《Feasibility study on integrating agroforestry into the agriculture and livestock husbandry systems in the communities of Cubo, Chivovo and Mbindhzo in.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Feasibility study on integrating agroforestry into the agriculture and livestock husbandry systems in the communities of Cubo, Chivovo and Mbindhzo in.doc(36页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
2、i1. INTRODUCTION11.1Report structure11.2 Background and Study Terms of Reference1 2. METHODOLOGY22.1 Study area22.1.1 Climate32.1.2 Vegetation32.1.3 Land use42.1.4 Social services62.2 Data collection73. RESULTS83.1 Existing land use systems83.1.1 Upland sites83.1.2 Lowland sites83.1.3 Livestock fodd
3、er103.1.4 Fish farming113.1.5 Land degradation114. INTEGRATING AGROFORESTRY TECHNOLOGIES IN LOCAL PRODUCTION SYSTEMS134.1 Agroforestry technologies for increasing food security and marketing of staple foods134.1.1 Improved fallows134.1.2 Mixing coppicing trees and crops134.1.3 Annual relay cropping
4、of trees144.2 Agroforestry technologies for diversifying incomes and improving nutrition 144.2.1 Fodder banks144.2.2 Rotational woodlots154.2.3 High-value fruit trees154.3 Integrated Agroforestry and Environmental Rehabilitation (IAER)164.4 Integrated Agroforestry and Aquaculture (IAA)165. PRELIMINA
6、for water in Cubo Village6Figure 4: Soil fertility decline in upland areas evidenced by small size of maize stover8Figure 5: Soil fertility decline in lowland areas evidenced by stunted growth and yellowing of maize9Figure 6: Sesbania sesban occurring naturally in the lowlands of Cubo Village10Figur
7、e 7: Cattle feeding on maize stover in an upland area11Figure 8: Gulley erosion due to road construction activities121. INTRODUCTION1.1 Report structureThis report is divided into seven sections:- Section 1 provides the introduction, background to the study and the Terms of Reference (ToR). - Sectio
8、n 2 describes the methodology used in the study including a detailed description of the study site and methods used to collect information. - Section 3 synthesizes the results of the study in accordance with the stated Terms of Reference.- Section 4 provides a detailed description on how to integrat
9、e agroforestry into the local production systems. - Section 5 gives a preliminary analysis of market potential for the various agri-products identified.- Section 6 provides conclusions to the study.- Section 7 contains an action plan in form of a project proposal for agroforestry intervention in the
10、 study area.1.2 Background and Study Terms of ReferenceThis report presents the results of a feasibility study on agroforestry potential conducted in the Limpopo Heartland communities of Cubo, Chivovo and Mbindzho in the district of Massingir, Gaza Province. The Limpopo Heartland is a transfrontier
11、ecosystem/landscape conservation programme characterized by three land use categories namely: protected wildlife areas; private concessions; and communal multiple use areas. This study was conducted in the latter land use category to assess alternative income generating activities in the target comm
12、unities through appropriate agroforestry interventions. The study was guided by the following Terms of Reference:i) Conduct a field survey to characterize existing land use systems in the target area and develop integrated sustainable land use strategies in areas outside the land that has been zoned
13、 for a community nature reserve;ii) Assess the suitability of integrating agroforestry in the target area using appropriate agroforestry species;iii) Identify suitable areas, including dambos and other low-lying areas, suitable for organic vegetable production based on biomass transfer agroforestry
14、technologies and recommend appropriate agroforestry species;iv) Assess the potential for fodder bank technologies by consulting with local livestock farmers to establish priority agroforestry species for fodder banks;v) Identify degraded land areas suitable for rehabilitation work through afforestat
15、ion/reforestation activities using appropriate agroforestry species;vi) Determine how agroforestry could be integrated with other activities, such as organic farming, livestock husbandry, aquaculture, and crocodile farming;vii) Determine agroforestry technologies that would reduce the impact of char
16、coal production on the indigenous tree species;viii) Assess the market potential for the various agri-products foreseen in the project; andix) Provide an action plan, including budget, and time frames, and propose an institutional framework for integrating agroforestry in the three identified commun
17、ities. This plan should also clearly state how AWF could collaborate with institutions, such as ICRAF in implementing the draft action plan.2. METHODOLOGY2.1 Study areaMassingir district is located in the central western part of Gaza province with an estimated total population of 25,097 (ACT Interna
