Алексеева Мария Алексеевна, Пузанова Марина Владимировна Don State Technical University.doc

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1、 INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS - ISBN 978-5-7890-0605-4-2011 INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPING INNOVATIONS - -2011 33+338.48+72:001.895(06) . - -: , 2011 . - . : , , , PR- PR-, , , , , . , , . : . . . - ; . . ; . . . . , 2011 , Don State Technical UniversityANTI-CRISES PROGRA

2、MS OF THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRIES My article is about anti-crises programs of the most powerful countries. I suppose that this topic is rather actual and interesting, because the world economy crises was the tragedy for the whole world. Each country felt the scale oh this crises. And whats more this

3、 crises could demonstrate the weak points of many countries. In my article I presented the anti-crises programms of some countries, which helped to avoid the most severe consequences. Key words: USA, Japan ,Russia, China, taxes, GDP, dollar, yen, yuan, banking sector, social protection, damage, mone

4、tary policy authorities. The world ecomomy chrises has become a plague of XXI centure that shoked all countries in the world. A lot of people argued about it, going through this process wih a find comb the main reasons of its beginnings. In this article I want to pay your attention to such activitie

5、s as anti - crises programs which were demonstrated by the world states , but before speaking about each country individually, lets imagine the situation in the whole. tarting in January of this year when the global crisis has already gained a strong enough movement, and everyone began to react in d

6、ifferent ways, most countries began to build its policy, relying only on themselves, and ignoring those around them. Many, of course except the U.S.,had a negative attitude to the program of quantitative easing monetary policy, but gradually had to join these programs, and more precise to say to dev

7、elop their personal, even the ECB. But first things first. USA The first step was made by acting president of the USA - B. Obama. He first began a large-scale program of economic assistance, which in his view should have been the first to withdraw the U.S. from the cesspool of the global crisis.We n

8、ote its main points. The main thing was put emphasis in this program, this action is aimed at reducing unemployment in the shortest time, and soon the revitalization of economic growth. The plan included two main components: tax cuts, reduce cost of large-scale investments in the economy. The first

9、forces were thrown on to help the needy. Actions aimed at are increasing the duration of unemployment benefits, funding for retraining and unemployment, the increase in funding for health insurance, increased food aid to the needy, as well as housing for the homeless have been highlighted during pro

10、gram execution. Turning to taxes in this program, I want to draw attention to reducing business taxes, tax cuts for individuals. In a new tax program to stimulate the economy, its included an item on the additional tax credit of $ 1 thousand dollars for families and $ 500 for individual taxpayers. A

11、s in the future we could see all this beneficial to the data in terms of sales of houses, applications for unemployment benefits, increasing consumer confidence and, of course, the U.S. GDP. The banking sector has also not been left without attention, on what was allocated tens of billions of dollar

12、s. Japan Initial anti-crisis program included the following items: improved market conditions, improvements in living standards, financial development. Its simple and concise. The only thing that kept Japan, is a very fast growing rate of the yen, which is only in the recent time, began to stabilize

13、 at around 100 yen against the U.S. dollar. In April, Japan announced a new anti-crisis program and contributed to its embodiment of the package volume of 15 trillion. yen. Were also corrected the main directions of anti-crisis program, which included tax cuts, provide emergency funds to sustain job

14、s and support the unemployed. There was the most severe earthquake in the last 140 years In Japan, Tsunami swept along the eastern coast of Japan, washing away everything in its path: hundreds of children, car washes into a powerful water flow. Strange phenomenon occurred in the ocean off the coast

15、of Japan: there is formed a huge crater and a whirlpool. The earthquake in Japan had destroyed a lot of industrial facilities, including nuclear.Everything that is happening now in Japan, like doomsday. People were in panic, tremors are continuing, everywhere people were screaming for help. Japanese

16、 authorities are all the forces trying to protect its citizens and has made an appeal for assistance to other countries.Some witnesses asociated the earthquake and tsunami in Japan with the end of the world, others to the fact that the sea takes revenge on people for the harm that it had been caused

17、 humanity, in particular for the killing of whales. There is a version on which this natural disaster associated with lunar events that are still expected to land in March 2011. In any case, what was happening in Japan, is beyond description. At the moment, officially listed 31 people dead and hundr

18、eds have already listed as missing. Unfortunately, such tragedy will not be limited even hundreds of deaths.The economic costs of disasters in Japan can make from 190 to 310 billion dollars. Damage to Japanese businessesToyota Motor, Honda, Nissan: suspended at all factoriesSony: 8 enterprises dont

19、work; Toshiba: shut down the plant; Panasonic: fracture at 2 plantsMitsubishi Chemical, Maruzen Petrochemical, Kyokuto Petroleum - did not work is underway at the refineryMitsubishi Material, Pan Pacific Copper - due to lack of electricity halted the production of copper, Sumitomo Metal Industries -

20、 stopped working steel plant, Nippon Steel Corp - a plant for production of steel is closed, the remaining gas backChina.What can I say about this mysterious country, so this is what someone would be spared a crisis, but for China, this problem seems to be not a problem in itself. Chinas anti-crisis

21、 programms consist of stimulating domestic demand, and strangely enough increase in domestic consumption from month to month speaks for itself. GDP at the beginning of the crisis has slowed to 6.3%, but then continued its growth. In order to fight the crisis of China it was spent $ 4 trillion. yuan,

22、 which is about 586 billion U.S. dollars, and not exclude the need for additional injections into the economy. Large reduction in Chinese exports has also been noted and all the programs were devoted to its increase. Recall that China is the largest glass jar, which focused U.S. dollars, although th

