Effective Advertising Tactics to Promote Sales of Crest.doc

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1、Effective Advertising Tactics to Promote Sales of CrestSubmitted by Zhang YingStudent ID number W2006A3101J0002Supervised by Sun YiA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studies University北京外国语大学

2、网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文所涉及的项目为本人亲自负责或者参与实施的项目。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学士学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日摘 要随着社会的不断发展,人们保健意识的逐步提高,刷牙已成为大家每天早晚必不可少的事情。改革开放30年来,中国牙膏市场从无到有,从小到大、从总量快速扩张到结构明显升级,逐步形成了有中国特色的多样化、多层次的消费市场。牙膏市场规模比改革初期扩大了几倍乃至几十倍,其


4、意见,运用了群组讨论、SWOT等分析方法制定了相应的产品调整方案和广告策略,并随后投入市场。从2008年10月份的销售数据比较表来看,佳洁士在北京,上海和广州的市场份额从20%上升到25%,达到了最初项目设计的预期效果。这次项目可以给整个行业提供参照,要时时关注消费群体的变化趋势并依照其对产品做相应调整并结合有效的广告策略,增强产品的市场竞争力。关键词:佳洁士;广告策略;市场份额AbstractAs a daily necessity, the needs for the toothpaste can never be lowing down. With the population of t

5、he the global increases day by day, the demands for toothpaste are also growing. The toothpaste industry is developing as never before. However, the competition of the toothpaste market is hot. At present, the domestic toothpaste market has basically been divided. External toothpaste brands like Col

6、gate and the internal toothpaste brands like Zhonghua, etc hold certain amount of the market share. Crest, with its market share of 20%, ranked in the second place, which also indicates its great potential in this industry. So it is researchable that how can Crest extend further the domestic market

7、through effective tactics. It is hypothesized that if we operate a novel and attractive marketing tactics, Crest can extend the market of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou For this project, the company aims to improve the product both in its outfit and quality according to the data got from the survey

8、 carried September, 2008, along with an effective marketing mix to first enhance the market share of the three main cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to 25%. base on the original market share of 20% and the companys excellent work group. Scientific research methods of questionnaire, focus gr

9、oups and SWOT analysis were used in the identification and analysis of problems. The marketing strategies of well-designed advertisement on TV and other medias and displaying the products are adopted in the project design. The project had spend one month from September 2008 to October 2008. The sale

10、s data from inside the company shows that the project has been successfully implemented. Crest now holds 25% market share of the three main cities in China. This project gives a positive impact to the other companies in this industry that only when the company caters to the needs of our clients whos

11、e minds updates rapidly and makes adaptions properly, can the product be competitive.Key words: Crest;advertising tactic; market shareTable of ContentsPages1. Introduction 12 Summary of the Preliminary research2 2.1. Problem 2 2.2. Problem analysis3 2.2.1 Companys current situation3 2.2.2 Needs and

12、wants analysis4 2.2.3 SWOT analysis 43. Project Objective and Hypothesis63.1. Project objective63.2. Project hypothesis64. Project Rationale75. Project Design and Implementation75.1. Planning activities75.1.1 Activities planned to take place.75.1.2 Critical path of the planned activities.95.1.3 Acti

13、vities with time-scale105.1.4 People involved and responsibilities115.2. Monitoring and evaluation of the project126.Project Findings and Discussion127. Conclusion13Bibliography15Appendix 1: Questionnaire16Effective Advertising Tactics to Promote Sales of Crest1. IntroductionProcter & Gamble Company

14、 (P&G) was founded in America and now it is the biggest daily-use commodity company. In the year 2006, the sale reached US 68.2 billion, ranking 81st in the World Top 500. Crest, one of its products, came into China in June, 1996 first in Guangzhou and Shanghai and grew up quickly. The writer of thi

15、s paper works as the sales manager of P&G in charge of the marketing of Crest.As a daily necessity, the needs for the toothpaste can never be lowing down. With the population of the global increases day by day, the demands for toothpaste are also growing. The toothpaste industry is developing as nev

16、er before. Due to the great potential of the industry, the competition in the domestic market is hot and fierce. At present, the domestic toothpaste market has basically been divided. External toothpaste brands like Colgate and the internal toothpaste brands like Zhonghua, etc hold certain amount of

17、 the market share. Crest, with its market share of 20%, ranked in the second place, which also indicates its great potential in this industry. Facing the worldwide economic crisis, it has become even more difficult to keep or enhance the market share of Crest. Every company is on the alert. So it is

18、 researchable that how Crest can extend further the domestic market through effective tactics. It is described in the book Advertising Planning that a good advertisement is an efficient way to make customers paying attention to products service we offer. To be a successful businessman, we have to ma

19、ke a set of product promoting method and successful communication. My project design was based on the needs and wants analysis and the current situation of our companythe financial resource, human resource, and physical resource.Even if a firms product is properly produced, priced, and distributed,

20、it still needs to be promoted. Effective promotion should increase demand for the product nad generate a higher level of sales. (Jeff Madura, 2003: 444)It is hypothesized that if we operate a novel and attractive marketing tactics, Crest can extend the market of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou For t

21、his project, the company aims to improve the product both in its outfit and quality according to the data got from the survey carried September, 2008, along with an effective marketing mix to first enhance the market share of the three main cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to 25%, based on

22、the original market share of 20% and the companys excellent work group. This paper used a series of monitoring and evaluating tools to ensure the scheduled activities were successfully carried out. Scientific research methods of questionnaire, focus groups and SWOT analysis were used in the identifi

