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1、Nobel Prize Controversies1. Controversy: disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated尤指长期、公开或激烈的)争论;争执;争吵;争议A fierce controversy has broken out over the issue. 关于这件事已爆发了一场争论。arouse, cause, create, provoke, spark (off), stir up引起争论;挑起辩论What they are doing is bound to stir up controversy

2、. 他们正在做的事情势必激起争论。Controversial: giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement(可能)引起争论的,(可能)有争议的a controversial question引起争论的问题a highly controversial subject很有争议的课题Over its 100-year history, the Nobel Prize have managed to stir up a string of outstanding controversies:2. stir up (phrasal

3、verb) (1) stir someone up or stir something up to provoke conflict or bad feelings between people deliberately; to make someone feel upset or angry; 激起Dont stir up trouble between them不要在他们之间惹麻烦。 to make small pieces of something move around in the air or in water3. a string of = a series of or a gr

4、oup of similar things 一系列的a string of questions一系列的问题4. outstanding: exceptionally good杰出的,出众的outstanding performance. 杰出表现clearly noticeable突出的,显著的an outstanding feature. 显着的特点instances where apparently deserving persons did not receive the award, the standards for the award seem not to have been c

5、onsistently applied, questionable nominations have been made and later withdrawn, or awards were made to persons who may not have deserved them. (there were such instances that some persons who were worthy of the award were not granted the prize, or sometimes the standards for the award seemed not t

6、o be applied, or some nominations were not correct so were retracted later, or some awards were granted to persons who may not deserved them. 有关于显而易见的应得奖者名落孙山,有评奖标准的前后不一,有引起质疑而后又遭取消的提名,或者把奖颁给了不配得奖的人)5. instance:an example or single occurrence of something例子,事例“Where” introduces 4 clauses: She mentio

7、ned an instance where their training had been a great help in dealing with problems.她提到了一个他们的训练对处理问题的巨大帮助的例子。Also controversial is the fact the Nobel prizes have almost never been awarded after someones death, so that otherwise deserving persons have missed out on the Nobel Prizes simply because the

8、y died before the significance of their achievements was fully appreciated. (Nobel Prizes have never been granted to someone after his death only because the significance of their achievements was not fully appreciated, even though they deserve the prizes. This fact is also controversial另一个引起争议的事实是:

9、诺贝尔奖几乎从未授予已经逝世的人,于是本来有资格的得奖者,仅因成就尚未得到充分肯定就已去世而与诺贝尔奖失之交臂。)6. otherwise: sentence adverb used when indicating that something negative will happen if something is not done否则,不然You will have to go now; otherwise you will miss your bus你现在就得出发了,否者你就赶不上车了。 sentence adverb used when saying what would have h

10、appened or might have happened if something else had not happened:I simply do not have the time; otherwise, I would do it myself.我就是没有时间,否者我就会自己做。 except for what has just been mentioned在其他方面;除此之外an otherwise totally black cat with a single white whisker一只除了一缕白须之外全身漆黑的猫 in a different way别样;以另外方式all

11、 the staff were otherwise engaged全体职员都在忙别的事Many people think otherwise. 很多人不这样认为。 7. miss out (on) (phrasal verb) to not have the chance to do sth that you enjoy and that would be good for you, miss an opportunity 失去获得利益或乐趣的机会He missed out on a chance to go to college because of his ill health. 他因身体

12、不好, 失去了上大学的机会Overlooked achievements Mahatma mhatm Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times between 1937 and 1948 but never received the prize, being assassinated on 30 January, 1948, two days before the closing date for the 1948 peace Prize nominations. 8. nominate: propose or form

13、ally enter as a candidate for election or for an honour or award提名the film was nominated for several Oscars. 那部影片被提名好几项奥斯卡奖I nominate Bill as the club president我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。Nomination The Norwegian Nobel Committee had very likely planned to give him the Peace Prize in 1948 after his death, but ult

14、imately decided against it, and instead chose not to award the prize that year. 9. ultimately最后;最终Ultimately, the war had to end;it cost too much in both lives and dollars由于人员伤亡过重和花费过多, 战争最终不得不终止the ultimate result of ones actions行为的最后结果ultimate cause终极原因the ultimate ends of the world天涯海角ultimate pr

15、inciples基本原则 The strict rules against a prize being awarded to more than three people at once is also a cause of controversy. Where a prize is awarded to recognize an achievement by a team of more than three collaborators, inevitably one or more will miss out. 因为,如果某个团队有三个以的上合作者,其中的一人或多人就肯定不能获奖。10.

