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1、河北联合大学轻工学院QINGGONG COLLEGE, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY中英文翻译设计(论文)题目:定量给料皮带秤控制器的软件设计 2012年05月20日目录原文1译文8原文定量给料皮带秤被广泛地应用于矿山、煤炭、化学工业和码头等行业它是一种非常重要的动态测量系统和配料系统。利用MCS-51单片机特点,在电子皮带秤原有机械结构的基础上加入了由单片机称重控制的自动控制系统,实现了电子皮带秤调节的自动化。定量给料皮带秤是皮带输送机输送固体散状物料过程中对物料进行连续自动称重的一种计量设备,它可以在不中断物料流的情况下测量出皮带输送机上通过物料的瞬时流量和累积流量,同时










11、个传感器的载荷,其称量的准确度就越高。但在实际使用时,由于加在传感器上的载荷除被称物体外,还存在秤体自重、皮重、偏载及振动冲击等载荷,因此选用传感器量程时,要考虑诸多方面的因素,保证传感器的安全和寿命。传感器量程的计算公式是在充分考虑到影响秤体的各个因素后,经过大量的实验而确定的。世界上有多种类型的ADC,有传统的并行、逐次逼近型、积分型ADC,也有近年来新发展起来的-型和流水线型ADC,多种类型的ADC各有其优缺点并能满足不同的具体应用要求。1、ADC集成电路类型介绍 并行比较A/D转换器:如ADC0808、 ADC0809等 。并行比较ADC是现今速度最快的模/数转换器,采样速率在1GSP

12、S以上,通常称为“闪烁式”ADC。它由电阻分压器、比较器、缓冲器及编码器四种分组成。这种结构的ADC所有位的转换同时完成,其转换时间主取决于比较器的开关速度、编码器的传输时间延迟等。缺点是:并行比较式A/D转换的抗干扰能力差,由于工艺限制,其分辨率一般不高于8位,因此并行比较式A/D只适合于数字示波器等转换速度较快的仪器中,不适合本系统。 逐次逼近型A/D转换器:如:ADS7805、ADS7804等。逐次逼近型ADC是应用非常广泛的模/数转换方法,这一类型ADC的优点:高速,采样速率可达 1MSPS;与其它ADC相比,功耗相当低;在分辨率低于12位时,价格较低。缺点:在高于14位分辨率情况下,

13、价格较高;传感器产生的信号在进行模/数转换之前需要进行调理,包括增益级和滤波,这样会明显增加成本。 积分型A/D转换器:如:ICL7135、ICL7109、ICL1549、MC14433等。积分型ADC又称为双斜率或多斜率ADC,是应用比较广泛的一类转换器。它的基本原理是通过两次积分将输入的模拟电压转换成与其平均值成正比的时间间隔。与此同时,在此时间间隔内利用计数器对时钟脉冲进行计数,从而实现A/D转换。积分型ADC两次积分的时间都是利用同一个时钟发生器和计数器来确定,因此所得到的表达式与时钟频率无关,其转换精度只取决于参考电压VR。此外,由于输入端采用了积分器,所以对交流噪声的干扰有很强的抑

14、制能力。若把积分器定时积分的时间取为工频信号的整数倍,可把由工频噪声引起的误差减小到最小,从而有效地抑制电网的工频干扰。这类ADC主要应用于低速、精密测量等领域,如数字电压表。其优点是:分辨率高,可达22位;功耗低、成本低。缺点是:转换速率低,转换速率在12位时为100300SPS。 压频变换型ADC:其优点是:精度高、价格较低、功耗较低。缺点是:类似于积分型ADC,其转换速率受到限制,12位时为100300SPS。(1) 交流电机的调速主要分为三类:第一类:串级调速,这种调速系统复杂,而且不容易控制。第二类:变频器调速,随着晶闸管研制成功,交流电机调速技术迅速发展,出现了变频器,通过改变供电

15、电源的频率来调节异步电动机的转速,这种调速方式可以获得很大的调速范围,很好的调速平滑性和足够的机械特性硬度,但成本高,控制系统复杂。 第三类: 可控硅移相调压调速, 由能量守恒原理U I = F V ,在外部阻力不变的情况下,改变电压U的值,速度V也跟着改变,因此只要控制可控硅导通角调节输出电压就可以达到调速目的,但这种方法要求触发电路发生相位可变且具有一定幅值的脉冲,而且还要解决触发脉冲与主回路电压之间的同步问题。同时由于工作波形是正弦波,转速与导通角的关系比较复杂,利用汇编语言计算编程时有比较大的难度。另外,移相触发可控硅调压装置,在可控硅导通瞬间会产生高次谐波,造成电网电压波形畸变,将影

