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《Lyrics between English and Chinese.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lyrics between English and Chinese.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、For the eastern musical performance (or) songs, it pursues the implication, which is emotional but not hysterical, and it always leaves a broad space for appreciator to image. Take the Chinese version as an example; it take advantage of the simile and it regards the sweet smile as the lovely flower

2、, showing the affection indirectly , leaving a broad space to the readers to image .As for the westerns, in order to be systematical and accurate, they always form relevant and complete system in the form o f various concept, judgments and reasoning by the means of analyzing integrating. They lay pa

3、rticularly stress on the abstractness and logicality. Western people are used to Logical thinking andRational thinking, so English lyrics pay more attention to the “shape”, pouring Out the heart ,owning the infection with a very strong force. green flower porcelainis an artistic and elegant work of

4、watercolor which is full of Sang Ba style intensely. the lyrics state the feelings frankly, expressing the endless yearning and deep love to the lover . The thinking of westerners is linear; westerners are used to the direct communication. They express their feelings and emotions directly and frankl

5、y .for example, in a single sentence, the English sentence is the first center, putting the main point at the beginning of the whole sentence, they state (clarify) the reasons follows the main idea.As can be seen from the note in English to express the first “You are so beautiful to me ,” after “ th

6、at I cant explain ”first Youre like a moon after that I awaken to say hello,first So beautiful and bright after that you make me content to play it so.Firstly, telling the results, then analyze the result. The extent of beauty of the girl make great difference to the man .As far as the Chinese conce

7、rned, their thought pattern is the circular, they are used to indirect communication, they did not reveal the meaning, just put the burden of interpreting on the shoulder of listener. In a Chinese sentence, if they want to express the same meaning as westerners do, the Chinese sentence is the post c

8、enter, the main point of view is often placed at the end of the sentence ,so called “cause and effect ” ,as we can see from the 炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里 在瓶底书刻隶仿前朝的飘逸 就当我为遇见你伏笔 天青色等烟雨 而我在等你 釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏 而你嫣然的一笑如含苞开放 你的美一缕飘散 去到我去不了的地方 天青色等烟雨 而我在等你The Chinese version describes the pretty painting on the green flow

9、er porcelain prcising, then express affection indirectly.Before speaking out the key information ,they tend to analyze it ordered ,which can make the listeners accept it easily.With the increasingly rapid development of globalization all around the world, it is of importance to communicate cross-cul

10、turally and globally. However are plenty of differences between the Chinese culture and western culture, such as the religion beliefs, the world view, and the outlooks on the world, life and values? Lets get to the root of the differences-the way of thinking, which shows apparently within the Chines

11、e and English songs, especially the same song in two versions, the Chinese version and the English version. Now let us come to the thought pattern , Chinese incline towards the figurativeness, and the they are used to make full use of concert imagines to express the abstract concept .Which shows the

12、 features of high context communication, paying attention to the messages and emotions sent non-verbally. Within which if the two kinds of objects have some relative attribute; they are likely to form a complete knowledge. That is to say, if the imagines have something in common, then the associatio

13、n will be made. Usually, the linkage made does not need the accurate concept and serious explanation. What is more, during the process of associating, they just throw their eye on the meaning it expresses and the artistic conception it shows .In terms of context, generally speaking, the high context

14、 communication or message is one in which most of the information is beyond the words and internalized in the person, while very little in the coded, explicit and transmitted part of the message .the low context communication o r message is the reverse, the mass of the information is showed transpar

15、ently between the lines. People in the western culture, communicate primarily through language codes using the language channels. They receive information form low context sources such as newspaper, textbooks and instruction sheets. On the other hand, the people from the high context environment, th

16、ey are much more rely on the personal and relatively high context sources of information such as your family friend and your neighbors.In this way, china belongs to the higher context scale and the western countries possess the characters of the lower context .they show the features separately in th

17、eir thought pattern and their songs.Then lets talk about the integrity within the thought pattern of china, which regard the o universe as a whole, having relationship with collectivism more or less, expressing the thought of harmonious among the human beings and the melodious between the nature and

18、 human beings. Believing the acme of perfection is the union of people and everything around the world. In the Chinese version, the author put the hero and the whole painting together to show his love to the heroin. he conveys his love through flower smoke rain and the different kinds of characters

