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1、 最新航海英语补充题库 第 1 页 1Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyantsmoke signals C.Hand flaresignals D.Self-igniting signals 答案:D 2According to IMO regulations,_shall be posed outside lifeboat? A.the retro-reflective tapes B.thereflectivetapes

2、 C.theflashing bands D.theanti-flashing bands 答案:A 3Which oneof thefollowing is not required on survival crafts? A.Anti-seasicknessmedicine B.Immersion suits C.axes D.lifebuoys 答案:D 4Havethesafety beltsfor _beenexamined? A.totalenclosed lifeboats B.totally enclosing lifeboats C.totally enclosed life

3、boats D.totalencloseing lifeboats 答案:C 5The fire-protected lifeboatsarefound_. A.insatisfactorily condition B.satisfactorily C.satisfactory D.satisfactored 答案:C 6Wetest the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,_the abandon ship drill. A.combiningwith B.combin

4、ed with C.combiningto D.combined to 答案:B 7Areyour lifeboatsfitted with_? 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 2-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 2 页 A.cargowires B.toppinglift C.guidinglines D.trippingline 答案:D 8Paintingon_isprohibited becauseitwillweakenitssensibility A.shipshell B.e

5、xterior of winches C.hydrostatic releaseunit D.hold ladders 答案:C 9Whereshallthekey toco2 room bekept? A.Inmasterscabin B.Inthird officescabin C.Ina break-glass-typeenclosure conspicuously located adjacenttotheroom D.Ina locked locker conspicuously located adjacent totheroom 答案:C 10The firemansoutfit

6、consists of_. A.Safetylamp,protective clothing,rigid helmet,breathingapparatus B.Emergencyescapebreathingdevice,firedamper,extinguishers C.Firefightingequipment, portableextinguishers,firedampers D.Firehoses,firenozzles,firehydrants,firepumps 答案:A 11Which one of thefollowingisincorrectaboutMercator

7、projection? A.Itprojects a sphere ontoa cylinder. B.Because the resulting distance between latitudes are constantly increasing,it is also called progressive projection C.Itcanalwaysgive truedistances D.It advantage is that longitudes and latitudes are at right angles, which makes it easy to read tru

8、e bearings 答案:C 12Whydodistances alwayshavetobemeasured from thenearestscaleona Mercator chart? A.Becauseitisthr most efficientway B.Because itvariesfor each latitude C.Because itvarieswith thechange of longitude D.Becauseitisthemost straightline. 答案:B 13Whatisshipsheading? ships headingisthedirecti

9、on_. 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 3-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 3 页 A.the vesselispointing. B.thevessel istravelingrelativetoland C.thevessel istravelingrelativetoground D.thevesselisdrifting 答案:A 14How longwould 15 minutesof longitude beata latitudeof 60 degrees North? A

10、.30nm B.60nm C.15 nm D.7.5 nm 答案:D 15Which one of thefollowingsisincorrectaboutmagnetic compass? A.The magentic compassiscompulsoryonmyvessel B.The magentic compassisprone toerror C.The magentic compassisalwaysplaced inside steelconstructions D.Themagentic compassneeds tobecalibrated tocompensatefor

11、 localmagnetic distortion 答案:C 16Which one of thefollowingsiscorrectregardingtheuseof gyrocompass? A.Gyrocompass doesnot havetobestartedbeforesailing. B.Gyrocompassmust bestopped when vesselalongside a berth C.Gyrocompassneeds tobechecked from time totime D.Gyrocompass isnot influenced bythelatitude

12、and shipsmotion 答案:C 17Whatmayaffecttheaccuracyof soundingwith echosounder? A.Seabottom B.Ships speed C.Speed of current D.Water temperatureand density 答案:D 18What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuarywhere alayer of fresh water lies onthetopof denser saltwater? A.Ascatteringlayer a

13、ppears. B.Echosounder stops working. C.shallow water appears. D.Nothingabnormal happens. 答案:A 19Regardingtheuseof GPS, which one of thefollowingsisincorrect? 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 4-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 4 页 A.GPSisthemost accurateglobalsystem today. B.Itsuse