23、e internal politics of China carries out the program of gradual of deviation from the green pieces of paper, at least for the example calculations with Japan in local currency. Russia By itself, the Russian crisis program impressively large scale. I want to focus your attention to its main points. S

24、ocial protection, social security, protection of old jobs and creating new ones, maintaining the industrial and technological potential of the economy - these are measures which are included in the first echelon.There are a lot of activities to improve domestic demand in different directions and cut

25、 down the administrative barriers to business .As we can see now for it is necessary to find domestic sources of growth. Implementation of anti-crisis measures will be achieved through structural renewal of the economy, leading to a decrease dependence the production and the financial system on the

26、export of fuel and raw products. The Government also provided additional funding and support for individual industries, aiming at preventing irreversible crisis impacts associated with a decrease in production, restructuring, bankruptcy. In the housing sector to support mortgage borrowers. Creating

27、new jobs and transparent regulation of tax deductions to the state associated with reduced administrative burden on business. ConclusionsAnd to sum it up I should add that the world economy crisis was a tragedy for each country which can paralyze the ecopnomical situation in many countries. But the

28、authorities of the countries tried to stabilize the national economy oh their countries. The have a lot of diffrent measures for its protection. And as we can see the economy is not so simple as it seems at first sight, its a complicated system of many diffrent mechanisms. And sometimes its impossib

29、le to predict its development. Literature1. 2. 3. Rostov State Economic University, RussiaEL INTERNET Y LAS REDES SOCIALESTodays life rhythm needs something quick to serve as the resource of information, communication and mass-media. Nowadays the traditional mass communication media such as televisi

30、on, radio and newspapers is replaced by the Internet. From this report you can learn the information about the Internet, which is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide and the most popular social networks and mass-media resources.K

31、ey words: Internet, social network, interactivity, source of information, communication, web page, social impact, pop culture, Facebook, YouTube. Internet es, sin lugar a dudas, la fuente de informacin preferida por delante de la televisin, los peridicos y la radio, que tiene un impacto profundo en

32、el mundo laboral, el ocio y el conocimiento a nivel mundial. Gracias a la web, millones de personas tienen acceso fcil e inmediato a una cantidad extensa y diversa de informacin en lnea.Desde una perspectiva cultural del conocimiento, Internet ha sido una ventaja y una responsabilidad. Para la gente

33、 que est interesada en otras culturas, la red de redes proporciona una cantidad significativa de informacin y de una interactividad que sera inasequible de otra manera. Internet entr como una herramienta de globalizacin, poniendo fin al aislamiento de culturas. Debido a su rpida masificacin e incorp

34、oracin en la vida del ser humano, el espacio virtual es actualizado constantemente de informacin, fidedigna o irrelevante.Internet es en la actualidad no slo el elemento dominante y ms dinmico en el rea de los nuevos medios, sino tambin el elemento ms amplio en sus impactos sociopolticos, culturales

35、 y econmicos. Inicialmente el Internet tena un objetivo claro. Se navegaba en Internet para algo muy concreto: bsquedas de informacin, generalmente. Ahora quizs tambin, pero sin duda alguna hoy es ms probable perderse en la red, debido al inmenso abanico de posibilidades que brinda. Hoy en da, la se

36、nsacin que produce Internet es un ruido, una serie de interferencias, una explosin de ideas distintas, de personas diferentes, de pensamientos distintos de tantas posibilidades que, en ocasiones, puede resultar excesivo. El crecimiento o ms bien la incorporacin de tantas personas a la red hace que l

37、as calles de lo que en principio era una pequea ciudad llamada Internet se conviertan en todo un planeta extremadamente conectado entre s entre todos sus miembros. El hecho de que Internet haya aumentado tanto implica una mayor cantidad de relaciones virtuales entre personas. es posible concluir que

38、 cuando una persona tenga una necesidad de conocimiento no escrito en libros, puede recurrir a una fuente ms acorde a su necesidad.Como medio de informacin Internet sustituye a revistas, libros, bibliotecas y archivos por pginas web (incluida funcin de bajarse o descargar cosas), bancos de datos, mu

39、seos virtuales etc., convirtindose de forma mltiple en objetivo de la planificacin de rutas, de informacin sobre viajes, consulta de prediccin del tiempo, consulta del calendario de eventos, servicio de lxicos, etc.Como medio de diversin Internet sustituye - en primer lugar slo parcialmente - a revi

40、stas, radio, TV, juegos de sociedad y eventos pblicos, satisfaciendo las necesidades de entretenimiento, juego y sociabilidad, en la medida en que pone al servicio del usuario textos, msica e imgenes, sino tambin ofreciendo grandes ofertas y muy diferenciadas sobre juegos de ordenador interactivos,

41、por una parte, y por la otra, chatrooms - foros de chat.El fenmeno de las redes sociales lleg para quedarse. Diariamente miles de personas se unen a estos sitios de convivencia virtual, que lo mismo sirven para intercambiar simples mensajes con el compaero de oficina, que para enlazar a parientes, r

42、eencontrarse con viejas amistades o encontrar pareja.Las redes sociales son lo que nos permite hoy en da no tener una excusa para dejar de ver a nuestros amigos, familiares o conocidos, sin embargo ms que para entretenimiento y socializacin las redes sociales hoy en da sirven para hacer negocios, posicionamiento web y promocin de personalidades pblicas o servicios.Puesto N 1 YouTube: Ser famoso ya!Tal vez el ttulo sea un poco exagerado, pero en realidad se puede decir que cualquier persona puede ser famosa subiendo un video su


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