English Movies AppreciationModern Times.doc

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1、Modern Times一、Background & Genres Modern times is a very outstanding work of Charles Chaplin.It is because that the film beyond the purely by his personal characteristics as a selling point of the tragic theme of works, and instead reflects the society some important problems. This is an American po

2、litician was thought to have communist red propensity risk works. Modern Times is a comedy, romance,silent-film which produced in 1936 by Charles Chaplin. The story was set in the 1930s during the Great Depression era大萧条时期. In this period, thousands of people lost their works and began to hunting fo

3、r jobs in order to make a change for their bad living conditions. As hundreds of machine replaced workerslabor, more and more people began to be subordinated by machines. People were treated as beasts.People had to work all day without having a break.And just in this background, in the despair of pe

4、ople, the movie “Modern Times” was on. This movie criticized the cruelty and cold of the capitalist who spared no effort to exploit workers. It not only brought laughter to people, but also made people thought more deeply about the influence that the industrialization brought to us.Perhaps because o

5、f this reason, this comedy film won a huge success at that time. “Modern Times” is such a wonderful movie that reflected the reality at the Industrial Age in a comedic way. It criticized the cruelty and cold of the capitalist who spared no effort to exploit workers. Meanwhile, the movie also glorifi

6、es the struggle of the poor. From this angle, this movie is a meaningful work. (“摩登时代”就是这样一个精彩的电影,反映在工业时代的现实在喜剧的方式。它批评了残忍和冷的资本家剥削员工不遗余力。与此同时,电影也美化了奋斗的穷人。从这个角度看,这部电影是一个有意义的工作。)二、 NarrativeThe film“ modern times”is a description of man and machine conflict. Background was the American industry because

7、 of the diversion of machine and fire workers unemployment caused tide.And the character, the tragedy of the times is the shire representatives.(Charles Chaplin in Modern Times) (影片摩登时代描写的是人和机器的冲突。背景是当时的美国工业因为转用机器而大量解雇工人所造成的失业浪潮,而主角夏尔洛是这个时代的悲剧代表人物。)The story takes place in the nineteen twenties Amer

8、ican economic depression, worker Charlie worked in a factory, mad, get into a mental hospital, all of this is with the economic crisis brought the crisis of survival are closely linked.However, in difficult life,the scene that Charlie and the gamin helpde each other when both were in humble circumst

9、ances is warm and fulled of humanity. At the end of the film is a common dawn, represents the general model of Hollywood, and is regarded as a classic by Chinese early films. This is last silent film of Chaplin, he feels that the world economic crisis bring the pain to the unemployed workers,and the

10、n decided to use figurative language of cinema to cry. In 1935, the film has entered the sound era. But Chaplin think that using a funny and exaggerated body language can be far better than dialogue.Hence , he only put soundtrack and a little sound in the film .The pungent satire of the movie reveal

11、s the harsh reality that capitalists oppressed the workers and pressed out their last sweat.Chaplin displayed the life portrait which on behalf of the lot of millions of unemployed with his superb technique.(故事发生在20世纪30年代美国经济萧条时期,工人查理在工厂干活、发疯、进入精神病院,这一切都是与当时的经济危机给人们带来的生存危机有着密切的联系。而在艰难的生活中,查理和孤女相濡以沫,

12、场面温馨感人焕发着人性的光辉。影片的结尾则是常见的“黎明曙光”,代表了好莱坞的一般模式,更被中国早期影片奉为经典。本片是卓别林最后一部无声影片,他有感于世界经济危机给失业工人带来的痛苦,决定用电影的形象语言来呐喊。1935年,电影已进入有声时代,可卓别林认为,用滑稽夸张的肢体语言,要远胜于对白,于是他只在片中加入配乐和少许音响就上映了。影片辛辣犀利的讽刺,揭示出工人遭受资本家欺压,榨尽他们最后血汗的严酷现实,招致国际资本势力的群起反击。卓别林以其高超的表现手法向世人展示了一幅代表千百万失业者遭遇的生活画像。) In the film comedy technique and visual me

13、ans to have Chaplin unique ingenuity. The theme is more prominent, the industrial period of starting the United States around the United States labor peoples life tragedy unfolds a witty satire.(片中喜剧手法和视觉手段都有着卓别林独特匠心的痕迹。而其主题则更为突出,围绕美国当年工业起步时期美国劳苦人民的生活悲剧展开了诙谐的讽刺.)三、 Character and PerformanceAnd the c

14、haracter, the tragedy of the times is the shire representatives:He took the line in transmission speeds up unceasingly, he was insane, he was involved in the huge machine in gear, was faulty eating machine in his grief panic in the face doesnt live fan.These images are all reflected the fear and str

