unit 8 if you want to talk, you can go online..doc

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《unit 8 if you want to talk, you can go online..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 8 if you want to talk, you can go online..doc(27页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 8 If you want to talk, you can go online.Lead-in(Activity 1, Page 129)(补充更多的短语)1 ask and answer questions 2 write journals (in blogs)3 watch videos online4 build/run an online shop/store5 visit the forumLead-in(Activity 2, Page 130)(补充短语,与上面的短语相对应,难度比课本上大)1. I can ask questions on any topics, g

2、et answers from real people, and share my ideas with others.2. I can share my own stories and feelings with my friends.3. I can watch a lot of free videos online, including cartoons, TV shows and so on.4. I dont need to pay the rent like running a real store.5. It is a good place for the exchange of

3、 peoples different opinions on the same issue.Lead-in(Activity 2, Page 130)(词汇补充,补充网络相关词汇)电脑相关词汇computer 电脑laptop 笔记本netbook 上网本bandwidth 带宽,通讯频带bluetooth 蓝牙browser 浏览器double click 双击drag 拖动window 窗口,窗口hardware 硬件software 软件mouse 鼠标preview 预览printer 打印机upgrade 升级zoom 缩放 zoom in 放大 zoom out 缩小上网相关词汇u

4、sername 用户名password 密码log-in/ sign-in登入log-out/ sign-out 注销message board 留言板hits (网页)点击数home page 主页hyperlink 超链接pageview 页面浏览人数,页面访问量upload 上传download 下载网络相关知识www: world wide web 全球网(又称万维网)web:网络website: 网站webpage:网页webcam(web camera) 网络摄像头webmaster 网站管理员weblog 网络日志webcast 网上节目cyber 网络世界的net-surfin

5、g 上网漫游internet addiction 上网成瘾club/ community社群,网络家族online friends/ net friends 网友mouse potato 网虫netizen 网民hacker 黑客virus 病毒anti-virus software 杀毒软件installation/ add-on安装netiquette 网规,网上礼仪,网络礼仪HTTP:Hyper Text Transmission Protocol,超文本传输协议IP:IP国际互联网协议,即网际协议。 FTP:是 Transfer Protocol的缩写,即文件传输协议,用于在Inter

6、net上传输文件。FTP的任务是从一台计算机将文件传送到另一台计算机。人们通过FTP可以获得很多免费的实用软件。 IE:Internet Explorer,Explorer意为“探险者” Listening and Speaking: (Page 131 Activity 6) (以下第一个表格适用于基础不好的学生,第二个表格适用于基础较好的学生,以方便不同的学生完成口语任务)Table 1:QuestionYour AnswerYour Partners AnswerHow much time do you spend online everyday?Do you use the inter

7、net to learn English?Do you make friends on the internet?Do you play computer games on the internet?Do you buy things on the internet?Table 2:QuestionYour AnswerYour Partners AnswerHow often do you go online?What do you usually do online?What do you think of the internet?Listening and Speaking (Page

8、 132 Activity 7)(表达观点的句型补充)I think . I supposefrom my part.in my opinion If you ask me .I believe/feel.As for me .As I see it .in my view in my eyes It seems to me that.from my standpointPersonally speaking.from my point of view If I may say so, I think.Im of the opinion that.As far as I am concerne

9、d. I am in favor of the view that.Listening and Speaking (Page 132 Activity 7)(补充中文阅读材料,便于教师充分发挥学生的想象力进行头脑风暴活动,以协助完成练习)没有网络,也就没有电子邮件,我们要跟远方亲朋交流书面感情,只有通过邮政。邮票信封信纸要钱,这也就罢了,最大的问题是慢,从北京到广州,平邮五天,航空两天,就算是加急,一来一回最快也要72个小时,而且还没算中间分拣、递送的时间。当然,比邮政快的还有电报和传真,可是电报每个字1毛4。何况电报人人都看的见,毫无隐私可言,实在是不方便,传真更不是人人都用的起的。 没有网


