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1、Unit Seven Tour and Visit参观访问Text Passage One汉译英:P203学位点 degree program 国家级重点社科研究基地 key social science research centers博士后科学研究流动站 post-doctoral research stations 国家级重点学科 national key disciplines两院院士 academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering网络教育 online educ

2、ation 科举制 imperial examination日月光华,旦复旦兮 brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again人文精神 humanistic spirit 披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕 negotiate various impediment博学而笃志,切问而近思 extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination治学态度 educational phi

3、losophy取精用弘的学术思想 the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest怀抱超旷的才隽学人 graduates with brilliant scholarship高等教育发展的重中之重 priority among institutions of high learning承前启后 inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission精诚团结,共襄盛举 strive together in good faith文理工医科综合性大学

4、a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine面提升知名度和影响力 elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions社会转型时期 a period of social transition百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual est

5、eem各位来宾: 1、欢迎各位参观复旦大学。这是我校的主校区,我们还有3个分校区,这次不在参观的范围内。在来宾们参观我校之前,请允许我先简要地介绍一下我校的概况。Distinguished guests, Welcome to Fudan University. This is the main campus of the university. We have three sub,-campuses, which are not on this tour list. Before you start to look around, allow me to give you a brief a

6、ccount of this university. 2、 复旦大学目前拥有17个全日制学院、69个系、73个学士学位点、201个硕士学位点,22个一级学科和134个二级学科可授予博士学位。复旦大学还有7个教育部国家级重点社科研究基地、9个国家级基础科学研究基地、25个博士后科学研究流动站。复旦大学拥有国家级重点学科多达40个,在全国排名第三。复旦大学还设有77个研究所、112个跨学科研究所和5个国家级重点实验室。此外,复旦大学拥有8家从事医疗、教学和科研的一流教学医院。Fudan University, currently, comprises 17 full-time colleges a

7、nd schools, 69 departments, 73 bachelors degree programs, 201 masters degree programs, 22 disciplines and 134 sub-disciplines authorized to confer Ph. D. degrees. It has 7 key social science research centers of Ministry of Education, 9 national basic science research and training institutes and 25 p

8、ost-doctoral research stations. It has 40 national key disciplines granted by the Ministry of Education, nationally third, 77 research institutes, 112 cross-disciplinary research institutes and five national key laboratories. Also, Fudan University has eight first-class teaching hospitals that integ

9、rate medical service, medicine education and research. 3、 复旦大学拥有高水准的全职教学科研人员2 400多名,其中包括1 350名教授和副教授、24名两院院士,以及660名博士生导师。目前学校的在校生已达45 000名,包括全日制学生以及接受继续教育和网络教育的学生。此外,还有1 760名外国留学生,在全国排名第二。Fudan University boasts a high-level faculty of over 2,400 fulltime teachers and researchers, including 1,350 pr

10、ofessors and associate professors, 24 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 660 doctoral supervisors. Currently, Fudan University has an enrollment of over 45,000, including full-time students and students in continuing education and online education

11、. Also, therere nearly 1,760 students from overseas, nationally second. 4、 复旦大学创办于1905年,是我国历史最悠久的高等院校之一。20世纪初,沉睡迷茫、积贫积弱的中华民族正处于前程晦暗之中。一批爱国志士将西方学术翻译引进,教育的现代化受到国人关注。数百年的科举制于1905年被废除。同年,复旦大学的前身复旦公学草创于上海。Fudan University was founded in 1905, now known as one of Chinas leading institutions of higher lear

12、ning with the longest history. The beginning of the 20th century witnessed an impoverished and enfeebled China that slumbered in dim prospects. It also saw a number of patriotic intellectuals of ideals and integrity translating and introducing Western academic knowledge. Modernizing education came t

13、o be an immediate concern among the Chinese people. A consequence of that concern was the abolishing of the age-old imperial examination system in 1905. In the same year, Fudan Public School, the predecessor of Fudan University, was founded in Shanghai. 5、 复旦大学的名字取自于古代“日月光华,旦复旦兮”。复旦大学在其悠久的发展历程中,注重科学

