How to Help Students Create “Sense of Superiority” in English Learning1.doc

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1、如何帮助学生建立英语学习的心理优势How to Help Students Create “Sense of Superiority” in English LearningContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction .2II. “Sense of Superiority” And It Effect .32.1 What is “Sense of Superiority”?.32.2 The Effect of “Sense of Superiority”.3III. Educate of Self-Confidence. .43.1 The C

2、ontent of Self-Confidence Education.43.1.1 Object Education.43.1.2 Ideal Education43.1.3 Emotion Education.53.1.4 Responsibility Education.53.1.5 Frustration Education.53.2 The Way to Develop Self-Confidence.53.2.1 Positive Ideal.53.2.2 Recall the Success Experience.53.2.3 Learn to Admire Self-Worsh

3、ip.63.2.4 Find a Suitable Frame of Reference6IV. Key Elements to Develop and Maintain the “Sense of Superiority”.64.1 Tackle the Tough Points and Move Forward64.2 Foster Strengths and Circumvent Weaknesses.74.3 Remove the Obstacles.84.4 Meet the Different Requirements of Students at Different Levels

4、.84.5 Have a Hope of Success and Achievement.9V. The Training Methods to Keep and Develop the “Sense of Superiority”. 95.1 Foster Excellent Levels of Psychological Competence.95.1.1 Establish a Clear aim of Learning.95.1.2 Establish Deep Feelings on The Basis of Care Given by the Teachers105.1.3 Aro

5、use Students Great Interest in Learning.105.1.4 Temper the Students Willpower.115.2 Educate Good Learning Skills.115.2.1 Train the Ability to Memorize .115.2.2 Train the Ability to Understand115.2.3 Train the Ability to Apply.115.2.4 Train to Study Independently12VI. Conclusion.12References.12How to

6、 Help Students to Create “Sense of Superiority”in English Learning摘 要: 素质教育要求面向全体学生,但是目前两极分化的想象仍然普遍存在于中学英语教学过程中,有些学生在英语学习过程中由于经历多次失败,时间一长,便形成一种恶性循环,并导致“失败定势”。形成见到英语单词就紧张 、惊慌、胆怯等的心理障碍。为此,教师应该努力帮助学生树立学习的自信心,建立融洽的师生关系,通过改变自己的教学方法,创设生动活泼的学习气氛,帮助他们排除心理障碍,产生学习动机,使他们树立好外语学习的“心理优势”,由“后进”变“先进”。关键词: 心理优势; 自信心

7、; 心理劣势Abstract: The education for all-round development requests to face to all the students. But the polarizations still widely exist in English teaching process in the middle school. Students who learn English has suffered repeated failures. As time passes, the repeated failures cause a vicious ci

8、rcle. Such a vicious circle leads to the psychological obstacle-“doomed to fail”. Failures shake the morale and bring out psychological obstacle such as panic, depression, doubt, worry, even detestation and disappointment and so on. Therefore, the teachers should try their best to help their student

9、s to set up their self-confidence, and build a kind of harmonious relationship between teacher and students. Also, the teachers can create vivid learning atmosphere though altering their own teaching methods, which can help the students remove their psychological obstacles, form their learning motiv

10、es and the students can create the sense of superiority in English learning. On the other hand, if psychological obstacles are removed and confidence restored, the score can increase sharply, and a weaker student also can be a good student.Key words: sense of superiority, self-confidence, doomed to

11、fail Once there was a high-jump coach. An athlete always jumped 1.65m, 1.67m, and 1.69m with ease, but bogged down at 1.70m. After one year the athlete and other people all considered 1.70m to be his ultimate. However, according to the athletes stature, leg length and explosive force, the coach beli

12、eved that the bar could be raised to 1.72-1.74m.Why the athlete couldnt pass 1.70m? The ordinary methods such as praise, reward, encouragement, etc. were not successful. When the school games came, the coach and judge conspired. They said the bar was raised to 1.67m, but actually it was 1.69m. When