16、响其他用电设备和通讯系统的正常工作。(2)本次设计是在第三类可控硅移相调压调速电路的基础上选择了它的升级版可控硅过零调功调速电路装置。可控硅过零调压调速控制电路的原理:理论分析:P = F V ,在外部情况不变即F 保持不变时,在规定时间内电功率P 的变化将使速度V 跟着改变。因此调电功P 就可达到调速的目的。过零调功通过的工作电压是完整的正弦波形,过零导通且过零截止。过零调功方式就是通过在给定的时间内改变加进负载的交流正弦波个数来调节负载功率的一种控制方法。由于可控硅是在电压(电流)过零时触发导通的,导通时的波形是完整的正弦波或半波,所以不存在可控硅移相调压方式所存在的一切缺点。同时也由于可

17、控硅是在电压过零时导通,其负载浪涌电流和电流变化率都很小,有利于可控硅的安全工作。实现可控硅的过零控制,需要解决两个问题:(1)要能实现工频电压的正负过零检测;并在过零时产生脉冲信号。(2)过零脉冲信号必须受单片机输出控制信息控制。从而控制可控硅过零触发脉冲的个数。这两个问题的解决由软硬件协同完成程序设计是一件复杂的工作,为了把复杂的工作条理化,就要有相应的步骤和方法。其步骤可概括为以下三点: 1 分析系统控制要求,确定算法:对复杂的问题进行具体的分析,找出合理的计算是方法及适当的数据结构,从而确定编写程序的步骤。这是能否编制出高质量程序的关键。 2 根据算法画流程图:画程序框图可以把算法和解

18、题步骤逐步具体化,以减少出错的可能性。3 写程序:根据程序框图所表示的算法和步骤,选用适当的指令排列起来,构成一个有机的整体,即程序。程序数据的一种理想方法是结构化程序设计方法。结构化程序设计是对利用到的控制结构类程序做适当的限制,特别是限制转向语句(或指令)的使用,从而控制了程序的复杂性,力求程序的上、下文顺序与执行流程保持一致性,使程序易读易理解,减少逻辑错误和易于修改、调试。根据系统的控制任务,本系统的软件设计主要由主程序、初始化程序、显示子程序、数据采集子程序、中断子程序和延时程序等组成。为了能够实现上述功能,经过认真的分析和整理,以及对整体功能进行细化、分配,把系统的程序划分为以下几

19、个主要模块: 1、初始化模块: 通过该模块来对堆栈、定时器、计数器、中断和特殊功能寄存器进行赋值,有关寄存器的清零,以及计数器/定时器的初值存放等。2、按键操作模块: 该模块能够在系统一上电后就开始对键盘进行扫描,一旦在相应时刻检测到有键按下,就会相应转去执行处理程序,处理完毕后能够返回主程序。3、A/D转换模块:MAX187的A/D转换子程序。4、显示模块 :该模块应能够把显示码进行准确显示。 5、显示码转换模块:用来实现系统内的二进制AD值转化为BCD码,BCD码再转换成分离BCD码,分离BCD码最后转换成数码管显示码,以便送出显示,它是显示处理程序的先遣队。6可控硅过零调功调速模块:用来


21、对应的定时器T0中断矢量装入程序计数器PC,使程序转向T0中断矢量地址000BH,执行该中断服务程序。X5045芯片是集上电复位、电压监控、看门狗定时以及EEPROM数据存储四种功能一起的多用途芯片。1、读时序(1) 把CS拉低以选择芯片;(2) 发送8位的读(READ)指令;(3) 送8位的字节地址;(4) 将所选定地址的存储器中的数据移到期S0线上。继续提供时钟脉冲可连续读出接下的地址空间中的数据。每移出一个字节数据后,字节地址自动增到下一个较高地址、达到最高地址时,地址计数器翻转至00H,无限循环下去直到把CS置为高电平,可以终止操作2、写时序在写时序之前,必须先发出WREN 指令使“写

22、使能”锁存器置位。具体置位“写使能”锁存器操作为:(1) CS先被拉到低电平;(2) 由时钟同步送入WREN 指令;(3) 将CS变为高电平。写数据到E2PROM 操作为:(1) 拉低CS并保持在低电平;(2) 发送写指令(WRITE);(3) 写数据可以连续写多达4个字节的数据译文Quantitative feeding belt scale is widely used in mining, coal, chemical industry and port industries. It is a very important dynamic measurement system and m

23、ixing system. The use of MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer in electronic belt scale characteristics, the original mechanical structure based on joined by singlechip weighing control automatic control system, realizes the automation of electronic belt scale regulation. Quantitative feeding belt scale

24、belt conveyor for conveying solid bulk material in the process of material continuous automatic weighing metering equipment, it can not interrupt the material flow in the case of measuring the conveyor belt through the material of instantaneous flow and cumulative flow, at the same time it can be op

25、erated according to the staff on the numeric keypad input the given value by changing the control of motor speed to achieve the corresponding change of belt transmission speed, which can fast and easy realization of industrial control in what people need belt speed.Weighing technology has been paid

26、attention to by people, as a means of measurement, is widely used in industry and agriculture, scientific research, transportation, foreign trade and other fields, and peoples life is closely linked. Electronic belt scale electronic weighing weighing a, is a national legal metrological implement, is

