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1、 Lesson Eleven BefriendingNew Words and Expressions1. Psychologist: saikldist n. C someone who is trained in psychology心理学家Psychology; psychological ; Psychiatrist2. Riposte: ripst n. C a quick, clever, and amusing reply 迅速而巧妙的回答a suitably witty riposte恰如其分的机敏答复v. to reply quickly and cleverly3. acc

2、usation: kju: zein n. a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing sth wrong控告;告发;指控There isnt a word of truth in your accusation.(+ of) accusation of corruption对贪污的指控Accuse: accuse sb of doing sth: Are you accusing me of lying?Accused: the accused the person or group of people w

3、ho have been officially accused of a crime or offence in a court of law被告4 mutually: mutual mju: tul adj. mutual respect/ hatred/ support: mutual feelings such as respect or hatred are felt equally by two people towards each other the feeling is mutual: (=used to say that you have the same feeling a

4、bout someone else as they have about you, especially when you dislike each other)(感情方面)彼此一样,彼此彼此e.g: I didnt like Dev, and the feeling seemed to be mutual.mutual friend/ interest共同的朋友/ 兴趣: We discovered a mutual interest in gardening. 我们在园艺方面找到了共同的爱好。Mutually: adv. Done or experienced equally by two

5、 people相互,彼此: a mutually beneficial arrangement互利的安排5. exclusive: i: ksklu: siv adj. mutually exclusive:不相容的e.g: Lesbianism and motherhood are not mutually exclusive. 女性的同性恋倾向和母性并不是相互排斥的。 available only to particular people, so that only they can have , do, or use something 独有的,独做的,独享的 be exclusive

6、to: This offer is exclusive to readers of The Sun. 只有太阳报的读者才能获此优待。 exclusive report/ interview/ coverage 独家报道/ 采访/ 披露e.g: Tune in to our exclusive coverage of Wimbledon. 请收看我们对温布尔登网球赛的独家报道。6. intuition: intjuin n. U the ability to understand or know sth by using your feelings rather than by carefull

7、y considering the facts 直觉力womens intuitionImagination and intuition are vital to good science. 想象力和直觉对于成功的科学研究是至关重要的。7. preconception: pri: knsepn n. a belief or opinion you have already formed before you know the actual facts事先形成的看法;先入之见;成见 (prejudice; false belief)“Pre-” means you form a biased n

8、otion about sth before you learn enough to form a fair idea about it.8. tackle: tkl vt. to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem 处理,对付(难题)It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze.用了12辆消防车来对付那场大火。 to talk to someone in order to deal with a difficult problem (为了解决难题)与交涉9. pr

9、actitioner: prktin someone who regularly does a particular activity (某种活动的)从事者,实践者skillful public relations practitioners老练的公关人员 medical/ legal practitioner: someone who works as a doctor or a lawyer 执业医生/ 律师10. guidance: gaidns n. U Help and advice given to someone about their work, education, pers

10、onal life etc. 指导,引导:(+on/ about) I went to a career counselor for guidance on how to start my job research 我到一位就业顾问那里讨教如何开始找工作。a marriage guidance counselor 婚姻指导顾问11. counselor: kaunsl n. someone whose job is to help and support people with problems顾问Have you thought of seeing a counselor? Compare:

11、 counsel: n&v. (n.) advice; a type of lawyer who represents you in court辩护律师;法律顾问e.g: The judge asked the counsel for the defence to explain. 法官要求被告的辩护律师做出解释。(v.) to advise someone建议: counsel sb to do sth (formal) He counseled them not to accept this settlement. 他建议他们不要接受这一解决方案。12. comely: kmli (lit

12、erary) a comely woman has an attractive appearance(女性)标致的,秀丽的13. defendant: difendnt n. C the person in a court of law who has been accused of doing sth illegal被告We found the defendant not guilty.我们认为被告无罪。Is it fair that physically attractive defendants are less likely to be found guilty in court? 1

13、4. titbit: titbit (BrE) titbit of information/ gossip/ news etc : a small but interesting piece of information etc 趣闻,花絮,花边消息等 a small piece of food少量的精美食品,珍馐 (AmE) tidbit15. adaptive: dptiv the ability to change so as to be suitable or successful in new and different situations适应的,有适应能力的(syn.) adap

