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1、Literal Translation and Liberal TranslationAbstractWhat is argued here: “literal translation” and “liberal translation”, the two kinds of translation methods express their special characteristics, relations and differences in real practice, the language circumstance we used and the mistake area appe
2、ars frequently. Moreover, this text refers how to use the two different translation methods to convey the authors original ideas accurately. Because of the different languages have their own special characteristics and form; there are the homogeneity and differences in the vocabulary, the phrase, th
3、e method of habit and expression, cultural.etc. So we should act it according to actual circumstances, handle it nimbly at the time of translation. Generally speaking, in the concrete translation activity, translate literally, if possible, or, appeal to liberal translation. In the particular context
4、, translators can choose the better one between through a comparison; even adopt the method that is to combine “literal translation” with “liberal translation”.Key Words:literal translation; liberal translation;translation method; relation and difference摘要本文所探讨的是:“直译”与“意译”两种翻译方法在实际应用时所表现出的各自独特的特点,它们
5、的相互关系与差异,它们所使用的语境以及常出现的误区。另外,本文还谈到了如何用这两种不同的翻译方法准确地传达文章作者创作时的最初意图。由于不同的语言有各自特点和形式,在词汇、语法、惯用法、表达法、文化等方面有相同之处,也有相异的地方。所以在翻译的时候,应该量体裁衣、灵活处理。一般说来,在具体的翻译活动中,能直译的就尽量直译,不能直译的就采取意译。在特定的上下文的翻译中,译者可以通过比较,在二者中挑选比较合适的一个,甚至采用“直译”加“意译”的方法。关键词:直译 意译 翻译方法 关系与差异Contents1. How to distinguish “literal translation” and
6、 “liberal translation”?1.1 What is “literal translation”?1.2 What is “liberal translation”?1.3 How to distinguish “literal translation” and “liberal translation”?2. How to use “literal translation” accurately?2.1 Its acceptable to translate literally as much as possible.2.2 “Literal translation” is
7、not equal to “inelastic translation”.2.3 Its significant to learn the mistake area of “literaltranslation”.3. How to use “liberal translation” accurately?3.1 In which situation can we use “liberal translation”?3.2 “Liberal translation” is not equal to “irregular translation”.3.3 We should combine “l
8、iteral translation” with “liberaltranslation”.IntroductionIn the field of translation, the issue that translates with “literal” or “liberal” method has been the topic that chatters without stopping from the ancient time. The group of “literal translation” hopes that while translating all of the orig
9、inal manners in original can reappear, leave out one word in the original is not allowed, the word isnt appearing in the original cant add freely either. But the group of “liberal translation” thinks that the translation is only on the basis of comprehending the original, then converting the quintes
10、sence of the original with another language. The essence of the dispute can summarize in a word: During the translating, how to handle the expression form of the original? The “literal translation” and “liberal translation” are two kinds of main forms of translations. They are not exclusion; contrar
11、ily, complement each other. We can find that the “literal translation” and “liberal translation” are blending as well as milk and water in any successful translation.1. How to distinguish “literal translation” and “liberaltranslation”?1.1 What is “literal translation”?By “literal translation” means
12、while translation we not only be faithful to the original, keeping the language form of the original at the same time as far as possible, including how to use phrases, the structure of sentences and so on; but also require the language fluently and easy to understand. Someone estimates that 70% sent
13、ences are handled by the “literal translation” method in the process of translation. Such as:Though a translation may be like old wine in new bottles or a woman in mans clothing, the results can be both tasteful and alive.直译 虽然一篇译文可以像置于新瓶中的老酒,或似身着男装的女子,但是,酒仍不失其甘醇,而女子仍风韵不减。(The form in the original a
14、ll can be preserved in the translation, such as wine/bottles/woman/clothing.)1.2 What is “liberal translation”?“Liberal translation” requests us to express the general ideas of the original naturally and fluently on the premise of grasping the marrow deeply, not to be formalistic. The use of liberal
15、 translation is not as extensive as literal translation, but sometimes we have no choice to use liberal translation. Such as:She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.意译 她生长在富贵之家。(The form in the original disappears in translation such as silver spoon/mouth. If we insist to use literality, the t
16、ranslation were grotesque: 她降生时,嘴巴里衔着一把银勺子)1.3 How to distinguish “literal translation” and “liberal translation”?Two different languages with English and Chinese have different histories, cultures, customs and habits that results in the two nations special language and expression form, so we have t
