Hemingway and Hemingway Heroes in His Major Works.doc

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1、海明威和海明威式英雄Hemingway and Hemingway Heroes in His Major WorksAbstract: Hemingway was a legendary person. In his childhood, Ernest Hemingway shared his fathers great love of the outdoor. He was a reporter in his young and joined two wars in which he was wounded heavily. Wars not only hurt his body but

2、also gave something to his heart. Hemingway won the courage of a man from this incident, and war made Hemingway becoming a real hero. His heroes spirit was the major spirit in his novels. So, in his course of writing, Hemingway constantly explores the contribution of the intrinsic motivation to his

3、heroic codes. His character was deeply and directly influenced his works. So, all the characters in his novels were successfully portrayed to show Hemingways spirit. Through analyzing on his works and characters, we can understand Hemingways innermost world and the invincible spirit very well. As me

4、ntioned above, my paper will mainly research the intrinsic motivation and its effect on the development of Hemingway heroic codes. As for the approach, I will concentrate on analysis Hemingways character and explore his heroes emotions with certain images.Key words: Hemingway heroes; death;wars; inv

5、incible 摘要:海明威是一个具有传奇色彩的人。在他的童年时代,海鸣威和他的父亲喜欢户外活动。他年轻的时候做过记者,还参加过两次战争,并在战争中受了重伤。战争不仅给他的身体带来伤痛而且给他的心灵带来新的感悟。战争不仅使海明威充满了勇气而且使他成为真正的英雄。所以在他的作品中英雄精神成为主流思想。在其创作过程中,海鸣威对英雄形象的探索逐步深化。作家的性格品质直接影响着他的作品创作。所以,在海鸣威的作品中,那些主人公的性格特点也是海鸣威性格的部分体现。通过分析海鸣威对死亡的看法和面对强大力量不服输的精神等方面来论述海鸣威式英雄。本篇论文着重论述海鸣威式英雄的来源,发展和英雄原则。关键词:海鸣威

6、式英雄;死亡;战争;不服输ContentsI. Introduction .1A. Ernest Hemingway.1B. Literature review.2II. Analysis on Characters.5A. Analysis on Hemingways characters.5B. The discipline of the heroic codes.5C. Analysis on heroic image.61. Source of the portrayal.62. Development of the heroic codes.83. The heroic codes

7、of Hemingways views.10a. The view on death.10b. The view on wars.11c. The view on being not defeated.12III. Conclusion.13Work Cited.14I. Introduction Ernest Hemingway was a legendary person and a myth in American literature. He was a glamorous public hero of sorts whose style of writing and living w

8、as probably more imitated than any other writers in human memory. In his early childhood, Ernest shared his fathers great love of the outdoors: fishing boxing, big-game hunting and bulling, games though which men can affirm their manliness. He was a reporter in his youth, and joined two wars. He was

9、 wounded seriously in the war, and he won the courage of as man from this incident. While made Hemingway becoming reality hero. His hero spirit was the major spirit in his novels. So, in his novels, those masters were hero and dauntless man. Like Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea. Frederic Henry i

10、n A Farewell to Arms and so on.As a representative “Lost Generation” novelist, Hemingway was famous not only for his code images, “iceberg principle” writing , and brief language , but also for his psychological exploration he became one of the best-known American authors of last century ,and his st

11、ories of courage in the face of tragedy were re-read by each new generation. Hemingway was a modem American novelist of world renown. His unyielding character and rich experiences helped him to create dozens of images of “unyielding man”, which is valuable for the oncoming generations as morals. How

12、ever, his suicide imposes unfair comments on him. This essay further asserted him as a great language and artist master, as well as a moral educator. His works were criticized and studied by scholar. His works emphasized reality. Works source materials were his experiences and feelings. A Farewell t

13、o Arms was an autobiographical novel, and it was anti-war novel. The Sun Also Rises paints the image of the lost generation. A Clean, Well-lighted Place was about old age and loneliness and so on. A. Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway was a novelist and short story writer who becomes one of the best-

14、known American authors of last century. His lean, economical style has been widely copied by other writers, and his stories of courage in the face of tragedy are re-read by each new generation.Hemingway was born on July 21.1899 in Oak Part, Illinois, USA and spent most of his comfortable childhood i

