Promoting productsexhibition attendance and market visit in GHANA.doc

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1、Promoting products by exhibition attendance and market visit in GHANASubmitted by Fan JinshuiStudent ID number 082012030020 Supervised by Wang ChangguoA paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of ArtsThe Institute of Online EducationBeijing Foreign Studie

2、s University北京外国语大学网络教育学院学士学位论文诚信声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学士学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文所涉及的项目为本人亲自负责或者参与实施的项目。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。本人完全了解本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学士学位论文作者签名:范金水 日期:2011年12 月 20日论 文 摘 要正泰电气股份有限公司系正泰集团股份有限公司的控股子公司,是一家具备总包服务能力的输配电整体解决方案供应商。自2004年成立以来,一直专注于推动输配电技术与产品的进步,为能源、工业、基础设施

3、及民用市场的众多客户提供产品和专业服务。公司位于上海松江,建有占地1350亩的公园式工业园,是世界上规模最大的输配电设备生产基地之一,被列入上海市20家重大产业升级项目。公司注册资金8.5亿元,总投资额35亿元,现有员工4100人。2010年公司实现销售收入超过30亿元。随着国内竞争加剧,产品同质化现象严重,企业利润下滑,2010年从15%利润下浮到7%,企业开始重视国际化战略,加大对新兴市场产品推广投入,本文通过对加纳国家近3年电力需求,结合客户问卷调查,SWOT,PEST 分析该国市场环境及正泰的优势及不足,提出参加当地有影响力的专业电力展及电力,工业客户的客户拜访来开拓加纳市场,从而避开

4、国内市场饱和与过渡竞争给企业带来的损失。展会是寻找客户一条有效的途径,参加展会一方面认识了客户并让客户了解了公司最新产品,另外一方面提升了业务人员交流能力,本文目标通过参加电力展会及结合市场走访来寻找客户及订单,实施方法采用电力展展台布置策划,编制PPT 内容,制定项目进度流程表人员职责及组织机构来确保项目每个进程按照计划在规定的时间内实施。通过该项目的实施,评估及后期半年的运作反馈来看,无论在客户资源上及订单都获得了突破,达到了项目设计的预期效果,也为正泰扩展以后其它市场积累了丰富的经验。关键词:电力展会,市场拜访, 市场拓展AbstractThis dissertation present

5、s a detailed report of a project implemented to expand electrical market in Ghana, CHINT provides full range of electrical equipments to industrial and electrical company,products cover from power transformer,high voltage switch to LV switchgear,at present ,95% products were sold in china market,nev

6、ertheless profits in year of 2010 drop significantly in domestic market from 15% to 7%, It is hypothesized that attendance of Electrical exhibition trade & market visit can promote products effectively at current situation,a six-month project was launched to design exhibition stand to attract custom

7、ers,scientific research methods of customer survey,such as problem Analysis,SWOT analysis,questionnaire were used in identification and analysis of problems, activity flow chart with time scale,marketing strategies of promotion were introduced in the design , implementation and evaluation of the pro

8、ject. This project starts from January to June ,2011, at the end of November , the order from GHANA increased 137%, Number of customer rise 35%,The results of the project demonstrated that the attendance of electrical exhibition trade & market visit are effective approach for enterprises to get outs

9、tanding achievement.Key words: Electrical exhibition, Market visit, Market expandingTable of ContentsPages1. Project Introduction 12. Project Problem Identification and Analysis2 2.1 Project problem2 2.2 Problem analysis2 2.2.1 Companys current situation2 2.2.2 Needs and wants analysis3 2.2.3 SWOT a

10、nalysis43. Project Objective and Hypothesis5 3.1 Project objective5 3.2 Project hypothesis54. Project Rationale65. Project Design 7 5.1 Planning of Activities7 5.1.1 Critical path of the planned activities7 5.1.2 Time-scale of activities8 5.1.3 People involved and their responsibilities9 5.1.4 Cost

11、analysis10 5.1.5 Risk analysis concerning people, time and product and your proposed protective measures10 5.1.6 Plan for the monitoring and evaluation of the project 116. Project Implementation11 6.1 Introduction of time, place of project implementation11 6.2 The working steps of implementation11 6

12、.3 Monitoring of Project117. Results and Discussion12 7.1 Project Findings12 7.2 Discussion188. Conclusion19Bibliography20Appendix I. Customers registration sheetAppendix II. Decoration of exhibition standAppendix III. Annual report of electricity company of Ghana LimitedAppendix . Contents of PPTPr