14、知识的传授与科学人才的培养,注重中华民族现代理性的开展与人文精神的养成,可谓披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕。复旦大学以其民主自由的学术风气,对中国东南的知识分子文化和都市文化的建构,产生了极其重要的影响。 The name of the university Fudan, meaning the morning sun rising again, can be etymologically traced back to an ancient Chinese book Fudan, which includes a poetic line. Brilliant are the sunlight and th

15、e moonlight after a night the day dawns again. In its century-old course of development, Fudan University has negotiated various impediments, contributing remarkably to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the cultivation of scientific talents, shedding luminous light on the creation of Chi

16、nas modern rationality and the nurturing of humanistic spirit. With its liberal, democratic academic ambience, Fudan University has played apivotal role in shaping the academic and urban culture of southeast China. 6、 100年来,复旦大学不仅以其爱国进步、民主科学的精神积极参与并有力推进了我们民族的现代化事业,并且以其“博学而笃志,切问而近思”的治学态度铸造了取精用弘的学术思想,

17、陶冶了一代又一代怀抱超旷的才隽学人,为祖国的社会主义建设事业培养了一大批栋梁之才。 Over the past one hundred years, Fudan University, in the spirit of patriotic advancement and with the democratic and scientific approach, has actively participated in and effectively promoted Chinas modernization drive. Grounded in its educational philosoph

18、y of extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination, this university has shaped an academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest. As a result, the university has turned out, class upon class, graduates with brilliant scholarship and

19、 lofty aspiration, many of whom have become great leaders in Chinas grand undertaking of socialist construction. 7、 复旦百年基业,来之不易,目前又面临了一次百年未遇的发展良机。复旦大学已被国家列为中国高等教育发展的重中之重,并且确定了建设世界一流大学的奋斗目标。所谓承前启后之枢轴,事业进步之关键,正当此时。复旦人精诚团结、奋发作为,在这一目标的指引下共襄盛举,不断树丰功于民族复兴的伟业,如“复旦”这一名称所昭示的那样,苟日新,又日新,日日新。With its hard-earne

20、d centennial legacy, Fudan University finds itself confronting a great chance of further development, a chance in a hundred years. Ranked by the government as a top university that deserves priority development among Chinese institutions of higher learning, Fudan University has embarked on its journ

21、ey leading to the pantheon of the worlds leading universities. Now is the moment that Fudan University cannot afford to lose to inherit its fine tradition and usher in the future mission. You will see Fudan people striving together in good faith to complete the grand mission of becoming a leading un

22、iversity in the world and persistently making significant new contributions to Chinas grand cause of national rejuvenation. With such an endeavor, Fudan will live up to what its name aspires to declare to the public, a new day today, a new day tomorrow, and a new day everyday.8、素有“江南第一学府”之美誉的复旦大学已经成

23、为一个包容文、理、工、医等学科的综合性大学。一个世纪以来,一代又一代的复旦人秉承“爱国、奉献、求实、创新”的精神,以丰富的想像力、活跃的创造力和卓有成效的实践,在中国高等教育发展史上留下了深深的足迹,为人类的文明和社会的进步,为民族的振兴和国家的强盛,为上海的经济发展和文化繁荣作出了重要的贡献。当前,复旦大学正在大力推进学科建设和教学改革,提高办学质量和效益,全面提升复旦学术研究的知名度和影响力。 Fudan University, renowned without fail as the best university south of the Yangtze River, has beco

24、me a comprehensive university with a complete range of disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine. For the past one hundred years, the spirit of patriotism, dedication, truth-seeking and innovation has guided the Fudan people generation after generation. With its rich imagination

25、, active creativity and effectual practice, Fudan has set up milestones in the history of Chinas higher education, contributing profusely to the progress of humanity and society, to the rejuvenation and prosperity of our nation, as well as to the economic and cultural prosperity of Shanghai. Current

26、ly, Fudan University is working hard in the hope of spurring discipline- construction and education reform, and improving education quality and efficiency, and elevating Fudans academic influence and visibility in all dimensions. 9、 我国正处于一个重大的社会转型时期,其转变之巨大,意义之深远,实前所未有。大学之为大学,除了要成为经济和社会发展的推进器,还要成为学术之