15、n northern Michigan. His father was a doctor who liked to hunt and fish in his spare time. His mother was an artist. Hemingways style of living as an adult and the fact that his books abound in sports terms are partly traceable to his early life. As a boy, Hemingway liked boxing and football and wro

16、te light verse and humorous stories. He had on the whole a happy boyhood though he did run away from home twice and observed once that the best training for a writer is an unhappy boyhood. After leaving school at 17, infested with the then prevailing fever among the young “to get into the thick of i

17、t,” and the sense of the need to experience or observe war at close quarters, he tried to enlist in the army, but was rejected because of his bad eye which he had injured while leaning boxing.Instead of attending university, Hemingway worked six month as a reporter for the Kansas City Star in 1917.

18、And then he served as ambulance driver in the Red Cross in Italy during World War I. In 1918, he was severely wounded in the knee in Italy. After the war, Hemingway worked for a short time as a journalist in Chicago. Later, he went to Paris, working for the Toronto Star and began his career as a wri

19、ter. During his years in Pairs, Hemingway became a master of short fiction. Hemingways own adventurous life provided much raw material for his strongly masculine stories. He gave no literary explanation, and no conventional happy ending to his stories. His early works included Three Stories and Ten

20、Poems (1923) and In Our Time (1925). In 1926, his full-length novel, The Sun Also Rises met with great success. A second novel, A Farewell to Arms firmly established his reputation in 1929. The break of the Hemingway hero with society becomes extreme in his next two books, Death in the Afternoon (19

21、32) and Green Hills of Africa (1935). In 1937, he took part in the Spanish Civil War as a journalist. His experiences provided material for one of his best novels, For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940). In 1952, Hemingway published his last successful novel, helped toward restoring his literary image, so t

22、hat he won the Noble Prize in1954. In 1960, Hemingway was hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, for treatment of depression, and released in 1961. On July 2nd 1961, Hemingway committed suicide with his favorite shotgun at his home in Ketchum, and was buried in Sun Valley, Idaho. B

23、. Literature reviewHemingway was famous for short works in his spare, laconic, terse, clear, telegraph-like, yet intense prose with short sentences and very specific details. Hemingway had written an abundance of famous stories in all life. In my opinion, different readers have different views. Li J

24、ing-jing pointed out: “Death image covers almost all the novels of Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway has a special preference for death. As a unique writer, he mixes his career and hobbies together. The key to decipher his death complex is to consider his legend life experience and his major works as a wh

25、ole, which will contribute to pore the problem on the formation of Hemingways ideology development on death and view his works from a new aspect” (Li 39). In Luo Hong-changs On Death in Works of Hemingway, death abounds in the works of Hemingways, to which went he by committing suicide. This article

26、, by an analysis of the death in his works, tries to reveal the philosophy behind his concerns with death. It focuses on the discussions of the symbolic meaning which Hemingway expressed from the pessimistic life by death plot, by which he sublimed the pessimistic life, and by which human beings sho

27、uld sustain their dignity and grace under the pressure, especially death (Luo 24). Hemingway joined two wars. War not only hurt his body but also gave some new things to his heart. In many works his antiwar idea was very obvious. Guan Ming-fu said: “Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers of

28、 the 20th century, develops his antiwar idea within three stages: being lost-being against war-calling on resuscitation of humanity. The representative works of these three stages are: The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls. His antiwar idea is of great importance both in

29、 his age and today” (Guan 9). We all know, it was always acknowledged that males occupy an everlasting dominant position in Hemingways works whereas females are only “puppets without fight of speech” and foils to males as tough guys in his works has made a deep impression on readers. However, in Lan

30、g Qin-fangs On Female Images in Hemingways Works, In Hemingways Farewell to Arms, Male characters are always “worries” and “vanity”, while females always keep their grace and expose their personal charm with female value and rich spiritual world under the pressure of man s heroism and masculinity (L

31、ang 34). But Xiong Wen, Qin Qiu thought: “It is always acknowledged that males occupy an everlasting dominant position in Hemingway s works whereas females are only “puppets without right of speech” and foils to males as tough guys in his works has made a deep impression on readers. However, after a