14、isstillunder theU.S. Departmentof Defences control C.DGPSismore accuratethanGPS D.GPScanprovide areal-time position under anycondition 答案:D 20Without doubt the radar is a highly important navigation aid. But duty officer shall aware that_whenusingit. A.Itsrangereadingismoreaccuratethanitsbearingread

15、ing B.Alow-lyingcoastline with along, flatbeach willshow upproperlyontheradar C.Radar isonlyaimed atcollision avoidance. D.Theuseof radar isnecessaryonlywhenvisibilityisrestricted. 答案:A 21Asfor racon,which one isincorrect. inthefollowing? A.Raconisaradar transponder. B.Raconisofteninstalled onmajor

16、waypoints. C.Whenactivated byaradar signal, theRaconsends itback with anidentifier D.Raconcanbeused totakeplaceof radar 答案:D 22Whatdoes aRaconhelpwith? A.Measuringthedistance B.Measuringtherelativespeed C.Identifingavessel D.Identifingaseamark 答案:D 23Whatdoes ECDISstand for? A.ElectricalChartDisplay

17、and Indication System B.Electronic ChartDisplayand Information System C.Electric ChartDisplayand InformingSystem D.Electronic ChartDisplayand IndicatingSystem 答案:B 24The IALA buoyagesystem isdivided intotwocategories:_. A.The buoysystem and thelighthouse system B.The centralbuoysystem and thesidebuo

18、ysystem C.The lateralsystem and thecardinalsystem D.Thestripesystem and theband system 答案:C 25The lateralsystem isused in_. A.restrictedwater such asshoals, reefsor wrecks 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 5-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 5 页 B.restrictedwater such asbuoyedchanne

19、ls C.open waterssuch asshonls,reefsor wrecks D.openwaterssuch asbuoyedchannels 答案:B 26InregionA,The greenbuoysarekept to_andredto_whensailingfrom_to_. A.starboard,port,sea,land B.starboard,port,land,sea C.port,starboard,land,land D.port,starboard,sea,sea 答案:A 27Which one of thefollowingsaboutTiaffic

20、 SeparationScheme(TSS) isincorrect? A.TSS separatesinbound andoutboundtrafficinwellmarkedlanes. B.Regulations requestallvessels tojoinor leavelanesattheextremities. C.If aTSShastobecrossed, ithastobecarriedoutasclose aspossible toaright angle D.BeingintheTSSdoes change thegeneralruleof theRoadconven

21、tion 答案:D 28How doyou takearunningfix? A.Bymeasuringtheanglebetween tofixedlandmarksandfindingthesineof theangles. B.Bytakingbearingsfrom alandmark attime intervalsandfindingthesineof the angles. C.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and measuring the distance covered in the interva

22、ls. D.Bytakingtherelativebearingsfrom 2 setsof landmarksandplottingthedifference. 答案:C 29Whohastheright of wayinaTiaffic SeparationScheme? A.The inboundvessel B.The outboundvessel C.The vessel comingfrom thestarboardside D.Thevessel comingfrom theportside 答案:C 30Whatwould bethe colour of anIALA star

23、boardhandlateralbuoy,asseenwhen saillingtoward land,inEurope? A.Green B.Red C.Redandgreenstripes D.Black andyellow stripes 答案:A 31As the tide makes the water_twice a day a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated.a resultingcurrent,or tidalstream,isgenerated. 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整

24、理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 6-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 6 页 A.risingandfalling B.Roseandfell C.theriseandfall D.riseandfall 答案:D 32When reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect.This is called the_. A.Rise B.Range C.Slack D.Spring 答案:C 33The averagetime between twohigh w

25、atersis12 hoursand25 minutesbecause thisisthetime it takesfor_. A.The suntobeatthe opposite sideof themoon B.The moon tobeattheopposite sideof theearth C.The moon tobeatitsapogee D.Thesunandthe moon tobeonthe sameside 答案:B 34Whatisthetidalheight? A.Twicethetideamplitude B.The rangeof thetide C.The w

26、ater abovetheLowestAstronomicalTide D.Theheightaboveor under themeanlevel 答案:C 35WhatistherightwaytouseVHF CH16andworkingchannel? A.Ships cancallother ships onCh16 butshould move toaworkingchannelassoonaspossible. B.Shipshoulduseworkingchannel tocallother ships atanytime. C.Ch16 isonlyusedastheinter

