Stylistic Features Analysis of English Agreement and Contract英文协议、合同文体特征分析.doc

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1、 毕业论文论 文 题 目:英文协议、合同文体特征分析作者所在系部: 外 语 系 作者所在专业: 英 语 作者所在班级: B09713班 作 者 姓 名 : 作 者 学 号 : 20094071319 指导教师姓名: 完 成 时 间 : 2013年6月 北华航天工业学院教务处制Stylistic Features Analysis of English Agreement and ContractbyWang JieThesis Advisor: Bai GuirongSubmitted to the B.A. Committee in partial fulfillment of the re

2、quirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Foreign Languages Department of North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering.北华航天工业学院本科生毕业论文原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文Stylistic Features Analysis of English Agreement and Contract 是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或

3、成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。本毕业论文成果归北华航天工业学院所有。本人遵循北华航天工业学院有关毕业论文的相关规定,提交毕业论文的印刷本和电子版本。本人同意北华航天工业学院有权保存毕业论文的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以营利为目的的前提下,可以公布非涉密毕业论文的部分或全部内容。特此声明毕业论文作者: 指导教师: 年 月 日 年 月 日摘 要合同是约定当事人权利义务的正式文件,具有法律意义商务合同拟定多用英语。所以 为了研究商务合同在国际贸易中


5、和被动语态的配合使用等等。总之,为了避免不必要的纠纷,我们要充分认识在商务英语协议、合同中选择合适的文体的重要性。关键词:英语 商务合同 协议 文体特征AbstractThe contract which has legal significance is an official document that can agree the parties rights and obligations. The business contract is usually written by English. So in order to study the problems in the busin

6、ess contract in the international trade, we need to start with the analysis of the English stylistic features of contract and agreement, which should not only have the general characteristics of the business contract, but also have the features of the English language itself.The thesis starts from t

7、he analysis of the basic stylistic features of the contract and agreement language, discusses the comparability of business English agreement and contract. And based on this, the paper probes some useful skills of the English contract and agreement deeply in vocabulary, syntax and discourse level. B

8、usiness English contract lists the features of legal usage: words-and-numerals approach used to convey numbers, impersonal constructions and the capitalization of some nouns in contract, but restriction on the use of pronouns and definite article. The lexical and syntactic features of contract Engli

9、sh are analyzed: the use of declarative sentence, long and complex sentence, frequent use of model verb, shall, unusual sentence structure, nominalization, simple present tense, appropriate use of the active voice and the passive voice etc. More than that, it uses formal words, archaisms, technical

10、terms, common words with uncommon meanings, reduplication of words, deliberate use of vague words, and avoidance of pronouns and so on. In a word, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, we should fully understand the importance of choosing the appropriate style in the business English contract and

11、agreement.Key words: English, Business Contract, agreement, stylistic featureContentsAbstract in ChineseiAbstractiiIntroduction1Chapter 1 Previous Contributions11.1 What is style?21.2 Agreement and contract21.2.1 Definition of agreement and contract21.2.2 Linguistic features of agreement and contrac

12、t31.2.3 Legal English3Chapter 2 Analysis of Lexical52.1 Use technical words52.2 Use professional acronym62.3 Use archaism72.4 Use synonyms72.5 Use legal vocabulary82.6 Use neologism82.7 Restriction on the use of pronouns and definite article82.8 Verb nominalization9Chapter 3 Analysis on Sentences an

13、d Discourse93.1 Syntactic level93.1.1 Use declarative sentences93.1.2 Use a lot of compound sentences93.1.3 Use a large number of condition sentences103.1.4 Use unique tense and voice103.1.5 Use vague language103.1 Textual level11Conclusion12Acknowledgements12Bibliography13Stylistic Features Analysi

14、s of English Agreement and Contract IntroductionWith profound influence of Chinas opening-up to the outside world, so many kinds of transactions and business activities turn up rapidly. In modern times, the use of contracts and agreements are more and more frequent at the same time. Business contrac

