How to be an excellent tour guide.doc

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1、How to be an excellent tour guideAbstract With the development of the politics and economy, the tourism of our country has developed very fast, especially when we have participated in the WTO, more and more foreign guests come to china. Our tourism is no now facing sustainable development of opportu

2、nity and challenge. We need much more specialized personals join this profession for its faster development. As a qualified guide, we need not only the good political makings and the abilities of emergency measures to deal with variety of complex problems, but also must have an excellent professiona

3、l skill. When introducing the long history of Chinese culture and beautiful scenery with fluently English has naturally became one of the required prerequisites of all the higher qualified guides As an English major student, especially I have strong interests in tourism. I wrote this paper, to give

4、some of my own views, and I think I should contribute to the tourism of our country! Contents1. Introduction2. First meeting-Greeting and transportation3. Guide service3.1 checking in 3.2 touring and sightseeing3.3 eating3.4 shopping3.5 handing complaints 4. Farewell1. IntroductionThis paper is main

5、ly about tourism, especially about how to be an excellent tour guide during tourism. In my opinion, the job as a tour guide is a branch of knowledge, and it is a kind of arts. The basic importance of tour guide is people, in another word; it is a work of which objects are tour guests. Therefore, in

6、this paper, I mainly introduced some elementary knowledge and technical abilities. For making the readers to improve their theory level and learn some abilities, they need. Of course, it is just my limited knowledge. Sincerely hope it can be useful to some guide learners.2. First meeting-Greeting an

7、d transportationGreeting the guests is the first important stop throughout the whole reception work in tourism. As a qualified tour guide, you should do everything possible to ensure that the tour members obtain the maximum enjoyment and satisfaction from the tour. During this course, you should alw

8、ays welcome the guest to your city and ask them for questions and any requests. Express your willingness to serve them sincerely and honestly. In addition, wish them a pleasant journey and an enjoyable stay in your city. You should also be warm to and considerable of the guests all the time. Transpo

9、rtation is the continuation of the greeting. On the way from the airport or railway station to the hotel where tourists are to stay, you should introduce the main buildings, attractions, scenes, and views along the way. The explanation can also be interspersed with comments on the local history, geo

10、graphy, population, areas, climate, culture, customs, cuisine, specialties and so on.3. Guide service3.1 Checking inUpon arrival at the hotel, as a local guide, you should help the tourists check in and introduce them to the locations of the main facilities of the hotel. For example, you should help

11、 the tour escort to fill in the registration form, to assign rooms to the guests. You may point out to the guests where the lifts and the restaurants are. Sometimes you even have to explain to the guests such trifles as whether the water from the tap is drinkable or not, how to make IDD calls from t

12、he room, or how to use the room key. In case the tourists find something wrong with their rooms, you should inform either the housekeeping department or the front desk immediately and try your best to assist tourists in solving the problem.After the luggage arrives, you should help the bell desk to

13、have the luggage sent to the rooms as soon as possible. The guide should show the tourists to the restaurant when they have their first meal in the hotel, and tell the waiters the group size and special requirements, and you should also explain the beverage policy for the meals.3.2 Touring and sight

14、seeingMajor tourist attractions include large cities, cultural relics, natural scenery, seashore areas in warm climates, ski resorts and so on. For most people, almost any place can become a tourist destination as long as it is different from the place where the traveler usually lives; touring and s

15、ightseeing are the most important courses in tourism. Therefore, you, as a tour guide, should pay more attention to them, during the completely guiding service. You should try to look happy and pleasant. Always be as polite and charming as you can. Your explanation should be brief and concise. Of co

16、urse, you should get yourself well prepared for answering any questions that the tourists may bring up.Here is some information about visiting the museum. As a local guide, you should become completely familiar with the museums in your area. Make sure that you know the opening hours precisely and wh