27、nationaldistressandcallingfrequency. D.ShipcanuseCh16 or workingchannel astheylike 答案:A 36How toreportyour shipcallsigntoashorestation? A.Usecapitalletters B.Usephonetic alphabet C.Uselettersandnumbers D.Useflagsignals 答案:B 37Which one of thefollowingsisnot arightwaytocallanunknownvesselof VHF? 中国海员

28、之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 7-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 7 页 A.Accordingtoher characteristics B.Accordingtoher cargo C.Accordingtoher movements D.Accordingtoher crewmembers 答案:D 38If there were suddenly an immediate danger for both the vessel and its crew,would you send a M

29、AYDAY on_? A.Ch06with dualwatch B.Ch06with 25 wattsouput C.Ch16with 1 wattouput D.Ch16with 25wattsouput 答案:D 39In the unlikely event that adistress situation allows you tosend only a very short message,after MAYDAY would you firstsay_? A.Yourname andcallsign B.Yourposition C.The numberof persons onb

30、oard D.thenatureof thedistresssituation 答案:A 40The GPSsatelliteorbitstheearthinapproximately_. A.3hours B.6hours C.12 hours D.24 hours 答案:C 41GPSreceiver errorsdependon_. A.operation B.installation C.displaytype D.construction 答案:D 42ErrorintheGPSpositions hasnothingtodowith _. A.user clock bias B.s

31、atelliteclock bias C.atmospheric interference D.shipsposition 答案:D 43Whatisthemainpurpose of DGPS? 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 8-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 8 页 A.Improve positioningaccuracy B.Decreasepositioningaccuracy C.Reduce operationalcost D.I dont know 答案:A 44The

32、acccuracyof theDGPSmainlydependson_. A.The priceof theequipment B.The relativeanglebetweenthesatellite C.The positionof theobserver D.Theageof thecalculatedcorrection 答案:D 45Whatisthepurpose of aPedestalRoile? A.Tochangethedirection of leadonamooringline B.Tosecure achain C.Tosecure theeyeof amoorin

33、gline D.Tofacilitatetowing 答案:A 46You stand a greater risk of injuring yourself or your shipmate during mooring and unmooring operations thanatanyother time. Soremember_. A.Donotwearsafetyshoes,glovesandanoverallwith longsleeves B.Standascloselyaspossible intherope rail C.Donot work tooclosetothedru

34、m when handlingwires/ropes D.If thelinetakescharge,trytostopitwith yourfeet/hands 答案:C 47Which one of thefollowingsisnot arightwaytobehaveduringmooringunmooringoperation? A.Stayclosetothetowline atalltime B.Bewarethebights C.Whenoperatingthewinch/windlass,ensurethatyourself understandthecontrols D.W

35、henthetugisbeingsecuredorletgo,monitor the operationclosely 答案:A 48The most serious danger drom synthetic ropes is_,which isthe sudden releaseof the energy storedinthestretchedsynthetic linewhenitbreaks A.Rotting B.Wearandtear C.Snapback D.Weakness 答案:C 49Unlike wires,synthetic ropes do not give aud

36、ible_of pending failure and may not exhibit anybrokenelementsbeforecompletelyparting 中国海员之家网站 (http:/www.seaman- )搜集整理,四分之一船长中国海员之家网站制作。 - 页面 9-中国海员之家网站考试资料系列 最新航海英语补充题库 第 9 页 A.broken B.slack C.track D.sign 答案:D 50. a ship does not possess anall-wire or .all-sythetic mooring outfit,the bestprocedur

37、e is touse_forspringandbreastlinesand_forheadlinesandsternlines. A.The synthetic ropes,the wires B.The wires,the synthetic ropes C.The wires,the synthetic ropeswith thewires D.Thesynthetic ropes with thewires,thesameasthe former 答案:B 51Theidealropeforstoppersshouldsatisfythefollowingrequirementsexcept that_. A.The stopper shouldbeof synthetic fibrerope B.The size of thestopper should beaslargeaspossible C.The stopper shouldbeof low stretch material D.Thestopper shouldbeveryfle


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