14、table16. species: spi: i: z n. a group of animals or plants which are all similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants of the same kind as them(动植物的)物种;种endangered species17. behaviorist: biheivirist n. 行为学家 (holding the belief that the scientific study of the mind should be bas

15、ed only on peoples behavior, not on what they say about their thoughts and feelings.)Behaviorism行为主义18. postulate: pstjuleit vt. (formal) to suggest that sth might have happened or be true假定发生过,假定是真的+that One theory postulates that the ancient Filipinos came from India and Persia. 一种理论假定古代菲律宾人来自印度河波

16、斯。19. affiliation: filiein n. the fact of being involved with a member of a political or religious organization联系,从属关系What are her political affiliations? 她属于什么政治派系?(v. ) affiliate: be affiliated with/ to: a TV station affiliated to CBS附属于哥伦比亚广播公司的电视台20. plausible: pl zbl adj. a statement that is pl

17、ausible is reasonable and seems likely to be true似乎是真的,有道理的His explanation sounds fairly plausible to me. 他的解释我听起来颇有道理。 someone who is plausible is good at talking in a way that sounds reasonable and truthful, although they may in fact be lying花言巧语的,能言善辩的,能说会道的21. stimulation: stimjulein n.Stimulate

18、: v. to encourage an activity to begin or develop further刺激,促使,促进The discussion stimulated a free exchange of ideas. 讨论促进了思想的自由交流。stimulate growth/ demand/ economy etcstimulate sb to do sth: An inspiring teacher can stimulate students to succeed. 一个富有启发性的教室可以激励学生取得成功。Stimulating: adj. exciting or fu

19、ll of new ideas 使人兴奋的,充满新思想的22. predictable: pridiktbl adj. if the result of sth is predictable, you know what it will be before it happens 可预言(预料)的e.g: The outcome of these experiments is not always entirely predictable.(v. ) predict (n.) prediction: prediction of sth 23. encompass: inkmps vt. to i

20、nclude a wide range of ideas, subjects,etc包含,包括The study encompasses social, political, and economic aspects of the situation. 这项研究包含了该情况下社会,政治,和经济的方方面面。 to completely cover or surround sth 覆盖,围住The houses encompassed about one hundred square meters. 房子占地约100平方米。24. exploratory: iksplrtri adj. done

21、in order to find out more about sth探索的,考察的exploratory surgery诊察性外科手术explore (v.); exploration (n.); explorer (n.)25. implicate: implikeit v. to show or seem to show that sth is the cause of sth bad or harmful (仿佛)表明(某物)导致(不好或有害的事)Tobacco has already been implicated as one of the causes of the diseas

22、e.烟草已被认为是导致这种疾病的原因之一。(n.) implication (+of): What are the implications of these problems? 这些提议有什么后果?26. project: prdekt vt. to make other people have a particular idea about you使别人对(自己)有某种看法,使呈现,表现(自己)project an image: Regina always projects an image of quiet self-confidence.里贾纳总是表现出安静自信的样子。project

23、yourself: Youll need to project yourself well in the interview.你必须在面试时好好表现自己。 to stick out beyond an edge or surface凸出,突出The huge guns projected outwards from the deck of the ship. 巨炮从船甲板向外伸出。27. objectively: adv. 客观地 Objective: bdektiv adj. not influenced by your own feelings or opinions, when you

24、have to make a judgment or decision客观的,公正的I need an objective opinion from someone whos not involved. 我需要一个与此没有牵连的人的客观看法。 objective facts: 客观事实28. complementary: kmplimentri adj. making someone or sth better or more attractive by emphasizing its good qualities or having qualities that the other pers

25、on or thing lacks补充的,补足的e.g: The computer and the human mind have different but complementary abilities. 电脑与人脑各自不同却由互为补充。(n) complementarity: 互补性29. empirical: impirikl adj. (only before noun) based on scientific testing or practical experience, not on ideas from books以科学实验(经验)为依据的,经验主义的e.g: Scienti

26、sts are hoping to find empirical evidence to confirm their theories. 科学家希望能找到实验证据证明自己的理论。30. monitor: mnit vt. to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes or progresses over a period of time监视,监测,监督Their job is to monitor healthcare costs. 他们的工作时监督保健费用。In one experiment,