17、o know basic culture of the two languages. In general practice of translation, we cant insist on completely by using literality or liberality from the beginning to the end. We should translate according to the demand, sometimes need to combine with literality and liberality, and then we will transla
18、te an excellent work. Then, how to distinguish the “literal translation” and “liberal translation”? Please read the following examples: The mantle of your high office has been placed on your shoulder at a time when the world at large and this organization are going through an exceptionally critical
19、phrase.直译 正当全世界和本组织处于一个异常危急的时期中,这个崇高职务的重担就落到你的肩上。意译 整个世界和本组织正经历着一个异常危急的时期。在这样的一个时期中,这个崇高的职务的重担就落到你的肩上。(In this model sentence, literal translation is better than liberality, because it retains the contrast of the sentences of context in the original.) Liberal translation cant be negated resolutely,
20、for example:Tess sat up in bed, lost in vague interspace between dreams and this information.直译 苔丝从床上坐起来,沉湎于梦和这个信息的茫然的空隙之间。意译 苔丝从床上坐起来,一听这个话,一半朦胧,一半清醒,在那儿发愣。(This sentence emits the Kings English. If we use the literality, the translation will be insipid.) It is a long lane that has no turning.直译 那是
21、一条没有拐弯的长巷。(误)意译 路必有弯,事必有变。(正) We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.直译 我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。(误)意译 对现代科学的价值无论如何重视也不会过分。(正)Therefore, in which condition we can use literality, and in which condition we can use liberality?I think it can follow the principle: Translate literally, if possib
22、le, or, appeal to liberal translation.2. How to use “literal translation” accurately?2.1 Its acceptable to translate literally as much as possible.Why we say “translate literally, if possible”?What is the benefit of literality?It is to point out that literality has the advantage itself on the condit
23、ion of expressing the ideas of original exactly and observing the language norm of translation. On one hand, literality is conducive to do the duty of translation, retain the culture characteristic of the original; on the other hand, it is conducive to bring in fresh and vivid words from the abroad.
24、 Literality not only advances the variety of language, but also be good for the communication of culture.For example: “as timid as a hare” is not coincide completely with the meaning of “as timid a mouse”(胆小如鼠). “As timid as a mouse” is a derogatory term in Chinese, but “timid” and “hare” in English
25、 have not so strong derogatory sense. “Timid” just means shy or bashful, but “hare” is unlike a disgusting mouse, so we should not translate it into “as timid as a mouse”. This example told us that only literality can express the original faithfully.On the premise of not influence the understanding,
26、 literality can encourage the communication of different cultural. For example: translate “turn swords into ploughs” into “化剑为犁”. It is equal to the meaning “turn hostility into friendship (化干戈为玉帛)”in Chinese. Such as: “Homer sometimes nods.” We can translate it into “荷马有时也打盹”, it is similar as “No
27、man is wise at all times. (智者千虑必有一失)”in Chinese. If no one translates literality at the beginning, so how can we know foreign also have the similar parlance?2.2 “Literal translation” is not equal to “inelastic translation”.If the form of English sentences in original can coincide with Chinese, we sh
28、ould use literality. But if not and we still adopt literality that would become “inelastic translation”. Therefore, we have to change the view of language, adjust the implication of the words. For example: Apply sunscreen liberally (at least one large handful) about 30 minutes before going outside.原
29、译 涂抹防晒油要慷慨大方(至少要满满一把),涂抹约30分钟方可外出。改译 应该足量使用防晒霜(至少满满一把),且在外出前30分钟使用。 Add 15-30 minutes per night until you feel alert and rested each day. If you ate a “night owl”, sleep a bit later; if you are a “lark”, go to bed earlier.原译 如果感到疲劳,每晚多睡1530分钟,直到你感到这种情形有所改善,每天休息得很好。如果你是“夜猫子”,就睡晚一点;如果你是“云雀”,就睡早一点。改译 每
30、晚多睡1530分钟,直到你感到精力充沛、神清气爽。如果你是“夜猫子”,就睡得迟些;如果你惯于早起,就早点上床。 In private firms, green hands need special training.译文A 在私人公司里,绿色的手都要接受特殊的培训。(误)译文B 在私人公司里,新手都要接受特殊的培训。(正) Simon is a big mouth.译文A Simon 是个大嘴巴。(误)译文B Simon 是个爱传闲话的人。(正)2.3 Its significant to learn the mistake area of “literal translation”.Lite
31、rality is a very important method of translation and it has a lot of advantages. But literality has some certainly limitation. Sometimes, translation is verbose and difficult to understand, or cant inform the meaning of original correctly, even things go against ones wishes. If we pursue literality
32、persistently, ignore the situation and the differences between Chinese and English language, we will get into the mistake area. The reason why literality has the mistake area is the disunity of the form and content of language; on the other hand, the different cultural and history background between
