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1、Application of Communicative Approach in Oral English TeachingContents Abstract .IIntroduction.1Chapter 1 Four-Character Structures.41.1 Goal of English Teaching .41.2 Definition and Development of Interactive Teaching Approach.51.3 Process of Building Interactive Teaching Approach.7Chapter 2 Applyi

2、ng the Four-character Structures in the translation from English to Chinese.10 2.1 Teachers Role in Interactive Teaching Approach13 2.1.1. Motivator .14 2.1.2 Informant.16 2.1.3 Conductor17 2.1.4 Assessor.18 2.1.5 Organizer.18 2.1.6 Participant19Chapter 3 Problems in the Application of Translation a

3、bout Four-Character Structures20 3.1 Changing Teaching Concepts.203.1.1 Updating Teaching Concepts.203.1.2 Expanding Class Teaching.223.1.3 Possessing Research Consciousness and Ability22 3.2 Activating Students.223.2.1 Creating Practical Teaching Circumstances.233.2.2 Putting Question to Students E

4、ffectively.243.2.3 Liberating Students Initiativeness and Creativity.26 Conclusion.30Notes.31Bibliography33Acknowledgements.35Art of English-Chinese translation: Application of Four-Character StructuresAbstract: As one formless language, Chinese has all its own distinctiveness in style. And four-cha

5、racter structure is a unique form of expression in Chinese. It is one of the most important components of Chinese language and culture, and a piece of treasure of the Chinese words showing wisdom and profoundness of Chinese language. Generally Speaking, four-character structures features conciseness

6、 and symmetry as well as vividness. With these advantages, a four-character structure has been widely applied in the English-Chinese translation. Based on the above, our study will focus on four aspects involved in four-character structures: content, style, form and meter. At the same time, accordin

7、g to the original language, we will list the basic types of four-character structures applied in English-Chinese translation and make a brief summarization of related problems in applying four-character structures to translation.Key words: four-character structures; Chinese language;English-Chinese

8、translation 摘要:汉语作为非形态语在形式上有独特之处,而“四字格”则是汉语中特有的一种词汇现象,它是社会语言和文化的重要组成部分,是汉语库里的一块瑰宝,凝聚了中华民族的智慧,体现出汉语语言之间的博大精深,四字格一般都有其言简意赅,整齐匀称,形象生动的特点,它以其巨大的优势在英译汉中得到了广泛的运用,本文从内容,形式,语言,行文四个方面分析了四字格的优点,而在其应用上将从源语出发,列举英译汉中使用四字格的基本类型,并就翻译中使用四字格必须注意的问题进行了简单概括。关键词:四字格;汉语;英译汉IntroductionSimilarly, each language has its ow

9、n system. According to SXE 1semiotic theory, what is refereed to in one language can be quite different from another language, and more different due to various cultural and historical background and customs. Also, when compared between the original text and its target language, the more greatly the

10、y differ in structure, the more difficult it is to translate between them. Since source language and its goal language are not the same in terms of their forms. We need to make some changes to the structure of the original text in order to achieve smoothness and vividness. To translate means to turn

11、 one language into another. Back in the QingDynasty, Yan Fu put forward the principles for translation: faithfulness, loyalty and smoothness. Along with contemporary translation theory, it takes for granted that the purpose of translating is to ensure the reader of the translated version to get as m

12、uch as they can get from the original text. That is to say translation is not a process of changing the original form and idea, but more importantly, a process of transforming style while remaining true to the original. The same is true of English-Chinese translation. Naturally no translation is per

13、fect. Thus, when translating English into Chinese, we need to take the advantage of Chinese to its full to convey the idea of the original text while making the translation expressive. Its generally believed by linguist that terse and lively language, paroling grammatically flexible sentence structu

14、res are vital for Chinese to maintain its characteristics.In Chinese, generally there are two kinds of four-character structures including four-character set phrases and any combination of four-character, both of which are characterized by rich content and succinct and rhythmic style and are usually