11、更好的例子是网友。没有了网络,网友、网恋什么的,统统成了空谈。七八十年代曾经兴盛一时的笔友风说不定会继续发展下去,现在我们经常说的见网友可能会被见笔友代替。 没有网络,没有了新闻站点和搜索引擎,我们需要的信息必须通过其他媒体,报刊杂志会比现在更大行其道,我们的思想会更单纯,我们的知识面会更狭窄;没有网吧,就不会有网吧暴力,不会有网吧惨祸,报社记者们会将他们的抨击投向迪厅和游戏机厅,因为那里将会是青少年问题最有可能发生的地方,录象厅会代替网吧成为传播暴力色情的罪魁祸首当然了,事实上假如没有网络,可能孩子们将会把更多的时间转向学习、锻炼,但是他们也有可能对别的地方产生好奇,但这就不在本文讨论的范围

12、之内了。 没有了网络,不仅企业,个人的自我张扬也少了一个最快最简单的方式网站。现在我们打开浏览器,第一眼看到的往往是门户站点或者搜索引擎,然后就是五花八门的网站广告,稍有不小心,就会链接到不知哪个公司的网站上去;平时聊天,朋友们也偶尔会发几个URL过来,说:“这是我的主页。”网络是直观、快速而且廉价的宣传方式:门户网站上的Banner,每天至少会有几十万人看到,而每月收费只有几千,比起报纸上几万人民币的一个整版,或者电视上动辄上百万的“黄金时段”,实在是便宜了不少;而个人主页或者网站对于个人的宣传更是不用说了,除了网站,没有任何媒体能让每个普通人都有机会宣传自己,因此网站可以说是不知名的组织或

13、个人宣传自己的最好的方法。但是假如没有了网络,这一切就成为了泡影,很多人将不可能成名,例如痞子蔡,例如雪村,假如没有网络,痞子蔡的第一次亲密接触不会流传得如此之广,以至于印成了铅字拍成了电影;雪村的东北人都是活雷锋也不会搭上Flash的顺风车,成为家喻户晓的民谣了。网络文学可能会象当年的地下文学一样,顶多派生出几个青年地下诗人、地下作家,他们的作品也只能在一个小范围内流传。没有网络,“榕树下”大概会是一个地下文学社,而不是今天国内数一数二的网络文学园地;没有网络,今何在也可能还是在做他的网管,而不是成为了网络游戏的策划人;没有网络,网络文学不会象今天这样走进我们的生活。 假如真的没有网络,我们

14、的生活会是单调而平静的,我们会把每天的1/5时间花在写信、寄信和收信上,1/5时间花在电话联系上,1/5时间用来看报纸电视和购物,1/5的时间在与他人交流思想,然后剩下的时间我们会用来锻炼身体、学习,而不是象现在那样,把99%的时间交给了计算机,而里面99%的时间交给了网络。但即使是这样,又有谁愿意过没有网络的生活呢?cBlogLog=1000129490 Listening and Speaking (Page 132 Activity 7)(补充英文阅读以降低难度, 教师可以根据需要进行选择,可用于基础较好的学生。)Read the following ideas from differe

15、nt people and decide which ones you agree with. 阅读人们的不同观点,你会同意谁的呢? A1: My computer would be totally useless without the internet. It would be like seeing the same thing every day and my life would be incomplete(不完整).A2:Life without internet is going to be like medieval period(中世纪) and telegram is go

16、ing to be the best way of communication.A3: Life without the internet would be a disaster. I get all my news from the net and have met so many great people on the net. We need the internet to live nowadays.A4: Increasing using internet makes the world getting smaller. My work is dependent on it so I

17、 really cant picture it out.A5: well.it is not easy to imagine my life without internet. Just 10 years ago, I didnt know what www is. But now internet is badly needed in my life. Every morning as soon as I get up, I check my emails and read newspaper on my computer. And I often buy something at inte

18、rnet shopping mall. I even call to my parents through internet phone because its very cheap. So I cant imagine my life without internet.B1: I think Id be a better person if I didnt spend so much time at the computer. Id be more active, more social (face to face) and probably in better health. B2: Li

