Contrasting Analysis of Personality in Notre Dame De Paris英语论文.doc

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1、Contrasting Analysis of Personality in Notre Dame De ParisAbstract: Notre Dame de Paris is one of the representative works written by Victor Marie Hugo,a romantic writer in the 19th century.In the Preface to Cramwell ,Hugo put forward a writing principle of contrast between the beautiful and ugly,be

2、tween the noble and the neligible.The principle of comparison between beauty and ugliness is the core of Hugos romantic idea.Notre Dame de Paris is the representative work of Hugo and it reflects this principle from the beginning to the end.By comparison,the author created a group of character image

3、s,and these images make the comparison between virtue and evil,beauty and ugliness distinct.Therefore,the the theme of the work is moe clear.This principle runs through the whole novel,mainly expressed in the following aspects :contrast between backgrounds,plots,scenes,the beautiful and the ugly in

4、the different stages.By using many methods,Hugo,based on the principle of contrast,orgnized a colourful and varied plots and portrayed characters full of distinctive disposition.This novel reveals the struggle between light and dark of French society in 15th century,and expresses his writing kennelt

5、he humanitarian thought based on love.The application of contrast,one of rhetorical figures,usually produces very good effect on expression of feelings and meanings.The sharp conrast of beauty and ugliness in NotreDame de Paris has an important effect on developing the plot of a story,portraying typ

6、ical characters and expressing the authors feelings.Key Words : Contrast ; Analysis ; personality . Introduction Contrast,or comparision means two opposite things or two aspects of a thing were put together,then make a contrast. It can be the contrast either two kinds of people or between two differ

7、ent people,each other sets off by contrast. As an art contrast,it can show its advantage more intense,stronger than reality life. Moreover,it breaks the limit of time and space. It combines the aesthetic object and other object related to its nature,condition,and feature together to make a contrast

8、by using beauty and beauty,beautiful and ugly,ugly and ugly,whitch strenghthens the aesthetic feeling and shows the unique of things. The so-called beauty and uglycontrast principle means the author uses beautiful and noble,ugly and lowly character or imagine to contrast in order to create more inte

9、nse contrast in peoples mind and make the plot ups and downs. This contrast principle is the core of Hugothought and he consistently uses this mathod in his work. Notre Dame de Paris is the representitive work in which this principle was seen from the beganning to the end. At the same time,this rhet

10、oric skill produces intense effect whether the author described the appearance or sharpened onecharacter. Hugo once said :ugly is beside beauty,deformity is near graceful,vulgar is hidden behind noble,evil and goodcoexist,dark and bright is together,which are all in a complex situation,and do not ch

11、ange according to ones will. Healso said that : funny and ugly is the second role and the contrast of high and graceful,which the richest source that given by nature. According to this idea,Hugo held that,sad and happy,cry and laugh,beautiful and ugly shouldnt be separated,and all contrast factor in

12、 life are all in unity. Beauty and ugly contrast principle is considered the most distinctive feature in distingushing romanticism and classicism,italso requires that theauthor should describe evil expecting good in oneheart,and expecting the pursue of the bright to expose the dark of the society. N

13、otre Dame de Paris is a creative practice which is based on this contrast principle. II. Introduction of the Personality 2. 1Introduction of Esmeralda She is a beautifulorphan girl raised by Gypsies of about 16 years ago. Her public dancing attracts the attention of Claude Frollo,who develops an all

14、-consuming passion for her,and the Sachette who vilifies the gypsy girl until she realizes that Esmeralda is her long lost daughter Agnes. Esmeralda falls in love with captain Phoebus,but he treats her love lightly and she suffers for her devotion to the handsome but insincere soldier. Claude Frollo

15、 arrages for Esmeraldaconviction and intercedes to guaranty the girldeath on the gibbet. She is rescued by Quasimodo but through Claude Frollos deception,she is eventually killed at the gibbet. 2. 2Introduction of Claude Frollo He is a priest at Notre Dame,Frollo is also the novels antagonist. Howev

16、er,he is not a typical evil character bent on causing pain and suffering; instead,he is very bright and compassionate. He clearly loves his brother Jehan and does everything in his power to make Jehan happy after his parents die. He extends the same compassion to Quasimodo,who he tries to mold into

17、a scholar just like his brotherby teaching him how to read and write. Hugo explains Frollos descent into black magic and madness through his failure to bring up both Jehan and Quasimodo. Jehan drinksand gambles all his moneyaway,completely neglecting his studies,while Quasimodos deafness make it vir

