Language Imperialism and the English Craze in China30.doc

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1、Language Imperialism and the English Craze in ChinaAcknowledgementIn writing this paper, I have benefited from the presence of my teachers and my classmates. They generously helped me collect materials I needed and made many invaluable suggestions. I hereby extend my grateful thanks to them for thei

2、r kind help, without which the paper would not have been what it is.Particularly, I am deeply indebted to Professor An Yan, my supervisor, who guided me throughout my writing of this thesis. She carefully read the whole draft and offered painstaking and precious criticism. Her standards of academic

3、excellence have made my revision an exciting and gratifying experience. I also wish to sincerely thank my classmates and friends Miss Yang Jing and Miss Li Yan-jie whose brilliant ideas and perceptive observations have proved immensely constructive. My parents took good care of my life and gave me a

4、 lot of encouragement when I was working at this thesis. They always share my weal and woe. I feel much grateful and heartily owe my achievement to them.Furthermore, none of this would have been possible without the help of those individuals and organizations hereafter mentioned with gratitude: our

5、school library and its staff, the library of Hebei Normal University, and the National Library of China and its staff. 内容摘要 随着全球化和信息化浪潮的到来,一个不争的事实是:越来越多来自不同国家的人们在用一种语言(即英语)相互交流和传播思想。目前,全世界有近3.8亿人口把英语作为母语,约2.5亿人口把英语用作第二语言。而学习英语的人数则更多。英国文化委员会估计,全球正在学习英语的人口大约为十亿,另有15-20亿人口每天使用接触英语。到2050年,全球一半人口会较熟练使用英语

6、。我国英语热的出现与国家的开放政策有密切关联,这一点在我国入世后更是如此。现在,我国不但要求高初中以上所有学生必修英语,从2001年起,还要求在有条件的城市中普及小学三年级英语教学。我国每年高考和研究生考试的必考科目,和提拔干部和晋升技术职称的必要条件之一。在上海这样的大城市,一个人的英语能力还可以决定他是否能够成为国际化人才的标志。本文讨论了国际中英语强势的表现方式和研究英语强势的必要性,并从英语语言本身发展历程、宏观层面、技术因素和综合原因等方面分析了在国际中出现英语强势的成因。本文最后分析了国际中英语强势给英语国家和非英语国家所带来的影响,并突出了对我国现阶段的影响。关键词: 英语热,成

7、因,影响AbstractWith the coming of globalization and the age of information, an indisputable fact is that more and more people from different countries around the world are communicating and disseminating ideas by using the same language, that is, English. By far, nearly 380 million people have English

8、as their mother tongue in the whole globe and about 250 million people use English as their second language. The English craze in China has a close relationship with its open policy, especially after its entry into WTO. Currently, it is not only required that all the students in junior and senior hi

9、gh school should learn English, but also required the permeation of English teaching among the grade-three pupils in primary school in some good-conditioned cities from 2001. English is the subject that students have to take in the college entrance and postgraduate examination every year in China. T

10、his article discusses the way that shows the dominant position of the English language in the world and the necessity of studying the English superiority. Furthermore, the reason of the formation of English language imperialism is analyzed from these elements such as the developing course of the Eng

11、lish language itself, the technology, and the comprehensive causes and so on. Most importantly, it analyses the impact of the English language superiority on both English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries, especially on the current stage of China.Key words: the English craze, cause of form

12、ation, impactContentsIntroduction.1Chapter One The Dominant Position of English Language3 1.1 A Brief History of English.3 1.1.1 The Development of English Language.3 1.1.2 The Global Position of English.5 1.1.3 The Developing Process in China.6 1.2 A Working Definition of Language Imperialism and t

13、he English Craze.6 1.2.1 Language Imperialism.6 1.2.2 English Craze in China.8 1.3 English-the Global Language Today.9 1.3.1 The Linguistic Features of English Language.10 1.3.2 The Historical Reasons11 1.3.3 Some Other Reasons12Chapter Two The Impact of the dominant position of English language.14

