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1、凯尔特神话对西方文学作品的影响The Influence of Celtic Myth on Western Literary WorksAbstract: Celtic myth was the important part of the European mythology. All European Celtic tribes shared certain cultural characteristics, though some have survived better over time. There are vast and ancient stories in their Cel

2、tic myth. A number of these elements are present in the literary works. It includes the Ulster Cycle、Dream of Macscen、Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and so on .There are vast and ancient collection of stories amassed by the Celtic peoples though out century of oral history. These stories continue t

3、o affect Western culture to this day ,creeping into common imagery in many ways .One of the greatest myths of medieval literature certainly is the epic tale of King Arthurs Knights of the Round Table and their quest for the Holy Grail, which becomes a symbol for the medieval ideals of knighthood, ga

4、llantry ,and chivalry. Key words: Celtic myth;the western literary works;Arthur ; Western culture摘要:凯尔特神话是欧洲神话的重要组成部分。欧洲凯尔特各部落文明虽然发展不一,但还是有某些共同的文化特征。凯尔特神话气势恢弘,内容丰富,很多西方文学作品就融入了其中的许多神话传说。它包括阿尔斯特故事、麦克森的梦、高文和绿衣骑士等等。凯尔特人经过几个世纪口述下许多古代故事,这些故事至今仍影响着西方文化,并且通过多种方式演化成今天的人物形象。中世纪文学最伟大的神话传说之一就是亚瑟王的圆桌骑士以及他们追寻圣杯的

5、下落的史诗故事,这在后来成为所有中世纪骑士精神的典范。关键词:凯尔特神话;西方文学作品;亚瑟王;西方文化 ContentsI. Introduction.1II. The World of the Celtic. 1 A. The background of the Celtic myth.1 B. The main content of the Celtic myth.1III.The Famous Western Literary Works about Celtic Myth.2 A. The western literary works about Irish myth21. Book

6、 of Invasions.22. The Ulster Cycle.33. Fenian Cycle.3 4.Voyage of St Brendan4B. The western literary works about Welsh myth .41. Mabinogion.52. Dreams of Macscen.5C. Legends of King Arthur.6 1. Story of Brutus.62. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight .8IV.Conclusion9Works Cited.11. Introduction Every cou

7、ntry or nation has their own mythology including love, heroes, all kinds of gods, and some magical stories, etc. For the Celtics, there are vast and ancient stories in their Celtic myth .These stories continue to affect Western culture to this day, creeping into common imagery in many ways especiall

8、y in western works .Perhaps the best known character in Celtic mythology is King Arthur of Camelot. There is a fact that the whole set of Arthur comes from the Celtic myth and the images exists before the age of chivalry .Celtic myth extends much further than Arthur ,the Celtic ancestors were well-a

9、cquainted with these figures and their tales .Every bard knew the epics of Celtic gods and heroes by heart and the stories were told and retold .Many writers studied it and used the important things which included the modes of thinking, moral rules ,customs, life style ,values and famous character t

10、o make up the new works .Learning the Celtic myth is important for us to understand the meaning of some the western works . The World of the Celtic A. The background of the Celtic mythCeltic myth is a realm of enchantment .It recounted heroic stories of ancestral peoples of some 2500 years ago. Ther

11、e were vast and ancient collections of stories amassed by the Celtic peoples throughout centuries of oral history. The Celts were a related group of peoples, whose earliest forebears are believed to have originated in central Asia or northwest India sometime between 2000 and 1000 Clatter emigrating

12、westward. Most of the Celts lived in the central European sometime after 1000 BC. Eventually, by around 500 BC, they had made their way across the entire eventually, by around 500 BC, they had made their way across the entire breadth of the continent to its farthest corner, Ireland. All European Cel

13、tic tribes shared certain cultural characteristics, though some have survived better over time. There are the traditions and myths of the “Insular” Celts among them, i.e. the Celts of the British Isles. B. The main contents of the Celtic myth In the book Celtic myth in Chinese Celtic mythology is ve

14、ry colorful .There is a Glass Castle, a Stone of Destiny, magic swords ,charmed spears and javelins, giants and dragons ,figures who can change their appearance, a mantle of invisibility ,horses like the Gray of Battle , “hero light ”halos and fearsome battle furies, a Land of Promise, a Plain of De

