Experience Marketing Research on the implementation of models and success factors15374.doc

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1、Experience Marketing Research on the implementation of models and success factorsAbstract experiential marketing is the enterprise from the senses, emotions, thinking, action and associated marketing aspects of the design idea, product or service as a prop to stimulate and satisfy the customer exper

2、ience needs to achieve the business objectives of a marketing mode. According to Schmitts experience of theater and role of theory, experience is like a drama, and experience the theater models and stage products have the same elements of composition. Accordingly, this paper put forward the implemen

3、tation of experiential marketing 9s model, summed up the implementation of experiential marketing success factors, as well as four of the six basic principles. Key words Experiential Marketing; Experience Theater; implementation of the model; success factors 1, with regard to experiential marketing

4、and its implementation review of research Experience concept, initially developed by the famous American futurist Toffler 1970 in its Future Shock made. He first experience as an economic value to look at that experience is psychologically oriented goods and services, product and pointed out that ex

5、perience is an important variety of products is based simulation environment to allow customers to experience the adventure, adventures, sensual stimulus, and other fun . Pine II and Gilmore (1998) is that: The so-called experience, means that people with a nature that a very personalized way to spe

6、nd a period of time, and derive a series of events to remember. To put it simply, is to enable each person to personalize the way the events involved. LaSalle and Britton (2003) that the customer experience is one or a series of customer and product, company, company related to the interaction betwe

7、en the representatives of these interactions will produce some reaction; If the response is positive, it will enable customers approved products or the value of service . Schmitt (1999) believe that experiential marketing is a kind of experience-driven marketing and management models, will completel

8、y replace the function value is the core of the traditional characteristics and effectiveness of marketing. Schmitt in the experiential marketing (2004) further pointed out that experiential marketing is the business in order to meet the needs of customer experience objectives to marketing space sta

9、ge, the product or service as the carrier, the use of culture, art and science and technology and other means to increase product content to better meet peoples emotional and aesthetic needs of a variety of experiences in peoples hearts to bring about shock, while achieving the purpose of promoting

10、sales of a new marketing model . Wang Tao and Cui Hua domestic scholars believe that experiential marketing is to create a business atmosphere, a series of events designed to promote the role of customers enjoy becoming one of the performance, customers performance in the process will be because of

11、active participation which have a profound and memorable experience, so as to obtain the experience delivered value to the enterprise. Wang Xiuying, and Duncan study argued that experiential marketing is through awareness and understanding of customers, creating a valuable customer experience to ach

12、ieve business goals of a society and the management process. According to domestic and foreign scholars on the study of marketing experience, combined with our Experience MarketingMarketing practice, the authors propose in this article: Experiential Marketing is the enterprise from the senses, emoti

13、ons, thinking, action and associated marketing aspects of the design idea, product or service as a prop to stimulate and satisfy the customer experience needs to achieve the business objectives of a marketing mode. Academic experience and experience on the concept of marketing research and defined t

14、he same time, the implementation of experiential marketing conducted in-depth research. In the experience of the implementation of the strategy of marketing research, Schmitt made the strategic foundation of experiential marketing is a strategic experience for the module (Strategic Experiential Modu

15、les). He believes that experience is a complex is varied, but can be divided into different forms, and each has its own inherent and unique structures and processes. These experiences form is through a specific experience of media created, and can reach an effective marketing purposes. Schmitt will

16、be the experience of these different forms of strategic experiential modules known as a way to form a framework of experiential marketing: (1) felt (2) feelings (3) thinking (4) action (5) relationship. Schmitt those marketing staff in order to achieve the objectives of experiential marketing experi

17、ence, the tools used to create the media called the experience (experience providers). Experiential marketing execution tools, as the experience of media, including: Communication (communication), visual and verbal recognition (visual and verbal identity), product presence (product presence), to joi

18、ntly build the brand (co-branding), the space environment (spatial environment) and electronic media (electronic media) and website (web sites), staff (people). His experience of marketing experience, the main strategic planning tool is the matrix (Experiential Grid). Experiential marketing tactics

19、in the research, Schmitt (2003) established a framework for the implementation of customer experience management structure, and pointed out that the implementation of customer experience management can follow the following steps: analysis of customer experience in the world, build customer experienc

20、e platform, design the brand experience, to establish with customers contacts in order to achieve positive interaction with customers, is committed to continuous innovation, which creates CEM (Customer Experience Manage-ment) model, this theory as the customer experience laid the foundation for the

21、implementation of the management. Smith and Wheeler (2002) have centered around how to create a brand experience, this process, the establishment of a customer experience, brand management model. Reverse by the model while the lines can get customer experience and brand management, implementation st

22、eps: namely, identifying the target customers - will help to achieve business growth targets set for customer behavior - determined to meet customer needs and expectations of the customer experience - Control the creation of experience factor. Reverse the decision by the goal of this experience to c

23、reate the idea for the implementation of customer experience management has provided an important insight. LaSalle and Britton (2003) that in order to create the best possible sound experience, first of all, the real need to understand what is expected of clients, as well as areas in which businesse

24、s can also make a difference, and focus on customers in the consumer, when listed as the physiological , emotional, intellectual and divine four levels of certain basic factors; secondly, to confirm customers personal motivation and their personal situations and how these contexts for interaction be

