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1、On the Development of EnglishAutonomous Learning AbilityZheng Hao(Guangxi Normal University, College of Foreign Studies, Guangxi, Guilin, 541004)I. IntroductionEnglish language, as an important tool of communication and field of academic research, has its own specific characteristics. For English la

2、nguage learners, they must possess some techniques and competence of language learning if they look forward to learning English well. The process of learning is also the process of developing techniques and competence. The process of learning exists not only in class, but also outside class; the pro

3、cess of learning not only needs to be instructed by teachers, but also is a process of autonomous learning. Autonomous learning is in widespread use and at a variety of levels and with a variety of age groups. Learners benefit a lot from it. So it is necessary for English language learners and teach

4、ers to understand and develop autonomous learning ability.II. What is autonomous learning ability?Autonomous learning ability refers to the ability of a language learner to study either alongside others, or independently, without the direct control of a teacher. This might be for short periods withi

5、n a lesson, for whole lessons or in the extreme case of learner autonomy; the learner undertakes the whole learning process without the aid of a teacher. Autonomous learning method is the learner-centered method which has several names such as independent learning, self-instruction self-direction, s

6、elf-study, self-access, self-planned learning.Developing autonomous learning ability is to transfer the learners responsibility for their own learning and to make them self-directed. Henri Holec defines the concept of autonomous learning from five aspects: set learning objectives; determine learning

7、 contents and speed; select learning methods techniques and strategies; control and monitor learning process such as time, place, rhythm; assess and evaluate learning effect. The learner has a particular attitude to the learning task, which he accepts responsibility for all the decision concerned wi

8、th his or her own learning process.III. Why should English learners develop autonomous learning ability?Autonomous learning ability is a very important and necessary ability in the study of English. From a long-term viewpoint, fostering the learners self-instruction competence is the most fundamenta

9、l aim of teaching in schools and universities. Acquiring ability to carry out self-study is permanent, which opens up unlimited ways to obtain new knowledge.1. Knowledge learned in class is limited; knowledge learned by autonomous learning is unlimited.In the course of learning, scholastic education

10、 is of short duration, so knowledge learned on school is always limited no matter how much a learner has gained there. It is impossible for learners to understand and master totally all language knowledge and skills taught by teachers. The knowledge needs to be absorbed and internalized in the proce

11、ss of autonomous learning; on the other hand, it isnt sufficient in class to input knowledge and drill skills of English language. Learners must accept more knowledge input by autonomous learning to seek more opportunities of using language.2. Autonomous learning stimulates learners to meet their in

12、dividual needs and wants.Adenauer once said: “We all live under the same sky, but we dont have the same horizon.” Individual learners have individual differences not only in learning level, language talent, but also in learning styles, content of learning, quantity of time spent on learning and so o

13、n. Autonomous learning exposes learners to a wide variety of language learning opportunities which stimulate them to meet their individual needs, suit their individual styles, develop their individual interests and creative ability, and also foster their competence of independence. For many, lifes l

14、ongest mile is the stretch from dependence to independence. For English learners, only do they learn how to learn independently, they can learn English well.3. Autonomous learning ability can instruct learners in the process of learning how to learn.Rogers tells us: “The only man who is educated is

15、the man who has learned how to learn; the man who has learned how to adapt and change; the man who has realized that no knowledge is secure, that only the process of seeking knowledge gives a basis for security.” French artist Racine also said, “If God has truth that is ready in one hand, and method

16、s to seek truth in the other, I would rather choose the methods to seek truth than take the truth that is ready.” Learners brain is not a container that needs to be filled fully, but a torch which needs to be lit. To teach a man how to fish is better than to give him some fish. Autonomous learning d

17、evelops learners ability of learning how to learn.IV. How do English language learners develop autonomous learning ability?There are varied methods and ways to foster learners autonomous learning ability. Different teachers and learners have their different and specific opinions. I, as both a teache

18、r and a learner of English language, perhaps do not understand this problem deeply, but I also have my own opinions about it on the basis of my experience and feeling of being a teacher and learner.1. Develop the sense of consciousness and strengthen belief and confidence in autonomous learning.Valu

19、ing and developing the sense of consciousness is the vital step of developing the ability of learner autonomy. For many learners, they have formed a habit of strongly depending on teachers in English learning. They have become accustomed to obeying what the teachers have said and requested and learn

20、ing what the teachers have taught. Their sense of consciousness in autonomous learning is very weak. If learners do not change this kind of passive learning belief and this kind of learning method which lacks of autonomy, it is hard for them to fit in with the needs of learning and society in the fu

21、ture. Then they will lose confidence and will not be willing to learn English more. So learners need to develop the sense of consciousness and strengthen belief and confidence in autonomous learning at first. They need to become more aware of their central role in process of learning. They need to l

22、earn to take an increasing amount of responsibility for their learning. They need to learn about the important of reflection on their learning and how it can help them to redefine their goals to make them constantly relevant to their needs and wants. They need to form the good habit of thinking inde

23、pendently and learning consciously to autonomously develop the confidence of learning. 2. Cultivate good learning habits, work out proper plans and develop language skills in and out of class.(1). Cultivate good learning habits.Correct and good learning methods are a very important aspect to improve

24、 learning efficiency, especially in autonomous learning. Cultivating good learning habits can develop autonomous learning ability. For example, before class, learners should form the habit of previewing the lesson which will be conducted in class; during class, learners should listen to the teacher