15、lights ,an Island of Women, fairy mounds ,ale of immortality and bejeweled drinking horns, an afterlife of perpetual feasting, and all manner of phenomena expressed best in myth.(Tan 567) .The Famous Western Literary Works about Celtic MythCeltic myth influence many western literary works especially

16、 in Irish and Welsh. In Irish, Celtic culture is very flouring before the Englishman invaded in the middle century. In Welsh, Celtic culture survived in exotic aggression. When the private of Welsh independent rights is threatened, the gleeman in welsh reappeared the brilliant time. Their materials

17、mainly come from Ireland, but most of them come from England. A. The western literary works about Irish mythThe bard in Irish wrote history which about their history .In twelfth century, they have finished lots of literary works .For convenient, these literary works were divided into four groups myt

18、hology 、the Ulster Cycle、Fenian Cycle、Various Biographies about King .In these literary works ,history is mixture of oral mythology legend about god、heroes 、lover、the magical animals、and rumor. The Ulster Cycle is considered as the window of the Iron Age. (Veronica 678)1. Book of InvasionsBook of In

19、vasions described the establishment of Ireland and colony life in early days. It relates the origins story which is so difficult that can not make the people to understand. The Gael seems to pay no attention to the origins of cosmos. Their rumor didnt describe world or mankind how to be created. May

20、be these druids control the answer of these problems. Book of Invasions were compiled by the monks in 12th century. He jotted down the race which invaded and colonized to Ireland in the form of chronological style with the coda of Milesians invasions. Milesian is the ancestry of Gael, they always en

21、ounce that they are the host of this land. This book introduced each achievement which the race obtained in detail: Such as agriculture or wine craft, music or metalwork. It not only described in Ireland the formation of the population and the creation of the civilization at the earliest stage, but

22、also described the created process of natural world in Ireland. Ireland gradually presented one nation owned numerous rivers, lake, mountains, group of islands and plains from almost the milli- featureless big slice of land, all of these are given a myth color.2. The Ulster CycleIn the book the Ulst

23、er Cycle, Ireland myth mixed with the heroes among common people. The theme is the confliction between the Ulster and the Connacht. It presented an absorbed picture of the ancient Celtic society. The persons in the story were all nominally Christians but their behavior methods wont be influenced by

24、foreign culture here were all the depictions about the barbarian in Rome person eyes, concerning brilliancy, war, drinking wine to excess, overflow sexual intercourse with woman. These stories expose the fact that the Celtic belongs the maternal society .The women owned the equaled right with the ma

25、n, for the medb, even exceeded a man. These legends still displayed personality of Celtic which is open and reckless. In these stories, sex, die or injure and even a bowel movement had taken into of fascinate depiction. In Ulster Cycle, it constituted of a series of literature work. Tain Bo Cuailgne

26、 is the marrow of the Ulster Cycle .It was said Tain Bo Cuailgne was written by Fergus mas Roich. Fergus is the king of Ulster. Medb wanted to rob the ox in the Ulster which is famous in the world, but the Cuchulainn recognized it and defeated them by himself .Unluckily, his back was hurt by sword,

27、dead. These persons in the history existing whether or not still caused suspicion. However geography is factual, we can carry out the whole development process of stories in Tain Bo Cuailgne on the map of Ireland. Place spirit is very important for Celtic. Dennsbenchas in 12th century collected a lo

28、t of Irish folk tales about this topic. There are lots of legends concerning background of place name in Tain Bo Cuailgne, too.3. Fenian CycleIn the myth of Ireland, Finn mac Cumhaill is one of the most famous heroes. Fenian Cycle is considered as the center of Fenian and the exploration experiences

29、 he lead of Warrior regiment, it has large influence in Ireland and other places. The legend story of warrior regiment spreads to Isle of Man and Scotland. He was considered as Fingal there. He was considered as the source of legend of King Arthur, for example, Diarmaid andGrainne could be the origi

30、n of Tristan and Isolde. In the literature of Ireland, he was described into a history person, it was said that he lived in third century. However, his oral legendary possibility has already existed quite a few for century, the origins can trace back to ancient Celtic myth. His father was the leader

31、 of Warrior regiment which was a troop that protected the king of the Ireland. In Fenian Cycle, the boars have an important positions, they often mutually contact with supernaturalism: The most famous is the boar which killed Diarmaid .In earlier period, the Celtic people has already given these the

