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1、Destructive or Constructive-A Multi-dimensional Discussion on Premarital Cohabitation on CampusContentsAbstract (English)2Abstract (Chinese) 1.Introducing cohabitation as social phenomenon22.Defining cohabitation43.Biological and physiological perspectives54.Sociological and psychological perspectiv

2、es75.Economic perspectives106.Moral and legal perspectives147.Related discussion- birth control158.Conclusion16Reference17Destructive or Constructive-A Discussion on Premarital Cohabitation on CampusAbstractAs an emerging social phenomenon its hard to define “premarital cohabitation” as constructive

3、 or destructive simply. According to several professors, Civil Law of China, and Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, the subject discussed in this paper will be limited: Unmarried college students cohabitation with sex behavior. And in view of the subjects complexity, the discussion

4、 is carried on with the knowledge of philosophy, psychology, sociology, physiology, literature, economics, and ethics. Although the boundary line between constructive and destructive is still blurred after discussion, a prudent policy should be adopted when college students decide to have s try. How

5、ever, that is better if they dont.Key words: oppression sex premarital cohabitation liberation 摘要:早在20世纪60年代英美等国就出现过所谓的“性解放”运动,40多年后面对性自由带来的危害,新一轮的讨论又开始了。目前中国出现的婚前同居,丁克家庭,单亲母亲,独身等一系列新名词就像股市的一条“阳线”刺激着我们的视觉和听觉。对于向来讳莫如深的话题“性”,中国人再也坐不住了:10月16日18日,中国人民大学召开首届中国“性存在(sexuality)”研讨会其重要成果被称之为中国“性革命”蓝皮书。有关“同居”

6、的电视剧,文章,网络帖子如雨后春笋。甚至正在拟订的中国第一部民法草案也提到了“婚前同居”。作为即将跨入社会的当代大学生,应该如何看待这种社会现象及身体力行呢?本文本着解决实际问题的态度,结合前沿研究成果从:哲学,生理学,文学,心理学,社会学,经济学,以及教育,宗教,道德等多方面入手究其根底。以期从整体上分析研究“婚前同居”对社会造成及将要造成的建设性影响和破坏性影响。从而为迷航的船只贡献一丝光芒。关键词:压迫,性,婚前同居,解放1 Introducing cohabitation as social phenomenonSeveral raindrops splash in the quiet

7、 pond which presaging an immediate storm. And an emerging phenomenon unprecedented in the history of Chinese campuses is also having something brewed. The following is the phenomenon functioning as the bombs fuse: some “countryside of university students”(a region for inhabiting outside dormitories,

8、 usually for a pair of lovers) appeared in Si Pai (stone plaque), Wu Shan (five hills), and Xia Du (the harbor along the lower reach of the river) etc., which lie around the universities in Guang Zhou; more than 200 university female students request having an abortion in a hospital not far from a u

9、niversity in Shang Hai within one month; we can also smell a rat when the doggerel is popular in our society ”a precocious interest in sex among pupils, puppy-love among middle school students, and cohabitation among university students .” No doubt everyone would open his eyes and mouth widely when

10、he heard this, according to the report of a face-to-face interview, a male student in TianJing admitted that he maintained the relationship of cohabitation with more than 40 female schoolmates successively, and his title “poet on campus” dose some help in those premarital affaires. Whats more is tha

11、t most students, more than 40 percent, in the same school show their understanding or give their approval of this phenomenon in the following questionnaire research.All those phenomena are only the small peak of a huge iceberg hiding in Arctic Ocean. And it s floating up and up. Whats the face looks

12、 like under the veil, an angels face or a devils? It was a guy with two faces 40 years before in western countries, especially in America. Its called “Sex Revolution ” or “Sex Liberation” in history. And it refers to a stream of thinking caused by the changed point of views and attitudes toward sex

13、in modern western society in 1960s. In America first of all he smiled with the angels face to the fighters of human rights and the colorful social life. Secondly, it played a negative role, destroying traditional morality, providing a warm-bed for the sex indulgence and bringing lots of social probl

14、ems such as premarital sex behavior, AIDS, high divorcing rate 陈 克 进,婚姻家庭词典 An American professor described that people, like cats and dogs, had sex as they like in any place, any time, with any tools, any one in America or even the whole western world. 阎 保 辅,青年学生论理学 As the professor described, at t

