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1、Elementary基本演绎法S01E01第一季第一集Pilot试播集特别感谢人人影视提供字幕来源 本集剧本整理、校对:不死的螳螂青青(百度基本演绎法吧)Watson:Hello? Yes, Im coming to get him in.Im sorry. Did you say He escaped.?你好。对,我正要去找他。等一下你刚才是不是说“他逃跑了”?Watson: Hi, its Joan Watson. On the off chance you havent already been contacted by Hemdale. Your son left rehab a li

2、ttle early this morning. Im already at his house, to see if he is here. Ill call you if there is a problem.你好,我是乔恩华生。你很可能已经从汉德尔那听说了,今天上午早些时候,令郎逃离了康戒中心。我现在在他家门口,看他在不在。如果有状况的话,我再打给你。Watson: Excuse me, Im looking for Mr. 打扰一下,我在找Watson: Hello? Excuse me, Mr.My name is Joan Watson. Ive been hired by you

3、r father, to be your sober companion. He told me he was going to e-mail you about me. Im here to make the transition from your rehab.experience to the routine of your everyday life, as smooth as possible. So I will be living with you for the next six weeks. Which means.Ill be available to you 24/7.有

4、人吗?打扰一下,我叫乔恩华生。你父亲雇我来当你的康戒陪护。他说他会发邮件向你介绍我。我来这儿是为了让你顺利地从在康戒中心被迫戒瘾,转变为养成健康的生活习惯。所以之后的六周,我都会跟你住在一起,也就是说,我要时刻陪在你身边。Holmes: Do you believe in love at first sight? I know what youre thinking. The world is a cynical place and I must be a cynical man.thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that

5、. The thing is. it isnt a line. So please hear me when I say this.I have never loved anyone as I do you right now.in this moment.你相信一见钟情吗?我知道你在想什么,这世界俗不可耐,我一定是个犬儒之辈,认为你这样的女子也会落入这样的俗套。可关键在于,我并不是那样,所以请你仔细听好了。我从未如此地深爱一个人,直到遇到了你。TV: Do you believe in love at first sight? I know what youre thinking. The

6、world is a cynical place and I must be a cynical man thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that. The thing is. it isnt a line. So pleasehear me when I say this.I have never loved anyoneas I do you right now.in this moment.你相信一见钟情吗?我知道你在想什么,这世界俗不可耐,我一定是个犬儒之辈,认为你这样的女子也会落入这样的俗套。可关键在于,我并不

7、是那样,所以请你仔细听好了。我从未如此地深爱一个人,直到遇到了你。Holmes: Spot on! Sherlock Holmes. Please dont get comfortable, we wont be here long.分毫不差!夏洛克福尔摩斯。请不要太随意,咱们很快就得走。Watson: Mr. Holmes, did your father tell you about me or not?福尔摩斯先生,令尊到底有没有提过我?Holmes: Uh. he emailed, said to expect some sort of addict-sitter.他发了邮件提到有个什

8、么康戒保姆。Watson: Then he explained his conditions with respect to your sobriety?他说过如果你戒毒失败会怎样么?Holmes: If you mean his threats to evict me from this, the shoddiest and the least renovated from the 5.count them, 5 properties he owns in New York, then, yeah. And yeah he made his conditions quite clear. I

9、 used, I wind up on the street. I refuse your, quote-unquote, Help, i wind up on the street. Its my understanding that most sober companionsare recovering addicts themselves, but.youve never had a problem with drugs or alcohol.如果你指的是他逼我从他在纽约的5所房产中最烂最破的这所搬出去的话,他的确提过。而且他讲得清清楚楚。我破过戒,因此流落街头。不需要你来转述,我已经吃

10、过苦头了。据我所知,大部分康戒陪护连自己的瘾都戒不掉,不过你倒是从来没有对酒精或毒品上瘾过。Watson: Your father told you. 是你父亲说的吗?Holmes: Of course he didnt.当然不是。Watson: Uh, would you care to explain why you broke out of your rehab facilitythe same day youre being released?介不介意说说为何要在康戒的最后一天从那里逃出来呢?Holmes: Bored.无聊。Watson:You were bored?你在那里感到无聊

11、吗?Holmes: No, I am bored right now. Happens often. Youll get used to it. Regarding our mutual friends at Hemdale, Id say they should be thanking me for exposing the flaws in their rubbish security system, wouldnt you? Excellent!是,我现在就感觉无聊。我经常这样,你得习惯。鉴于咱俩都认识汉德尔那群人,我觉得他们应该感谢我为他们展示了那破安保系统的漏洞, 你说呢?(闻T恤)

12、味道好极了!Watson: There was a women leaving, just as I got here.Did she get you high?我来的时候有个女人从这出去她让你爽够了吗?Holmes:About six feet. I actually find sex repellent. All those fluids and all the sounds, but my brain and my body require it to function at optimum levels, so. I feed them as needed. Youre a docto