27、 beneficial to the peoples livelihood, national defense construction, industrial and agricultural production, scientific research, domestic and foreign trade indispensable metering equipment, weighing instrument product technology level, will directly affect the level of modernization and society fr

28、om all walks of life to improve economic benefits. The weighing device is not only to provide the weight data of single instrument, but also as the industrial control system and business management system is an integral part of, advanced industrial production automation and management modernization,

29、 it served to shorten operating time, improve the operating conditions, reduce consumption of energy and raw materials, improve product quality and strengthening the management of enterprises, to improve management and other aspects of the role. Weighing device application has spread to various fiel

30、ds of national economy, obtained remarkable economic benefits. Therefore, weighing technology research and the development of weighing apparatus industry countries value it very much. 50 time metaphase electronic technology into promoting weighing apparatus manufacturing industry development. 60 tim

31、e initial stage appears electromechanical combination type electronic weighing instrument since, after 40 years of continuous improvement and perfection of Chinas electronic weighing instrument, from the initial mechanical and electrical combination type now to the development of the electronic and

32、digital intelligent. The manufacture of electronic weighing instrument technology and application to get new development. Electronic weighing technology from static to dynamic weighing weighing metering method of development: from simulated measurement to digital measurement development; measurement

33、 characteristics from a single parameter measurement to multi parameters measurement development, especially to the fast weighing and the research and application of dynamic weighing. In recent years through the analysis of electronic weighing instrument product development and market demand at home

34、 and abroad, the trend of the development of electronic weighing instrument is small, modular, integrated, intelligent; its technical performance trend is of high speed, high accuracy, high stability, high reliability; the functional trend is weighing control information and the control information

35、and the intelligent function; its application performance tends to be integrated and combination.Quantitative feeding belt is mainly composed of a mechanical scale body, motor, thyristor power control circuit, detecting circuit and device, controller ( containing the corresponding controller circuit

36、, liquid crystal display unit ). The mechanical part includes: feeding feeding, weighing force transmission reduction system, belt tension automatic adjustment device, transmission and speed reducer, motor, belt; detection circuit and device mainly comprises: weighing sensor and its circuit, speed s

37、ensor and its circuit. The controller includes chip and MCU to realize some of the features needed auxiliary circuit, such as a A/D conversion circuit, the expansion of the circuit, the watchdog circuit.After the power is applied, the motor drives the belt begins to rotate, microprocessor according

38、to current operating control motor speed, through a chain drive roller so that the belt running. Materials in the hopper fall on the blanking zone, through a belt delivery to the weighing zone, its weight through belt weigher body delivered to the weighing sensor, the sensor generates a force-electr

39、icity effect, the objects weight is converted into known weight of objects with certain functional relationship between ( generally proportional to the relationship of signal ( voltage ) or current ). The signals are amplified by the amplifying circuit, the filter and then by a / D ( A/D ) for the c

40、onversion of digital signals, and then sent to the microprocessor CPU, CPU constantly scan the keyboard and various function switch, according to the keyboard input and various functions of switch state the necessary judgment, analysis, instrumentation software to control various operations. Results

41、 of operations to the memory storage device, display, CPU sends an instruction from memory, read to a display, or send the printer to print, at the same time it can according to the operator on the numeric keypad input given value by changing the control of motor speed to achieve the corresponding c

42、hange of belt transmission speed, which can quickly and easily the realization of industrial control in what people need belt speed. General signal amplification, filtering, A/D conversion and signal processing in various instrument completed.The microcontroller technology and the development of sen

43、sor technology and the wide application of computer technology, electronic product updates speed to change rapidly. In the system design process, in addition to the realization of the basic functions of the system, but also increases the print and communication function, can be achieved and the othe

44、r machines or equipment ( including the upper PC and a data storage device ) to exchange data. In addition, the system microcontroller section selects the compatibility better AT89Series MCU in the system, update time, requires only a little increase of hardware circuit, even just modify system cont

45、rol procedures can be achieved. In addition the, called can have on the practical application of volume overload, but not beyond the scope of the.To sum up, the systems main design idea is : the use of pressure sensors for pressure changes produced by the voltage signal, after the voltage amplifying

46、 circuit, and then after analog to digital converter for converting the digital signal, the digital signal into the microcontroller. Single chip microcomputer after corresponding treatment, reach current referred to the weight of goods, and then displayed. At the same time, according to the operatio

47、n personnel to the set value, SCM through regulate the speed of the motor to the belt speed corresponding adjustment, in order to work when people want the belt speed.This system is composed of 5 parts: control, measurement, data display, the keyboard part part part part, and power supply circuit. M

48、easuring portion is utilized for weighing sensors to detect the pressure signal, get weak electrical signals ( the design into a voltage signal ), and then through the processing circuit ( such as filter circuit, differential amplifier, ) after treatment, send A/D converter, analog quantities are co

49、nverted into digital quantity output. The controller portion for receiving from the A/D converter output digital signal, through complex algorithms, the digital signal is converted to objects in the actual weight signal, and stores it in the storage unit. At the same time controller can also accept from


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