13、omoting products by exhibition attendance andmarket visit in GHANA1. IntroductionCHINT Electric Co., Ltd (CHINT Power T&D) is the branch company of CHINT Group Corporation, which is the leading player in the Low-voltage electrical, Power Transmission and Distribution industries in China. Covering 90

14、0,000m2, with an investment of 0.45 billion USD, CHINT Power T&D has one of the world largest power transmission & distribution equipments manufacturing facilities in Shanghai with great traffic conveniences. By 2008, the number of employees reaches 4100. The sales turn over of 2009 is 0.5 billion U

15、SD. The author is a regional sales manager in charge of west Africa market, CHINT Power T&D offers power transformers with system voltage varied from 110kV to 500kV, distribution transformers with system voltage varied from 10kV to 35kV, gas insulated switches (GIS) with system voltage varied from 1

16、26kV to 252kV, high-voltage circuit breakers and switch disconnectors, insulators and surge arresters up to 500kV, switchgears with system voltage of 0.66kV to 40.5kV, prefabricated substation, power distribution automation devices and cables up to 35kV, etc. CHINT T&D provides reliable and high-qua

17、lified products and solutions to clients engaged in different businesses such as, EPC projects, power plants, national electric grids, world top engineering contracting partners as well as utility users. Due to increasing competition in china market, profits in domestic market plummeted from 15% to

18、7% in year of 2010, in order to avoid this trend, we are considering to expand Ghana market which has biggest energy requirements among Africa country, to attend electrical exhibition is the best way to promote products in GHANA market.Based on the hypothesis that we can find new customers and be mo

19、re similar with local market through trade show, as well as can showcase and demonstrate latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities.a six-month project was launched to design and implement, To carry out the project, a series of activities

20、was planned and carried out, such as market research, signing contract with exhibition decoration company, preparing company presentation PPT & questionnaire sheet, and so on. to ensure the scheduled activities were fully carried out, this dissertation used monitoring and evaluating tools, including

21、 Activity Flow Chart, Brain Storm, etc. Some helpful techniques and methods are adopted during implementation of this project, interviews, face-to-face discussion, activity flow chart with time scale, brainstorming and SWOT analysis whose theoretical bases could be found in Practical Business Projec

22、t and Proposal Design (Hilton, 2003) were used in the identification and analysis of the problems.We expect revenue and number of customers will increase significantly through this project, and ability of strictly coordination, communication skill of staff involved are improved progressively.2. Prob

23、lem Identification and Analysis2.1 ProblemBecause of fierce competition and market saturation in domestic market, profits drop dramatically, we long for expand oversea market to get sustainable development.2.2 Problem analysisIn order to handle the products promotion problems CHINT faced , The compa

24、ny should plan strategies, when developing strategies, analysis of the organization and its environment as it is at the moment and how it may develop in the future, is important. The analysis has to be executed at an internal level(FHPI) as well as an external level(PEST) to identify all opportuniti

25、es and threats of the external environment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organizations(SWOT analysis).2.2.1. Situation analysis Physical resourcesCHINT offers Power Transformers with system voltage varied from 110kV to 550kV, the Distribution Transformers with system voltage varied

26、from 10kV to 35kV, gas insulated switches (GIS) with system voltage varied from 126kV to 252kV, high-voltage circuit breakers and switch disconnectors, insulators and surge arresters up to 500kV, switchgears with system voltage of 0.66kV to 40.5kV, prefabricated substation, power distribution automa

27、tion devices and cables up to 35kV, etc. Full range of products line could meet clients requirements on system solutions, EPC (Engineer-Procure-Construct) services are also available. Human resourcesAt current, the number of employees of company reaches 4100. including Professor Senior Engineers 8,S

28、enior engineers 63, Technicians 310,Managers 351,Technical workers 3368. CHINT has its own R&D center to develop new products, so the company has ability to go Global. For Ghana market, there are four staff in charge of GHANA market Financial situationThe sales revenue of 2010 is 0.53 billion USD,As

29、set-liability ratio is reasonable,high current ratio ,10% Net profit margin ,and 2% of sales revenue will be used for marketing,approximate 0.3 million USD marketing budget for Ghana market in 2011. Client profiles: Main two types1) End-user Electrical power company and Industry users, they contribu

30、te 85% turnover in china market 2) Agentbusinessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission,contributing 15% turnover 2.2 Needs Analysis2.2.1 PEST analysisGHANA has a pretty stable political system and social stability among all African countries,The government have legislated to