13、it was got to 1.71m, they said it was only 1.69m. The result was success! When he was told that the height passed just then was 1.71m not 1.69m and a new school record had been created, the athlete said, “I got! I got!” and he laughed and jumped. Later, he passed 1.72m, 1.74m and finally rewrote 1.7

14、6m.Why did the athlete take such a long time to pass 1.70m while spending such a short time achieving 1.72m, or even 1.74m? It was due to a psychological obstacle that had developed from repeated failures. So thats why so soon as the signal for 1.70m given, the athlete became nervous and frightened,

15、 with legs like jelly that lacked of explosive force. Once he overcame the psychological obstacle the athlete became full of confidence, energy and explosive force. We call this the “sense of superiority” (Zhang Sizhong, 1996). I. Introduction In the 21st century, the development of knowledge will b

16、e more impetuous. The existence and progress of human will depend on high technology. As everyone knows, our nations developing strategy is relying on science and education, and that is also the need of international competition in the new century.English has been the most frequently used language i

17、n the world. Our countrys education policy is oriented to modernization, the world and the future. So learning English well is our urgent demand. Especially our country has acceded to WTO, the society needs more builders and managers with versatile capabilities, and they are required to communicate

18、with foreigners in English very well. People now had attached importance to English, but most of them suffer from that there is no good way to help them learn English happily and freely. In China, children start learning English at an early age, and go through 8 or 12 years of English study. But it

19、is often that we hear students complain that they cannot fluently read the original works and especially cannot understand and express what they need. Students study English as a tool for communication, but it is often not so as we wishes.Nowadays, as the purpose of teaching in our country, examinat

20、ion-oriented is turning into all-round development education gradually. All-round development required that education face to all the students and improves their quality roundly. But the feeling that “English is hard to learn” persecutes many students for years. Some students even lose their confide

21、nce. So day after day, the polarization of a class will become even serious. Professor H.H.Sten once summed up 3 poverties of the slow learners by comparing with the good learners in his work What Can We Learn from the Good Learners? But he did not mention that slow learners cannot learn or do not w

22、ant to learn. The weakness of them is only a superficial appearance. Actually, it is only a kind of expression of the lack of excellent levels of psychological competence and good learning skills. Traditional language teaching is based on teacher-centred method. Teacher controls the whole class. But

23、 in the resent years, students-centred method is accepted and applied more widely in the process of teaching. At the same time, the main points of language teaching research is shift from how to teach to how to learn. Many researches had done on how to make learners learn English well. They improved

24、 the teaching methods and learning strategies. However, the personal factors of students themselves are the also important, especially the psychology of the learner. But we always ignore it. II. Sense of Superiority and Its Effect2.1 What Is Sense of Superiority?Superiority is a kind of overwhelming

25、 power. Here, the sense of superiority in particular refers to the overwhelming power of the mind activity emerging in the process of teaching and learning, that students belief about their capabilities to apply effectively the knowledge and skill they already possess and thereby learn new cognitive

26、 skill. And with this, students may think that they are better than others in English learning. It includes a clear motionaim of champion with a strong will to success. It demonstrates a struggle to achieve ones aim with keen interest, strong will and inspired spirit; to improve ones ability, way, s

27、tyle of learning; to be successful and strengthen supremacy.2.2 The Effect of Sense of SuperiorityAs everyone knows, in China, English learning in middle school is always examination-oriented and exercised-based. Students learn English under great pressure and heavy burden. Sometimes, English become

28、s a stumbling block on their way to success. If beginners are not learning English well at first, it is rather hard for them to pick up their confidence in later learning.Students who learn English suffered repeated failures. As time passes, the repeated failures cause a vicious circle. Firstly, it

29、is rather difficult for beginners to pick up their confidence, some average students come to lose heart, and those who are slow learners have been forced to give up learning. Then, it may causes an abhorrent emotion of English or some will consider themselves as a fool in this area. Finally, they be

30、gin to think that learning English is meaningless, and no values, then, they abandon their learning completely. Such a vicious circle leads to the psychological obstacle-doomed to fail. Failures shake the morale and bring out panic, depression, doubt, worry, even detestation and disappointment. The

