The English Level of High School Teachers and Its Influence on the Learners.doc

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1、教师英语水平对中学英语学习的影响The English Level of High School Teachers and Its Influence on the LearnersContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction.1II.Situation22.1 The Situation of English Teaching in China.22.2 The Situation of English Teaching in Middle School. 42.3 The Function of Teachers42.4 The Influenc

2、e on Learners6III.Teaching in Concrete Aspects.63.1 Listening73.2 Speaking.73.3 Reading.9 3.4 Writing.9IV.Teaching Methods.10V. Solution. 12VI. Conclusion.13References.14摘要: 我国中学英语水平发展极不平衡,目前在我国的英语中学教学中,许多教师仍然保持着传统的教学思想主要是以考试为主,因而大多数的中学英语教育是为考试而学习英语并没有足够的兴趣,使得学生并没有真正的掌握一门语言,不能够流利的进行交流,因而造成了现在一批所谓的“哑

3、巴”英语。在英语教学中最为重要的因素是英语教师,在一节英语课中教师起着关键性的作用,是学生学习英语的指导者。在本文中分析了一些阻碍中学英语的发展的因素。首先,教学观念和思想相对滞后。其次,教学模式单一,教学方法和手段落后。最后,教师数量不足,水平不高的矛盾明显突出。所以,要加强中学英语教育,教师是关键,要全面提高中学英语教师的水平,加强教师素质建设,为我国的英语教育发展培养一批合格的高水准的英语教师。关键字:英语教师水平; 英语教育; 教学方法 Abstract: At present, the development of English teaching is not balance ex

4、tremely in China. There are some of factors hindering the reform of English education in China. The main reason is lack of qualified English teachers. A part of English learners are only good at examination and not able to communicate with each other smoothly. English teachers levels play an importa

5、nt role in English teaching process. The present teaching idea in China is still traditional, that is “teacher-centered”. Actually, a teacher is equal to a guider, and he or (she) should guide a right way for learners to study. English teachers should improve their own English level all the time, bu

6、t also ought to change their teaching idea. Enhancing English Teachers level should be a continual process of intellectual, experiential and theoretical growth. Therefore English education needs a group of qualified English teachers who possess high levels.Key words: English teachers level; English

7、education; teaching methodology I. Introduction On English teachers competence in middle schools ChenFengZhu (Wingbow Siren middle school) mentions that English teachers competence is the most important factor in a middle school and it can restrict the teaching level, under the circumstances of glob

8、alizes and informationalization, it is crucial to strengthen teachers qualities. As most of those teachers have some weak point of some kind, their competence must be improved with the effort of all sides concerned.English is an important media through which people communicate with each other. In sc

9、hool education, the teacher plays an important role in cultivating the students characters. Therefore, teachers are usually respected, and factually, the students will possibly imitate what or how the teachers say and do (sometimes subconsciously). General speaking, teachers graceful teaching helps

10、to improve the students artistic-appreciation and moral character. If a student can develops his ability of English learning, which will possibly leads him to form an optimistic or active feelings; he will surely have a more smooth interpersonal relationship.However, in middle school, the English te

11、aching repeatedly focuses on vocabulary, sentence structure, reading comprehension, grammar, translation and other basic skills. In fact, English teachers are not making as much progress as they expected although they are applying great efforts to improve students English proficiency. Teachers find

12、some students daydreaming in the class or even escaping from the class no matter how painstaking the teacher is. Obviously some problems are existing in English teaching practice. When the product rather than the process in English teaching is highly stressed, how do students feel and what are they

13、able to learn? The systematic teaching can be effective in getting short-term results, but rarely does it inspire a life- long commitment to the subject matter. Therefore, it is a big problem for English teachers to know how to arouse students learning interest in a long time. Obviously, English tea

14、chers should promote self level and motivate students in the real sense. II. Situation2.1 The Situation of English Teaching in ChinaWith the establishment of the global village and the frequent international exchanges in politics, economy, culture and academy, English has unquestionably become very

15、important and has grown to become the “second official language”. Moreover, many enterprises regard English ability as one of the most important indicators in employment selection and promotion. Therefore, for graduates of technical education, a good English ability is an advantage when facing the c

16、ompetitive career field. The present situation of English teaching in China is terrible, and still exist many problems. Teaching thought and approaches as well as some other malpractices or the question also becomes visible out increasingly:(1). Opposite to lag of teaching views and thought. The Eng

17、lish teaching aims at Cultivate that the student possesses the ability of listening, reading, speaking, writing and translation. Some teacher and schools put the focal point in seeking the examination, and objectively the ignorance uses the requirement of ability with reducing to student s English s

18、ynthesis. The result student spent a lot of time and energy, and remembered a lot of word and grammars rules. But can not understand, and can not speak, and genuinely can not grasp the technical ability and skill to use the language. Therefore this teaching thought is along with the development of t

19、imes and the change of international country internal environment, and can not suit the requirement of society. If not as quickly as possible revolution, it causes dumb persons English “and “deaf persons English to students.(2). Single teaching method and the means of teaching model are out of date.