27、some developing friendships were monitored amongst first-year students. 31. hostel: hstl n. C somewhere where people, especially people living away from home, can stay and eat fairly cheaply(为外地人提供廉价食宿的)旅社,招待所Youth hostel: 青年旅社32. ethics: eiks (pl.) moral rules or principles of behavior for deciding

28、 what is right and wrong道德标准,道德规范professional ethics 职业道德ethic: a general idea or belief that influences peoples behavior and attitudes伦理,道德The modern ethic seems to be to get as much money as you can without worrying how to get it. 现代的道德观似乎是不择手段尽量弄钱。33. pastime: pa: staim n. something that you do b

29、ecause you find it enjoyable or interesting消遣,娱乐e.g: Reading was her favorite pastime. 35. aesthetics: i: sekiks (also esthetics) n. U the study of beauty, especially beauty in art(尤指艺术方面的)(审)美学Aesthetic: adj. connected with beauty and the study of beauty美学的e.g: From an aesthetic point of view, its

30、a nice design.从美学角度看,这是个不错的设计。36. predictor: pridikt n. 预言家37. alliance: lains C an arrangement in which two or more countries groups etc agree to work together in order to try to change or achieve sth(国家、团体之间的)联盟,同盟alliance between/ with: Britains military alliance with her NATO partners. 英国与其北约伙伴的

31、军事联盟38. omen: umn n. C a sign of what will happen in the future前兆,预兆,兆头a good/ bad/ ill omen: The sudden change in weather seemed to Frank to be a good omen. 对弗兰克来说,天气突变似乎是个好兆头。39. field: a subject that people study or are involved in as part of their work(研究或工作的)学科,领域(+of ) He is well known in the

32、field of ancient history. 他在古代史领域是很有名的。40. potential: ptenl adj. (only before noun) a potential customer, problem, effect etc is not a customer, problem etc yet, but may become one in the future.潜在的,可能的The agents were eager to impress potential buyers. 这些代理商急于给潜在的买主留下深刻的印象。(n.) U the possibility tha

33、t sth will develop in a certain way, or have a particular effect可能性,潜在性 (+for) The potential for abuse in such a system is enormous. 在这样的体制下,滥用职权的可能性极大。41. values: (pl.) your principles about what is right and wrong, or your ideas about what is important in life准则,价值观念e.g: western liberal values西方自由

34、价值观We share a broad range of attitudes and values. 我们拥有共同的态度和价值观。42. desirable: dizairbl adj. sth that is desirable is worth having or doing because it is useful or popular值得拥有的,值得做的e.g: highly desirable非常合意的,很可取的It is desirable that: It is desirable that you should have some familiarity with comput

35、er. 你应该对计算机知识有所熟悉,这是很有益处的。43. identical: aidentikl adj. exactly the same完全相同的44. breed bri: d vt. to cause a particular feeling or condition引起,酿成,招致living conditions that breed violence and despair滋生暴力与绝望的生活条件45. contempt: kntempt n. U a feeling that someone or sth is not important and deserves on r

36、espect轻蔑, 轻视,鄙视: (+for) His contempt for his fellow students was quite obvious. 他对同学的鄙视之情非常明显。with contempt: He had been treated with nothing but contempt ever since he arrived. 他从来的那一天起就备受轻视。46. obnoxious: bnks adj. extremely unpleasant or rude可憎的,讨厌的,粗暴无礼的You obnoxious little creep! 你这个烦人的小讨厌鬼!47.

37、 dissimilar: disimil adj. not the same 不相同的,不相似的48. personality: p: snlti n. someones character, especially the way they behave towards other people个性,性格Iain has a very dynamic personality.伊恩是个精力很充沛的人。49. facet: fsit n. one of several parts of someones character, a situation etc (性格、情况等的)(一个)方面(+of)

38、 discussing the many facets of the problem讨论这个问题的许多方面50. disparate: disprt adj. very different and not connected with each other迥然不同的,全异的,不相干的The challenge is to make disparate computer systems work together. 难题是要让迥然不同的电脑系统一起工作。51. spouse: spaus n. a husband or wife (正式)配偶(丈夫或妻子)52. resemble: rizembl vt. (not in progressive or passive不用进行式或被动态) to look like, or be similar to, someone or sth 像,与类似,与相似e.g: Mick closely resembled his father. 米克长得很像他的父亲。


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