On English Learning Strategies of Nursing Majors in Changsha Health School长沙卫校护理专业学生英语学习策略研究.doc

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1、On English Learning Strategies of Nursing Majors in Changsha Health School长沙卫校护理专业学生英语学习策略研究 研 究 生 姓 名 指导教师姓名、职称 教授 学 科 专 业 高师硕士 研 究 方 向 英语课程与教学论 湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室 二O一O年九月On English Learning Strategies of Nursing Majors in Changsha Health SchoolA DissertationSubmitted to Foreign Studies College Of Hu

2、nan Normal UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Teachers in the Subject ofEnglish Language TeachingByChang Nian Under the Supervision ofProfessor Changsha, HunanSeptember, 2010AbstractThis study aims to investigate how the nursing majors employ learning st

3、rategies in their English learning. The study involves an analysis of the current English teaching in Changsha Health School and explores the factors affecting the use of language learning strategies. According to Oxford (1990), language learning strategies are behaviors or actions used by learners

4、to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable. Chamot (1987) stated that learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions that students take to facilitate learning. Ellis (1994) believed that strategy choice can affect learning outcomes, which in turn can

5、 influence strategy uses. Nunan (1999: 63) suggested that strategy training does make a difference in several key areas. First, it had a significant effect on student motivation. It also gives the students the knowledge of the strategy, which significantly affects their appreciation of their use of

6、strategies in their own language learning. Wen Qiufang(1996) claimed that learning strategies have direct influence on the results of learning and that the adjustment of learning strategies is the key factor in successful learning. Previous researches showed that learning strategies contribute direc

7、tly to learners learning results. The College English Curriculum requirements of China (Ministry of Education, 2007) also emphasized the acquisition of effective learning strategies.However, research on language learning strategies in China is still in its early stage. Almost all the previous resear

8、chers took English majors as their objects, but the majority of EFL learners in colleges and universities are non-English majors, such as nursing majors. It seems necessary and reasonable to survey them. It is imperative to help them become aware of successful language learning strategies and acquir

9、e them. Based on previous researches, the data was computed and analyzed by means of descriptive analyses, one-way analysis of variance, Pearsons correlation analysis and a multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows.1.The nursing majors are good at using metacognitive s

10、trategies but they are not good at using cognitive strategies. Students tend to use social strategies the most often.2. The study of the relationship between learners with higher proficiency and those with less proficient learners found that the employment of learning strategies had statistically si

11、gnificant correlation with language learning results.3. Generally, the nursing majors are introvert and shy. They are not creative in strategy application, either. Anxiety is also a big obstacle to the nursing majors English learning.4. Nursing curriculum is boring and abstract. Heavy assignment of

12、study made nursing majors anxious. It is not easy for them to learn English well as long as dealing with the professional courses.Findings from this research suggest that both the knowledge about English itself and the knowledge about learning strategies are important and they should gain equal weig

13、ht in learning and teaching. Some pedagogical implications based on the results of the study are provided in the following: 1. English teachers should enable the nursing majors to realize that effective strategies can enhance language learning. 2. English teachers should encourage learners to cultiv

14、ate their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. Students should try to practice learning strategies that are appropriate and benefiting to them.3. Learning strategy training should not be limited to the classroom.Lastly, and the most important, learning strategies are not all-purpose although the

15、y may contribute significantly to learning. They shall never take the place of the learning process itself. Only when strategies are based on diligence will success in English learning be gained. Therefore, teachers should always train strategies following the right orientation and prevent students

16、misconception of taking shortcuts in English learning.Key words: nursing majors; metacognitive strategies; cognitive strategies; social/affective strategies摘 要本研究旨在通过以下两个方面的探讨: 护理学生使用英语学习策略的总体情况, 护理学生学习策略的使用与英语成绩是否存在相关性,来发现护理学生在英语学习中常使用的学习策略和缺乏使用的学习策略,以期英语教师在教学中能给护理学生以明确的学习策略指导和训练,提高学生的策略意识,使他们学会选择合

17、适的策略来实现学习目标,提升英语考试成绩。Oxford指出,学习策略是指学习者在语言学习中所采取的能促使学习更成功、更有针对性的一些具体行为。Chamot 认为,学习策略是学习者在语言学习中所采用的能促进学习的技巧、方法及有意识的行为。Ellis 指出,策略的选用会影响学习的结果,而学习的结果对策略的使用有反作用。Nunan 通过研究得出,学习策略的训练很重要,它不但影响学生的学习动机,还影响学生对学习策略的认识及使用。文秋芳指出,学习策略直接影响到学习的结果,不断调整学习策略是成功的语言学习的关键因素。我国教育部在2007年颁布的大学英语课程教学要求中也明确指出学习策略是学生综合语言运用能力