20、 At present, the central teaching method is that teacher explains the knowledge with grammar concerned language of vocabulary in the classroom. Teacher speaks, and student remembers, and teacher is the main body, and student is an audience. Students do not have the chance of genuine language experie

21、nce, training and practice, this kind of teaching of the type the instilled into and type lectured is that information exchange between teacher and student capacity is small, and lack of interactivity and the education of individualization. The teacher is hard to look after the student of different

22、types, teaching effect is not good, it is not high that student learns interest. So it causes excessively relies on the passive study of classroom, it makes students learn to be short of nature deciding for oneself, conscious nature and flexibility, and very hard effectively trains. The English lear

23、ning ability is used in the language synthesis cultivating student, and particularly listens and speaks the ability, and this is restricting to synthesize to apply ability and cultivates and rises.(3). Teachers quantity is inadequate and the teachings level are not high. There are a few of English t

24、eachers in some middle schools, and so many non-English major teachers have to work on English teaching for lack of English teachers, some teachers graduated mid-professional schools, especially in the far from the centre nation educational institutions, this kind of appearance is more serious. Some

25、 of teachers are still have the views of teaching are which “I teach, you study”. Some of teachers dont master a system of methodology, their English teaching methodology is the same as other subjects, so English teaching is not as a language to teach, and students are not able to master approaches

26、of language learning. The English teaching methodology is too traditional, and can not use advanced teaching approach in English.2.2 The Situation of English Teaching in Middle SchoolLets talk about the teachers in middle school. There are many problems in English teaching of the middle schools. The

27、re are so many differences in all schools. For example, city and town, key school and not key school. Here is a survey about middle school English teachers record of formal schooling. In a big city, 70 percents English teachers graduated in professional schools, 16.5 percents English teachers is und

28、ergraduate, and most of teachers who graduated the mid professional school and senior school is only about 12.7 percents, especially, there are 151 undergraduate teachers in a certain middle school in Shanghai, account for 70.56 percents in all the teachers and other English teachers graduated profe

29、ssional colleges. To compare with the junior middle school, the English teachers level school. In junior middle school. Only 7.6 percents English teachers are undergraduates and 76.6 percents English teachers graduated professional school. Others graduated mid professional school and senior high sch

30、ool. It makes known although almost half of English teachers graduated professional school and university, they are not able to become English teacher on a certain meaning. Those teachers who are not quality to teach English, that they never accept any specialization training their language ability

31、and teachings level unable to pledge the teaching quality. This situation brings about more affect in English teaching, and causes many English teaching always keep their traditional teaching method without imagination and reform.According to the age of analysis, obviously see that there are a lot o

32、f young English teacher in middle school in parts of China. Below of the 30 years old is 43.1 percent in total. And 38.8 percents English teachers who are from 30 to 39 years old. Below of 40 years old English teachers become to main-body in all the middle school English teachers. Only have a few of

33、 English teachers who are from 40-49 years old and above 50 years old. The young English teacher possess less than 4years old, but no experience. According to all above analysis, it is obviously that there are many problems in the middle schools. The teachers level can not balance at present and nee

34、d to improve in order to ensure English teaching qualities. 2.3 The Function of Teachers The teacher plays an important role in the class. “The beginning stages of language learning usually take place in the classroom and are thus molded by the teacher, who determines the text book and the method, s

35、ets the place and creates the classroom atmosphere” (How to be a more successful language learner).With the continual reform of language teaching and learning methods, teachers are in great demand to organize the classes in English and create English-learning circumstances. However, with the limitat

36、ion of students vocabulary, teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help of facial expressions and body movements. In this article, the possibility and the effect of using body language in listening, speaking, reading and writing will be further discussed. The teacher is central f

37、or setting the interpersonal atmosphere in the class, and for conveying enthusiasm and conviction. So teachers must make an investment in students feelings, pay attention to emotional factors and using sincerity to arouse sympathy and understanding, in the process of listening, for example, help stu

38、dents doing deep breathing, using music to relax and saying positive statements, and providing guessing strategies and hypothesis so students can feel comfortable in the listening class. The teacher should not be an authority or supervisor, but a stage designer and a friend. Tudor elaborates a furth

39、er role-learning counselor in the student-centered approach, the teacher may be seen as performing five main functions:(a) Preparing learners (b) Analyzing learner needs (c)Selecting methodology (d)Transferring responsibility (e)Involving learners. As English teachers, the challenge of learning what

40、 to do in the classroom is compounded by the difficult process of adjusting to life in a foreign culture. Teaching English as a novice teacher in a foreign country is very different from teaching as a trained professional in an English-speaking country, and knowing how to speak English is not the sa

41、me as knowing how to teach English. Learning the craft of language teaching by trial and error is a process that can take a long time and involve considerable wear and tear on teachers and on students. This digest offers novice English teachers an introduction to teaching English abroadA book mentio

42、ns that “Your teacher not only models the language you are studying, he or (she) is also an important source of information about how the language is structured, what words, phrase, and expressions mean, and when they should be used, Check your understanding of the language by ask the teacher if it

43、is correct, ask him or her for additional expressions if you find the explanations in the textbook confusing or inadequate make sure that understand the corrections in you speech, homework, compositions and tests. Ask your teacher to provide you with written comments on your compositions, check with

44、 your teacher periodically about your progress” (How to be a more successful language learner)2.4 The Influence on LearnersAs far as the English teaching in the middle schools is concerned, teachers have to arouse the students interest so that they may learn better. There are many ways to arouse the

45、 students interest and help them to learn better, body language used in English teaching is one of them. Without any high teachers level, the influences on the learners exist all the time. It causes many problems. The following are the influence on learners:Failure to keep order in the classroom Fai

46、lure to understand the difficulties experienced by teachingFailure to invite problem learners for additional classes and/or visit problem learners at home for additional instructions often without pay Failure to give a learner a higher score just to encourage him/her even in the event of an obvious

47、failure Failure to understand what the learners and the parents feel in a challenging situation and to give support Failure to train individual learners or a group of learners for a certain type of exam (say, university entrance exam) in some cases without pay Failure to warn parents well ahead of t

48、ime about possible academic failure of the student even when the learning outcome is not yet certain (permanent individual contacts with parents are advisable as well as inviting all the parents, usually on a Friday night, to school once a month for feedback and discussions) Failure to help a learner on the home telephone if required Failure


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