18、tually impossible to teach him anything. This is another failure. Although he had long feared and hated both women and gypsies,Frollo develops an intense passionfor Esmeralda,his obsessive lust forEsmeralda causes her to be executed and Quasimodo to be tortured. No matter how hard he tries to make h

19、er love him,he could not succeed. His reseachin alchemy gives rise to long repressed urges,he determines to destroy Esmeralda if she will not love him and succeeds in his task only to be killed by Quasimodo. 2. 3Introduction of Quasimodo Quasimodo is the Hunchback of Notre Dame. He was bore with ext

20、reme physicaldeformities,which Hugo describes a huge wart that covers his right eye and a severely hunchedback. Heis found abandoned on the doorsteps of Notre Dame on a Quasimodo Sunday,the first day after Ester,butthe archdeacon ClaudeFrollo,who adopts the baby and brings him up to be the bell-ring

21、er of the cathedral. His one joy in life is to ring thebells of NotreDame whichhave made him deaf. However his heart is pure,and this purity is linked to the cathedral itself. Quasimodo was looked down opon by the general populace of Paris as a monster. He later falls in love with the beautiful Gyps

22、y girl Esmeralda and rescues her when she is entangled in a murder,Quasimodo does not earn love or compassion by the end. Quasimodo also murders his former benefacor. After Esmeralda shows him kindness,he develops deep affection for the girl and saves her from being executed and he joinsher in death

23、 after she iskilled. Years later,their skeletons are found interwind. The latin Quasimodo means almost like-possibly Hugo intended to play on avisceral reaction from some readers that thehunchback was only almost likea human being. 2. 4Introduction of Phoebus He is the captain of the Kings Archer. D

24、espite being of noble birth and apparently very handsome,he is also vain,untrustworthy,and a womenizer. He saves Esmeralda fromQuasimodo and she falls in love with him. Although Phoebus does not love her,he seduces her,and she believes him to be a gallant soldier and his fiance believes him to be a

25、gentle man,however,his natural tendency is toward ribaldry and profanity. One night when Phoebus and Esmeralda are together,the jealous Frollo attacks him by stabbing him in the dark. Frollo makes a quick get-away and Phoebus is presumed dead bu homicide. Esmeralda,being the only one present,is pres

26、umed to be the killer. Phoebus,is not deadand soon recovers from his injury. But this does not stop Esmeralda from being sentenced to death for his murder. Phoebus could have proved her innocence,but he remained silent. In the end of the novel,he married Gondelaurier,and watched Esmeraldas execution

27、 with apparently little or no remorse. Whilst being one of the few characters to survive the novel,Hugo mentioned that he suffered an awful fate of being married. 2. 5Introduction of Pierre Gringoire He is a struggling poet and playright with a sunny disposition and nothing to his name but clothes o

28、n his back. He sounds the alarm when Quasimodo attampts to kidnap Esmeralda and in return she agrees to a plotonic marriage for four years with him to save him from the Trand uprising and efects Esmeraldas removel from the church. When faced with the choice of accompanying Esmeralda to safety or sav

29、ing Djali,he chooses to rescue the goat with which he has developed a mutual affection. 2. 6Introduction of the Sachette The current occupants of the cell in the Tour-Roland,this woman remains in a posture of abject sorrow,paining for her infant daughter stolen by Gypsies fifteen years prior. Distit

30、ute of all comfort and dependant on the citizens of Paris for her sustence,she prays to a single shoe,the only relic of her daughter. We learn that her true name is Paquette-la Chanterfleurie,a country girl beguiled by hangsome aristocrats and left with a child and a reputation for sin. She has a de

31、ep hatred of Gypsiesand discovers too late that Esmeralda,the gypsy she hates the most,is her long lost daughter. 2. 7 Introduction of Jehan Frollo Claude Frollos younger brother. A poor student but a good maker of mischief,he offers witty observations during Gringoires play and Quasimodos trail. A

32、perpetual drunkard and revelery,and a good friend of Captain Phoebus. Jehan begs money from his brother and spends it on wine and women. Finally rebuked by his brother,he joins the Truands and dies dramatically when Quasimodo throws him from the precipice of Notre Dame.III. Contasting Analsis of the

33、 Personality. The author be that Hugo advocated by the contrast between Beauty and Ugliness" principle between both figures and figures contrast,the same people have their own internal and external heart of the pre - and post-contrast image makes people more complete,fullness. Characters be mor