32、n analysis of his novels from the perspective of ecological feminism, the authors find that Hemingway surpassed the narrow horizon of male writers to experience and penetrate females sufferings and reflected on the ways to solve living and eco.”(Xiong 31).Hemingway was famous for his novel A Farewel

33、l to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea won the Noble Prize in 1954. So, many students discussed his two works. Like, Zhang Jian-wen, Zhang Chen-hong said: “Although Hemingway elaborates the theme of opposing the imperialist war in his A Farewell to Arms, he didnt analyze the root of the war to the fu

34、ll. With hazy idea of opposing the war, he abused the war, but couldnt bring out a right way to get rid of the war in the end so that he is lost. And the whole novel reveals a perplexed feeling with a pessimistic flavor” (Zhang 6). The Old Man and the Sea is books which never make you boring even re

35、ad it constantly and make the person enjoy in retrospect forever. Ni Fang pointed out: “By analyzing the symbols of the old man in The Old Man and the Sea, the paper probes into the active theme of The Old Man and the Sea one can be destroyed but cant be defeated and reveals the substance of life ph

36、ilosophy of Hemingway” (Ni 13).An authors works are influenced by society. Nihilism has existed for a long time, but when it comes into the twentieth century, the world is heavily surrounded by nihilism. Wang Xin-chun pointed out: “Ernest Hemingway is one of the most influential writers in the twent

37、ieth century. His novel The Sun Also Rises is shadowed by nihility from the title to the theme, from the plot to the destiny of the characters. In Hemingways works the world is full of agony because of war and the world is nihilistic because of agony” (Wang 151). But some people have different views

38、. Chen Hong-qi said: “his short story Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway doesnt describe sensibility hurting and contradiction imbroglio worked by separating of sex and loves between both sexes. In fact the thesis analyzes the dialogue performance between two characters and reasonable ch

39、oice, then reveals the concealed oppression by modem civilization and impinged by violence along with deep alienation of human beings” (Chen 13).Su Shunqiang said: “One type of image in Hemingways novels is generally called heroic code or tough guy. The heroic code has been interpreted as courageous

40、 and stubborn. Heroic code was not a concept concerned with individuals, but with groups” (Su18).Ernest Hemingway was one of the most outstanding writers of American literature. This style was his famous “Iceberg principle” that emphasizes simplicity and economy of expression. Wang Chanjuan said: “U

41、nder the background of well-decorated diction and psychological depiction prevailing in the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century, Hemingways unique iceberg style has brought about a creative idea to American literature. This writing style emphasizes on presenting one-eighth of the “iceberg

42、” to the readers, while hiding the other seven-eighths part of the “iceberg” which is usually the theme of the story” (Wang 37).II. Analysis on CharactersA. Analysis on authors charactersIf we want to know the Hemingways heroes completely, we must know the authors character. In my opinion, Hemingway

43、s works are affected by a lot of elements of the authors character. These elements were honor, bravery, death and so on. The author has an important faith that man can be destroyed but not defeated. Hemingway joined two world wars. Generally, the military of life made Hemingway staunchly and bravely

44、. As a soldier, not scare death and wound. So in his works, major themes were about wars, but authors didnt like war. Although Hemingway enjoyed wars, in his mind he was against wars. He knew that war was full of death and cruelty.When the wars finished, a large of young people sank into lost. Hemin

45、gway was regarded as the most important spokesman for the Lost Generation. Special time created special man and minds. But authors mind influenced his works. In his works was full of his mind. The role of works was a part of author. We found the heroes images in real life. We also found some heroes

46、images were Hemingway. In his work, a lot of plots were Hemingways experiences in army.In Hemingways later life, his body and mind suffered torments. Hemingways last work was The Old Man and the Sea. In this book, Hemingway made use of special writing style and presaged his destination. Finally, he

47、chose suicide bravely. Special experiences created special writing styles and special characters.B. The discipline of the heroic code in Hemingways mindIn Hemingways view, the world was full of violence and evil, and no one can avoid death. Man was finally helpless before the indifferent but punishing universe; he can only dignify himself by the manner in which he accepted the inevitable catastrophe. If he wants to live under such circumstances, he must perform certain actions during which he m


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