18、的一个重要组成部分,是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。然而,语言学习策略的研究在中国尚处于起始阶段。几乎所有前人的研究都是以英语专业学生为对象,但是实际上大学中大多数学生为非英语专业学生,比如护理专业生。对于他们的调查尤为必要。提高他们对语言学习策略的认识并学会运用已迫在眉睫。在前人研究成果的基础上,本研究通过实地听课观察、问卷调查、师生访谈及对两次测试成绩的分析,对长沙卫校护理专业学生在英语学习过程中的学习策略应用情况进行了研究,得出了以下结果:1. 总的说来,护理专业学生更善于使用元认知策略和社会/情感策略,但是他们不善于使用认知策略。 护理专业学生最常使用的语言学习策略为社会策略。

19、2. 通过对成功的英语学习者与非成功英语学习者的对比研究发现,英语学习策略的使用与英语学习结果呈正相关。3. 护理专业学生普遍内向、羞怯,不大喜欢开口,并且对策略的应用不太灵活,缺乏创新,但他们刻苦、学习动机强。4护理专业课程枯燥、抽象, 学习任务重,护理学生对学习容易产生焦虑和厌倦感。在应付繁重的专业课程的同时要学好英语, 实非易事。上述研究结果表明:元认知策略和社会/情感策略在学习的过程中起着重要的作用,然而,只有当把它们与认知策略结合起来使用时才能取得最佳的效果,英语语言本身的知识及学习策略方面的知识在教与学当中同等重要。因此,教师应当培养护理专业学生优化学习策略的意识,并在平常的教学中

20、重视英语学习策略方面的指导和训练,帮助他们获得良好的学习策略并养成良好的学习习惯。而且学习策略的训练不应只限于课堂。最后要说明的是,尽管学习策略有助于提高学习效率,但它毕竟不是万能的,它最终还是不能取代语言学习本身,因此,英语学习要取得成功,除了会应用有效的学习策略外,首要是自身的勤奋努力,教师在向学生说明学习策略的重要性及进行策略训练时要正确引导,以防学生形成走捷径的心理。 关键词:护理专业学生;元认知策略;认知策略;社会/情感策略 ContentsAbstractII摘 要VContentsVIIILIST OF TABLESXLIST OF FIGURESXIChapter One In

21、troduction11.1 Introduction to the Study11.2 Definitions of Terms21.3 Statement of the Problems41.4 Rationale of the Study51.5 Objectives of the Study71.7 Significance of the Study81.8 Organization of the Study9Chapter Two Literature Review112.1 Introduction112.2 Definitions of Learning Strategies12

22、2.3 Categories of Language Learning Strategies (LLS)142.4 Approaches Used in Language Learning Strategy Research202.5 Good Language Learner Studies222.6 Summary25Chapter Three Application of English Learning Strategies Theories to Teaching Practice283.1 Introduction283.2 Reasons forNursing Majors to

23、 Learn English in China283.3 Application of LLS of Nursing Majors in Changsha Health School303.4 The Training of LLS Given by teachers in Changsha Health School323.5 Summary37Chapter Four Methodology384.1 Introduction384.2 Specific Research Questions384.3 Participants394.4 Sampling404.5 Instruments4

24、14.6 Data Collection Procedures444.7 Data Analysis464.8 Summary48Chapter Five Results and Findings495.1 Introduction495.2 General Analysis of Language Learning Strategies495.3 The Comparison of the Results of the Students Mock Examinations of PET 3 before and after the Research505.4 Results and Find

25、ings after A Years Learning Strategy Training515.6 Results and Discussions about the Qualitative Research615.5 Summary64Chapter Six Conclusion656.1 Introduction656.2 Major Findings from the Current Study656.3 Implications676.4 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Researches70Bibliogra

26、phy错误!未定义书签。Appendix 177Appendix 284Appendix 3 Individual interviews for students90Appendix 4: Individual interviews for teachers92LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Definitions of learning strategies13Table 2.3: Oxfords (1990) framework of language learning strategies18Table 2.3: Strengths and Weaknesses of

27、 Strategy Assessment Methods (Oxford, 1993)21Table 5.1: A table for checking questionnaire items50Table 5.2: A table for examinations results51Table 5.3: Mean and Standard Deviation of 6 Strategy Categories54Table 5.3: The Correlations between the Categories of Strategies55Table 5.4: The Mean Score

28、and Standard Deviation of Different Cognitive Basis on 6 Strategy Categories56Table 5.5 Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Different grades on 6 Strategy Categories57Table 5.6 The Result and analysis of the two grades by means of the SILL59Table 5.7: Summary of Part One : background62Table 5.8: Su