15、hat time the similar phenomenon, appearing several decades later in China, including premarital cohabitation on campus, led American youth to a dark room.But ”some American youth realized ” the professor said ”that life would be more dull and banal at the end, if they always indulge in temporary sky

16、lark.” 阎 保 辅,青年学生论理学 Besides some psychologists, sociologists, philosophers and other scientists analyzed the cause of the “Sex Liberation”, instructed lots of experiments to support their research results including several Chinese professors. All of them make a contribution to healthy development o

17、f American society, and to the problem more and more serious in our society nowadays. Then its wise for us to get the indirect experience from the American to stop the burning of the fuse and avoid the destructive bomb explosion without icing peoples enthusiasm.Furthermore, Max told us that we shoul

18、d study and analyze particular question under specific situation. So the influence of Chinese traditional culture wont be ignored during the discussion. Start with definition, the paper demonstrates and discusses the perspectives of biology, physiology, sociology, psychology, economics, morality, an

19、d ethics successively. And there is a related discussion on birth control at the end of the paper. We hope the following discussion would attract more attention on this alarming phenomenon, especially the premarital cohabitation on campus, spreading at full speed in every direction in China at prese

20、nt. And then try our best to build a lighthouse for those ships, which have (or will) got lost in the endless sea.2.Defining cohabitationIs there something wrong with our attitudes toward love and sex? Or its just ok? College students tend to cohabitate by leasing local peoples house near their camp

21、us. The reason of course wont be the lunar eclipse, which took place not long before and made the moonlight dim enough that our aged matchmaker (one old man who lives in the moon palace and is a full-time matchmaker. He matches the two persons by tying together the two red threads, invisible to comm

22、on people, according to a Chinese legend) had difficulty to see clear the two red threads resulting in the special form of love and sex behavior, cohabitation. As the true reason is so complicated that its necessary to give several definitions firstly.A Chinese professor studying on traditional marr

23、iage defined nowadays ”cohabitation” like this: A) behavior for temporary skylark; B) marriage experiment; C) a valid marriage without legal proceedings. And according to “ Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary”(Fourth Edition), ”cohabitation” maintains two meanings: A) make ones home;

24、 B) enjoy life fully. While there is no specific terms about cohabitation in Chinese commercial and civil law. But we found “the one with spouse is banned from cohabitating with others” 中华人民共和国法律,全国人大常委会法制工作委员会(编) in it. Here Im not clear whether it accepts this term that “the one” without “spouse i

25、s” not ” banned from cohabitating with others.” Indeed the cohabitation phenomenon revealed the rather imperfect law system. Fortunately some representatives suggested adding a term on cohabitation when our legislature is collecting ideas for the drafting civil law of China.While referring to the ty

26、pes, in Yi Nuos book “cohabitation in China”, cohabitation was divided into three parts: unmarried with unmarried; unmarried with married; married with married. Here the premarital cohabitation on campus I discussed limited in the first type “unmarried with unmarried”, which covers almost all the ca

27、ses of students cohabitation. Another type of division focuses on the sex behavior: A) cohabitation with sex behavior; B) cohabitation without sex behavior. People with little common sense wouldnt doubt that the pair of lovers or who cohabitate often or sometime do it.In a word the subject we study

28、in this paper is confined to the specific one: (often) two unmarried university students cohabitation with sex behavior.1. Biological and physiological perspectivesSeeing from the data we have collected, we wound find that the subjects in cohabitation on campus are almost in the same age group (17-2

29、5). As early as we were at middle school, we learnt from our biological class that (see Figure-I): 性学,性医学知识大全 Table A Table BState SexReproductive Organ MaturityProcreative Function Maturity 14 21Female 16 24Male Figure-IObviously our subjects age group (17-25) lines between table A and table B and

30、is closer to table B than table A, which indicates that the discussed age group reaches maturity not only in terms of their productive organ, but also their procreative function. In view of this, our subjects are permitted by their physiological possibility to have sexual intercourse.Indeed people b

31、etween this age group (17-25), have perfect nerve system and finished second sexuality. At the same time their gonads produce enough hormone with which the function of pituitary is influenced so much that the balance of nerve proceedings is broken: exciting proceedings are now superior to restrainin

