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山东省枣庄市峄城区吴林街道中学九级英语全册《Unit 14 Have you packed it yet Section B(3a4)》教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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1、Unit 14 Have you packed it yet? Period 5 Section B(3a-4)Teaching and learning objectives Review the dialogue in Section B (2a)This class talks about an article of a band. Ask students to describe and understand something about famous bands using some useful words and phrases: hit, appear, tour, miss

2、, lead singer, mostly, top ten, good luck, off to a great start and sentences: They have been together for about a year They have written their own original songsShow students how to find the main idea and Specific information. Encourage students to describe and write something about a place of inte

3、rest bravely.Teaching and learning ProceduresReviewRole play the dialogue in Section B(2a) in front of the class.PreviewLook at p114, first translate the following orally, then write them down without looking at the text.一、Words translating(1)最喜欢的乐队_(2)乐队成员_(3)写原创歌曲_(4)赢得奖项_ _(5)举办音乐会_ (6)制作音乐录音带_ _

4、二、Sentences translating(1)They have been on TV lots of times._(2)Dont miss the New Ocean Waves._(3)One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves._(4)Be sure not to miss them._(5)We really hope to have a number one hit some day._(6)Good luck to the New Ocean Waves._设计思路:预习体现了以学生为中心的

5、思想,强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教。通过预习,为新课的学习扫除了一些障碍,学生初步了解要学习的新课内容,对新课做到心中有数,听课时就有了针对性,教师可以更有针对性地教。Warming up and leading in Warming up by listening to music by a musical bandIn music, a band is a group of musicians, or musical ensemble, usually popular or folk, playing parts of or improvising off of a m

6、usical arrangement.Now lets listen to a piece of sad music by a Blind Men Band from Zuoquan. 设计思路:优美的音乐从听觉上激发学生的积极性,调动他们的参与意识,利用所学的目标语言描述不同的音乐,表的自己的爱好,既训练了口语表达,又很好地过渡到了本节的学习。While-reading activities读中活动Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea读取大意1、What is the passage about?2、What

7、are the main things about the band?Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas读取细节Read the text carefully and silently and then answer the following questions:Things they have done:Things they havent done: have three major concerts; play mostly their own songs; have a few songs i

8、n the top ten; give money to a charityappear on TV; go on a world tour; perform in ten different cities; have a number one hit 设计思路:根据课文设计不同的任务,给出不同的问题,从概括到具体,层层深入,由易到难,反复阅读文章,回答相应的问题,理解文章中一些重要短语的用法,掌握阅读技巧,从而有利于提升学生的阅读能力。Post-reading activities读后活动Task1: Listen and repeatListen to the tape and repea

9、t the text one sentence by one sentence. Students should read it aloud.Task2: Complete this review of Apple Ice Cream. You can use the information from 2a and 2b.Apple Ice Cream is a _ band. They have written their own _ songs although they used to sing other peoples songs. Task3: Complete 3a withou

10、t looking at the textDont miss the New Ocean Waves!Do you like pop music? people do. One of the best on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. In the last months, theyve had three major and made a hit CD. Theyre going to on CCTV next month. And then theyre going to go on a in which they will in ten

11、 different cities. Be sure not to them if they come to a city near you if you can get , that is. “For years, we other peoples songs,” says singer ZhuWen. “But now we play our own songs. Weve had a few songs in the , but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.” Good to the New Ocean Waves.

12、Theyre off to a . And theyre really nice people. Did you know that they gave of the money they made to a for homeless children?设计思路:本部分的内容重在规范发音培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过填词引导学生更好地内化语言知识。通过几个层次的阅读理解培养学生的能力,强化读取信息的意识,为巩固和运用知识打下了基础。Groupwork Answer the questions. Then survey two other students. Try to find out

13、more information.A: Have you ever been to a concert?B: Yes, I have. I went to the National Day concert last year.A: Did you enjoy it?B: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.设计思路:根据简单提示,创造出符合学生实际的对话,使学生在交流中更好的运用语言,增强学习英语的自信心。同学之间互相交流,增进彼此感情。 Inquiry into knowledge by translation 1. written original songs 1) o

14、riginal adj. 最初的, 最早的The original plan was better than the plan we followed. 2) 新创的, 有创见的 an original design 别出心裁的设计2. won an award 赢得一项奖 award n. 做过决定而赠与之物(奖品等)His horse was given the highest award at the show. 3. One of the best bands on the music scene 是乐坛最好乐队之一。one of +最高级+名词的复数形式这一结构是大家较为常见的。冲浪

15、是世界上最受欢迎的水上运动之一。 4. And theyre going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities. 他们将进行一次环球巡回演出,将会在 10个不同的城市进行。1) tour n. 旅行,周游 a round-the -world tour 环球旅行2) in which they will perform.这是一个定语从句,但引导词which前的介词是不可缺少的,其中关系代词which是作了介词in的宾语,介词既可以放句首,亦可放在句末。 5. Be sure not to

16、 miss them if they come to a city near you-if you can get tickets. be sure to do 务必,一定要Be sure to tell me when you arrive home. 动词不定式to do,要直接在to do 前加not.设计思路:让学生先自主练习,在小组交流,教师再做适当讲解,训练本节的重要知识点,丰富语言知识,加深对文章的理解,提升语言综合运用能力。Writing DesignUnit 14 Have you packed yet?Section BThe Fifth PeriodNew words:

17、hit, appear, tour, miss, lead singer, mostly, top ten, good luck, off to a great startSentens:They have been together for about a year They have written their own original songs They havent made a music video yet, but theyve had six concerts of their own The end-of- class test当堂检测. 单项选择( )1.My frien

18、d ,Darren ,is coming to visit us .Im looking forward _ him.A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. to meeting( )2.-Have you watered the plants _? -Yes ,I have . A. already B. yet C. never D. ever( )3.- Have you travelled to any foreign countries so far ? -_ ,but I have a plan for it .A. ever since B. Not y

19、et C. later on D. From then on ( )4.Thanks _ the Great Green Wall ,the land produces more crops. A. by B. of C. for D. to( )5.In the past 14 days ,We _ 300 trees . A. plant B. had planted C. have planted D. planted. 选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。own, write, use, yet , be, make, name, win, on, concertWe are a ban

20、d 1._ Apple Ice Cream. We have 2._together for about a year .We have 3._ some original songs. We 4._ to play stuff by other bands .But now we only play our 5._ songs.We6._the best new group of the year last month .We havent 7._a music video 8._.We have had six 9._of our own. We havent been10._ TV ,

21、but we believe we will do it someday .1._2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7_ 8._ 9._ 10._ 教学反思亮点:学生提前进行预习,课程进行的比较顺利。学生积极参加阅读活动,敢于大胆地回答问题,课堂气氛活跃;设计了不同的任务,让学生在阅读中学习语言知识,在展示中提升阅读信心。不足之处:当然本节课的不足之是语言教学和实际生活的有效结合。围绕已学课文开展各种形式的口头交流活动,比如可以复述课文,分角色扮演,虽环节齐全,但落实训练不到位,训练的效果不好;同时问题的设计层次性不强,没有考虑好学生的具体情况, 小组讨论环节,部分差生不能积极参与。使用建议:充分激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的主动性、积极性,使学生真正成为课堂教学的主人;在阅读训练的过程中,不过多地做语言形式的练习,而是使语言形式与语言意义相联系,使语言形式与学生生活实际相联系,使语言技能逐步发展,最终全面提高同学们的英语水平。 The answers一、DBBDC二、略


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