chinese poetry and English poems about the moon, attempt to analyze the differences of moon image in both English poems and classical Chinese poetry and reasons behind such differences and from what aspects we say they are different.Chapter I The image of the moon in classic

5、 Chinese poetry1.1 The Main Meaning of Moon Image of Chinese PoemsMoon image gives the sense of coldness,loneliness and quietness in classic Chinese poetry.1.2 A Study of Two Chinese Moon Poems from the Aspect of Emotion李白月下独酌李商隐无题晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。Mostly the moon image in classic Chinese poetry is th

6、e relying of separation and loneliness, which displays the thick nostalgia, expresses sentiment of the lovesickness. This kind of sentiment of the lovesickness is the nostalgia (solider or wanderer)or the sentiment of boudoir. Chapter II The image of the moon in English poems2.1 The Symbolic Meaning

7、 of the Moon in Western PoemsThe moon image in English poems is full of the rich flavor of life.2.2 Further Comprehension of Moon Image in English Poems by Studying the Poem华兹华斯的一弯新月,爱神的一颗星Chapter III Reasons for the differences This difference stems is from different cultural backgrounds. From Chin

8、ese traditional cultural view, Chinese poets are influenced by Confucian culture. The profound impact of Confucian culture creates a subtle ethnic which is soft ,quiet and pays attention to implication. The western culture respects for the individual to pursuit freedom, which creates the features of

9、 English straight, open, high-spirited and direct. In addition, from the civilized way of perspective, China was the farming culture, which caused the Chinese peoples respect for nature. The western culture is a nomadic or marine culture, which made them dare to challenge anything, including the heaven that the Chinese are awe of. The different cultural background which reflected in ethnic identity formation must present at the poems of moon image.


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