34、e fully displayed. In secondary entire novel,we can discover in the field of the image molding a personage have adopted the multiple echelons,many-sided contrast principle. The author has interposed a complicated personage image contrast system meticulously,the characters has shown the respective ch

35、aracter sufficiently in this system. Hugo advocated by the contrast between beauty and Ugliness,betweenthe personage and the personage contrast,between oneself inside and outside,inward the earlier stage contrast with later stage,feasible personage image are more entire,full-grown the same the perso

36、nage. The personage character gets more sufficient showing. 3. 1 Contrasting analysis of the personality3. 1. 1 Contrasting analysis between Esmeralda and Frollo In the system of molding the personality,the author first formed a sharp conflict is that he makes a sharp contrast between the representi

37、tive of good,Esmeralda and the representitive of evil,Frollo. In the novel,Esmeralda is an idealized character,a embodiment of true,good and beautiful. She is also avery charming,very beautiful,and kindhearted girl who fulls of enthusiastic and dares to pursue anything. Her beauty is known by everyo

38、ne. Whevershe walks,she sents out light just like the sun dazzling our eyes,which made people not know whether this girl was a human being,a fairy,or an angel was something that. Her soul is good as well as her appearance. She is pure and good,not only filled with sympathy,but also the chivalrous he

39、art of sacrificing her benefit to save others. She sympathized with other people unfortunatesincerely and saved people around her from dangerous. Although she is in low level of the society and leads vagarant life,she soothes others and drives their sadness away and gives themiserable waif the since

40、re comfortby her beautiful dancing. She saved others two times. One is the struggling poet Gringoire who mistakenly went the beggars Kingdom and was sentenced to death,at the moment,Esmeralda not at all hesitated to a plotonic marriage to save him from the Truands. Another is that Esmeralda saved th

41、e kidnappedher and ugly Quasimodo,when he is very thirsty in the pillory,no one gave him a drink but Esmeralda,who springs quickly up the ladder in the glare of public eye to deliver him the saved sweet spring water. At this moment,Esmeralda is just like Lady the Virgin,senting out holy brilliance.

42、However,noble,pure and beautiful Esmeralda dies tragically under the double persecution of church force and feudalism autocracy,which made the work have tragic shocked power. The molding of Esmeralda showed the authors aesthetic ideal,she is an idealistic person who reflect the most realm of true,go

43、od and beautiful. But Frollo is an embodiment of extreme evil in Hugos work,he is insidious and diabolic. Although he is a priest who represents the God and religion,he did not look more than 35 years old,in his deepest eyes shone an extraordinar younthfulness,ardent vitality,intense passion,he neve

44、r took his eyes off gypsy girl,just as Frollo thought: if she had not been a gypsy and he had not been a priest,if Phoebus had notexisted,and she had loved him;when he imagined that a life of serenity and love might have been possibleeven for him, and that if God had so wished he could have formed w

45、irh her one of those blessed couples ,we must believe that he looked foward to a happy life with Esmeralda,but the reality ison the contrary: Esmeralda is a gypsy girl,Frollo is a priest and archbeacon,Phoebus is indeed alive,and Esmeralda did not love him,thus,he is very disappointed,his love turns

46、 to jealous and hatred, no one will have her!,he would rather see her in the executionershands than on the captains arm ,however,he is very sad,he was suffering; suffering so much at times that he tore out handsfuls of hair to see whether it had gone white,we can understand his ideas and behaviours.

47、 After many failures,he forces her to submit to him by using gallows,and said that shamelessly:choose between the two of us ,Esmeralda refused him absolutely,so he had a sardonic smile and looked her to be hanged. The author molded this character Frollo,not only declared the shatter of the religion

48、asceticism,but also exposed the evil of authorities. 3. 1. 2 Contrasting analysis between Esmeralda and Phoebus The contrast between Esmeralda and Phoebus mainly contrasted on their attitude towards love. Due to gratitude,Esmeralda falls in love Phoebus deeply. She mistook Phoebus as a true lover wh

49、o is handsome but a playboy. Frollo is that kind of handsome young man,be the woman is easy to fall in love with him at first sight, solemn man that can practice physiognomy will shake hand. It is just because that he has good apperance,therefore those are “ frivolous ”, anguid lazily lady ”,nobleman Misses who is superficial but having being vain


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