14、2.1 The Impact on English-speaking Countries15 2.2 The Impact on Non-English-speaking Countries16 Chapter Three The English Craze in China and its Impact20 3.1 The English Craze in China.20 3.2 The Positive Impact of the English Craze in China.21 3.3 The Negative Impact of the English Craze in China

15、.21Conclusion.24NotesBibliographyLanguage Imperialism and the English Craze in ChinaIntroductionThe academic circle holds that “language imperialism” refers to a fact, that is, because some sort of metropolitan states language must be used within the high-grade category of peoples life, such as educ

16、ation, judicatory and administration and so on, the native language of this district can only express the low-grade or primitive aspect of peoples life. Therefore, this makes even the elites of that district lose their confidence and believes that only if they master the metropolitan states language

17、 will they obtain a better life.1With the coming of globalization and the age of information, an indisputable fact is: more and more people from different countries around the world are communicating and disseminating ideas by using the same language, that is, English. By far, nearly 380 million peo

18、ple have English as their mother tongue in the whole globe and about 250 million people use English as their second language. While the number of people who are learning English is even larger. The English Culture Committee made an estimate that there are about one billion people who are learning En

19、glish all over the world with an addition of 1500-2000 million people using English every day. By 2050, half of the worlds population will have been proficient in using it.The English craze in China has a close relationship with its open policy, especially after its entry into WTO. Currently, it is

20、not only required that all the students in junior and senior high school should learn English, but also required the permeation of English teaching among the grade-three pupils in primary school in some good-conditioned cities from 2001. English is the subject that students have to take in the colle

21、ge entrance and postgraduate examination every year in China.In this essay, the first two chapters show that English has a dominant position among the worlds various languages; in chapter three, the English craze in China and its impact will be analyzed.Chapter OneThe Dominant Position of English La

22、nguage1.1 A Brief History of English It is a truth no one can deny that all things of creation develop in a process of perpetual change. Language as a tool of communication is no exception. Arthur Lloyd James is absolutely right when he has it, “ A language is never in a state of fixation, but is al

23、ways changing. We are not looking at a lantern slide but at a moving picture.” (Arthur Lloyd James 1935)2 Leafing through an English etymological dictionary and tracing the history of some active words right up to their present-day usage, we are sure to be either enchanted or shocked by finding the

24、dramatic differences between the English language in current use and the English language in the past, or, lets say, Old English.3 1.1.1 The Development of English LanguageOld English refers to the language spoken by the earliest settlers in the British Isles-the Angles, Saxons and Jutes from the 5t

25、h to about the 12th centuries AD, well before and after the Tang Dynasty in China (618-907).4 Before the 5th century, these dominant invading tribes lived and procreated in a part of Europe which now encompasses the whole of Denmark and a part of Germany. Although they spoke different dialects, thei

26、r language was Germanic in origin. In the 5th century, quite a number of the Frisians also came to Britain. They either joined voluntarily or were swept along by the expedition of the Anglo-Saxons who passed through their territory in the northwestern part of Europe to enter and occupy Britain. The

27、Frisians were also noted as both traders and raiders during Vikings times. They used a collection of dialects often unintelligible with each other. Nevertheless, the Frisian language as a whole was also Germanic in origin. The Frisian language had a considerable impact on the formation of Old Englis

28、h, and that is why the current Frisian language is linguistically classified as the closest relative to English.From the 8th to the 10th centuries the Vikings, also known as the Scandinavian pirates, attacked and sometimes settled along the coasts of northern and western Europe, including Britain. T

29、heir language, also Germanic in origin, had some sort of impact upon the form of English already existing when they arrived. The subsequent natural blending of the language of these invading tribes laid a solid foundation for the existence of German content in English, which, I think, offers a good

30、sense of correctness for some scholars allegation that English is a sister language of German. Next chronologically came the Normans. No one can overestimate the significance of the historically known event-the Norman Conquest, i.e. the invasion of England by the Normans in the 11th century. The Nor