23、cation and analysis of problems. The marketing strategies of well-designed advertisement on TV and other media and displaying the products are adopted in the project design. The project spent one month from September 2008 to October 2008. The sales data from inside the company shows that the project

24、 has been successfully implemented. Crest now holds 25% market share of the three main cities in China. This project gives a positive impact to the other companies in this industry that only when the company caters to the needs of our clients whose minds updates rapidly and makes adaptations properl

25、y, can the product be competitive.2. Summary of the preliminary research2.1ProblemMy occupation is the Sales Manager. We focus on how to enlarge and occupy the all-leveled market and have a good sale, having a successful advertisement to the related products is very important, its the only way to be

26、 succeeded. Our aim is to occupy a large part of all-leveled toothpaste market. However, the competition of toothpaste market is hot, so we have to make clear and efficient tactics to publicize our brand. The main problem is the issue of funds. We must make good plan of funds planning. About our adv

27、ertisement, they must be novel and attractive and they are going to emphasizing the good effect of our product, its low price. Everyone in our society is surrounded by countless advertising messages everyday. You may not even notice them, but they are there. You might simply “pop” back into your mem

28、ory when you are choosing a product. As a business advertiser of the Crest toothpaste, even a small one, I shall set out to an advertising plan, first of all, I will have a detailed research in all markets, finding out their brand name, price, and the slogan of the advertising; and then I set out to

29、 communicate a message to a potential customer with the hope of stimulating desire and compelling action.Possible Measures:After I had a preliminary discussion with my staff on this issue, we have made a brief design including four measures, all of which aim to solve the problem effectively.The firs

30、t measure is concerned with well-designed advertisement; if the advertising is well designed it will attract the customers attention. Potential customers will be made aware oft the product you are advertising and attempt to buy it. Because our aim is to occupy all-leveled market, we have to make the

31、 advertisement available to all kinds of people. That is to say, we advertising planning must obtain pertinence. The advertisement for kids must be fun and attractive. Advertisement for adults should emphasize on the effect of the product.The second measure is to gain the opportunity of displaying t

32、he product, promoting the new product with different taste and compositions, remember that the packaging must be attractive and novel, because the package is just like the ID card of the product you promote.Thirdly, it would be very helpful to make advertisement on the television and in certain popu

33、lar journals or magazines for the promotion of toothpaste, though the cost would be high, but the effect can be surprising. We should pay attention to the following items: The advertisement about our product should be made on the golden time every day, and after meals the advertisement must depend o

34、n the characteristics of the product.The last but not least, we should try our best to improve the quality of our product. As the saying goes, the quality of product is the lifeline of company. The measures above must be based on it. Without it, even if we are successful in taking the measures above

35、, we are doomed to be in failure. So the quality of product must be given enough attention to. Only in this way can we go forward from success to success.2.2Problem analysis2.2.1Companys current situationFinancial resources: our company has a highly turnover of ¥10 million every year. We reserves 20

36、% of its yearly turnover for advertising.Human resources: our company has 300 staffs that are very excellent in their work. We plunge into the strengthening efforts in developing and designing the new products and supervising by internal famous designers in recent years. Physical resources: Our comp

37、any lies in Gangzhou. It is convenient in the aspect of traffic facilities. There is an area of 10,000 square meters, 4,000 square meters of production plants, and a fully equipped laboratory in our company. It is the modern enterprises in the integration of the scientific research, production and m

38、anagement.Information resource: by the Internet operation, we established a system of information for the efficiency marketing feedback toward the inquiry for trends.External factors: Political factors: Due to the recent terrible world economic, Chinese government has formulated “stimulating/enlargi

39、ng domestic need”, It is a good chance for us to launch products. Meanwhile Chinese regulations are specified in protecting local industry. Therefore, from the overall political environment, it will be good for our enterprises.Economic factors: Although, general speaking the worldwide economy is not

40、 as goods as last year, A lot of the country are suffering from the financial crisis. but the Chinese economy is still stable comparing with others.Social factors: With increasing income levels and the changing consumption structure, people begin to pay more attention to their health which in turn p

41、rovides opportunities for enterprises development.Technological factors: As social and economic development, there is a great breakthrough in scientific and technological development. So a wide range of new equipment, new technology and applications have appeared in every aspect of society. And as C

42、hinas rapid economic development, the Chinese government attaches importance to the development of science and technology in recent years gradually increased investment in its science and technology development. As a result, Chinas scientific and technological level will also go further and reach th

43、e worlds advanced level. So we could benefit a lot from it.2.2.2Needs and wants analysisThe needs for toothpaste can never be lowing down. As to the market questionnaire, most of the people use the same brand of toothpaste all the time. So, catching the eye of one people means he or she will be your

44、 buyer for a long time. That is to say, to attract people to buy our product and give them good image on our product is of great significance.Undoubtedly, With the population of the globe increasing day by day, a variety of the products are introduced, the demands for shopping and consuming are also

45、 growing, so the daily demands will not take be place by the other new products. So is the toothpaste, and so is our Spring. Logically, the more population in the world, the more people will use the toothpastes, which seems a piece of good news for us, but in turn, how to stand in a dominant positio

46、n, which is a very important problem to us. Our aim is to make more people “need or want” our product. Market questionnaire shows that: many people choose the product first by its popularity, second by its name or package, lastly by its real function. So, we have seen from the questionnaire that a g

47、ood advertisement is the key of satisfy peoples “needs”. People will “want” our product by good image of our product from the advertisement.SuggestionsAccording to the current situation, we should take some measures as follows:Firstly, with the demand of the consumption increasing, instead of enlarging the output, we should pay attention to the quality, the personnel of our department, and the innovation of our product, so as to mee


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