17、ether, in the case of the smaller ones, it is necessary to reserve a visit. Try to visit them along before you take any tourists to them. Doing so will give an understanding of their main treasures and perhaps some of their less well-known aspects. Reading about the periods from which the artifacts

18、and treasures date will equip you to answer questions from tourists easily and informatively. Nothing is more tedious for tourists than wandering around a museum looking at objects for which they have no information or understanding. You can make it interesting for them. People like to know about th

19、e people behind the objects and treasures, therefore try to introduce the “people” stories behind the things: who owned them; how were they related to their lives, and so on. Do not forget to use humor and light-heartedness occasionally. If you are confident with the museums own guides, make contact

20、 with them.Visiting museums can be very tiring for tourists. They often visit many on their tours and some museums are very large. Do not rush around trying to see everything in the larger ones. Find out from your tourists if they have any particular interests or things that they word like to see. S

21、ometimes it may be wise to split the group and allow different groups to concentrate on the things that interest them. Establishing a central meeting point that everyone can meet at after they have seen all they wish to, might be wise.Finally, you should read a good, popular history of china so that

22、 you know the broad outlines of Chinese history. This will give you a sense of the context of much that you will see in museums; it will also enable you to help visitors understand Chinese culture and history. I also want to take another example to show something. Watching at least one Beijing opera

23、 is almost mandatory for foreign visitors to China Beijing opera is the most famous of the many forms of the many forms of the art in China, but it only has a short history. The year 1790 is the key date: in that year, a provincial troupe performed before emperor quailing on his 80th birthday. The a

24、ctor MeiLanfang who is said to have influenced Charlie Chaplin popularized the form in the west. Beijing opera bears little resemblance to its European counterpart. The mixture of singing, dancing, speaking, mime, acrobatics and dancing can go on for five or six hours, but two hours is more usual. W

25、hen arriving your foreign tourists to watch Beijing operas, remember, they tend to see versions that are noisy and strong on acrobatics and Wash routines, rather than the more quiet traditional style. Of course, the recreational activities are very important, too. Now, people wish to have a comforta

26、ble experience when traveling. In the area of travel and tourism, recreation is an important part. A vacation at resort may become boring if there is no recreation activities provided. Therefore, recreational facilities are the important feature of many hotels in resort areas or large cities. A swim

27、ming pool is quite common of these, particularly in warmer climates and in resort areas. Other recreational facilities include sauna, bowling alleys, billiard room, beauty parlor and gymnastic center with various kinds of sports apparatus. Tennis courts and golf courses may be provided at some hotel

28、s. Many resorts are designed for winter sports such as skiing and ice-skating and others provide horseback riding and some other outdoor activities. Guests of all ages, all degrees of emotional and physical health go to the recreation center to do exercises to relax themselves or enjoy their nightli

29、ves. As a tour guide, you must be good at motivating guests and sensitive to their needs. It is important that you should introduce the contents of activities, leading guests into activities, answering the questions of guests and speaking out some points for attention.3.3 EatingFor dining at a Chine

30、se restaurant, the tour guide should try to choose restaurants that reflect the traditional cuisine of the particular region, introduce such specialties to tourists and help them choose dishes that are good examples of that cuisine Chinese restaurants are known all over the basics of Chinese food. A

31、 small number may be familiar with chopsticks. Westerners enjoy restaurants that have a food atmosphere so avoid putting diners alone in private sections. If possible, many westerners are used to choosing one main dish; choosing many dishes and sharing them may be new to them. Diners will like to kn

32、ow what they are eating, so become familiar with the English names for different foods. Now, for example, the English names for different meats, such as pork, beef, and mutton. The same applies to vegetables because many westerners will be unfamiliar with some Chinese vegetables. Carrying an electro

33、nic dictionary might be a good idea. Go through the menu, describing typical combinations and selections of food. Try to identify the basic tastes of particular dishes, for example, whether they are sweet, or hot, and so on. Westerners like to drink with their meals so make sure that drinks. Other t