31、sense of superiority and the sense of doomed to fail are contradictions that can change. Therefore, we cannot ignore the problem of doomed to fail and must strengthen a sense of superiority. We should have sense of superiority- a strong will to win when we do anything. To achieve this aim, we should

32、 be eager for success and develop a certainty of success in our mind. Only in this way our undertakings can be crowned with success. So, we must pay much attention to the psychological change of the students in the English learning course. If psychological obstacles are removed and confidence restor

33、ed, sense of superiority can be developed, the feeling that forced to study will change to wanting to study. In a word, to cultivate students excellent psychological competence will help students to improve their English study.III. Education of Self-ConfidenceTo create sense of superiority, firstly

34、we must help students maintain their self-confidence.3.1 The Content of Self-Confidence Education3.1.1 Object Education Object as one of the elements of confidence is depending on the degree of ambition whether benefits ones capability. The main object education of teachers is to control the degree

35、of ambition, and make detailed and feasible aims. Do not make it too high or too low. It must be good for maintaining and developing the confidence.3.1.2 Ideal Education Ideal has a tight correlation between confidence and hard working. Ideal educate make students form a correct motivation and compo

36、rtment, clear about the aims, then form a kind of self-study capability during the whole life. Ideal is the catalyst of self-confidence, and confidence is the base of ideal. Linking up the two factors together will promote students to improve their learning.3.1.3 Emotion Education The aims of emotio

37、n education is to make students treat the goal they choose seriously and be devoted to the goal, and encourage themselves constantly, keep optimistic feeling stably. So no matter how hard to learn, they also have a happy experience. And the confidence can develop and strengthen.3.1.4 Responsibility

38、Education At present, most students in our country are the only son in their families. They are lacking in independence and consciousness of responsibility, by education, we may make students clear about their responsibilities.3.1.5 Frustration Education It can improve the willpower of students. Wil

39、lpower is one of the important elements of confidence. If willpower is strong, confidence can keep long. On the contrary, confidence maybe overwhelmed easily. It will make students lose heart in a moment. We know that the difficulties and twists in our study are cannot be avoided, so we must foster

40、the willpower of students and keep confidence firmly.3.2 The Way to Develop Self-Confidence3.2.1 Positive IdealThis is one of the most important postures of a successful person. It is also the first significant condition to develop self-confidence. Only when we have this kind of ideal that “I can ac

41、complish the work surly”, the capabilities, skills and the energy can be arised. Whenever they believe “I can”, they would find the way to deal with the problem. Napoleon once said, “I am successful, because I have the ambition of success.” Without the confidence or this aim, success would have noth

42、ing to do with him. But do not depend on actual capability; the ambition cannot be the reality. If a person wants to be successful, they must do steadfastly from now on to tread out a road.3.2.2 Recall the Success ExperiencePeople do not want to recall success, because they are worried about it may

43、lead up self-satisfaction or conceit. People are getting used to recalling the failure they have ever experience to remind themselves not to make mistake. “Do not forget the ache when you have got over” is a kind of bad habit. It deepens the inferiority complex and the sense of defeat. Actually it h

44、urt the self-esteem and self-confidence of the students, and it is a kind of education of self-abuse and self-inferiority. Do not forget the potential ability, which the students have already owned. They must pay enough respect to their own successful case. Everyone has successes. Maybe it is only a

45、 small thing, such as once be commended in class; win the first prize in a raceThe thing itself is not important, but the experience behind it which can bring a series of sense of success and satisfaction. Under such feeling, students believe that if they work hard, they will have the capability to

46、learn English well. 3.2.3 Learn to Admire Self-WorshipFirstly, students must find out the advantages of themselves. Admire others do not equal to self-egocentric, but do not reproach yourself eternally when you make mistakes. Especially when students are disadvantaged, here, to find out their own ad

47、vantage is a way to encourage them. It always mentions us that I am better than image. The students who are successful in English learning, the reason is that who are full of confidence and hard working. The author believes that if someone have the conditions to be a successful person, he is not worse tha


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