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1、 本科毕业论文(设计) 系 别: 英语教育系 专 业: 英 语 姓 名: 学 号: 2005061193 题 目:The Contrastive Study Between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms 指导教师: 职 称: 助教/研究生 提交论文时间: 2009 年 3 月 16 日 论文答辩时间: 2009 年 3 月 21 日 牡丹江师范学院 2009 届本科生毕业论文(设计)任 务 书姓 名性 别专业/年级 英语/2005课题名称On English Idioms and Chinese Idioms 课题内容与要求课题内容:文章应主要从以下三个方

2、面进行阐述:首先,英汉习语的来源。第二,英汉习语的基本特征。最后,总结归纳出对英汉习语进行比较研究,将有助于加深对英汉习语的理解,从而更好地进行跨文化交际。课题要求:1. 首先了解英汉习语的含义及起源发展过程,在此基础上论述其社会功能。2. 搜集并整理与论文相关的,充分的,准确的文献资料,扩充查阅范围。3. 构想论文框架,编写论文提纲。4. 按照课题计划及时交给老师一稿,二稿以及成稿。5. 论文要符合英语论文写作规范,不少与8000个字符。课题进度2008年9月 选题、收集资料2008年10月 完成提纲和开题报告2008年11月 完成论文一稿2008年12月上旬 完成论文二稿2009年3月中旬

3、 完成论文终稿并答辩参考资料Brook, G.L. A History of the English Language. London: Ander Deutsch. 1958.Hu, Wenzhong. Selected Readings in Intercultural Communication. Changsha: Hunan Education Press, 1990.Lado, Robert. Linguistics Across Cultures. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1957.Newmark, Peter. Appr

4、oaches to Translation. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1981. Deng,Yanchang &Liu Runqing. Language and Culture. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1989.叶子雄.汉语成语分类词典.上海: 复旦大学出版社, 1987.乐眉云.应用语言学.南京: 南京师范大学出版社, 1999.张坚.海外生活英语习语.北京: 石油工业出版社, 2000.张维友.英语词汇学.北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 1998.张韵斐,周锡卿.现代英语词汇学

5、概论.北京: 北京师范大学出版社,1986.其它牡丹江师范学院 2009届本科生毕业论文(设计)开 题 报 告 书1、国内外研究概况The contrastive study between English idioms and Chinese idioms has been studies by many writers both at home and abroad such as:According to Tylor (1924), culture is “That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,

6、law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Goodenough (1957:167) pointed out, .a societys culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or to believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they acc

7、ept for any one of themselves. Chinese scholars learn from the Western theories of idioms and apply them to the rich linguistic materials of idioms in ancient China as well as modern China. There are also Zhang Jian study on ancient Chinese idioms customs, Zhang weiyous study on Chinese idioms among

8、 the folks, LeWeiyuns study on religious idioms.2、研究内容与方法主要研究内容:. Introduction. The Sources of Idioms2.1 Idioms from Everyday Life2.1.1 Idioms from Entertainment and Sports Activities2.1.2 Idioms from Cooking and Food2.2 Idioms from Different Living Environments2.3 Idioms from Historical Events. The

9、 Fundamental Features of Idioms3.1 Structural Stability3.2 Semantic Unity and Lack of Motivation. Conclusion研究方法1. Collection the materials on the subject.2. Giving the analyzing on the materials.3. Developing the main idea of the paper according to the outline4. Making the first draft5. Modifying t

10、he first draft with the help of the teacher3、研究条件1 英语教育系有可以查阅资料的资料室。2 学校的图书馆里有相关的图书资料,可以查阅大量相关资料。3 学校的电子阅览室可以搜索到相关的内容。4、研究进度阶段时间工作内容123452008年9月2008年10月2008年11月2008年 12月上旬2009年 3月中旬选题、收集资料完成提纲和开题报告完成论文一稿完成论文二稿完成论文终稿并答辩指导教师意见:指导教师(签名): 年 月 日牡丹江师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)中期检查表姓 名性 别专业/年级王克翔男英语/2005毕业论文(设计)题 目The

11、Contrastive Study Between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms指导教师意 见指导教师(签名): 年 月 日教研室意 见 教研室主任(签名): 年 月 日系领导小组意 见组 长(签名): 年 月 日 牡丹江师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)指导教师评阅书姓 名性 别专 业/年 级王克翔男英语/2005级论文(设计)题目The Contrastive Study Between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms指导教师评语评 价 项 目分值得分选题质量(25分)1选题符合专业培养目标,体现综合训练基本要求8分2选

12、题难易程度5分3题目工作量5分4选题理论意义或实用价值7分能力水平(30分)5查阅文献资料能力6分6研究方案的设计能力6分7研究方法和手段的运用能力6分8综合运用知识能力6分9外文和计算机应用能力6分成果质量(45分)10文题相符10分11写作水平10分12写作规范10分13篇幅8分14成果的理论或实际价值7分合 计 得 分指导教师(签名): 年 月 日 牡丹江师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)阅文教师评阅书姓 名性 别专 业/年 级王克翔男英语/2005级论文(设计)题目The Contrastive Study Between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms

13、阅文教师评语评 价 项 目分值得分选题质量(25分)1选题符合专业培养目标,体现综合训练基本要求8分2选题难易程度5分3题目工作量5分4选题理论意义或实用价值7分能力水平(30分)5查阅文献资料能力6分6研究方案的设计能力6分7研究方法和手段的运用能力6分8综合运用知识能力6分9外文和计算机应用能力6分成果质量(45分)10文题相符10分11写作水平10分12写作规范10分13篇幅8分14成果的理论或实际价值7分合 计 得 分阅文教师(签名): 年 月 日牡丹江师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)答辩记录表The Contrastive Study Between English Idioms an

14、d Chinese IdiomsPresentation:As to the concept of culture, it has a much broader meaning, so it is difficult to give a widely accepted definition for culture because culture includes every aspect of human life. According to Tylor (1924), culture is “That complex whole which includes knowledge, belie

15、f, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Goodenough (1957:167) pointed out, .a societys culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or to believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any ro

16、le that they accept for any one of themselves. Goodenough thus takes culture as socially acquired knowledge. From the statements above, we can see that linguistic expressions are often culture-loaded and can carry super-linguistic information. On the whole, we can understand culture in the following

17、 way. On one hand, culture means the total pattern of beliefs, customs, institutions, objects, and techniques that characterize the life of a human community. On the other hand, culture refers to the way of people, organizations, family patterns and political systems. It is like icebergs: some featu

18、res can be seen, which includes housing, law, food, belief and customs, while the others are deeply hidden, which includes the way we encode information.Idioms are culturally loaded. A good knowledge of idioms will pave the way for a practical application of idioms. So it is surely of great necessit

19、y to touch on the source of idioms and their national characteristics. This will not only help students to take care of these specific features in their study of idioms, but make the process of language learning meaningful. Owing to the differences of the two cultures, most of the English and the Ch

20、inese idioms are semi-corresponding or non-corresponding. There is the case in which their meanings are much more remote from their literal sense. To understand idioms of this kind some knowledge of culture is indispensable. This is whats discussed in chapter five, which will bring about good result

21、s in approaching the goal of the interaction. Question1 by WangDandan: What are the differences between English and Chinese idiom?Answer: Since both English and Chinese are very rich in idiomatic expressions, they are not a separate part of the language which one can choose to use or omit, and they

22、form an essential part of the general vocabulary of the language. As particular linguistic units, idioms have their own peculiar characteristics, which enhance their inseparability and constancy. Generally, idioms have the following fundamental features:Question2 by Yao Zhenmei: What are the major s

23、ources of idioms ?Answer: If the source of an idiom is known, it is easier to figure out its meaning. Most of the idioms have vivid images and appropriate metaphors which were not invented out of nothing but were the crystallization of wisdom formed during the process of ordinary peoples practice an

24、d cognition. The sources of both English and Chinese idioms share a surprising similarity as well as the difference on account of their different geographical conditions, customs, histories and religions.Question3 by DingWei: Do you think knowing the source of idioms is help for figuring out it mean

25、ing ? Why? Show some examples to explain? Answer: Yes, to answer this questions, we have to take a glance at the sources of the idioms. If the source of an idiom is known, it is easier to figure out its meaning. Most of the idioms have vivid images and appropriate metaphors which were not invented o

26、ut of nothing but were the crystallization of wisdom formed during the process of ordinary peoples practice and cognition. The sources of both English and Chinese idioms share a surprising similarity as well as the difference on account of their different geographical conditions, customs, histories

27、and religions. The knowledge of the sources of these idioms may help us to comprehend what they really mean. For example, entertainment and sports activities, which are a part of national culture, are quite different in various countries. Horse racing, boxing and cricket are ancient and traditional

28、sports in England, so in English, there are idioms like neck and neck(不分上下),down and out(倒下出局),not cricket(不讲信用).答辩主持人答辩记录人答辩时间答辩地点王丹丹姚振梅 2009年3月21日 G-423牡丹江师范学院本科生毕业论文(设计)成绩评定表姓 名性 别专业/年级王克翔男英语/2005级论文(设计)题目The Contrastive Study Between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms答辩评审意见答辩小组组长(签名): 年 月 日评价项目评

29、价 内 容报告内容(30分)论述思路清晰,表达准确;概念清楚,论点正确;实验方法科学,分析归纳合理;结论严谨;结果具有一定应用价值。答辩表现(40分)语言表达清晰、流畅;基本概念、基础知识掌握扎实;对研究所涉及的知识掌握透彻;问题回答理论依据准确;重点内容研究深入、表达逻辑性强。成果展示(20分)写作规范,对前人工作有改进或突破,或有独特见解,有一定创新性结果。论文工作(10分)理论知识、基本技能掌握扎实,能够按照毕业论文(设计)管理细则所规定的各项要求完成毕业论文(设计)工作。答辩小组成员姓 名性别职称/学历工作单位评 分王丹丹女助教牡丹江师范学院英语教育系姚振梅女助教牡丹江师范学院英语教育系丁威女讲师牡丹江师范学院英语教育系平均得分(总分/人数)指导教师评阅成绩(40%)阅文教师评阅成绩(20%)答辩小组评定成绩(40%)最终成绩论文等级系领导(签名): 年 月 日


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