Xinjiang cracks down on terrorist threat.doc

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1、Xinjiang cracks down on terrorist threatChinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has taken iron-fisted measures against the three forces of separatism, terrorism and religious extremism to protect its economic development, the regions top leader said yesterday.Speaking at a press conference to announ

2、ce plans for the Autonomous Regions 50th anniversary, Wang Lequan, secretary of the Communist Party of Chinas (CPC) Xinjiang Committee, said the regional government has reliable evidence showing a Uygur fugitive, who was freed on bail and fled to the United States, had close connections with foreign

3、 terrorists.Rebiya Kadeer, once a wealthy businesswoman, was jailed for eight years in 1999 on charges of endangering national security by giving State secrets to foreigners. She was released on medical parole on March 17 this year.According to Wang, after going abroad, Kadeer conspired with separat

4、ists and religious extremists to plan terror attacks and jeopardize the regions 50th anniversary, which will be marked on National Day, October, but he did not say what evidence had been collected.The regional government recently froze Kadeers assets after learning she had attempted to get her child

5、ren, who still live in China, to take her money out of the country, Wang said.When the government investigated her business, it found she had evaded taxes, committed fraud and run up huge debts, he added.She had debts totalling 50 million yuan (US$6.2 million), Wang said. If she had successfully tra

6、nsferred all her money out of China, who would have paid her debts?No country should allow this, so the government must take tough action.Wang also told reporters about the government crackdown on a separatist group headed by Abdullah Kurban, an ethnic Uygur.Kurban was killed on Monday after he fire

7、d on police who were chasing him, Wang said.In the late 1990s, Kurbans terrorist group instigated many riots and other crimes, he said, adding that Kurban had been on the run for five years.With Xinjiang bordering eight countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan a

8、nd Russia, the conditions are very complicated, Wang said, referring to the fight against terrorism.Terrorists are now hated and detested in Xinjiang, regional Chairman Ismail Tiliwaldi said. They are like rats running onto the street, and everyone is screaming: Smash them!As to how to celebrate the

9、 regions 50th anniversary, Wang said that rather than holding grand ceremonies, the government planned to address 10 major problems facing the regions residents.The regional government and the central government will jointly invest 2 billion yuan (US$247 million) into building earthquake proof housi

10、ng for thousands.We will also exempt 2.28 million poor students from tuition fees and provide subsidies for them, Wang said.CEO mulls renouncing Taiwan links(China Daily) Updated:2005-08-26 10:39SHANGHAI: The founder and CEO of Shanghai-based Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) has

11、 applied to give up his citizenship of Taiwan after doing business in the Chinese mainland left him facing sanctions from the islands authorities.The Economic Daily News reported that Richard Chang applied to renounce his citizenship last month at Taiwans Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).While not

12、 addressing the matter directly, Chang said in a statement yesterday: Some Taiwanese authorities have been restricting and persecuting us for our development on the mainland, and I feel quite a bit of disappointment about that.I am a US citizen but grew up in Taiwan. I was educated and served in the

13、 army in Taiwan, for which I have a deep affection.MOFA said in March that Chang illegally invested in SMIC in 2000, a move forbidden by Taiwanese authorities. He was fined NT$5 million (US$150,000) and was required to withdraw his investment in SMIC.The MOFA has given Chang six months to withdraw h

14、is investment. If Chang does not end his investment, MOFA says it will continue to punish him until he does. Chang is fighting the case.Taiwan is trying to fine our CEO NT$5 million (US$150,000) for alleged improper investment in SMIC, Jimmy Lai, SMIC spokesman, was quoted as saying by the IDG News

15、Service in response to questions about why Chang is seeking to give up his link to the island.Chang also said he hoped Taiwan authorities would create a fair environment for competition.I welcome my Taiwan counterparts to come to the mainland and develop the semiconductor industry, Chang said. If th

16、e policy of the Taiwan local administration allows, I am willing to be the strategic partner for my Taiwanese counterparts.Wu Xianfeng, a semiconductor analyst with Guotai Junan Securities, said the fine was insignificant to Chang, but he had reacted strongly because he thought the trouble created b

17、y the Taiwanese authorities was unreasonable.The investment trend from Taiwan in the mainlands high-tech sector cannot be blocked, said Wu.Wu said the spat with the Taiwan authorities would not impact on SMICs business.Taiwan has extremely strict control over its investments in the mainlands high-te

18、ch industry.In April, Taipei fined United Microelectronics Corp Chairman Robert Tsao NT$3 million (US$90,000) for allegedly failing to tell investors about advice some executives gave a mainland chip maker.In February, Hsu Chien-hua, who heads China-based He Jian Technology, was fined for investing