31、protect the foreign investment,furthermore,this country had found rich oil resources,it promotes increasing electricity demand. According to the Electrical Planning scheme from Ministry of Energy, Government of Ghana, Develop an Energy Economy Secure a reliable supply of high quality energy services

32、 for all sectors of the Ghanaian economy by 2012and become a major exporter of oil and power by 2015 Because Ghana lacks own technology to manufacture High voltage electrical equipments,It must rely on import,There is a large potential market for us to develop this market.How to promote products eff

33、ectively? A market research by comparing e-business platform,such ,with Direct marketing through combination of direct market visit and Electricity Expo to sell products. By giving 110 offers for potential Ghanaian clients who want buy electrical equipments by e-business platform,eventually get 3 co

34、ntracts value 0.1 million USD,meanwhile 3 clients put 0.3 million order on us through Market visit and Electricity Expo.The results demonstrate the method of combination of Market visit and Electricity Expo attendance is better than e-business platform to sell products.2.2.2 SWOT analysis Comparing

35、with two different strategies ,the author came up with the following SWOT profile:StrengthsWeaknesses Communication with client face to face Full range of products provide customer more choice Cost effective with large scale production Shorten delivery time Latest Technology & Know How Quality Aware

36、ness & Continuous Improvement Price competitiveness EPC solutions Lack of experience in oversea market Different technical standards Increase of Operation cost Spend more time travelling, clients communication Insufficient local brand awareness Lack of local pricing informationOpportunitiesThreats G

37、etting to know more clients through Market visit and Electricity Expo Observation of powerful agent in Ghana,such as Engineering company,Electrical company Establishing good relationship with local government Huge demands for electrical equipments Multinational company ,such as competitor(ABB, Alsto

38、m) had set local branch office Force majeure, i.e. war, calamity,etc.My target is to avoid fierce competition in domestic market and get relative high profit in GHANA market,CHINT need to make full use of its Strengths,seize opportunity,overcome its weaknesses,deal appropriately with threats.The obj

39、ective of this project is to define whats the best strategy to promote products to GHANA . Market research on two methods make us have a clear picture. In short, CHINT would like this research project to provide information how to find clients,quickly response to requirements of customer and make cu

40、stomer Satisfaction.3. Project Objective and Hypothesis3.1 Project ObjectiveThe pressing issues the company want to handle is to avoid profit decline caused by fierce domestic competition,the Goal of project is to expand market share,the objective is to maintain long-term development of the enterpri

41、se.3.2 Project HypothesisAccording to POLICY OBJECTIVES OF POWER SUB-SECTOR of ECG(Electricity Company of Ghana)1). Increase installed generation capacity from about 2,000 MW to 5,000 MW in the medium term;2). Achieve gas-based generation for, at least, 50% of thermal power plant production by 2015;

42、In the past 10 years, the annual growth rate for electricity demand is 7%,ECG should make sure doubled distribution grid every 10 year, but the level of investment is far below the minimum requirements,ECG has drafted $600 million, five-year investment plan,including construction and installation of

43、 transmission line,sub-station,power transformer ,Other measures to reduce power failure,such as introduce SCADA system,MV network automation.It is hypothesized Marketing in GHANA will not only bring revenue & profit increase ,but also promote CHINT a sustainable growth in next five years.4. Project

44、 RationaleIn prestigious works“Marketing Moves”,Philip Kotler mentioned Companies must pay attention to the fact that customers are getting more educated and have better tools such as the Internet at their disposal to buy with more discrimination. Power has been passing from the manufacturer to the

45、distributor, and now is passing to the customer. The customer is King.He also mentioned in his book Marketing Management :Marketings key processes are: (1) opportunity identification, (2) new product development, (3) customer attraction, (4) customer retention and loyalty building, and (5) order ful

46、fillment. A company that handles all of these processes well will normally enjoy success. But when a company fails at any one of these processes, it will not survive.A recent study by the Direct Marketing Association reports that in 2010, marketers commercial and nonprofit spent $153.3 billion on di

47、rect marketing, which accounted for 54.2% of all ad expenditures in the United States. Measured against total US sales, these advertising expenditures generated approximately $1.798 trillion in incremental sales. In 2010, direct marketing accounted for 8.3% of total US gross domestic product. Also in 2010, there were 1.4 million direct marketing employees in the US. Their collective sales efforts directly supported 8.4 million other jobs, accounting for a total of 9.8 million US jobs.Domestic strategist Cheng XiuQi pointed out i


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