13、r, you understand.大概有六英尺高呢。我其实觉得性爱挺烦人的,到处都弄得湿乎乎的,又嚎又叫。但是我的大脑和身体需要它的滋润才能完美运转。所以,我就满足它们了。你是个医生,应该清楚的。Watson:Im not a doctor.我不是医生。Holmes: You were a doctor, surgeon, judging by your hands. Is your car parked nearby?你以前是外科医生,从你的手能看出来。你的车停在附近吗?Watson: Yes, its just out there. How did you know I had a ca

14、r?对,就停在外面。你怎么知道我有车?Holmes: Parking ticket, fell out of your purse when you dropped it. Cant have one without the other, can you? Were late, we need to get going.你手袋掉地上的时候,停车票露出来了。有票必有车嘛,对不对?要迟到了,我们得马上走。Watson: Err. late for what?迟到什么?Holmes: Actually, scratch the car. Manhattan Bridge is down to a s

15、ingle lane. Well take the tube instead. Look at this place. yuck. I cant wait for you to tidy it. Prior to my stint in junkie jail, I worked as a consultant at Scotland Yard.算了,别开车了,曼哈顿桥现在堵成单行线了,我们得改搭地铁。瞧瞧这地方,脏乱差,就等你把它收拾干净了。我被关进戒毒所之前,曾是苏格兰场的顾问。Watson: Your father told me. He said you were a detectiv

16、e?你父亲告诉我说,你是个侦探。Holmes: I was a consultant. I wasnt paid for my services, and therefore I answered to no one but myself.我是顾问,只工作,不收钱。所以我都是独自解决问题。Watson: What about London?伦敦发生什么了?Holmes: What about it?你指什么?Watson: He told me thats where you bottomed out. He thinks something happened to you there, he

17、 just doesnt know what.他说你在那一蹶不振,他觉得是你出了什么事,但他不清楚到底是什么。Holmes: Handsome woman, your mother. Its very big of her to take your dad back after the affair.你母亲是个很大度的女人,在那件事后给了你父亲很大支持。Watson: How could you possibly.? You still havent told me where were going yet.你怎么知道的,你还是没告诉我咱们要去哪。Holmes: About that, I t

18、hink you and father will be pleased to hear I have devised a post-rehab regimen for myself thatll keep me quite busy. Ive decided to resume my work as a consultant herein New York.说到这个,我觉得你和我爸都会很高兴我想出了一个康戒治疗后的康复方案会让我忙起来。我决定继续进行我的顾问工作,就在纽约。Holmes:Tell me. How do clients typically introduce.告诉我,客户一般怎么

19、介绍你。Watson: What do you mean?什么意思?Holmes: I mean, I find it hard to believe theyd actually tell someone theyve been assigned a glorified helper monkey.我是说,自己被人指派了一只助手猴,这种事情有点难以启齿。Watson: Helper-monkey? Well you and I have whats known as companion-client confidentiality, which means that you can intr

20、oduce me however you like: friend, coworker, relative and Ill play along. But, to be honest, most clients just call me their companion.你居然管我叫助手猴?咱俩之间有着陪护客户保密协定,也就是说你可以随意介绍我,朋友 同事、亲戚都行,我都配合。但是,说实话,大部分客户都称我为他们的同伴。Holmes: Captain Gregson.格雷森警监!Gregson: Holmes! How are you doing?福尔摩斯!你好吗?Holmes:Miss Wat

21、son, This is Captain Gregson, Captain Gregson, this is Miss Watson, my personal valet.华生小姐,这位是格雷森警监。格雷森警监,这是华生小姐,我的贴身佣人。Gregson:How do you do? She waits out here.你好吗?让她在外面等。Holmes:Im afraid shes quite crucial to my process, captain.她在我办案过程中很重要,警监。Watson:Its okay, really.(对警监)没关系,真的。Holmes:Actually i

22、t isnt. At least not according to my fathers email. Where he explained its the job of a proper. valet to accompany his or her charge to their place of business. Well, consider this my place of business. Consider every wretched hive of depravity and murder in this city my place of business. Unless, o

23、f course, you dont think you have the stomach for the work I do.事实并非如此。至少没遵循我父亲邮件里的意愿。他解释说一个贴身佣人的职责,是陪伴他的雇主去他工作的地方。而这里正是我要工作的地方。这座城市中每个罪犯的巢穴和谋杀案现场,都是我工作的地方。当然了,除非我的工作不对你的胃口。Watson:Im good.我没问题。Gregson:Could you put these gloves on, please?请带上手套。Gregson:Dr. Richard Mantlo came home a few hours ago to