18、tional, 2003). It is made up of three administrative posts: Massingir, Mavodze and Zulo, with eight localities. The town of Massingir is the capital of the district. The communities of Cubo, Chivovo and Mbindhzo (comprising the study area) are located in Massingir district. During the civil war that
19、 lasted up until 1994, the communities of Chivovo and Mbindhzo were relocated to Cubo for security reasons and also due to lack of water and poor soils in the former communities. Cubo community is located on the southwestern side of the Massingir dam and thus has close access to water. The estimated
20、 population of Cubo, including residents from Chivovo and Mbindhzo, is 300 households (average of 6 persons per household). Cubo is led by a Community Leader elected by all three communities. The Traditional Chief for Chivovo resides in Cubo wile that of Mbindhzo resides in Mbindhzo. There is still
21、a strong desire among people from Mbindhzo currently residing in Cubo to return to their original community despite adverse climatic conditions and poor soils in Mbindhzo.2.1.1 ClimateWithin Gaza province, Massingir and Chicualacuala districts are the most vulnerable to drought with 68% of the popul
22、ation classified as extremely vulnerable (Table 1). This is the highest drought vulnerability index in the country putting the study area in particular at highest risk in terms of food insecurity (due to dependency on rain fed agriculture), desertification and loss of biodiversity. Table 1: Vulnerab
23、ility to drought conditions in Gaza Province by districtProvinceDistrictTotal district population 2003Extremely vulnerable population% of extremely vulnerable peopleGazaMassingir25,09717,18268Chicualacuala38,82926,58368Massangena14,0518,92063Mabalane29,08717,55260Chigubo14,9457,15648Chokwe168,29442,
24、80725Chibuto163,68535,86722Guija65,72914,29422Mandlakaze177,87328,27216Bilene165,93224,03614Xai-Xai215,84714,3307Total111,079,369237,00022Source: ACT International, 20032.1.2 VegetationThe vegetation in the area is characterized as Savannah Woodland predominated by mopane woodlands (Colophospermum m
25、opane and Panicum maximum) that are characteristic of very dry conditions, shallow/poor soils and sometimes-impermeable sub soils. There are also small patches of low woodlands composed of Terminalia sericea/Eragrostis pallens and Combretum apiculatum/Pogonarthria squarrosa as well as grasslands com
26、posed of Paspalidium obtusifolium/Cynodon dactylon. The woodlands are currently under immense pressure from charcoal production and conversion to agricultural land. According to key informants from the study area, most of the charcoal producers come from outside the local area, mainly from Maputo. L
27、ivestock fodder is also under short supply particularly during the dry periods of the year.2.1.3 Land useAgricultureThe study area lies in agro-ecological zone R3 encompassing the centre and north of Gaza and the west Inhambane region (Figure 1). The soils are mostly sandy with annual rainfall rangi
28、ng between 400-600 mm. The main subsistence crops include maize, sorghum, millet, beans, and groundnuts. Fruit trees and vegetables are not common in the area except for pumpkin that is commonly intercropped with maize and whose leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Most farmers in the study area do not
29、have access to agricultural inputs such as pesticides, fertilisers and improved seed. To maintain or improve soil fertility, a minority of households practice crop rotation or leave the farmlands fallow. The most common techniques for improving soil fertility are digging in crop and domestic residue
30、s, burning vegetation and spreading the ash and applying animal manure. The majority of the farmers continuously cultivate the same lands or clear new fields every year. Due to a shortage of fertile areas, irrigation facilities and agricultural inputs, land cultivation is done on a small scale. This
31、 has resulted in low annual crop yields. Therefore, the current farming system in the area does not lend itself to ensuring food security. In order to meet the food shortages, local farmers tend to clear new areas to expand their farmlands by cutting down forests and thus reducing available wildlife
32、 habitat in the long term. LivestockThe most important domestic animals for household consumption are chickens, ducks, cattle and goats. The last two are also of commercial importance. Local households use oxen for ploughing. Although the study area is suitable for small ruminant livestock, producti
33、on is hindered by the lack of veterinary assistance, weak extension services, and limited fodder availability particularly during the dry periods of the year. Hunting, Wildlife and FishingGame meat is an important part of the local diet. The species mostly hunted are birds, rabbits and grey duiker.