19、fe is very different for me without the internet, because without it, I maybe always go out to the pubs(酒吧) and enjoy the company(陪伴) with them.B3: I think Id actually be able to get out of the house more. Id be in better shape, play more sports and probably have more friends in real life.B4: Well,

20、I can live without Internet. Sometimes I dont use Internet for several days. However, I feel inconvenient at that time. B5: No Internet would mean returning to the basics of social life and classic media supports like television, radio and newspapers. Reading and writing:(Activity 8 Page 132) (补充关于互

21、联网发展史的文化知识,教师可以选择作为背景教学)1)Internet的起源和发展 Internet的最早起源于美国国防部高级研究计划署DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)的前身ARPAnet,该网于1969年投入使用。由此,ARPAnet成为现代计算机网络诞生的标志。 从六十年代起,由ARPA提供经费,联合计算机公司和大学共同研制而发展起来的ARPAnet网络。最初,ARPAnet主要是用于军事研究目的,它主要是基于这样的指导思想:网络必须经受得住故障的考验而维持正常的工作,一旦发生战争,当网络的某一部分因遭受攻击而失去工作能力时,网

22、络的其他部分应能维持正常的通信工作。ARPAnet在技术上的另一个重大贡献是TCP/IP协议簇的开发和利用。作为Internet的早期骨干网,ARPAnet的试验并奠定了Internet存在和发展的基础,较好地解决了异种机网络互联的一系列理论和技术问题。 1983年,ARPAnet分裂为两部分,ARPAnet和纯军事用的MILNET。同时,局域网和广域网的产生和逢勃发展对Internet的进一步发展起了重要的作用。其中最引人注目的是美国国家科学基金会ASF(National Science Foundation)建立的NSFnet。NSF在全美国建立了按地区划分的计算机广域网并将这些地区网络和

23、超级计算机中心互联起来。NFSnet于1990年6月彻底取代了ARPAnet而成为Internet的主干网。 NSFnet对Internet的最大贡献是使Internet向全社会开放,而不象以前的那样仅供计算机研究人员和政府机构使用。1990年9月,由Merit,IBM和MCI公司联合建立了一个非盈利的组织先进网络科学公司ANS(Advanced Network &Science Inc.)。ANS的目的是建立一个全美范围的T3级主干网,它能以45Mbps的速率传送数据。到1991年底,NSFnet的全部主干网都与ANS提供的T3级主干网相联通。Internet的第二次飞跃归功于Interne

24、t的商业化,商业机构一踏入Internet这一陌生世界,很快发现了它在通信、资料检索、客户服务等方面的巨大潜力。于是世界各地的无数企业纷纷涌入Internet,带来了Internet发展史上的一个新的飞跃。2)互联网带来的机遇与挑战互联网给全世界带来了非同寻常的机遇。人类经历了农业社会、工业社会,当前正在迈进信息社会。信息作为继材料、能源之后的又一重要战略资源,它的有效开发和充分利用,已经成为社会和经济发展的重要推动力和取得经济发展的重要生产要素,它正在改变着人们的生产方式、工作方式、生活方式和学习方式。首先,网络缩短了时空的距离,大大加快了信息的传递使得社会的各种资源得以共享。 其次,网络创

25、造出了更多的机会,可以有效地提高传统产业的生产效率,有力地拉动消费需求,从而促进经济增长。推动生产力进步。 第三,网络也为各个层次的文化交流提供了良好的平台。 互联网的确创造了一个奇迹,但在奇迹背后,存在着日益突出的问题,给人们提出了极大的挑战。比如,信息贫富差距开始扩大,财富分配出现不平等;网络的开放性和全球化,促进了人类知识的共享和经济的全球化。但也使得网络安全和信息安全成为非常严峻的问题;网络的竞争已成为国家间和企业间高技术的竞争和人才的竞争;网络带来信息的全球性流通,也加剧了文化渗透,各国都在为捍卫自己的网络文化而努力。中国拥有悠久的文化,如何使得这种厚重的文化在网络上得以延伸,这个问