16、Where used when comparing two people, things, actions ect. showing how they are differentl Where others might have been satisfied, Dawson had higher ambitions.其他人可能就满足了,而道森有更高的目标。For example, in 2002, a Nobel prize was awarded to Koichi Tanaka田中耕一 and John Fenn for the development of mass spectromet

17、ry in protein chemistry, an award that failed to recognize the achievement of Franz Hillenkamp弗伦兹西伦坎普 and Michael Karas 米夏埃尔。卡拉斯of the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the university of Frankfurt. mass spectrometryspektrmitri质谱学;质谱测量,质谱分析Another well known miss was the Nobel Prize

18、 in Physics of 1965 that was awarded to Richard P. Feynman, Julian S. Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, but failed to recognize the contribution of Freeman J. Dyson that demonstrated the equivalence of the formulations of quantum electrodynamics of the other three scientists. 却没能表彰为证明这三位科学家量子电动力学公式的

19、等价性做出杰出贡献的弗里曼C戴森11. contribution: the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance促成作用;贡献This is Chekhovs contribution to Russian literature. 这是契诃夫对俄罗斯文学的贡献。12. demonstrate: clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence证

20、明,证实All of those demonstrated the correctness of his analysis这一切都证明了他分析的正确性。give a practical exhibition and explanation of (how a machine, skill, or craft works or is performed) 演示she demonstrated how to cook fish. 她演示如何做鱼The salesman demonstrated (how to use) the washing-machine. 售货员表演了如何使用这种洗衣机。sh

21、ow or express (a feeling or quality) by ones actions显示,表露(感情);表现(品质)she began to demonstrate a new-found confidence她开始表现出新近确立起来的自信。The fireman demonstrated great courage in saving the child.那位消防队员在抢救孩子的过程中, 表现了极大的勇气。take part in a public demonstration参加(公众示威)游行(或集会)Large crowd demonstrated outside t

22、he British Embassy很多群众在英国大使馆外面示威。13 Equivalence: equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc(价值、数量、功能、意义等)相等的,相同的,等同的】14. quantum: kwntm a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents量子15. electrodynamics.ilektrudainmiks电动力学4Similarly, the

23、prohibition of awards after death fails to recognize achievements by a collaborator who happens to die before the prize is awarded. 15. prohibition: the action of forbidding something, especially by law(尤指法律)禁止Prohibition against对的禁止/ of禁止 Prohibition against sales to under-18s of alcohol 禁止向未满18岁的人

24、售酒的法令a treaty for the prohibition of nuclear tests禁止核试验的条约Rosalind Franklin, who was key in the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953, died of cancer in 1958, four years before Francis Crick, James D. Watson and Maurice Wilkins (one of Franklin s collaborators) were awarded the prize for Medicin

25、e or Physiology in 1962. Franklins significant and relevant contribution was only briefly mentioned in Crick and Watsons now-famous paper: Significant:sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy重要的;显著a significant increase in sales销售明显上升This is a significant contribution to

26、 knowledge这是对知识的重大贡献Briefly:concise in expression; using few words简单地说;简洁地;简短地He described briefly what happened他简要地描述了事情的经过。“we have also been stimulated by a knowledge of the general nature of the unpublished experimental results and ideas of Dr. M. H. F. Wilkins, Dr. R. E. Franklin, and coworkers

27、” We have also been inspired by the unpublished experimental results and ideas of Dr. M.H.F. Wilkins, Dr. R.E. Franklin, and co-workers我们还从MHF威尔金斯博士,RE富兰克林博士及其合作者们尚未发表的实验结果和思想中所阐述的有关一般性特征的知识里得到过启发” Stimulate: encourage interest or activity in (a person or animal) 激发(人的)兴趣;激励;刺激(动物The art course stim

28、ulated me. 艺术课激发了我的灵感。encourage development of or increased activity in (a state or process) 促使,促进,激励They stimulated me to make greater efforts. 他们鼓励我要做出更大的努力tax changes designed to stimulate economic growth旨在刺激经济发展的税收改革Lack of a Nobel Prize in MathematicsThere is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics, whic

29、h has led to considerable speculation about why Alfred Nobel omitted it. 诺贝尔奖独缺数学奖一直引发人们对阿尔弗莱德。诺贝尔为何忽略数学的大量猜测。Considerable:notably large in size, amount, or extent相当大的;相当多的;相当重要的a position of considerable influence相当有影响力的职位It is a considerable sum of money那是一笔数量可观的钱。He has done considerable for me他为

30、我做了不少事。of a person) having merit or distinction(人)显要的,著名的;值得尊敬的Paul is a considerable person in his town保罗是镇上的一位重要人物。Speculation: form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence推测Your speculations were all quite close to the truth. 你的揣测都很接近于事实Whether or not he will get the job is m

31、ere speculation他到底能否得到这份工作只是推测而已Omit:常作 be omitted)leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully省略;删除;排除In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details在写这份报告时, 我把一切不必要的细节全都删除了fail or neglect to do (something); leave undone忽略;遗漏She omitted telling the