19、on the porcelain , he enroll his love to the natural objects.On the contrary, the westerners thought pattern is analyticity , they tend to analyze in a rational fashion to make things to be a more well arranged and regular system. At the beginning of the song ,the singer expresses his emotion frankl

20、y ,it is your face that change my world ,then clarify how your face change my world ,the longer ,the deeper the love . 青花瓷is like a rendering of the Chinese wind rain hazy Jiangnan ink Landscape painting. The parting is described more charitably and exquisitely. It is also hidden more subtlety and w

21、ith flavor. The words of “素胚”“仕女”“汉隶”and so on describe the elegant appearance of green flower porcelain: simple and elegant, fresh and smooth. Ok, let me tell you some other differences between English and Chinese songs. Firstly, there are some differences of rhyme. Lyrics in English songs have a h

22、eavy syllable division. However, they dont have four distinct tones. So it reads monotonous and there is lack of cadence tones of beauty. English lyrics emphasize on alliteration but Chinese lyrics emphasize on off-rhyme. So the Chinese songs have strong cadence which makes them read impassioned or

23、rise and fall or gloomy. The ways of rhyme in English tend to diversification. The varied rhyme in English songs is one of the reasons why Chinese have difficulty in learning English songs. Look at these lyrics in Brunaim bairi bairka bogumlaubans liubans liudandei,gilwagroni, glitmunjandei,bagme bl

24、oma, blauandei,fagrafahsa, liulini,fraujinondei fairguni.All of them emphasize on alliteration. Secondly, there are some differences in plot. Most Chinese songs use the way of combining narration and emotion-expressing. They cant be divided in the song and the writers always speak up their mind to s

25、ublimate feeling and bring out the theme at the end of songs. However, English songs tell the plot, matter-of-fact way. Firstly, they describe the plot directly and then express their emotion at the end of songs. The narration and emotion-expressing are divided. Whats more, Chinese lyrics are the co

26、mbing of narration and visual effect. The plot emphasizes on time sequence, and the visual effect emphasizes on image spacing. For example, the lyrics in describe the surroundings firstly and then express the emotions. However, lyrics in express the emotions directly without description about the ba

27、ckground environment. The first reason for the differences between Chinese songs and English songs is the ways of expressing emotion between Chinese and English are different. The center of Chinese culture is Confucianism which tells the basic manner of people. That is self-effacing and self-denial.

28、 It forms us a habit of thinking about something from others point of view. But western people do believe in individualism. They are proud of themselves, and they want to show the confidence and self-honor whenever and wherever. For example, suppose that you get into a store, in China, the shop assi

29、stant will ask,” What you want?” But in western, they will ask,” Can I help you” or “What can I do for you?” From this, we can see English are more active in using i. It seems that they pay more attention to the ability of initiative. For example: in 而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 你的美一缕飘散 你眼带笑意 你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘 你从墨色深处被隐去

30、The Chinese word “you” are always used. But in the word “I ”are often used, such as these sentences: I see your face on the leaves, telling me how lonely I have been. I see your face on the leaves, telling me how lonely I have been. Im sure the sea hasnt inspired your sweet blue eyes.Whats more, the

31、 way one speaks or what he says between Chinese and English are different. Chinese prefer to use imaginable thinking, such as using metaphors or other soft way to speak. Chinese proverb is a good example”百尺竿头,更进一步” which means we should make another step even if you have accomplished both success an

32、d fame. Using the pole as a metaphor is reasonable and vivid. It can educate people euphemistically. But the same meaning in English is “Make still further progress”. That is directly and motivated, most important, it is more understandable. Thirdly, there are differences of cultural connotation in

33、vocabulary. The cultural connotation in vocabulary is the result of development of years of cultural history. It involves in history, religion, geography and customs. For example, “white” is the symbol of beauty and the commendatory vocabulary” in English. However, in Chinese, we usually use “red” t

34、o represent auspicious. The same prospect can be described by totally different words in English and Chinese.Music is the common language of human beings, and it can be displayed in different and colorful styles in distinctive cultural context. With the development of globalization, the East-West culture shows the diversity of modern art in a different but relevant way. However, we can find resonance in the sea of music. Enjoy it.


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