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1、On English Learning Strategy in Middle SchoolAbstractWith the reform of English curriculum, every English teaching staff is facing practical problems that how the English teaching should adapt the development of society. How they should study the new English reform course and improve teaching qualit

2、y. Currently, as the development of quality development which aims at training the students ability on how to learn, more and more teachers realize that the importance of researching the English learning strategy and guiding the students to study. To improve the level of the students learning strate

3、gy, the students would use the good study strategy to control own study process, and finally they will become the person who can really study by themselves and carry on the lifelong education. This is not only an important task of teaching work, but also the request of fostering talented people in 2

4、1st century. Curriculum Standard of English illustrates that the aim of middle school English learning is to induce the students learning interests, and help the students set up their confidence, and train good habits of learning, and develop the ability of self-learning. Therefore, it is not only n

5、ecessary but also important for the teachersto help the students with learning strategy. This paper illustrates how to improve the learning strategy and English learning effect through the origin of the learning strategy, the basic concept of the learning strategy, and the learning strategy of the s

6、tudents and the teachers.Key Words: English learning; strategy摘要随着英语新课程的改制,英语教学该如何适应时代的发展,该如何实现新的英语课程的学习和该如何提高英语教学的质量,这是每一个英语教育工作者面临的现实问题。当前,随着旨在培养学生学会学习,学会发展和让学生获得终身学习能力的素质教育的全面发展推行,越来越多的教师已经认识到加强英语学习策略的研究及对学生学法指导的重要性。要提高学生的学习策略水平,使他们用良好的学习策略来控制自己的学习过程,成为一个能够真正独立学习,进行终身教育的人,是教学工作的一个重要任务,是21世纪人才培养的要

7、求。英语课程标准阐明了中学英语教学目的首先是激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略。因此,学生学习学习策略,运用学习策略是极为重要的,教师在教学过程中给予学生学习策略的训练也是十分必要的,势在必行的。本文从学习策略的起源,学习策略的概念以及教师和学生的学习策略方法等几个方面阐述了如何发展,优化学生学习策略,提高英语学习成效的实践措施。关键词:英语学习; 策略IntroductionOur countrys current curriculum reform of elementary education mainly inclu

8、des that students participate in Modern teaching. Teachers and students diligently explore and work to develop the capacity of searching and processing information and the ability of acquiring new knowledge. They also develop their analyzing and problem-solving abilities as well as communication and

9、 cooperation capacity. Modern teaching shows that the goal of education is no longer a simple imparting of knowledge and skills of teachers, but a way to make the students know how to learn. The new English curriculum standards clearly states that in elementary education stage, one of the tasks of E

10、nglish courses is for students to have effective learning strategy. Learning strategy, as one of the objectives of the curriculum standards, set out to develop teaching and learning strategy of specific target type. During the teaching process, teachers help students develop a sense of their own lea

11、rning strategy that is constantly adapting to their capacity. Evidently, training courses and English learning strategy play an important role. Overall, during the implementation of English teaching in the new curriculum, teachers should have a clear understanding of the importance of strategy which

12、 can help to develop students learning ability in the process of teaching; at the same time, they should help students master and use effective learning strategy. This can be not only conducive to their grasp of the learning direction, use of scientific means, enhancement of the learning efficiency,

13、 but also helps them develop their learning ability and lay a good foundation for a lifelong learning. This thesis will show the origin of the learning strategy, the basic concept and the classification of learning strategy and so on. It also shows how the students and the teachers do follow the new

14、 curriculum and what the learning strategy they can use. . The origin of English learning and the development of strategy study in ChinaThe research on English learning strategy innovated, by Huang Yuanzhen made its debut in 1984. “The 20 years since 1984 can be broadly classified into two phases. A

15、t this stage, there was rarely no study in this area. Since there was only one single object of study, it was limited, and we could only have sporadic results: during the time between 1993 and 2003, the research teams grow rapidly. We have so varied to research methods that the study is expanding. T

16、herefore, we always have emerging research results. However, in the rapid development of this phase, our research on English learning strategy focuses on the education of students learning to learn English concepts and strategies, and learning some of the relationship between language skills.” Along

17、 with the implementation of new curriculum, the learning strategy of English, one of the five teaching objectives of the study, mainly refers to that the secondary foreign language learning and the number of teachers who try to explore the literature has gradually increased. However, in general, lea

18、rning strategy is a relatively unfamiliar concept to teachers, particularly in the implementation of the new curriculum to train students in the teaching process; learning strategy is still a new topic in China.The modern curriculum reforms of our countrys elementary education include: That the stud

19、ents would participate in the modern teaching; they must explore and diligently work for developing the analysis, and there must exist the improve abilities of solving the question as well as the exchange cooperation. In 2001 the new version of English curriculum standard elaborated clearly, in the

20、elementary education stage, one of the students requests is that they must have study strategy effectively. The basic concept of English learning strategyWhat is learning strategy? Different researchers give different definitions. Learning strategy is an optional method of using information to impro

21、ve the second language level, and learning strategy was classified into four kinds form drills, functional drills, reasoning and monitoring. A person pointed out that learning strategy is the general trend and overall characteristic of the methods used by language learners, the skills of describing,

22、 and the specific form of visible behaviors. While Weinstein and Mayer considered learning strategy as the practice and idea of language learners, these practices and ideas are ready to influence the coding process of learners. Oxford thought learning strategy as an act or action of learners who wan

23、t to make their learning more successful, more autonomous and more enjoyable. In her view, language learning strategy is the special method or means used by learners. The strategy is the method and step of acquisition, storage, retrieval and processing information. Oxford pointed out that language l