34、Apart from this, the wildlife also has tourist potential. Fish from the Massingir dam forms an important part of the diet. Many of the demobilised soldiers who returned to the district took up fishing (Figure 2) for both susbsistence livelihood and commercial purposes. One of the problems in relatio
35、n to wildlife and fish in the study area is poaching and fishing out-of-season. Figure 2: Fishermen from Cubo village on Massingir dam2.1.4 Social servicesWater Of the three communities visited, only Cubo has borehole facilities. However, due to high demand for water arising from the increased human
36、 population in Cubo (from Chivovo and Mbindhzo), queuing for water is common (Figure 3).Figure 3: Women queuing for water in Cubo villageTransport and Communications Massingir district is served by public road transport, as well as by radio and telephone. The landline and mobile telephone networks i
37、n Massingir town are now fully functional and accessible to the rest of the country. However, there is still no network connection to the communities in the study area. Road access to Cubo village is by gravel road. However, access to Chivovo and Mbindhzo villages is by dirt roads.Health- There are
38、no health posts or clinics in all three communities visited. The nearest hospital services are located in Massingir Town, some 30 km away from Cubo village.Education- There exists one primary school up to Grade 7 in Cubo village. There are no educational facilities in Mbindhzo and Chivovo villages.2
39、.2 Data collectionA number of techniques were used to collect information in order to address the Terms of Reference. Direct observation was employed in the field to assess land use activities and the extent of land degradation. Individual interviews were also conducted with key informants to gain i
40、nsights into community organization, local institutional arrangements and farming systems. A group meeting was also held with 15 community members to discuss potential agroforestry activities and assess preferences and constraints. The detailed field programme and calendar was as follows:Wednesday O
41、ctober 27th, 2004- Travel Maputo Massingir- Meeting with the Mr. Jeremiah Matjave: AWF Community Development Officer- Meeting with Mr. John Mongwe: Community Liaison Officer linking the three communities with AWF- Meeting with Mr. Salomo Valoi: Manager, Covane Community Lodge to discuss potential sy
42、nergy with proposed Cubo/Mbindhzo/Chivovo Agroforestry project- Travel to Cubo village and introductory meeting with the Chief/Community Leader, Mr. Fanuel Penecele Ngovene- Meeting with Mr. Florncio Jaime Bombe, Receptionist/Bookkeeper at Covane Community Lodge to discuss lodge capacity issues, vis
43、itor numbers, lodge services, future needs, and training issuesThursday October 28th, 2004- Field visit to selected points to assess farming systems and field conditions:o Upland site (maize intercropped with pumpkin; maize had already been harvested)o Upland site (maize field; maize had already bee
44、n harvested)o Lowland site (maize field intercropped with beans; crops were still in the field)o Lowland site (maize field still standing)o Lowland site (assess soil, vegetation and livestock fodder conditions)o Two fishing camps (assess fish yieldso Visit to Chivovo village past gate to Paulo Ubiss
45、e concession (village had been abandoned)o Visit to Mbindhzo village to meet with the Chief and look at farming systems (talked to the wife, Chief was away) o Meeting with 15 community elders at Cubo village to discuss potential agroforestry activities and assess preferences and constraints (debrief
46、ing on mission findings)Friday October 29th, 2004- Continue with field assessment of selected points along the main highway (charcoal)- Return to Maputo3. RESULTS3.1 Existing land use systemsLand use systems on upland and lowland sites were compared to discern biophysical conditions and agroforestry
47、 potential. Livestock fodder availability and aquaculture potential were also assessed. The land uses presented here are those encountered in Cubo community. The conditions in Mbindhzo and Chivovo communities are to dry to warrant any meaningful agroforestry intervention. Rather, the areas in both communities are best suited for wildlife habitat and conservation.3.1.1 Upland sitesIn upland areas, the com