26、题显得尤其突出。Reading and writing:(Activity 8 Page 132) (提供一些相关英文阅读材料,教师可以根据需要选择以启发学生讨论)1 关于网络的讨论1 I have a great concern that internet has made us to be lazy and we need not go anywhere else to search something or to anyone to speak about anything, rather we sit in front of computer and start all these t

27、hings. If this is the case, then it will destroy our interpersonal relationship. 2 I disagree, because through internet, you can do everything you want . although physically its passive but it keeps our mind busy and some even become a creative thinker. Also, it gives us some new updates and new ide

28、as for our daily living and for our life. 3 I agree with you, internet actually has made us lazy. Although it is informative and has everything just at your finger tips, it has its downsides too. Viruses and Spam are everywhere. It is so common that even in safe search modes we get results which we

29、dont want kids to see. 4 I dont look at it as lazy, but more as an opportunity. You live in India; I live in the United States. I never would have met you if there was no Internet. I have several very close friends in the former Soviet Union, several of which I am now able to telephone on a regular

30、basis. It is not a matter of being lazy; it is concentrating many sources of information in one place. 5 I can not agree with you more, I have the same feeling, especially recently I found that I spent too short time doing something else, after work, I spent almost my time before computer, it made m

31、e lazier. I am trying to fix this recently. I can do it.6 It all depends on how you define lazy. Shopping online saves time wasted in long lines and dealing with rude customer. It takes cars off the streets, which means saving gas and oil, thus it is good for the economy. The time saved from shoppin

32、g online, means one has more time to do other things. 2关于电子书的讨论1) E-book popularity is growing and it may become the choice for most people in the near future. Publishers and book sellers are reporting that the e-book sales are up by as much as four or five times over last year. It is predicted that

33、 this trend will continue. Some people even think that electronic form will completely replace paper publications in about 10 years. There will be no magazines that are delivered in paper form. Everything gets delivered in an electronic form. It is no surprise that many schools are adapting e-books

34、for their students. This growing popularity of digital form is understandable. E-book has many advantages over its paper counterpart. Ill list just a few of them here. Easy to carry. Accessible from anywhere. If you use any online storage service, you can access your copy of e-book from anywhere whe

35、re you have a computer and internet connection. Finding a phrase in an e-book is easier than in a paper book. They cost less to produce and hence are cheaper than paper books. Environment friendly. E-book reduces the usage of ink and paper that saves trees. Unless, of course, if you want to print yo

36、ur version of e-book. 1) I hope not, I still dont like reading more than 1,000 or 1,500 words on a computer screen and I need to write notes in the manual and highlight stuff for later use.2) In my mind, e-book cant replace the paper book. Paper book stands for a kind of culture, not only story or s

37、omething else. I like to make notes on the margin of the book, and I like the feeling of reading paper book in the park, and it is a way of enjoying your life.3) I think theyre an exceptional idea. However, I dont believe theyll ever completely replace the print version because a) theres always goin

38、g to be people who prefer the feel of paper over screen; b) Books can become heirlooms(传家宝), e-books probably not; c) A bookshelf of print volumes looks much more impressive than an eBook Reader.au/node/471?page=13. 机器人的研究现状1)彼得-杰克尔在布里斯托尔机器人实验室里负责机器人面部表情的研究工作,他说:“栩栩如生的机器人表情对进行面对面的人机交互是最为重要的。 有一天,机器人

39、可以成为宇航员的好帮手,老年人的伙伴,在保健和教育领域为人类提供帮助。这要求机器人外表和行为要相匹配以满足人们的期望,才能最终实现机器人在这些领域的应用。我们对这款机器人的研究重点放在了面部表情的逼真程度上,这不同于以往的机器人研究,他可以说是面部表情最像人的一款机器人了。” 昆山智能机器人研究又报喜讯:经过刻苦奋斗,昆山科技大学资讯工程系师生研发出了可辨识语音系统的家用机器人。这种家庭机器人可透过语音模型比对,“听懂”人的话语,并与人交谈!这种智能机器人技术的应用,使机器人就可从事人类的高级行为:不论是端茶、送报,都难不倒这种家庭机器人。 研究团队表示,语音辨识使用无线传输方式,将指令传达到