15、t is the symbol of the achievement of the partnership, which is binding contract. Therefore, the style of the business contract has an obvious feature of meaning. And as a type of legal document, contract and agreement are showing more and more important.The paper uses many examples to explain how t

16、o use formal words, archaic words and specialized vocabulary and so on properly.The aim of this thesis, through studying on stylistic features of business English contract and agreement, is to probe analysis theory from stylistic perspective. To avoid misusing by people we must know how to write a c

17、ontract accurately and professionally, we must popularize this kind of knowledge. In a word, the ultimate purpose of studying on business English vocabulary stylistic feature is to help to use business English appropriately and accurately.The study of this paper is not only broadening the study scop

18、e of stylistic variety, but also exerting practical value and significance. It helps learners develop their wring skills and understand how to write a business English agreement and contract better.Chapter 1 Previous ContributionsWith the economic development and globalization, with profound influen

19、ce of Chinas opening-up to the outside world, our living style has changed a lot. All kinds of transactions and business activities turn up rapidly. In modern times, the use of contracts and agreements are more and more frequent at the same time. Business contract is the symbol of the achievement of

20、 the partnership, which is binding contract. Therefore, the style of the business contract has an obvious feature of meaning. And as a type of legal document, are showing more and more important. Since international business contracts are signed by parties of different countries, they are required h

21、igh quality. Therefore, there is an increased demand for the contract writing of uniform standards and rules. And it goes without saying that contract writing is important. International business contracts possess particular stylistic features in terms of its special social function; especially ther

22、e are huge differences in terms of language and structure in Chinese and English and at present, in external trade, English is widely used as the common language, and the business contract is written in English on an international regular basis. But when we write business English contract, we casual

23、ly use Chinese writing principles into English writing. It is, to some extent, disagreeable with international contract. So in order to study the problems in the business contract in the international trade, we need to start with the analysis of the English stylistic features of contract and agreeme

24、nt. This is the reason why I study in the field. I will write the literature review in two parts. They are described as below.1.1 What is style?Nowadays, style means a special way of doing something, designing something or producing something, especially one that is typical of a peculiar period of t

25、ime or a particular group of people (Longman, an Dictionary of Contemporary English 1995). But different scholars divide style into different parts.On Chapmans had ever said that style is the product of social situation of a common relationship between language users. He further said that style is n

26、ot an ornament or virtue and is not confined to written language, or to literature or to any single aspect of language.And there are four distinguishable concepts of style that Crystal and Davy (1979) proposed in Investigating English Style. Here are listed two of them. Style may refer to some or al

27、l of the language habits of one person as well as it may refer to some or all of the language habits shared by a group of people at one time, or even a period of time. For example, Shakespeares style, Lu Xuns style, etc. 1.2 Agreement and contract1.2.1 Definition of agreement and contractThe word “c

28、ontract” came forth in Middle English, stemming from the Latin word “contractus”, meaning “to draw together”. In the simplest term, it is merely an agreement made by two or more parties for the purpose of communicating and transacting business. In modern times, contract, in its more extensive sense,

29、 includes description of agreement or obligation; or, a contract is an act which contains a perfect obligation. In the more confined sense, contract is an agreement between two or more persons, concerning something to be done, whereby both parties are bound to each other, or one is bound to the othe

30、r.Whats more, a contract is defined by Trietel (1976) in his work The law of Contract as an agreement giving rise to obligations which are enforced or recognized by the Law. Agreements are fundamental to business activities. Specifically speaking, contract is a basically binding agreement between tw

31、o parties or two countries, and it is legally enforceable. In modern commercial and industrial society, almost everyone makes contracts every day. Contracts can be informal, formal, written, oral or just plain. In relation to form, contracts are divided into express or implied.1.2.2 Linguistic featu