25、carefully, ask and answer questions actively, write down notes carefully and cooperate with teacher and other learners actively; after class, learners should review the contents in time to deeply understand and absorb the points of knowledge; finish the homework independently; make good use of spare

26、 time to study autonomously.There is another important habitthinking in English. Thinking in English means one understands others and expresses oneself directly without a psychological process of a translation into ones mother tongue. Only when the learner is able to think in English does he really

27、skillfully master it.(2). Work out proper plans.For learners, before a term they should work out an English learning plan, which includes learning objectives, tasks, requests, contents, concrete learning methods and time allotment. If necessary, the term plan can be detailed into month, week and eve

28、n day learning plans. Learning plans should be flexible and scientific. The most important point is to carry out the plans willingly if they have been worked out. (3). Develop language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in and out of class.In order to learn English well, learners mus

29、t master the English language skills. In order to develop autonomous learning ability, they must develop the four skills both in and out of class skillfully. Here I just take a simple example. I like singing songs and I often copy some songs. I find it is a good idea to translate these songs into En

30、glish, which not only fit in with my interest, but also develop my ability of English. So if learners have bright eyes and hearts, they will find their own methods to develop English skills effectively. 3. Teachers should perform a good role in English autonomous learning.Autonomous learning encoura

31、ges learners to be less teacher-dependent. It doesnt mean autonomous learning will eventually make teachers redundant. Teachers play instrumental role in helping learners learn how to learn. Teachers need to reduce some of their control over learners, even allowing them to make mistakes. Teachers ro

32、le has changed from soloist to accompanist.(1). Built relaxed learning environment and heighten learners faith of learning.Learners are afraid of making mistakes and being laughed by others, so most of time they are silent and do not dare to open the mouths to speak English. Teachers should build re

33、laxed environment in class, let learners be full of sense of security and encourage them to face up to challenges bravely and set up confidence in learning.(2). Consider learners needs and wants and make lessons vividly in class.Teachers should possess the profound knowledge of profession, the exten

34、sive knowledge of culture and the scientific knowledge of education. They should know some up-to-date information which learners are interested in. When they design class teaching tasks, they need to consider learners needs and wants. “Lessons should have meaning and purpose for students now. Lesson

35、s should engage students in social interaction.” Only in this way can teachers make lessons vividly to stimulate learners willing and inner drive to learn more outside class.(3). Release decision-making power to learners and become learners good helpers and advisers.Teachers are not babysitters of l

36、earners thoughts. They should set up the stage of learning for learners to perform freely. Teachers are participants, guides and information providers. They give learners opportunities to exchange strategies of learning with each other, to show their own process of learning and to determine their ow

37、n autonomous learning convictions in the course of finishing English learning tasks. At that time learning will be more cheerful and effective.4. Learners not only study by selves, but also cooperate with others.We have mentioned that autonomous learning exists not only outside class, but also in cl

38、ass; on the other hand, developing autonomous learning ability means the learner not only learns independently by self, but also cooperates with others. Unity is strength. Ones own strength is limited. In order to develop autonomous learning ability, learners should help, support and cooperate with

39、each other to gather and organize information, to talk about their language learning problems and experience. So organizing activities are very necessary in order to gather learners together such as project work, group work, English evening, English corner, experience-exchanges, English film and com

40、petitions, which can meet the needs of various learners, practice using English, learn to learn, motivate learners interests, harmonize the relations among learners, develop creative competence and foster autonomous learning ability.5. Select and make use of materials, environment and facilities car

41、efully.With the development of the society, learning materials emerge in large numbers. Reading them is an important way to enable learners to develop morally, intellectually and physically, but learners should select the materials carefully. First, when choosing materials, learners should adhere to

42、 the principle of “following in order and advancing step by step”. Its better to choose easier readings than more difficult materials. If learners dont understand the materials at all, they will lose confidence to read them. Secondly, learners should select those materials that have correct, rich an

43、d varied contents and can meet their interests and needs. “China Daily”, “21st century”, “English World” and so on are very good readings. The environment for autonomous learning is not fixed, which includes classroom, self-access centers, and home environment. Learners should choose the environment

44、 that is peaceful and quiet, in which the air is pure and fresh. There are a lot of facilities for learners to learn English autonomously such as library, computer, radio, television, tape recorder, language laboratory, which play an important role in English learning, so learners should make good u

45、se of them to develop their self-instruction competence.6. Assess the effect of autonomous learning in time.During the process of autonomous learning, learners should assess the effect in time. Self-assessment can let learners know more about themselves and their abilities, take greater responsibili

46、ty for their learning, what they need to do next and stimulate them to gain stronger power of learning. Learners can keep records of their language learning and monitor the effect. Teachers and other learners can also assess the effect, which is external-assessment. Teachers assessment lets teachers

47、 have a clear picture of their learners needs and wants, tells teachers how successful the teaching has been and what areas need to be taught in the future. So assessment is also important for learners to develop autonomous learning ability further and deeply.V. ConclusionAlthough it is difficult to

48、 show that autonomous learning alone is directed responsible for learning gain, there is obvious evidence that autonomous learning is very useful in English learning. If some learners have strong competence of self-instruction, that is good; if some still do not, develop it gradually. Savant said: “

49、The length of your education is less important than its breadth, and the length of your life is less important than its depth.” Autonomous learning can broaden the length of your knowledge. Lehrer mentioned out, “ A college diploma does not mean you are educated. Quite the contrary, it means that you have been opened up to perpetual state of ignorance and thus a lifelong hunger for more more ideas, more knowledge, more good thoughts, more challenges, more of ev


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