15、ike brought the machine age.Finally, Charlot is out of work, he joined the find work in the great flood; even inadvertently led demonstrations of the masses, but finally still can not change his fate.Not only for a living to worry about the best local prison. So in order to jail, Charlot at the init

16、iative of the rap.But get the opposite of what one wants, not go to prison, but get good out of misfortune is the girl he has the help of the love.Although in real life difficult, but want to embrace life.Therefore, at the end of the film about Charlot signaled the girl to change a face serious look

17、, full of hope and joy and he went in search of a new life.(主角夏尔洛是这个时代的悲剧代表人物:他在不断加快的传送带式的作业线上被弄得精神失常、被卷入巨大的机器齿轮中、被出了毛病的吃饭机器在他悲戚惊恐的脸上不住扇打这些影像无不反映了机器时代所带来的恐惧与打击。最后夏尔洛失业了,他加入了找工作的巨大洪流之中;甚至无意中领导了示威运动的群众,然而最后仍是改变不了他可怜的命运。唯一不用为生活操心的最好地方是监狱,所以为了进监狱,夏尔洛不惜主动替人顶罪。然而事与愿违,监狱进不去,不过却因祸得福得到了受他帮助的那个女孩的爱。现实生活虽然困苦,但

18、要怀抱希望的去生活。是而,影片结尾之处夏尔洛示意女孩改变一脸严肃的神情,满怀期望与喜悦的和他去寻找新的生活。) Charlie works for the ordinary factory workers nervous in the rhythm of the pipeline on the crazy.Without any interval work finally let him insane, see a round thing, could not resist the temptation to use wrench tightening.Charlie mad scene fr

19、om the form is amusing, but in essence is exposed is the social phenomenon provide much material for thought.In todays China, a lot of people unable to bear the pressure of life and work, and gradually to the brink of collapse. This is indeed a we should pay attention to the problem. (查理这个普普通通的工厂工人在

20、节奏异常紧张的流水线上疯狂工作。毫无间歇的劳作终于让他发了疯,一见到圆形的东西,就忍不住要用扳子上紧。查理发疯的一幕从形式上的确引人发笑,但实质上却暴露出是发人深思的社会现象。在如今的中国,很多人无力承受生活和工作压力,逐步走向了崩溃的边缘。这的确是一个我们应该注意的问题。) A iconic little tramp character was created in this film. This little worker, in his final silent-film appearance, struggling to make a living in the modern, ind

21、ustrialized world.This iconic little tramp represents the lower class who suffered a lot from the efficiencies of modern industrialization in the Industrial Age. For his job is to tighten up nails, he had to follow the conveyor belt. The boss wanted to make his workers earn more money for him, so he

22、 asked his mate to let the conveyor belt faster. Because of the rapid speed of the conveyor belt, all the workers in his factory had to follow the belt and worked harder. In this case, workers became the machines servants and nothing can stop them from working on machines.(一个标志性的流浪汉角色被创建在这个电影。这个小工人,

23、在他最后的无声电影的外观,努力使一个生活在现代,工业化世界。“对于他的工作是加强钉子,他不得不遵循传送带。老板想让他的工人为他赚更多的钱,所以他问他的伴侣让传送带速度。因为速度的传送带,所有的工人都在他的工厂不得不遵循皮带和努力。在这种情况下,工人成为了机器的仆人,什么也不能阻止他们从事机器。”)On the other hand ,though I was shocked by the burdensome lifestyles in industrialized times,some violent passions deep into my thoughts after watching

24、 the impressive movie. In the picture show, the two leading-roles never abandonment their hope. Moreover ,The had each others backs and believe in that they will get to live in expect life which they dream of. Finally,the last scene shows us how beautiful they are:we see them walking down a road at

25、dawn in firmly ,towards an uncertain but hopeful future. So ,what is the most spectacular finding of this cinema I understand is that love between human is the most precious treasures and it will be existence forever.So long as we have a sincere good heart and the persistence of never giving up , on

26、e day we definitely will encounter a happy future!There is much valuable wisdom obtained by I from the film.I learned how to make us live in happiness and never give away while meeting frustrations.挫折 Whats more, individuals个人who inspired by the main characters will be a heart capable of great love person in the future too.附:演员表A factory worker (as Charlie Chaplin)查理卓别林/Charles ChaplinA gamin宝莲高黛/Paulette GoddardCafe proprietor咖啡馆业主 亨利伯格曼/Henry BergmanGamins sister (uncredited)流浪儿的妹妹格洛丽亚德黑文/Gloria DeHavenBig Bil大比尔l (as Stanley Sandford)Tiny Sandford


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