15、 the best way to convey the ideas. Due to its uniqueness, these four-character structures are so widely used where other words cant work well. By using these phrases as accurately as possible, it can be an easy job to translate some obscure sentences while we can make translation more perfect and re

16、fined.Chapter 1 Four-Character Structures SuperiorFour-Character Structures is a treasure of Chinese. It embodies wisdom of our nation and presents extensiveness and profoundness of Chinese language. In order to make translation look lively, vivid and smooth, you do not necessarily stick to literal

17、meaning, translation should not only come with naturalness and smoothness, but also have some beauty of eloquence. Undoubtedly, four-character structures should be properly used in translating English into Chinese. That can strengthen expression effect of translation and embody firm base and cultura

18、l background of translator. Four-character structure has advantages as follows: in content, its effective, vivid and visual; orderly and shapely in form; smooth and of music in speech, simple but meaningful in style. If we use it properly in translating, it must make translation wonderful. Using ser

19、ies of quadrangle grid can make translation look full of power and grandeur as well as graceful. 1.1 Rhythm BeautyRhythm, the regular repetition and change as common things. Nature has its rhythm such as the change between winter and summer, past alternating with1.2 Neat Beauty Chinese four-characte

20、r structures are expressed in a neat form and strong rhythm, reaching the state of the beauty of both form and rhythm. To use elegant and neat four-character structu.Chapter 2 Applying the Four-character Structures in the translation from English to ChineseEnglish and Chinese are two different kinds

21、 of language system, and have their own characteristics. English is morphologic; whose shape tells the meaning. It always defines the area of grammar with accurate forms, but, Chinese is different. That is, it is non-morphologic whose meaning determines the shape. The information of the sentence suc

22、h as grammar, structure 2.1 One English word to Four Character StructuresIts very (2) The cattle will also arrive fresh and fat where they would have become tired and thin.牛被运到市场时, 依然生气勃勃; 活蹦乱跳, 膘肉厚实, 再也不像过去那样精疲力竭,骨瘦无肉了。ConclusionFour-character structures is a very important component in the languag

23、e of Chinese, it is also a piece of extraordinary treasure. The more you study about it, the more amazing you may find it. And we can present every problem more clearly by using one or more four-character structures. This text analyzes the aesthetic values and applications of four-character structur

24、es.Firstly, Chinese Four-character structures can be adopted widely for the use of expressing meaning and rhetorical effects. Its aesthetic value is that it embodies the beauty of rhythm, the beauty of simple language, the beauty of image and the beauty of conciseness. And translator should bear in

25、his mind when he is translating sentences or texts to make full use of four-character structures to improve the quality of translation and show charm of Chinese language, so that the readers of translated text can enjoy the aesthetic feeling of original work much better. Secondly, we should employ f

26、our-character structures appropriately and in good time when we use it .The translation looks more monotonous and less literal elegance without use of four-character structures. On the other hands, the original work could be overdone when four-character structure is abused. In a word, the improper u

27、se of four-character structures will reduce the original works meaning and spoil the original works style. Thus the translation will be bad one. In this thesis, I simply explored the aesthetic values and application of four-character structures just like one paper of a pile of lists in the domain of

28、 the researching of the four-character structures. There is still a lot of work left to do in this aspect, especially in translating strategy of four-character structures. Notes1 Xiong Yilu. TheRole of a Teacher in the Communicative ELT J. Journal of Xiangtan Normal University, 2000(21): 165.2 Ibid.

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32、owledgements My debts of gratitude are great for the help so generously offered from so many people. First and foremost I would like to express my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, XXX, who gave me guidance patiently in the course of my studies as well as in my writing on this thesis

33、. I also want to dedicate my sincere thanks to YYY, who helped me with my writing of this thesis, also many thanks to ZZZ, who had given lectures and suggestions to me, from which I benefit infinitely. Last but not least, I am grateful to my family. Without their endless love, encouragement and support, I wouldnt have been what I am today. Besides, I should give my thanks to my friend AAA, who had provided some materials for my thesis, and gave me a lot of helpful advice, and my roommates BBB and CCC, who had proofread my thesis with lots of patience.


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