32、 fierce animal important symbolic significance. There are some evidences shows that the boar can be used for a fiesta gift. Many myths all mentioned brutish boar such as Twrch Trwyth in Culhwch and Olwen in welsh. 4. The Voyage of St BrendanLots of Celtic myth describe the travel of another world .T

33、he main actor is the common people and not supernatural of beings or great heroes. The rumor of Mael Duin is the earliest Celtic myth on voyage .It established foundations for the same type stories. For example, The Voyage of St Brendan, It is the one of famous stories in the European. Mael Duin is

34、the sun of a nun and Allill Edge-of-Battle. When the Mael Duin borned, ilill was dead in the battlefield .Mael sweared he must revenge for his father. One day, the Druid tell him ,his enemy lived in the place which just get there by sea and only take with nineteen people .so the Mael started his voy

35、age .They overcome all kinds of difficulties. Finally, they get the island. When the people who killed the Maels father welcomed them, Mael forgive them and told them the travel of exploration. This story is the very popular in middle century.B. The western literary works about Welsh myth The oldest

36、 works in Welsh is Gododdin. It got material with the legend in sixth century A.D. It happened in Gododdin. At that time, there were some important stories. It concluded White Book of Rhydderch, the Red Book of Hergest. Except them,there are eleven famous myth from nineteen century ,Mabinogion、Culhw

37、ch and Olwen、The Dream of Rhonabwy and three novel in Austria The Lady of Fountain、Predur、Geraint and Enid. Some stories are registered in the historical data in earlier period. For example, Mabinogion came from historical data in eleventh century. The stories in Mabinogion are compiled by themselve

38、s. Taliesin is the greatest gleeman of welsh. The people called him Taliesin Ben Beird. His representative is Spoils of Annwn. He worked for the King Urien of Rheged. His twelve poems had reserved. Book of Taliesin which was published in thirteenth century registered his earliest literary works. (Fe

39、e and Zhang 204)1. MabinogionMabinogion got away from the coupling of Ireland story, and absorbed the style of middle Ages literature. Its center part is four fastens. They involved Welsh and its periphery nation. The first fasten and the third fasten are the main of myth about Dyfed. The second fas

40、ten and the fourth fasten involve with holy land and stories of Ireland and England. Myth of Welsh contains three main source heads. One is created by historian who is from Latin such as Nennius and Monmouths work as a representative. The other is the legend and myths of welsh and gleeman in Briton,

41、 especially the literary works of the Marie de France. The most famous literature work in Welsh is that Mabinogion. Though Mabinogion is important literary works in welsh myth, little people know it. It was returned to one of four greatest branches in welsh until Guest translated it into English and

42、 named Mabinogion in 19th century. This translates originally is prepared for the children, however,it was popular among the wide readership and it was considered as the traditional myth stories in public.Although Mabinogion evaded the questions to location and background of stories, it didnt lack o

43、f legend stories which have related with true history person and their dying and resurrection. At present, people saw Mabinogion which showed thought and style in middle century,however,these stories also included the domestic thought of ancient Celtic. Mabinogion mentioned adoration of spirits for

44、Celtic people. 2. Dreams of MacscenExcept fours fasten and the legend of Culhwch and Olwen, Mabinogion concluded three short legends which showed the characters of Ancient legend. These three stories can be treated as remitting point of the Celtic myth and the Middle Ages Arthurs story. They are Dre

45、ams of Macscen、Dream of Rhonabwy and Llwyd and Llefelys . Dreams of Macscen registers in Mabinogion. The destiny of Macscen is different with historical Magnus. In the story, he described as the king of Rome. Under the help of Britain warriors, he became the great accomplishments for restoring monar

46、chy after being usurped throne. Dreams of Macscen based on record of events about Magnus. He is general in Rome, he once attempted to rebel the scepter in Rome, but finally didnt succeed. He was very famous who was born in Spain because of successfully resisted Pict invasion and protected of Scotch.

47、C. Legends of King ArthurArthur isnt only a character in Celtic myth but also an internationalization person. King Arthur is the legendary king of the Britons in ancient times ,and the major figure in Arthurian legend .Arthur expelled foreigners from Britain ,brought peace to the country ,and established a kingdom based on justice ,law ,and morality .He held court at his castle at Camelot and instituted an order known as the Knights of the Round Table .Eventually his country crumble ,and his illegitimate son Mordred grievously wounded him in battle . 1. Story of Bru


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