29、mmary of Part Two: beliefs63Table 5.9: Summary of learning difficulties63LIST OF FIGURESFigure 2.1: Interrelationship Betrween Direct and Indirect Learning Strategies (Oxford. 1990.p.15)17Figure 5.1:The diagram of the average of the Six strategies of the two grades59Figure 5.2:The diagram of the ave

30、rage of the Six strategies of the two grades60Chapter One Introduction1.1 Introduction to the Study The study aims to investigate how the nursing majors employ learning strategies in their English learning in Changsha Health School. The study involves: an analysis of the present teaching of English

31、in Changsha Health School, an analysis of the nursing majors cultural background and an investigation on the strategy application of the nursing majors. A detailed analysis is also to be given to illustrate what the strategies are that they fail to use or cant use them effectively. A discussion is t

32、o be conducted to explore the relevance between their learning strategies and their learning results. Moreover, it tries to explore the main difficulties that exist in their English learning. It is expected that special characteristics of the nursing majors in English learning will be revealed.In th

33、is study, face-to-face interviews, classroom observations and a five-point scale questionnaire are to be conducted to test the nursing majors. The research is based on the assumption that the nursing majors application of learning strategies is closely related to their English proficiency, although

34、there may be many other factors influencing students learning results in English learning. On this basis, the nursing major learners should be given sufficient concern on the guidance and training of effective learning strategies. Meanwhile, their cultural background, personalities and the difficult

35、ies in learning are taken into consideration. 1.2 Definitions of Terms Language Learning Strategies: Language learning strategies are the procedures learners use in facilitating their learning processes to achieve the goal of learning target languages. SILL: SILL stands for The Strategy Inventory fo

36、r Language Learning, which was developed by Oxford (1990), and it was based on the six categories of learning strategies derived by Oxford from the studies of language learning strategies used by good language learners. Memory Strategies: Memory strategies are the strategies learners use to get info

37、rmation into memory and to recall memory. These fall into four sets of strategies: creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, reviewing well, and employing actions. Cognitive Strategies: Cognitive strategies are the strategies through which learners directly use the new language, practici

38、ng naturally, analyzing contrastively, and summarizing. These include four sets of strategies: practicing, receiving and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning, and creating structure for input and output. Compensatory Strategies: Compensatory strategies are the strategies learners employ to over

39、come knowledge limitations. Two sets of strategies are included: guessing intelligently in listening and reading, and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing. Metacognitive Strategies: Metacognitive strategies are the learning strategies through which language learners manage their own learni

40、ng process. Oxford (1990) concluded that the metacognitive strategies include three sets of strategies: centering ones own learning, arranging, planning ones learning, and evaluating ones learning. Affective Strategies: Affective strategies are the strategies learners use to control their emotions a

41、nd attitudes. Three sets of strategies exist: lowering anxiety, encouraging oneself, and taking ones own emotional temperature. Social Strategies: Social strategies are the strategies learners use to work with others to learn a target language. Three sets of strategies are included: asking questions

42、, cooperating with others, and empathizing with others. Motivation: Motivation refers to the desires students currently hold associated with the learning of English.1.3 Statement of the Problems1.3.1 The Special Background of Nursing MajorsWith the shifting of medical model and the pattern of medica

43、l education, nursing should meet the modernization, the world and the future. New nurses who know not only nursing but also English must be developed. Enhancing the quality of skillful nursing staff, and promoting their ability in foreign languages are imminent. Boring and abstract nursing curriculu

44、m, and heavy learning task, bring nursing majors anxiety and boredom. It is not easy for them to learn English well as long as dealing with the professional courses Therefore, the study on nursing majors application of learning strategies help to make more nursing students not only improve the stand

45、ard of English, but also create a good English learning method to promote their English language ability. The process of nursing majors to study and work abroad will be accelerated; Meanwhile, It enriches the language learning strategies and brings a certain inspiration on English teaching of the he

46、alth care field.1.3.2 The Present Situation of English Language Teaching For the Nursing Majors in Changsha Health SchoolAs mentioned in Chapter three, Changsha Health School is a secondary vocational school. Most of the nursing majors here are from junior middle school, at the age of 1518. They got

47、 poor result of English learning before they came to this school. But nursing is a very good major at present time. Nursing majors will achieve a successful professional career in the future. Furthermore, if they have high proficiency in English learning, they may work or get further study abroad. T

48、hus, the objective of English teaching in Changsha Health School is to development international nurses. Any approaches that can enhance nursing majors English learning are practically used by us teachers. Language learning strategies are less often used by nursing majors. As precious researches claimed, they can help the learners achieve the goal of


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