27、津梁、思想之摇篮和文化之温床。基于此,复旦作为百年传承之名校,任重而道远。Currently, China finds itself in a period of social transition marked with astonishing progress and change. The profundity and significance of this transition are unprecedented. A university is so termed, because it serves not only as a propeller of economic and

28、social progress, but also a ferry and bridge for academic transmission, a cradle of thoughts and a hotbed for breeding culture. Thus anticipated, Fudan University, as a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem, is destined to shoulder weighty responsibili

29、ties on its long journey ahead. 10、 让我们共同为复旦未来的辉煌而祝福吧。下面请各位随我参观校园。Let us place our blessing on the brilliant future of Fudan University. Now, please follow me as we tour around the campus.培训 206Unit 7 参观访问Passage TwoVancouver 温哥华 Canadas gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 Natur

30、al ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品 Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸Oil refining 炼油 Metal fabricating 金属锻造Printed matter 印刷 Real estate 房地产Triple 增至3倍 Quadruple 增至4倍 Quintuple 增至5倍High-rise office building 摩天办公楼 Boutique 时装礼品店Ethnic group 少数民族团体 Planetarium 天文馆Aquarium 水族馆 Skating rink 溜冰场B

31、otanical garden 植物园 Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树 Sap 树液 英译汉 1、 Welcome to Vancouver. As Canadas third-largest metropolitan city after Toronto and Montreal, Vancouver is the principal commercial, industrial, shipping, financial, tourist, and cultural center for western Canada. So

32、metimes called Canadas gateway to the Pacific, Vancouver is linked by shipping services with Pacific ports of the United States, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Through the Panama Canal it is linked with Atlantic ports of Americas and Europe. Products of Western Canadas farms, ranches, for

33、ests, coal mines, and industries are sent by rail to Vancouver and then by water to the ports of the world. One of the worlds largest natural ice-free harbors, it is where the manufactured goods from Asia arrive throughout the year. Vancouvers manufacturing includes lumber and paper milling, food pr

34、ocessing, oil refining, metal fabricating, and the production of chemicals, machinery, electronic items, and printed matter.欢迎各位光临温哥华。温哥华是仅次于多伦多和蒙特利尔的加拿大第三大城市,是加拿大西部的主要商业、工业、海运、金融、旅游和文化中心。温哥华有时被称为加拿大通往太平洋的门户,其船运业将美国在太平洋沿岸的港市以及中国、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰等国联系在一起。而巴拿马运河则将这座城市同南北美洲和欧洲的大西洋沿岸港市连接起来。加拿大西部的农产品、畜牧产品、木材、煤

35、炭和工业产品,通过铁路运往温哥华,然后经水路运往世界各地的港口。来自亚洲的制成品,一年四季输入温哥华这座世界最大的天然不冻港之一的城市。温哥华的制造业包括伐木、造纸、食品加。工、炼油、金属锻造、化工、机械制造、电子、印刷等行业。 2、 Vancouver is predominantly a service center. Since the 1960s, employment in finance, insurance, and real-estate-related activities has tripled, that in accommodation and food service

36、s has quadrupled, that in health and welfare services has quintupled, and that in services for business has increased eightfold. Employment in primary and secondary industries has declined relative to population.服务业是温哥华的主要行业。自20世纪60年代以来,金融、保险以及房地产相关行业的从业人员增至3倍,旅馆餐饮服务业的从业人员增至4倍,卫生福利服务业的从业人员增至5倍,商业服务的

37、从业人员增至8倍。第一和第二产业的从业人员的比率下降了。 3、 The majority of Vancouvers historic buildings are in the Gastown and Chinatown areas. Older sections of the city have undergone considerable change since 1960, when downtown high-rise office buildings and hotels were built. False Creek a decaying industrial area with

38、sawmills, rail yards, and small shops - was transformed into a residential development project. Gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880s style with antique stores and boutiques.温哥华的历史建筑大多坐落在盖斯敦和中国城地区。自1960年以来,温哥华的老城区发生了相当大的变化,市中心的摩天办公楼和旅馆拔地而起。法尔斯河这个锯木厂、铁路调车场、小店铺充斥其间的日渐衰败的工业