24、earning strategy has 9 features: (1) It can contribute to the objective of language learning, which is helpful;(2) The students can be more autonomy;(3) It can broaden the role of teachers; (4) Problem solving can be treated as a starting point;(5) Concrete action taken by learners ;(6) In addition

25、to cognitive ability, it involves the learners capacity of many aspects; (7) It gives direct and indirect support to the language distinguish learning;(8) It is not always observable;(9) It is a conscious act. In addition, learning styles should distinguish from learning strategy methods. Style refe

26、rs to those relatively stable individual characteristics, such as emotions, attitudes, feelings tendencies of a person in the learning process. In the English study, some people prefer hearing-based learning style, and some people choose visually-oriented style.English learning strategy refers to th

27、e choice and the strategy of learners which are adopted by the learners with the purpose of effective learning. It also refers to learning rules, methods and skills, which students should master to achieve learning goal in the process of study. And it also refers to a strategy adopting to improve th

28、e study efficiency of students. It is also a kind of thinking process in the study. The Classification of English Learning StrategyA. The Main Classification of English Learning StrategyAs to the classification of learning strategy, there have been many different views, mainly because of different b

29、asis and standards. There is outlined four classification criteria: (1) The classification according to the uses of learning strategy, some strategies for direct learning, and some strategies for the use of language; (2) According to the manifestations of learning strategy, some strategies are obser

30、vable behaviors, Some strategies and activities are not observable; (3) According to the users of learning strategy, learning strategy can be divided into successful learners and less successful learners; (4) Classification based on the psychological process, it can be divided into cognitive strateg

31、y, meta-cognitive strategy, affective strategy and social strategy. So English learning strategy includes sensational strategy, manageable and evaluating strategy, cognitive and communicating strategy. Sensation strategy is a strategy to the learners who control their interests, manner, and motive,

32、confidence. Manageable and evaluating indicate that the learners will plan and evaluate their own learning. Cognitive strategy gives a task to strategy to completely learning, and it is also a good step. Communicative strategy is a strategy that the learning aims to improve communicative ability wit

33、h the purpose of earning more opportunities.B. The Classification of Learning Strategy in the FunctionAccording to the functions of learning strategy, some foreign scholars argue that learning strategy should be divided into four categories: cognitive learning strategy, a meta-cognitive strategy, co

34、mmunication strategy and resource strategy(Huang Yuanzhen). Cognitive strategy is the most widely used strategy in the process of English learning; it is in the steps and methods used by learners who want to complete social tasks. Regulatory strategy is the strategy for students to plan, implement,

35、reflect, evaluate, and adjust themselves. Control strategy is also called for meta-cognitive strategy, with Meta-cognitive knowledge or awareness as its basis. Only when students have beneficial understanding of the characteristics and laws of target language, as well as their learning ability can t

36、hey make their learning objectives meet their own conditions, thus learn to monitor the difficulties, and hereafter eventually find ways to overcome their difficulties. Learning strategy alsoincludes cognitive strategy, original cognition and resources managing strategy. Cognitive strategy refers to

37、 the strategy which students use to get, choose and organize information, then revise learned contents. It makes students apply for new information to memory. And it makes students maintain and look up different kinds of information. Original cognation strategy is a very important aspect of learning

38、 strategy. It includes knowledge connecting to cognition and adjustment of cognition. Original cognition strategy pays close attention to how one form his own original cognition. It is about ones knowledge of cognitive system and his own thought. It is a necessary skill, as well as the senior cognit

39、ive strategy of learning. It includes the checking, supervising, planning and predicting of learning. People who know original cognition strategy well can control their own thinking process and study. Resources managing strategy mainly includes managements of study time and study environment, ones s

40、tudy tent and management of turning to someone for help. To learners a resource managing strategy is plays an important part in study intention. Therefore, the important of developing ability of comprehensive use of language lies in using task-based teaching activities to exchange feelings with teac

41、hers, classmates and making use of opportunities in real communication. In the course of practice, learning through language and non-language communication means using back, synonymous expression or the significance of communication strategy by using communication environment play an important role

42、in promoting the capacity of learners. Communicationstrategy is the various strategy used by students to gain more opportunities for better communication and to enhance the effectiveness of communication. Communication strategy includes the social emotional strategy. Influenced by the traditional mo

43、de of foreign language teaching, teaching conditions, evaluation orientation and other factors, language teaching in our country pays unsatisfactory attention to the development of communication ability. Although in recent years this situation has greatly changed, the capacity of communication using

44、 English remains relatively weak.Resources strategy in English learning is the strategy used by students who learn and use English by making use of multiple channels or media. This strategy is a new point view. It caters for the condition reality of current foreign language teaching reform and devel

45、opment. Possession and use of resources strategy can effectively compensate for many inadequacies in the classroom teaching. It is an important means for students to develop their learning ability and lay a good foundation for future development.Overall, during the implementation of English teaching

46、 in the new curriculum, teachers should have a clear understanding of the importance of strategy which can help to develop students learning ability, in the process of teaching; they should help students master and use effective learning strategies. This can be not only conducive to their grasp of t

47、he learning direction, use of scientific means, enhancement of the learning efficiency, but also helps them develop their learning ability and lay a good foundation for a lifelong learning. The Importance of Strategy Training in English StudyAlthough there remains many controversies, a majority of f

48、oreign language researchers are for strategy training. As to strategy training of language learning, teachers and learners should first have the following consensus:(1) to learn how to learn is more important than to acquire the specific knowledge and language skills ; (2) In the course of language

49、study, if the students understand the strategy and can use it consciously, the effectiveness of study may be enhanced; (3) in order to meet their own personality learning strategy enable learners to learn strategy training system; (4) less successful learners learn strategy from successful learners, developing a system of learning strategy is conducive for learners to understand their learning process; (5) learning strategy is not born or naturally formed, It needs conscious development and tra


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