31、mans who came from Normandy in France were descendants of the mixed Scandinavian and Frankish race. They were actually the northern French people. Their language was not a Germanic one but a Romance one, based on the spoken form of Latin of Rome. With the Normans becoming the new masters of the Brit

32、ish Isles, it was a matter of course that their language was beginning to flood the English language at that time.Old English was soon relegated to be the language of the lower classes (peasants and slaves) and couldnt but make way for Norman French to be used exclusively by the propertied class. Bi

33、lingualism gradually became a necessity among those who had to do business with both upper and lower classes. However, this by no manner of means helped to hinder the extensive infiltration of Norman French into English. With the lapse of time, more and more French was invisibly added to English res

34、ulting in significant changes in inflection and pronunciation. In the year 1204, English was labeled the only home of the so-called Norman English. This, I think, affords another good sense of correctness for some other peoples allegation that English is more of a Romance language than of a Germanic

35、 one. By about the time of the Renaissance, the period in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries, the language in question had gradually developed into what is known as Middle English.Modern English covers the long period from 1500 to the present. This period has witnessed a continuous influx of

36、 words and expressions from a great variety of sources. English has been going on assimilating them, creating thereby a reality that it now has the largest vocabulary of any language today all over the world.1.1.2 The Global Position of EnglishWe always hear some information like these: in our world

37、, 75% of TV channel televises program Via English; 85% of international organization uses English as official language; 85% of web page is English page; 80% of E-mail was delivered by English; all the source code of software is made by English. All these show us that English already becomes an inter

38、national technique.In a sense, a matter that occupies a little proportion can be a best model of technical plunder. This is the formation of main language market. Some countries, such as Britain, America, even India, can gain enormous profits only depending on the export of English education of whic

39、h the cost price is nil.It is reported that a Chinese people need cost 5 Yuan for learning an English word. That is to say, we already suffer a cruel exploitation since we lower our head and hand over the noose on neck to globalization to start English study. The little money in our bag will be much

40、 less before we get profits from globalization. As a kind of industry, English education created 70 hundred million pounds for Britain per year. According to American Educational Foundation, United States gains 90 hundred million dollars from foreign students per year, the great part of this profit

41、is attributed by English teaching.1.1.3The Developing Process in ChinaEnglish is the western language that the Chinese learned in the earliest times. During the transition between the 4th and 5th century, a Chinese people called Jiu mo luo shi (鸠摩罗什), who was a master of translating lections, transl

42、ated nearly 300 rolls of lections. From Sui (隋)to Tang dynasty, the three great masters of translation turned up, they are Xuan zang (玄奘), Jiu mo luo shi (鸠摩罗什), and Zhen di (真谛).They pushed our countrys translating industry to a new height.Then the modern times comes, a famous translator named Yan

43、fu (严复), translated many prestigious foreign works, such as T.H.Huxleys “ Evolution and Ethics and other Essays”, A.Smiths “ An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” and C.L.S.Montesquieus “ Lesprit des Lois” and so on and so forth.As the globalization goes on, China raised a

44、upsurge of learning English all over the nation, various kinds of examination systems emerge as the times require. People are all eager to obtain a certificate or diploma of English. Therefore, the English craze turns up in China. 1.2 A Working Definition of Language Imperialism and the English Craz

45、e 1.2.1 Language ImperialismImperialism, as normally defined in late 19th century England, is primarily a political system in which colonies are governed from an imperial center, for economic but also for other reasons held to be important, then the subsequent grant of independence or self-governmen

46、t to these colonies can be described, as indeed it widely has been, as “the end of imperialism”. On the other hand, if imperialism is understood primarily as an economic system of external investment and the penetration and control of markets and sources of raw materials, political changes in the st

47、atus of colonies or former colonies will not greatly affect description of the continuing economic system as imperialist.5In current political argument the ambiguity is often confusing. This is especially the case with “American imperialism”, where the primarily political reference is less relevant, especially if it carries the 19th century sense of direct government from an imperial centre, but where the primarily economic reference, with implications of consequent indirect or manipu


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