39、区,已被改造为住宅发展区。旧城的市中心盖斯敦区已重新恢复了1880年代的风格,古玩店和时装礼品店四处可见。 4、 Vancouver is largely British in character with some Chinese influence. Almost three fourths of the population are of British ancestry. The Chinese, French, Japanese, and East Indians are the largest among other ethnic groups. Its Chinatown is

40、the second largest Chinese community in North America, second only to San Francisco of the United States.温哥华以英国文化传统为主要特征,同时也受到中国文化的影响。有英裔血统的居民几乎占了全城人口的34,其他较大的少数民族团体有华裔、法裔、日裔和东印度裔等团体。温哥华的中国城名列全北美地区第二大华人社区,仅次于美国的旧金山。 5、The city has lone been noted for its cultural activities. Major cultural instituti

41、ons include the Macmillan Planetarium, Centennial and Maritime museums, the Vancouver Opera House, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver Art Gallery, and Vancouver Aquarium. Robson Square has provincial government offices, a skating rink, multilevel shopping and food facilities, and a sports stadium wi

42、th a seating capacity of 60,000. The Robson Square Conference Center and the Provincial Court House building are noted for their modern architectural style.温哥华的文化活动早已闻名遐迩,主要文化场所有麦克米伦天文馆、世纪海洋博物馆群、温哥华歌剧院、伊丽莎白女皇剧院、温哥华美术馆和温哥华水族馆。罗布逊广场是地方政府办事机构的所在地,广场内还有溜冰场,多层建筑的购物、餐饮场所,以及可容纳6万个席位的露天体育场。罗布逊广场会议中心和地方法院的现代

43、化建筑风格,亦为世人瞩目。 6、 Vancouver has numerous scenic and recreational attractions. Parks, beaches, and marinas dot the citys extensive shoreline. Queen Elizabeth Park is noted for its beautiful botanical gardens and conservatory of exotic plants.温哥华有许多旅游休闲景点。公园、海滩、码头点缀着这座城市长长的海岸线。伊丽莎白女皇公园以其美丽的植物园和异国植物花房而闻

44、名遐迩。7、 At this time of the golden autumn season, Vancouver, like many other places of Canada, is extremely beautiful. Backgrounded by the bright blue sky, the leaves on maple trees, with brilliant hues of red, give a flaming tribute to the city. Maple tree produce a peculiar sap each spring, which i

45、n turn produces a sweet and delicious syrup. We Canadians are very grateful to these magic trees, because they color the Canadian landscape in the autumn and sweeten the Canadian palate in the spring. In particular, the maple tree leaf is Canadas national symbol, and our national flag flies with it.

46、 Wherever we go, the maple tree leaf reminds us of our great country and of our beautiful hometown Vancouver. 时下正值金秋季节,温哥华同加拿大的许多其他地方一样,显得异常美丽。红光溢彩的枫树叶在蔚蓝色晴空的衬托下,给这座城市披上了火红的盛装。每年春天,枫树会产生一种独特的液汁,可以用来制作甘甜可口的糖浆。我们加拿大人对这些神奇之树都怀有一种感激之情,因为这些枫树给秋天的加拿大带来了美景,给春天的加拿大带来了口福。特别有意义的是,枫树叶是加拿大的象征,高高飘扬的加拿大国旗上印有一片枫树叶

47、。我们无论身在何处,枫树叶会使我们想起伟大的祖国,想起我们美丽的家乡温哥华。 Unit 7 参观访问Extra Text for Practice Passage One汉译英: 1、上海博物馆是一座大型中国古代艺术博物馆,创建于1952年,并于1992年在市中心人民广场的新址上兴建新馆。1996年雄伟壮观的上海博物馆新馆全面对外开放,计有11个专馆和3个展览馆,开放面积达1万余平方米。上海博物馆的馆藏珍贵文物12万件,包括青铜器、陶瓷器、书法、绘画、雕塑、家具、玉牙器、竹木漆器、甲骨、玺印、钱币、少数民族工艺等21个门类,其中青铜器、陶瓷器和书画为馆藏三大特色。The Shanghai Museum is a large museum of ancient Chinese art. The museum was first established in 1952, and in 1992 it acquired a new site on the downtown Peoples Square. The magnificent new Shanghai Museum was open in its entirety to public visitors in 1996, with eleven galleries and three exhibition hal


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