25、tween customers and business impact of path; again, a clear consumer decision-making process at the customer in a number of key details. On this basis, they made full value of experience is essential for the delivery of three core elements: products, services, and the circumstances. Domestic researc

26、h in this area, mainly following Schmitt, as well as Smith and Wheeler and others theoretical system, the background on the brand experience, ideas and general implementation of the strategic issues were discussed. FAN Xiu-cheng, et al (2002) considered that the core concept of experiential marketin

27、g is not only to provide customers with satisfactory products and services, but also for them to create and provide a valuable experience, and on this basis, proposed the implementation of a variety of experiential marketing way. Xie Wan Xin (2002) sum up the experience of the eight implementation m

28、odel of marketing, Chung Choi Gang (2002) to the value of customer satisfaction = customer experience - Customer expectations set up a model of experiential marketing. Experience the idea a long time, but mainly in the academic community in recent years have started to gradually begin to experience

29、and experience of marketing research. The current research on experiential marketing is mainly carried out by foreign scholars, our scholars of marketing research experience less. This paper will draw on Schmitt in the experiential marketing in the proposed model of the experience of theater, combin

30、ed with Chinas market characteristics and consumer characteristics and to explore the implementation of experiential marketing. 2, Schmitt on the experience of theater and role theory Pine II and Gilmore in their experience economy (2002) works, said: In any business, each one level, employees need

31、to understand the experience economy, each business is a stage, so work is theater. They have raised the concept of theater experience, even according to the stability and dynamic nature of theater is divided into stage plays, street theater, with the theater, improvisational theater four forms were

32、 described, and accordingly established a theater model, also believes that In this theater of them, everyone playing a different role, the role of selection of this step has been playing a central role in any businesss success clearly depends on the selection of a suitable person to play the approp

33、riate role. These theories and models for the subsequent construction of experiential marketing Schmitt theoretical system and experience the theater model of the foundation. Schmitt, in its experiential marketing (2004), discussed in depth experience of theater and its role in the theory of thought

34、, to build his own experience of theater model (Figure 1), and describes the elements of composition experience marketing. Schmitt believes that a company is a performer, and her job is the theater. Experience is like a drama, and experience the theater models and stage products have the same elemen

35、ts of composition. Experience in the service process, customers and experiential marketing personnel are in the theater experience to assume a certain role to play with their respective functions. Meanwhile, the role is learned can be acquired experience effects associated with evaluation and role e

36、xpectations. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ Figure 1 Experience Theater Model: Schmitt. Experiential Marketing M. Nanning: Guangxi Ethnic Publishing House, 2003. Schmitts experience theater model so that people know and experience the performance of the overall performance

37、of the performers, audience, the result of dynamic interaction between facilities, staff professionalism, competence, and even dress, demeanor and attitude behavior will affect the customer experience obtained evaluation of its impact as big as a stage actors dress and role play, experience, facilit

38、ies, scenes, props, equipment, lighting, temperature, color, etc. are all affected customers experience and its impact on quality of experience expectations of the evaluation. Moreover, the prospects of a successful experience of the performance must rely on the background support. In short, the exp

39、erience the companys products and services with a variety of theatrical features, a lot of dramatic elements of a comprehensive display of mutual influence, change or re-design of any kind of elements are likely to win and create a different experience to the performance. Schmitt will experience fur

40、ther divided into the constituent elements of marketing, facilities, products, services, and interactive experience for the process that is a combination of these four elements work together to create the customer experience process, work together to create the customer experience value. Third, the

41、implementation model of marketing experience and success factors Based on Experience Marketing Theory and Practice of visits, we make the following regarding the implementation of the basic theory of marketing experience and ideas: 1. Experience Marketing to implement the basic assumptions (1) affec

42、tion assumptions: consumers are emotional, and more and more emotional, human development and progress of civilization, the traditional rational consumer, price-sensitive persons characteristics are changing the image of the consumer The purchase also increasingly being dominated by impulsive emotio

43、ns and feelings. (2) consumer demand for increasing spiritual dimensions of: mainly due to general improvement in the quality of consumer culture, material and cultural standard of living. Marx put peoples needs are divided into physical level and spiritual level is very scientific and spiritual nee

44、ds of people include sensory, emotional, mental, spiritual and other aspects of content, experiential marketing is to make a fuss over this area. (3) Consumer demand for personalized, differences worse: the socio-economic prosperity and improving the quality of peoples lives, reflected in the consum

45、er level, is that people personalized consumer demand, the difference, so as to customization, database marketing, one to one marketing as the main form of experience marketing model is precisely to meet the development needs. (4) enterprises to survive the cruelty of competition: the rapid developm

46、ent of the economy, the market increasingly competitive, leaving the viability of enterprises getting smaller and smaller, increasing the pressure of competition around the 4P, 6P, 4Cs marketing strategy, corporate are actively looking for a breakthrough innovation in the development of the road, experience marketing to the traditional 4P tools aside, in turn, would shift the emphasis towards consumers mind, after all, a new marketing ideas. 2. Experience Marketing introduction of a general path (9s model) These are the implementation of experiential marketing seven-step cycle "


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