34、han tea, are available. If might be a good idea to ensure that there are bottles of water on the table. Find out where the washroom facilities are so that you can direct diners to them when required. In the west diners, pay their bill at the table to the waiter, so explain to them that in China paym

35、ent is normally made at the counter. In another word, Chinese travelers who come to foreign countries for the first time are unfamiliar with the western food. The guide should introduce the food styles, table manners and make them learn the culture of this field. We serve the guests according to the

36、 following order: bread, appetizer, soup, salad, main course and dessert. The guide can recommend the nearer western style restaurant and make a reservation for them. When the guests come to the dining hall, the guide should greet them politely. Seating the guests. They should bring the menu and ask

37、 whether they are going to order. If they havent decided what to order, the guide should politely say: “Take you time, please” and of course, they can introduce the special food in the restaurant. When it comes to the beefsteak, it is necessary to ask them “How would you like your steak?” you know,

38、beefsteak has two cooking ways-medium-rare and well done. If the guests like hot foods, the guide should tell them it concludes four kinds-mile, medium hot, hot and extra hot. When paying the check, the guide should make it clear how they are going to pay. In case, by credit or traveler cheque and p

39、rovide them with the receipt.3.4 ShoppingThe arts and crafts store will be the main source of souvenirs for tourists so it is an important part of their itinerary. Art and crafts will have regional significance so become familiar with the art and craft traditions whatever region you are in. silks, c

40、eramics, and Chinese art are probably what many visitors to China think of when they look for things to buy. Have an understanding of the fair prices that visitors might pay for items and, if possible, prepare them so that they will have some idea, when they make purchases, about what a fair price m

41、ight be. Tell them, if they do not know, about the custom of bargaining in China; educate yourself about the arts and crafts traditions in China so that you can pass this information on to visitors. Become knowledgeable about material like jade, for example, so that you can help tourists identify th

42、e genuine article from the fake. You do not want your tourists to buy glass when they think they are buying jade. Many visitors will have specific things that they are looking for so listen patiently and try to help them find the things that they need. The atmosphere in the arts and craft store shou

43、ld be relaxed and informative. By taking your tourists into the store you are bringing the proprietor valuable business so encourage him/her to treat his foreign customers with respect and fairness. It will be good for business in the long term.Traveling in China, most tourists are likely to buy sou

44、venirs in a local store as gifts to their friends and relatives in their countries or to remember their travel experience in China. Silk is the most attractive souvenir for foreign tourists. Tourists usually tend to seek the tour guides advice as to what king of silk to buy and where to buy at a rea

45、sonable price. As a prospective tour guide, you are requested to recommend different silks to your guests with their unique features and exquisite workmanship. Your recommendation will help stimulate your guests desire to buy silk in a particular shopping arcade, but you have to make sure that any s

46、hoddily vulgar and unreasonable silk is not sold to your guests at any time. Generally, shopping at the silk store is an indispensable component of your travel arrangements. However, excessive shopping arrangements often cause dissatisfaction or even complaints on the part of tourists. In a word, wh

47、ile people are traveling, some tourists put shopping in a position as important as sightseeing. Shopping has become one of the major aspects of peoples activities in a local store. Wherever they visit, they are likely to buy souvenirs in a local store, to give their friends and relatives gifts. Beca

48、use guests want to buy good articles at a reasonable price, they often ask tour guide advice. As a guide, you should introduce traditional local handicrafts or typical souvenirs your guests. Your introduction will stimulate them to buy things, but you must know shopping is an indispensable component

49、 of your travel arrangements; sometimes it will cause dissatisfaction or even complaints on the part of tourists. So you must make sure the bad, unreasonable goods are not sold to your guests. When you take them to shopping, you should obey the followings:1) Introduce shopping arcade briefly, where you take your guests, so that they will have a general idea about what to buy in the store;2) Try to find out what your guests want to buy, and r


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