32、teacher about it. 她忘了把那件事告诉老师Some recipients of Nobel Prize in other fields also have notable achievements in or have made outstanding contributions to mathematics; Notable:worthy of attention or notice; remarkable值得注意的;显著的His achievement is very notable他的成就是非常显著的for example, Bertrand Russell was aw

33、arded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1950) and Max Born and Walther Bothe shared the Nobel Prize in Physics(1954). Some other with advanced achievements in mathematics and / or who are known primarily as mathematicians have been awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Science in memory of Alfre

34、d Nobel: Kenneth Arrow (1972), Leonid Kantorovich(1975), John Forbes Nash(1994), Clive W.J. Granger(2003), Robert J. Aumann (who shared the 2005 Prize with Thomas C. Schelling), and Roger Myerson and Eric Maskin. There is also no Nobel Prize in computer science, which, as a discipline, historically

35、grew out of mathematics. Emphasis on discoveries over inventionsAlfred Nobel left a fortune to finance annual prizes to be awarded “to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics”.Emphasis: special importance, value, or prominence given to som

36、ething重视,强调Put/ place / lay emphasis on注重, 着重于, 强调, 加强(语气), 重读they placed great emphasis on the individuals freedom他们特别强调个人自由。Morality was the emphasis of his speech道德是他讲话的重点。V. emphasize Fortune:luck, especially good luck运气;好运a large amount of money or assets大笔的钱;大量财产make a (或 ones) fortune:acquire

37、 great wealth by ones own efforts发财,发迹finance: the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies财务管理;财政;金融the Minister of F-财政部部长provide funding for (a person or enterprise) 为(个人,企业)供给资金The new roads will be financed privately这些新公路将由私人出资修建The bank helped to finan

38、ce our business银行供给我们生意所需的资金。Nobel did not specifically emphasize discoveries, but they have historically been held in higher respect by the Nobel Prize committee than inventions: 77% of Nobel Prize in physics have been given to discoveries, compared with only 23% to inventions. Specific: clearly de

39、fined or identified确切的;具体的precise and clear in making statements or issuing instructions声明或作指示)清楚的;明确的;具体的specifically: 特有地, 特定地, 具体地The book was written specifically for children这本书是特地为儿童编写的明确地I told you specifically not to do that. 我明确地告诉你不要那样做说明确些, 亦即, 就是Several people, specifically Tom, Mike and

40、 Joan have agreed有几个人, 即汤姆、迈克和琼已经同意了Christoph Bartneck and Matthias Rauterberg in papers published in Nature and Technoetic Arts, have argued that this emphasis on discoveries has moved the Nobel prize away form its original intention of awarding the greatest contribution to society in the preceding

41、 year.Original: used or produced at the creation or earliest stage of something起初的;原来的The original settlers are the Indians最早在这里定居的是印第安人。not dependent on other peoples ideas; inventive and unusual创新的;独创的Your designs are highly original你的设计很独特extremely, highly, startlingly, very非常新颖的;很有创意的;大胆创新的: She

42、 has a highly original mind她是一个非常有创新精神的人Preceding: 时间或地点上)在先的, 在前的, 前面的the preceding night前一晚in the preceding chapter在前章An award to peace activists or to statesmen? Many of those who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize since 1901 have been statesmen, politicians with the power to make both peace

43、 and war. For example, the first statesman to receive the prize was U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, whose mediation between Japan and Russia was primary motivation for those who nominated him in 1906. Mediate: intervene between people in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconcili

44、ation调停;斡旋bring about (an agreement or solution) by intervening in a dispute经调解而达成(解决方案等Unless management accepts mediation, the strike will never be resolved除非资方接受调解,否则罢工不会停止mediationmotivation: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way动力,诱因The motivation for the deci

45、sion is the desire to improve our service to our customers. 做这决定的原因是为了改善我们对顾客的服务The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. 一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。But was his “happy role” in bringing the Russo-Japanese war to an end really important enough to make him the

46、most worthy among the candidates for the prize? And did the committee consider other aspects of Roosevelts policies before making its decision?The award in 1906 was highly controversial within the peace movement. In some peoples opinion such a man should never be awarded a prize for peace work. Soci

47、al democrats and other wrote protests against it. For the next five years the Prize were awarded to traditional peace activists. But Roosevelt was not to be the only statesman to become a Nobel laureate, many others were to follow. Democrat: an advocate or supporter of democracy. 民主主义者, 民主人士Protest:

48、 a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something抗议书,抗议;异议,反对two senior scientists resigned in protest.两名资深科学家辞职以示抗议。I cant pass the matter by without a protest我不能对此事视而不见, 我要提出抗议。an organized public demonstration expressing strong objection to a policy or course of action adopted by those in authority(反对当局的)公开示威a protest march示威游行.express an objection to what someone has said or done抗议,提出异议;反对she wouldnt let him pay and he didnt protest too much她不让他付账,他也没怎么太反对publicly demonstr


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