32、g proceedings. 青少年逆反心理产生的原因分析 As a result our subjects react more rapidly than people in other age group if they receive stimulation from the outside world. Also they tend to be more agitated. For example, our subjects, university students, are more likely to show their sexual impulse and desire to

33、get close to their opposite sex partners. From this point of view it seems that “it is just ok for their cohabitation behaviors.Furthermore, cohabitation and maintaining regular sex act “stimulate the internal secretion glands action so that people can raise their ability to resist the invasion of d

34、epression.” 情爱论 It also has an intimate relationship with the ability of love and the ability of looking forward to the body and spirits experience. It can be demonstrated from the young men and women who suffered from anemia, hysteria, or neurasthenia badly restored their health after marriage (whi

35、ch means regular sex intercourse) quickly and easily, 情爱论and all the way to those famous authors experience, take George Gordon Byron (1788-1824) for example, the excellent writer left us so much works such as “Cain”, “Don Juan”In “Don Juan” he developed the story with the help of his own “dissolute

36、 life”. Knowledge from medicine shows us that peoples mental activities are determined of certain organs. The overall healthy of both aspects are mutually related, for any part being destroyed will damage the other part. Frankly, if our subjects dont live a regular sex life, their normal life can be

37、 disturbed frequently. As a matter of fact they are doing and tend to do it by cohabitating.On the other hand, this kind of premarital cohabitation with sexual life has caused lots of trouble for our subjects especially for females on condition that they are still students who must be observe discip

38、lines and laws both inside and outside the campus. Firstly, dormitories are still marked by different numbers or names to distinguish females from males. And the entrancing of male students into the females is definitely forbidden. And schools indirect refusal is also revealed in the case in He Nan

39、University, whose committee has expelled a pair of students who were found pregnancy because of long time cohabitation life with his or her partners. And it was said that not only their parents but also the whole class or even the whole school were ashamed for the behavior of the pair of students. T

40、hose strange and blaming eyes from both teachers and students hurt their self-respect and broke their heart. One of them left the city with her whole family to a secret place. What a heavy loss her family suffered! Parents jobs, friends, their house, their family honor, her future, and everything br

41、ight seemed gone. Anther one stays, but she was so grieved as to wish herself dead when had the terrible and painful abortion. Im afraid its a negative example, which may serve as a lesson for the students who want to have a try. And it reminds me a sentence from Qian Zhongshu, he said “Marriage is

42、like a besieged city, while couples want out, but singles want in.” I would like say that “Premarital cohabitation is like a besieged city, while involved want out, but virgin want in.” We should think before leap.Secondly, Chinese education on sex is rather underdeveloped. At one time I asked my li

43、ttle sister how did her teacher give the biological lesson when it came to something about genitals. Her face turned red as soon as I mentioned the word “genitals”. Then she told me shyly ”of course it was a self-study lesson.” In fact we have not a class for sex education until now. It has somethin

44、g related to the states culture and tradition, which this paper will discuss in the following section. Live in such a circumstance, we are not surprised that a university student thought that baby is given birth from mothers anus. Then things go like that, those students, although they are called un

45、iversity students, have little or no concept of sex and the consciousness of sexual protection. Birth-control pills, condoms, basic sanitary condition, nothing do they know. Maybe thats why condom-selling machines are installed on campus and the installation has given rise to the wildest rumors amon

46、g society.Rush H. Limbaugh, a top 40 deejay said in his talk shows “condoms are distributed in schools” and “in American schools, it is condom that trouble our sewer repairmen.” Although it sounds funning, things have took place and at least we know American students use more condoms than our studen

47、ts do, and have stronger consciousness on sexual protection than we do. Thus the high abortion rate mentioned at the beginning of this paper is natural. Unfortunately, those careless behaviors would be a accomplice for the spreading of V.D. (Venereal Disease) especially A.I.D.S. definitely “to young

48、sters safe sex means that there is nobody in the house or they are locked in a room (Blaco, 1990, p. 116)”, then how can they avoid suffering from A.I.D.S., a time bomb which would explode at any time during cohabitation period. It can be expected that every young person would happy to make some contribution to the worlds A.I.D.S.-preventing affair. But the matter is should they control their premarital cohabitation with sex or take measures to reduce the danger elements within sex?Plato seems agreeable to the first


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