24、 find his door kicked in and his wife.Amy Dampier, missing. Thats, uh. thats Mantlo over there. Hes a headshrinker out at Sanbridge Hospital. Says he caught an emergency last night, didnt get home till 5:00 A.M. Saw the front door, called 911.First officers on the scene found signs of-of a struggle

25、in the kitchen and in the master bedroom. But no Ms. Dampier.理查德曼特罗医生几个小时前回家,发现家门被踢开,而他的妻子艾米丹普失踪了。曼特罗在那边他在圣桥医院加班,他说昨晚碰到了急诊,直到早上五点才回来。看到前门被破坏了就报了警。首先赶到现场的警官发现厨房和主卧有挣扎痕迹,但是没发现丹普夫人。Holmes:Ransom demand?要求赎金了吗?Gregson:What is it?怎么了?Holmes:Im not sure. Ms. Dampiers cell phone, have you recovered it?我还不确

26、定。你们找到丹普夫人的手机了吗?Gregson:We have her cell phone? Thank you, Detective.把她的手机拿来!谢谢你,探长。Holmes:She either lost a tremendous amount of weight or underwent significant plastic surgery sometime in the last two years. 她要么减了很多肥,要么在过去的两年内接受过大型整容手术。Watson:She looks the same in all the photos.她在所有照片里看起来都一个样。Hol

27、mes:Thats my point.正是如此。Holmes:Ovular frames.are older, have been here longer. You can tell by the way the wall has faded- square frames newer. Theyre the only ones that feature Ms. Dampier. Coincidence? No. Check her cell phone. No photos of her older than two years. Yet there are countless picture

28、s of other people in her life, as many as five years ago.看椭圆相框,很旧,用了很长时间了。从墙被遮掩的地方可以看出,这些方形相框比较新,而且都是丹普夫人的独照。是巧合吗?不。看她的手机,没有一张照片的时间大于两年,但是有很多别人的照片,至少都是五年以前的。Watson:I take it you two have worked together before?我听说你们之前一起工作过?Gregson:Yeah, ten years ago. A few months after 9/11 I was assigned to Scotla

29、nd Yard to observe their counterterrorism bureau. Holmes mostly worked homicides, but, uh.our paths still crossed a few times.对,是十年前。9.11过后的几个月,我被派到苏格兰场去调查他们的反恐局。而福尔摩斯主要侦破杀人案。但有时我们的案子会有交集。Holmes:Captain, if you please?警监,麻烦过来下?Gregson:Yeah?来了。Holmes:Ms. Dampier knew her attacker. She let him into th

30、e house herself.丹普小姐认识袭击者,是她让他进屋的。Abreu:Captain, who-who is this guy?警监,这家伙是谁?Holmes:There are two broken glasses here. You can tell from the volume of shards. Obviously, she was pouring a glass of water for her guest when he assailed her.从碎片的体积可以看出,这里有两个摔碎的杯子,显然,她正在给客人倒水时,被人袭击了。Abreu:Right. Is that

31、 something you would do if some nut job comes in and kicks your door in, you ask him if hes thirsty.没错 ,如果有疯子踢开你的家门,正常人的做法都是问他渴不渴。Holmes:Could I.? Thank you.借用一下谢谢。Holmes:Base of glass number.two. If you take another glance at the boot print on the front door, you will see an almost imperceptible sp

32、ot of blood where the heel made contact. Lab tests, Im certain, will conclude its the victims blood, and could only have been left thereafter the assault had already taken place. Ms. Dampier let the man in because he was familiar to her. He kicked the door in as he exited to try to obscure this fact

33、. Also, he took something from the living room. Note the symmetry of the space, hm? This wall is very nearly a reflection of that one. Pictures, pictures, knickknacks, knickknacks. I see balance everywhere, except.this one space. Hey, something was here, what was it?第二个杯底。如果你再看一眼前门上的靴子印,你会发现几乎无法察觉的血

34、迹,和高跟鞋上的一样。去化验一下,我敢肯定,那是受害者的血,而且只有在袭击发生后才可能在那里留下血迹。丹普夫人让歹徒进来,因为他是熟人。他出去时踢门,是在试图掩盖事实。另外,他从客厅带走了些东西注意。这里很有对称性,这面墙就像那面墙的映射,同样的照片和装饰品到处都是对称的,除了这里,这里以前有什么东西。Dr. Mantlo:Im sorry?记不清了。Watson:Maybe this isnt the best time.也许不是问这个的时候。Holmes:No, no, please concentrate. Something used to occupy that space. I n

35、eed you to tell me what it was.不,请仔细想想,以前有东西放在那里,我要你告诉我那是什么。Dr. Mantlo:Uh, it was an old.ring box- Amys grandmother gave it to her. Why?是一个旧的戒指盒,艾米的祖母留给她的,怎么了?Holmes:You said there were also signs of struggle in the master bedroom?(对警监)你说主卧也有挣扎的痕迹?Watson:What is it? Why is it so important that the k