19、in the Chinese mainland without government approval.No agreement with EU at textile talksUpdated:2005-08-26 10:15China and the European Union failed to reach an agreement yesterday at talks in Beijing aimed at solving the current textile impasse.The two sides conducted serious talks towards an effec

20、tive solution to the thorny issue, Chinas Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said in a statement.The Chinese side expressed great concern over the Chinese textile stockpile at EU customs, while the EU admitted the policy did not meet the interests of its domestic traders and consumers, MOFCOM said.The EU

21、 delegation was headed by Fritz-Harald Wenig, the trade director of the European Commission. Chinese negotiators were led by the director of MOFCOMs foreign trade department, Lu Jianhua.According to statistics published by EU customs on Wednesday, eight of 10 categories of Chinese textiles have alre

22、ady reached their quota limit, set in June.The June agreement restricts annual growth of EU textile imports from China to 8 - 12.5 per cent over the coming three years.Forty-eight million sweaters, 17 million pairs of trousers and hundreds of tons of other textile products are piling up at EU border

23、s, unable to access the market, statistics from EU show.Chinese textile dealers are also keeping an eye on the issue, Cao Xinyu, vice-chairman of the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Textiles told China Daily yesterday.We hope the EU will at least accept shipments for orders ag

24、reed before the textile disputes began, he said.Cao explained that when a quota-free era began in January, importers and exporters had not even considered the possibility of caps being introduced after just a few months.An urgent meeting was held on Wednesday morning in Brussels among representative

25、s of the European Commission and EU members in a bid to pave the way for talks in Beijing.EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson, who did not attend the meeting on Wednesday, said in a statement that China and the EU need a pragmatic solution that deals with the immediate overshoot and with good will

26、 on all sides, we can do this.The two sides have to consider how many categories will be covered by the new amendment; and whether to increase the quotas for this year or to start eating into the quotas for next year, said Mei Xinyu, a trade analyzer form the Chinese Academy of International Trade a

27、nd Economic Co-operation, the think tank of MOFCOM.If they decide to use the quotas from next year, the two sides have to take into account whether this will result in additional troubles in 2006, he added.In another development, China and the United States are expected to reach an agreement on thei

28、r textile disputes in the near future as the US Government nears a decision on whether to impose new safeguard measures against additional Chinese textile and garment products at the end of this month.Govt urged to tackle safety problems(China Daily) Updated:2005-08-26 10:38The government has been u

29、rged to tackle coal mine and workplace safety as at least seven fatal accidents, each claiming three lives, happen every day.In a report to the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th National Peoples Congress (NPC), Senior legislator Li Tieying said Chinas Law on Work Safety should be st

30、eadfastly enforced.(We) propose the State Council and relevant departments ensure a drastic reduction in the number of gas explosion accidents in coal mines within two years. and resolve the problem of smaller mines within about three years, he said yesterday.Li, vice-chairman of the NPC Standing Co

31、mmittee, made the remarks in his report to the standing committees 17th meeting in Beijing.In China, the NPC Standing Committee is entitled to supervise the work of the State Council - Chinas cabinet.Li headed a four-month tour to check on implementation of the 2002 Law on Work Safety, paying partic

32、ular attention to the coal mine sector.The findings were appalling, though overall, the statute has brought about positive results, the legislator said.Up to last Sunday, 33 major accidents have killed 951 miners this year. The toll has more than doubled year-on-year, Li said.Of the 29 tragedies whi

33、ch each killed at least 50 miners between 2002 and August 21 this year, 24 cases were blamed on gas blasts, making gas explosions the top killer in Chinas mines, he added.As shown by the experience of some collieries, gas explosions can be prevented by enhancing site management and implementing a pr

34、oduction safety responsibility system, Li said.According to Li, more money should be diverted to pay for new safety equipment and regimes in mines, where safety rules and regulations and a responsibility regime should be carried out to the letter, he said.As smaller mines crank out one-third of Chin

35、as coal production, but account for at least two-thirds of the countrys mining deaths, Li said the State Council should completely reorganize the systems governing small mines.No new small mines will be allowed to open before the standards are hammered out, he said.The country should strike hard at

36、the small, unsafe mines which try to reopen after being closed down, Li said. Almost every major accident was found to have been linked to corruption, so graft cases in relation to work safety must be severely handled, he said.He said regulations regarding work injury insurance should be carried out as soon as possible. All high-risk sectors, including mining, must implement an insurance system by the end of next year.In addition to having new recruits sign labour contracts with mine operators, enterprises should also strengthen training and reduce the stresses placed on workers, Li said.


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