40、机器人,并具有扫瞄功能,可辨识居家环境;现已研发出机器人端茶、送报等高阶行为,并且设计平台可置放物品,接收到指令的机器人,可将物品送达到主人手中,如果持续改良,可成为理想居家好帮手。2)北京奥运会曾经使用过的机器人1.福娃机器人福娃机器人能够感应到一米范围内的游客,与人对话、摄影留念、唱歌舞蹈,还能回答与奥运会相关的问题。2.翻译机器人能够实现在任何时间、场所,对任何人和任何设备的多语言服务。3.安保机器人其杰出代表为排爆机器人。3) 阿西莫夫机器人三定律 科幻小说家艾萨克 阿西莫夫在小说我,机器人中所订立的“机器人三定律”。阿西莫夫为机器人提出的三条“定律”(law),程序上规定所有机器人必

41、须遵守:一:机器人不得伤害人类,或袖手旁观坐视人类受到伤害; 二:除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令; 三:在不违背第一及第二法则下,机器人必须保护自己。4. Shopping online Now people who previously have to travel long distances to find certain products can buy things online, which results in lower prices. However, there is definitely a certain charm to shopping offline;

42、 getting to interact with other people face to face and being able to see, smell, and sometimes even hear goods on display can be a very rewarding experience. Some may call it evolution; others may call it a tragedy. Still, one thing seems certain: in the years to come, internet commerce will only g

43、row. There may indeed come a time in the not so distant future when traditional retail is gone with the wind.5. 太阳能太阳能作为一种清洁和可持续使用的能源,几十年来,已经不断地对其可能实现的应用进行挖掘。 现如今,向房屋、办公室和工厂厂房提供能源的太阳能板已经不新鲜了。在近几年,已经涌现出了一系列太阳能应用新概念。 现在,这些新概念正在成形,出现了利用太阳能的船、飞机甚至汽车。这些都足以证明,我们对于使用太阳的能量颇为异想天开的想法,在可持续性发展的未来有着举足轻重的作用。太阳能利用

44、:海上。造型时尚、极具异国情调的豪华游艇是由瑞士“迷码”公司设计的氢动力艇。“迷码”号游艇里的两张床及其船体都是由一种质地牢固而质量轻的合成纤维以及碳纤维制作而成。它能吸收太阳光,并将能量存储在一组安装在艇上的锂离子电池里。 不足之处在于这艘太阳能游艇只能以最高9节的时速行进。它载有一个汽油燃料的V10发动机,可在海面上以令人注目的90节的时速挺进。太阳能应用:天上。以前曾经就有对太阳能飞行器的讨论:从1974年最初的太阳能飞行到最近一次的太阳能环球飞行。 在以前的帖子里,曾经有伯特拍特的“太阳动力号”,希望成为第一个由人操作的太阳能飞机实现环游世界之旅。 现在,皮卡特与飞行员安德鲁博斯博格一

45、道建造了HB-SIA飞机。 这架单人太阳能飞机将于六月二十六日揭开神秘的面纱。同日,皮卡特将驾驶这架飞机开始利用太阳能,不间断地飞越大西洋。 如果这次跨越大西洋的飞行成功的话,HB-SIA号飞机将成为世界上第一个利用太阳能飞行的飞机。太阳能应用: 地上。与太阳能飞行相似,太阳能汽车也已经出现多时。1979年建造出第一辆太阳能汽车,它的体积只能容纳一个人,而随着时间的推移,许许多多的创新让太阳能汽车得到不断地改进。 明尼苏达大学的太阳能汽车小组的清洁绿色Centaurus车在六月初德克萨斯州的太阳能方程式锦标赛中获得了冠军。 太阳能汽车在阳光下的时速可以达到80英里,每次可充1500瓦电量。去年,台湾引入一种看上去像高尔夫车一样的汽车,每辆车的价钱只有2400多美元。在太阳光下照射几个小时,可以有驾驶这辆小怪物跑上三个小时,时速可达到44英里。 对于大众来说,这种太阳能汽车并不算太糟糕。希望未来除了保持安全性能好之外,有越来越多款式更好的太阳能汽车出现。


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