36、idnapper took a ring box?怎么了?绑匪拿走一个戒指盒能说明什么?Holmes:Kidnappers dont take trophies. Killers do.绑匪从不拿战利品,但杀人犯会。Abreu:Theres no body, genius. 没人发现有尸体,天才。Holmes:Theres no blood on the front stoop or walk, either. Its rather difficult not to leave any when youre abducting someone with an arterial wound, w

37、ouldnt you agree? Youre certain your men have been over every inch of this house?在前门廊和走廊都没有血迹。当你在掳走一个动脉受伤的人时,很难做到不留痕迹,不是吗?你确定你们的人搜过房间的每个角落?Gregson:Of course.当然。Gregson:But as you can see, there was a struggle here.正如你看到的,这里发生过争斗。Holmes:Shes in the safe room.她在密室里。Gregson:What safe room?哪来的密室?Holmes:

38、The one behind that wall.墙后面的密室。Abreu:Husband didnt say anything about any safe room.她丈夫没说这里有密室。Holmes:Theres a slight angle to the floor in here. You cant f. Its.The extra weight of the safe room steel reinforcements can cause the floor around it to decline slightly, creating a slope between one an

39、d five degrees.那面墙和地面有些许角度,你不能那是密室用钢铁加固会产生超负荷的重量,从而导致周围的地板轻微下陷,造成一到五度的倾斜。Holmes:Sometimes I hate it when Im right.有时候我恨自己总能言中。Dr. Mantlo:For the last time, I loved my wife. I didnt hurt her, and before this moment, I had no idea there was any safe room in my house.最后说一次,我爱我的妻子。我从未伤害过她,而且在此之前我对密室的事一无

40、所知。Gregson:You get why thats hard for us to believe, dont you?你知道我们为何难以相信你,对吗?Dr. Mantlo:The place was gutted before Amy and I moved in two years ago. She oversaw all the construction.我和艾米是两年前搬去的,之前那里被损毁了。她负责修葺工作的监督。Abreu:Im sorry, but, uh, are you saying she had it installed, but never told you?不好意

41、思,你是说,她是背着你修建的密室?Watson:How do you do it?你怎么做到的?Holmes:Do what?什么?Watson:Guess things.猜到那些事。Holmes:I dont guess. I observe. And once Ive observed, I deduce.我不是猜,是观察。一旦我观察到,就进行演绎。Watson:You said you could tell from my hands that I used to be a surgeon.你说从我的双手可以知道我曾是外科医生。Holmes:Hand- singular, actuall

42、y. It was soft, no calluses. Also, it smelled faintly of beeswax. Oh, many surgeons, as you know, use a beeswax cream to protect their hands from the dehydrating effects of repeated washings. Well.Youre no longer practicing, but old habits die hard. As far as why you gave up your medical career to b

43、ecome a companion-Id wager that addiction claimed the life of someone close to you, and his or her death moved you to make drastic changes in your life. Am I close?其实,是一只手。柔软,没有硬茧。而且有点蜂蜡的味道你该知道,很多外科医生用蜂蜡霜来防止他们的双手因反复清洗而失去水分。你现在不当医生,但积习难改。至于你放弃行医改做陪护,我敢肯定是因为你的亲友因毒瘾而死,而此人的过世,使得你做出了人生的巨大改变。我说得对吗?Watson:

44、What about my father?那我父亲呢?Holmes:What about him?他怎么了?Watson:How did you know he had an affair?你怎么知道他有外遇?Holmes:Google. Well, not everything is deducible.谷歌的。又不是所有事情都能演绎出来。Abreu:I, uh, just want to say thanks for helping out today. You-you got us our guy in, and, uh. and were grateful. We can take i

45、t from here.我就想说,谢谢你们今天的帮助。你帮我们抓到了嫌犯,很感谢。接下来交给我们就行了。Holmes:Respectfully, detective, I doubt that very much, cause I have reason to believe that Richard Mantlo didnt kill his wife.恕我冒昧,警探,我对此表示怀疑。因为我有理由相信理查德曼特罗没有杀他的妻子。Abreu:Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait. Come again?等等,等等,你再说一遍?Holmes:Dr. Mantlo has gi

46、rls feet, or hadnt you noticed? Hes a size eight if hes an inch. The boot print on his front door was an 11.没发现吗,曼特罗医生的脚跟女人一样?他的脚大概是八码的,而前门上的鞋印却是11码的。Abreu:So? So he was smart. He wore bigger shoes to throw us off.那又怎样?说明他挺聪明的,穿了大码的鞋来误导我们。Holmes:Did he also wear bigger hands when he strangled his wife?那他掐死妻子的时候也戴了大号的手吗?Gregson:Holmes.福尔摩斯Holmes:Well, these strangulation marks are indicative of a


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