33、 China and foreign countries that result in the different ways of thinking and forms of expression.Then, what is the limitation of literal translation and where is it emerge?I sum up that literality have five mistake area at least.(I) The Mistake Area of Literality in Negative SentencesThe negative
34、sentence in English is divided into “part negation” and “all negation”. We cant translate with literality completely, otherwise, it would result in mistranslation, even be opposed to the original. This part negation sentence is different from the thinking form of Chinese. For example: All of the can
35、didates cannot be employed.误:所有的申请者都不能被录用。正:并不是所有的申请者都可以被录用。 I do not know all of them.误:对他们我都不认识。正:对他们我不是个个都认识。 All the answers are not right.误:所有答案都不对。正:答案并非全对。 Every body wouldnt like it .误:每个人都不会喜欢它。正:并不是每个人都会喜欢它。 I cant thank you more.误:我不能更多地感谢您。正:我对您真是感激不尽。 It is a wise man that never makes m
36、istakes.误:聪明人从不犯错误。正:无论怎样聪明的人也难免犯错误。 We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.误:我们不能过高地估计现代科学的价值。正:对现代科学的价值无论如何重视也不过分。(II) The Mistake Area of Literality in Long SentencesIt is difficult to express the meaning of long sentences in order with a complete Chinese sentence. So we have to
37、translate according to the feature and relation of English sentences. There are three kinds of method to handle the long sentences.a. We can translate it according to the logical relation of the sentences and the Chinese habit of expression.Such as: The chances are that the dwellers of the new caves
38、 would see more greenery, under ecologic-ally healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities do today.译文 同今天地面城市里的居民相比,新洞穴里的居民如果在比较健康的生态环境中生活,会有更多的机会见到青枝绿叶。(This sentence isnt complicated, but not easy to translate. There are three tiers of relation in this sentence: comparison, condition and
39、 consequence. It is convenient to follow the logical relation.)b. Some long sentences need to combine with literality and liberality, and comprehensive handling.For example: But a broader and more generous, certainly more philosophical, view is held by those scientists who claim that the evidence of
40、 a war instinct in men is incomplete and misleading, and that man does have within him the power of abolishing war.译文 有些科学家的观点更开阔,更富有普遍性和哲理性。他们指出,有关人类战争本能的证据尚不完全,而且容易引起误解,事实上,人类自身具有消除战争的能力。(The part of principal clause in this sentence can use liberal translation; the part of subordinate clause can
41、use literal translation.) It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astonishing enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost or consequences, which she bears unto this day.译文 那里的人们富于大无畏的开创精神,建立庞大的企业,敢冒风险,势如破竹,一干到底,不顾及成本
42、,因此为加利福尼亚赢得了声誉。(We handle this sentence comprehensively, and the translation convey the charm of original vividly.)c. Some sentences are different from the thinking form of Chinese, so we usually need to translate reversely.Such as: Textile finishes have in general become a no-no in todays market pl
43、ace, thanks to many reasons, says a representative of fiber producer.译文 一位纤维厂家代表说,由于许多原因,纺织物整理剂在今天的市场上已经到了无人问津的地步。 How much easier, how much more satisfying it is for you who can see to grasp quickly the essential qualities of another person by watching the subtleties of expression, the quiver of a
44、muscle, the flutter of a hand.译文 比较起来,你们这些有视觉的人,通过观察表情的微妙变化,肌肉的颤动和手势来迅速把握别人的基本品质,是多么容易,多么使人满足啊!(III) The Mistake Area of Literality in Rhetoric SentencesThere will be a great deal of rhetoric ploy in English work. It is difficult to express them clearly with literality. There are some kinds of situa
45、tion should not translate literality as follows.a. Parable just like “simile” and “metaphor” should not translate literally. And it often decided by the Chinese habit of expression.For example: David is as poor as a church mouse.译文 David 一贫如洗。(This sentence adopt simile. We cant translate it into “D
46、avid像教堂里的老鼠一样穷”) Johnson was a dark horse.译文 Johnson是个不鸣则已,一鸣惊人的人。(This sentence adopts metaphor. We cant translate it into make “Johnson是一匹黑色的马”)b. Some metonymy should not translate literally.Such as: He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevadas Was
47、hoe Region.误:他乘公共马车到了西部,患了瓦肖地区的金银发烧流行病。正:他乘公共马车到了西部,卷入了淘金热和淘银热。 In his cradle, Simon started to get special training to be a knight.误:在摇篮里,Simon就开始为成为骑士(贵族头衔)而接受特殊训练。正:从童年时起,Simon就开始为成为骑士(贵族头衔)而接受特殊训练。 The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the v
48、ery symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt.误:古老的小日本漂游在灰棕色的钢筋混凝土摩天大楼之间的引入景象是和服与超短裙之间的不断斗争的象征。正:式样古老小巧的日本房屋像小船一般,漂游在灰棕色的钢筋混凝土摩天大楼之间,这引入注目的景象象征着旧传统和新发展之间的不断斗争。c. The classics of quotation should not translate literally. We had better add some explanation in it or translate liberally.Such as: When invading Masco, Hitler met his Waterloo.译文 在进攻莫斯科时,希特勒吃了大败仗。(In this sentence, “meet ones Waterloo” i