32、res of agreement and contractThe agreement stipulates the rights and obligations of the member countries, so it is a legislation document. Writing these regulations, the English language has its unique characteristic-Legal professional characteristics, which are usually called Legal English.And the

33、language used in contract drafting has a strong tendency to be precise, wordy, dull, straightforward, pithy and multidisciplinary. 1.2.3 Legal EnglishLegal language emerges and develops with the existence and development of law. In the legislative and judicial activities, legal language gradually be

34、came a variant of the national language and surely plays an essential role.Legal language refers to the language that used in the legal field, which can be spoken or written.Legal language is spoken mainly in investigating a case, interrogating the accused, defending a case in court, etc. Since it i

35、s difficult to get access to enough data of spoken legal language for stylistic analysis, we overlooked the spoken legal language. We just describe “legal language” as “the written language used for legal documents” In English speaking countries, the language used for legal documents is named as “le

36、gal English”. The field of legal documents contains a wide range: statutes, decrees, legal provision, commodity warranty, economic contracts, insurance policies deeds of trust, wills and testaments, leases and installment plans, etc. All of them are concerned with imposing of obligations and conferr

37、ing of rights, and are very formal. Moreover, all of them are recorded in written forms.Legal language is different from other varieties .The writers of legal documents have to pay special attention to the precision of wording, the avoidance of misunderstanding and ambiguity, and for this purpose, t

38、hey often cite conventional formulas and use mode-examples. Therefore, legal language is strongly resistant to change and innovate. Generally speaking, it has the following stylistic characteristics:As to diction, legal language borrows a lot of common words and expressions, and attributes them with

39、 new meanings that are different from their usual meanings, For example, “action” in legal language means “a proceeding in a court of law where someone seeks to enforce his rights”, and “case” means “a matter for trail”. Besides, it also borrows some words from other language such as alias, alibi. W

40、hats more, parallel synonyms, repetition of identical words, restriction on the use of pronouns and definite articles and proper use of capitalization. Apart from these, legal language also possesses its own technical words and formulaic expressions, such as verdict, copyright, indictment, etc. Ther

41、e are also archaic words such as herein, hereafter, and hence, etc. Finally, legal language also employs a lot of adverbial and adjective modifiers which are indefinite in restricting their meanings, such as apparently, average, clue process, incidental, etc.In syntactic structure, the sentences of

42、legal language are declarative, and the lengths of the sentences are usually longer than that in other language variants. In many cases, one sentence is one paragraph, and it has a very complex structure, having many subordinate clauses, nominal elements and modifiers in order to give detailed, prec

43、ise and adequate definition, description and explanation. Thus, legal language is complex, redundant and hard to interpret.As we can see, field of contracts covers a wide range because nearly every aspects of peoples life can be defined and bound by agreements and contracts.1.2.4 Stylistic features

44、agreement and contract By now, stylistics has got much influence from generative linguistics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis. Much work has been done in classifying varieties and factors of contexts. Stylistics has adopted a systematic method of investigation. Stylisticians began the study

45、of a text merely at the lexical level, syntactical level and discourse level. It concerns itself with the situational features that influence variations in language use. The text should be treated as a whole and studied with reference to linguistic contexts and situational factors that have stylisti

46、c influence on language features.Generally speaking, stylistics has plenty of features. They are as follows.According to QianYuan, stylistics is the study of style. It is a branch of linguistics in which the theories and methodologies of modern linguistics are applied to the study of the styles of t

47、he varieties of language appeared in language use (1991). To be honest, the definition is rather complete and scientific. Wales (1989:437) defines stylistics as “the study of style”. Leech (1962:2) defines stylistics as “the study of the use of language in literary study”.In the Five Clock, Martin J

48、oos, a distinguished professor of German at the University of WisconsinMadison, advances five stylistic varieties in English: the frozen style, formal style, consultative style, casual style and intimate style. Martin Joos defines frozen style as follows:Frozen style a style for print and for declamation is defined


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